Dispatch Newsletter

Our newsletter is sent to all Cal-IPC members. Whenever a new issue is sent to members, the previous issue is posted on this page. All newsletter files are in pdf format and may be viewed with the free Adobe Reader.
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Issue Contents
Spring 2024


Vol. 32 No. 1 

-Shothole borers now in San Jose
-Preparing for wildfire
Arundo in San Ramon Creek
-Stinkwort workshop
-2024 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Herbicide survey results
-Field safety through an equity lens
-Site hygiene videos
Winter 2023-2024

Dispatch newsletter cover with image of a woman in protective fire gear walking a line and setting a prescribed fire with a can. She holds a rake in the other hand and looks down at the fire line.


Vol. 31 No. 3 

-Species highlight: Perennial veldt grass
-Ribbonweed in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta
-2023 Cal-IPC Symposium highlights
-Training farmworkers for stewardship
-Herbicide calibration training
-Honoring John H. Anderson
Summer 2023


Vol. 31 No. 2 

-The Ecological Workforce Initiative
-Weeds on the move
-Conservation corps training
-Santa Cruz County’s conservation investment
-2023 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Recovery on the islands of the Californias
-Marin County healthy soils pilot program
-SERCAL conference and CNGA Field Day
-Make a will month
Spring 2023

Newsletter cover with a young man in a baseball hat holding up a small weed with gloved hands


Vol. 31 No. 1 
-Spotting rare weeds
-Grassroots Ecology internships
-Aquatic weeds in the Delta
-Shining geranium
-2023 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Bay Area EDRR targets
-Oregon’s Interagency Noxious Weed Symposium
-Cal-IPC Video Library
Winter 2022/2023

A woman with dark hair in a light blue shirt and kneepads kneels in a grassy meadow. She holds a white cup and uses a white cotton swab to apply insects to a plant.


Vol. 30 No. 3 
-Yellow starthistle biocontrol: rosette weevil
-Protecting access to the full IPM toolbox
-Weed alerts 2022
-Northern California Mini-Symposium
-2022 Cal-IPC Symposium highlights
-Marin Audubon and invasive sea lavender
-Lassen National Forest
Summer 2022

Dispatch newsletter cover with image of a light brown goat facing the camera and chewing on a long leaf.


Vol. 30 No. 2 
-Pungent invader: Garlic mustard
-Goat grazing for habitat restoration
-Southern California Mini-Symposium
-2022 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Invasive plant risk assessments
-Inclusive internships at UC Riverside reserves
-Ecologically sensitive vegetation management
-Central Coast rare plants
Spring 2022

Newsletter cover of a person in a hat and face mask reaching under one leafy plant to pull a small green plant with yellow flowers


Vol. 30 No. 1 
-False yellowhead in San Francisco
-Inventory updates
-Newport Bay Conservancy diversity initiatives
-2022 Cal-IPC Symposium
-State policy updates
-Students and emerging professionals
-Regional invasive plant prioritization
-Defending nature with Denise Louie
Winter 2021/2022

Cover of a magazine with a group of people in work clothes and facemasks holding hand tools in a field of iceplant


Vol. 29 No. 3 
-In Memory: Ken Moore
-Weed Alerts 2021
-Tool review: Green Shoots
-2021 Symposium highlights
-Carl Anthony and environmental justice
-Biocontrol of Dalmation toadflax
Summer 2021

Newsletter cover with three young smiling women sitting in a field of grass and wildflowers holding measuring instruments

Vol. 29 No. 2 
-Oblong spurge along the Mokelumne River Watershed
-Partnerships increase access to stewardship careers
-WeedCUT: New online decision support tool
-Cal-IPC 30th Anniversary Symposium 2021
-Thirty years of Cal-IPC
-Species spotlight: Arum italicum
-Caulerpa prolifera: A new invasive algae
-Potential tree-of-heaven control agent
Spring 2021
Newsletter cover with a man facing away in work clothes and shin protection with a shovel over his shoulders looking at a field of chaparral
Vol. 29 No. 1 
-Landscape-scale gorse control
-Insect apocalypse and non-native plants
-Mentorship makes a difference
-Cal-IPC 30th Anniversary Symposium 2021
-BMPs for non-chemical weed control
-EPA biological evaluation of glyphosate
-California Landscape Stewardship Network
-CNPS Santa Clara Valley Chapter
Winter 2020/2021
Newsletter cover image with a photo of a young woman in a face mask carrying armfuls of green weeds in a brown hilly landscape.
Vol. 28 No. 3 
-Arundo wasp established in Central Valley
-Weeds in our National Parks
-Inclusion in conservation
-2020 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Symposium talk sampler
-Solar panels and Saharan mustard
Summer 2020

Magazine cover with worker in hard hat and bandana facecover hauling armfuls of Arundo

