General contact: John Beall Ventura County Agriculture/Weights and Measures 805-665-7730
Formed: 2005 to 2014. Reformed in Fall of 2019.
Meetings: Quarterly-In Person/Zoom Meetings include a program speaker/presentation, participants sharing information on weed projects they are working. Our goal is to encourage attendees to learn and share with each other Weed Management work in Ventura County. We want to get to know each other and work cooperatively on weed management projects. MOU-Available. New version of MOU under construction which will give us more structure.
Next Ventura County Weed Management Area Meeting
Ventura County Weed Management Area Meeting
Thursday December 12th, 2024
1 to 3 pm
Ventura County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
555 Airport Way Suite E Camarillo(off Pleasant Valley Rd)
Or by Zoom (see below)
- Agenda Review
- Intro/Announcements
- Prioritization Methods for Invasive Weeds; risk assessment, horizon scanning and other methods- Deah Lieurance
Asst. Professor of Invasive Species Science and Management
Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
Penn State University
- South Mountain Vegetation Monitoring Project-Kevin Mason-Fire Preparedness Coordinator-Ventura County Resource Conservation District
- Weed Biocontrol-Update-Russian Knapweed, Cape Ivy, Starthistles Madeline Holroyd and Calen Campos-UC Santa Barbara
Break-5 minutes
- New Weeds-Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR)-Marco Cabrera VCAWM
- Funding/Grants
California Department of Food and Agriculture (Trevor Fox-CDFA)
- Wildflower and Weed Show (April 12, 2025) Update
- Next Meeting-(February 2025)-John B
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 876 0152 1270
Passcode: 084379
One tap mobile
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+16699006833,,87601521270# US (San Jose)
Regular Participants
- Ventura County Agriculture Department
- The Nature Conservancy
- University of California Cooperative Extension
- California Native Plant Society Channel Islands
- Caltrans
- Ventura RCD
- Ojai Valley Land Conservancy
- Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area-National Park Service
- Conejo Open Space Conservation Agency
- Santa Clara River Conservancy
- California State Parks