Vol. 28 No. 2 
-Land management and COVID-19
-Knotweed in Marin County
-Cape-ivy galling fly biocontrol
-2020 Cal-IPC Symposium
-CDFW generates new ACE layer
-Forest Service and County Ag
-Why I joined the Cal-IPC EDI Working Group
Spring 2020

Vol. 28 No. 1 
-Managing stinkwort
-Control with a spray drone
-Protecting Sierra meadows
-Discussing IPM with Bakke and Trumbo
-2020 Cal-IPC Symposium
-PlantRight 2.0
-Conservation Legacy Ancestral Lands
Winter 2019-2020

Newsletter cover with two people using chainsaws and large clippers to cut woody plants

Vol. 27 No. 3 
-Urospermum picroides on the move
-The cost of inaction
-State funding to local projects
-New planning guide
-2019 Cal-IPC Symposium in photos
-Herbicide effects on soil
-Indigenous land management
Summer 2019

A woman pulls weeds on a hillside

Vol. 27 No. 2 
-Tracking progress in Orange County
-Seed banking with California Plant Rescue
-Holi in the parks
-2019 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Mapping in the Santa Ana River Watershed
-Harvesting invasive species in Africa
-20th Anniversary Central Coast Invasive Weed Symposium
Spring 2019

Vol. 27 No. 1 
-Wildfire helps Arundo control at Hansen Dam basin
-Stinknet expands in southern California
-Conservation Corps and Cal-IPC partnership
-2019 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Lessons learned from a 12-year eradication program
-Spotted lanternfly and tree-of-heaven
-Why Cal-IPC is in my will
Winter 2018-2019

Vol. 26 No. 3 
-Invasive species management in Lake Tahoe
-Training youth stewards with GGNPC
-2018 Symposium in photos
-Remembering Nelroy Jackson and Jo Kitz
-Municipal compost and wildland weeds
-Restoring zombie ecosystems
Summer 2018

Dispatch Summer 2018 Cover image

Vol. 26 No. 2 
-Flax-leaf broom on Catalina Island
-Eradicating tamarisk from the Sisquoc River watershed
-Fostering diversity in land management
-Mapping giant reed across the Central Valley
-2018 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Weed management on CDFW lands
-Invasive nutria threaten California wetlands
Spring 2018

Vol. 26 No. 1 
-Controlling invasive sea lavender
-Comprehensive island restoration in Mexico
-Stop the spread of weeds and soil pathogens
-Managed relocation under a changing climate
-2018 Cal-IPC Symposium
-Snapshots from the field
Winter 2017/2018

Vol. 25 No. 3 
-PlantRight Update
-2017 Cal-IPC Symposium in photos
-Symposium tool sampler
-Remembering Don Mayall
-California forest pest update
-2017 Central Coast Invasive Weed Symposium
Romulea rosea
Summer/Fall 2017

Vol. 25 No. 2
-Renewed Inventory
-Postcards on Global Efforts
-Joe DiTomaso Retires
Phytophthora Threat
-Runners Support Cal-IPC
-2017 Cal-IPC Symposium
Rubus praecox
Spring 2017

Vol. 25 No. 1
-2017 Symposium
-First Cape-ivy biocontrol released
-Tamarisk biocontrol in California
-Volutaria control in the desert
-Cleaning your boots
-Experiment to gauge water use of yellow starthistle
Fall 2016

Vol. 24 No. 3
-Invasive sea lavender
-Marin’s OneTam
-Shiny geranium
-Eradicating knotweeds
-Book review
-Goggles and gloves
Summer 2016


Vol. 24 No. 2
-Testing oxalis control
-Celebrating park stewards
-Soil bacteria vs. invasive grasses
-New threat to forests
-WMAs: Who needs ’em?
-Symposium coming up
Spring 2016 Vol. 24 No. 1
-Protecting Sierra meadows
-25 years of Cal-IPC
-Managing Sahara mustard
-National EDRR framework
-Cal-IPC wins IPM award
-Protecting San Diego wetlands
-Identifying emerging weeds
Fall 2015 Vol. 23 No. 3
-EDRR in Bay Area National Parks
-Does glyphosate cause cancer?
-Do No Harm
-Puncturevine attacks!
-Scotch broom mite to the rescue
-EMAPi in Hawaii
Summer 2015 Vol. 23 No. 2
-Protecting military lands
-Calflora’s Weed Manager
-CDFA add noxious weeds
-2015 Symposium in San Diego
-Simplified restoration permitting
-Weedspotting Down Under
Winter 2015 Vol. 23 No. 1
-European beachgrass removal at Point Reyes
-Cross-border collaboration in the State of Jefferson
-Delta collaboration
-Report from Tamarisk Beetle Workshop
-Arundo on the Salinas River
-EDRR reports from around the state
Fall 2014 Vol. 22 No. 3
-Survey of volunteer groups
-PlantRight progress
-Chinese pistache spreading
-Symposium in photos
-Updates from Sacramento
Summer 2014 Vol. 22 No. 2
-Removing hanging sedge
-WHIPPET prioritization tool
-Bluegum eucalyptus revision
-WMA funding advocacy
-Working “climate smart”
Winter 2014 Vol. 22 No. 1
-Ecosystem services and weed budget cuts
-A western perspective on eastern weed work
-Biocontrol agents in California
-Medusahead and barbed goatgrass
-Goatsrue found in California
-New restoration database
Fall 2013 Vol. 21 No. 3
-Controlling mayweed helps terns
-Successful Spanish broom control
-Staying “on label” in tidal waters
-PlantRight rolls out nursery program
-Tracking eradication progress
-Grazing as a management tool
Spring 2013 Vol. 21 No. 2
-Taking to the air
-2013 Symposium at Lake Arrowhead
-Central Sierra eradication project
-New online Inventory
-Student Chapter at Santa Rosa Plateau
-Mendocino stops stinkwort
Winter 2013 Vol. 20 No. 4 and Vol. 21 No. 1
-Special concerns near aquatic habitats
-Symposium photos!
-Victorian box spreading
-New videos and BMP Manual
-Spongeplant treatment to begin
Summer 2012 Vol. 20 No. 3
-Bentgrass clogs wetlands
-Symposium in Sonoma County
-New management guidebook
-Got NPDES permits?
Spring 2012 Vol. 20 No. 2 (1.5 MB)
-The butterfly effect
-An ounce of prevention
-Stinkwort (Dittrichia graveolens)
-2012 Symposium information
Jepson Manual taxonomy changes
Winter 2012 Vol. 20 No. 1 (1.2 MB)
-Cal-IPC mapping
-Interview with Ann Howald
-Preventing the spread of cheatgrass
-Environmental education & invasives
-Cal-IPC Student Chapter activities
Fall 2011 Vol. 19 No. 3 (1.9 MB)
-Perennial pepperweed decision guide
-Long-term broom management
-2011 Symposium in photos
-Invasive plants in nurseries
-Interview with Mike Kelly
Summer 2011 Vol. 19 No. 2 (1.6 MB)
-Invasive plants in the Sierra Nevada
-Interview with the Archbalds
-Pesticide risk comparision
-20th Annual Symposium
-Cape-Ivy biocontrols update
Spring 2011 Vol. 19 No. 1 (1.9 MB)
-South American spongeplant
-John Randall, Cal-IPC’s first president
Arundo maps and impacts report
-20th Annual Symposium
-Hybrid Spartina Forum
Winter 2011 Vol. 18 No. 4 (1.8 MB)
-WHIPPET prioritization tool
-Interview with Carla Bossard
-Invasive Euphorbias
-Small smutgrass
Fall 2010 Vol. 18 No. 3 (1.6 MB)
-Map the Spread!
-2010 Symposium in photos
-Call for Capeweeds (Arctotheca)
-Perennial pepperweed control
-California Native Plant Week
Summer 2010 Vol. 18 No. 2 (1.7 MB)
-Preventing weed spread in National Parks
-Nevada County Broom Bash
-Understanding aquatic pesticide permits
-Arresting arundo
Spring 2010
Vol. 18 No. 1 (1 MB)
-Is arundo really a water hog?
-A customized weed worker toolbelt
-Join us in Ventura!
-Updates on advocacy
Fall 2009
Vol. 17 No. 3 (2.3 MB)
-State forms Invasive Species Council
-News from the 2009 Symposium
-Chico horticulture students help local park
-A new invasive raspberry?
-Invasive plant conference in South Africa
Winter 2010 Vol. 17 No. 4 (1.4 MB)
-Watch out for these Red Alert weeds
-Early detection protocol from NPS
-California Field Botanist Association
-The “green economy” and invasive species
Summer 2009 Vol. 17 No. 2 (1.8 MB)
-Getting a handle on creeping water primrose
-Custom van improves herbicide mixing
-Student Chapter expands
-Bay Area Early Detection Network kicks off
-100-mile Run for the Wildlands
Spring 2009 Vol. 17 No. 1 (1.6 MB)
-Ergonomics for weed workers
-The state bond funding freeze and weed work
-The cost of weeds to California
-Symposium 2009
-Greetings from the Low Desert WMA
-Fish and Game works on invasives
Winter 2009 Vol. 16 No. 4 (1.4 MB)
-High-priority research needs for weeds
-Stopping yellow starthistle in the Sierras
-News from the Student Chapter
-Volunteers along San Francisco Bay
-2009 Field Course Schedule
Fall 2008 Vol. 16 No. 3 (1.8 MB)
-Risk assessment for California weeds
-Weed workers return to Chico
-Alerts on new weeds
-Student Paper and Poster contest winners
Summer 2008 Vol. 16 No. 2 (1.8 MB)
-Chinese tallow: The next invader?
-Symposium returns to Chico
-Australian weed expert visits California
-Assessing aquatic pathways
Spring 2008 Vol. 16 No. 1 (1.5 MB)
-Bend-and-spray for arundo control
-Funding for the future
-Evaluating herbicide treatment of wild fig
-Get ready for the 2008 Symposium!
-How you can impact policy
Winter 2008 Vol. 15 No. 4 (1.0 MB)
-Biocontrol 101
Phragmites in California
-Weed Alert! Carrichtera annua
-Cal-IPC student chapter forms at UCR
-Shredding water hyacinth
Fall 2007 Vol. 15 No. 3 (2.8 MB)
-Symposium in San Diego
-International weed conference in Australia
-Human dimension of weed work
-Weed funding outside the box

Spring/Summer 2007
Vol. 15 No. 1/2 (2.0 MB)
-Surveying palms in San Diego County
-Cal-IPC walks the halls of power
-Weeds and wildlife
-Inventory revisions

Winter 2007
Vol. 14 No. 4 (1.0 MB)
-Shasta County citizens take on weeds
-Dirty data methods for weed managers
-New “dip-and-clip” technique
-Predicting where weeds will spread

Fall 2006
Vol. 14 No. 3 (3.7 MB)
-Buffelgrass: A threat to California’s desert
-15th Annual Cal-IPC Symposium report
-Does arundo produce seed in California?
-Speakers’ Bureau ready for prime time
-2007 Cal-IPC field courses

Summer 2006
Vol. 14 No. 2
-Weed Alert – Japanese dodder
-Nursery group signs Codes of Conduct
-2006 Symposium in Sonoma County
-Weed Management Area funding renewed

Spring 2006
Vol. 14 No. 1
-Legislation to renew WMA funding
-A new treatment for Arundo
-Does glyphosate harm amphibians?
-Scientists’ recommendations on ornamentals

Winter 2006
Vol. 13 No. 4
-Weed alerts!
-Cordgrass and clapper rails
-CDFA proposes “H” noxious weed rating
-CCC tackles Russian River arundo
-Invasive brochure in Spanish

Fall 2005
Vol. 13 No. 3
-Invasive species in National Parks
-Reports from events around California
-2005 Symposium biggest ever
-2nd annual photo contest winners

Summer 2005
Vol. 13 No. 2
-Nursery partnership
-High schoolers tackle carnation spurge
-Sesbania control on Dry Creek
-Weed research at UC Riverside
-2005 Symposium information

Spring 2005
Vol. 13 No. 1
-Which weeds dominate southern California riparian systems?
-Tools: basal bark treatment, broom lopping results
-Japanese knotweed Red Alert!
-Oakland discusses herbicides

Fall 2004/Winter 2005
Vol. 12 Nos. 3-4
-Pampas grass and jubata grass
-Waipuna not? Steaming your weeds
-One man’s fight against broom
-2004 Symposium photos

Summer 2004
Volume 12 No. 2
– Ventura: a little arundo
– Santa Cruz Island Restoration
– New yellow starthistle biocontrol
– Survey of college weed programs
– Eucalyptus impacts workshop

Spring 2004
Volume 12 No. 1
– The A-rated North
– New Tools: Flaming
– Bladder senna in Chico
– California Conservation Corps

Winter 2003
Volume 11 No. 4
– Beetles! New Tamarix biocontrol
– The cost of weeds
– Alert: Brachypodium sylvaticum
– Weeds on Capitol Hill

Fall 2003
Volume 11 No. 3
– Hybrid Invasion: Spartina in SF Bay
– Revising the Cal-IPC List
– 2003 Symposium photos
– Reports from Oregon and Hawaii

Summer 2003
Volume 11 No. 2
– The hunt for red sesbania
– Symposium 2003: Tahoe!
– Wildland weeds climb the Sierra
– Pampasgrass ads

Spring 2003
Volume 11 No. 1 (1.2 MB)
– Weed warning from downunder!
– Not just in the garden anymore: Oxalis pes-caprae
– Wal-Mart dumps pampas grass
– Teaching teachers about weeds

Winter 2002
Volume 10 number 4 (1.2 MB)
– Testing natural-based herbicides for roadside control
– Remote sensing of Arundo
Hypericum canariense update

Fall 2002
Volume 10 number 3 (528 KB)
-Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context
-Weed-free forage
-Wildland weed news
-Symposium 2002

Spring/Summer 2002
Volume 10 number 1/2 (3.2 MB)
– Predicting Plant Invasion with Modeling
– Lassen County WMA Wins Award
– Legislative Updates
– Weeds in the News

Fall 2001/Winter 2002
Volume 9 Number 3/4 (1.2 MB)
– Symposiums & Transitions
– 2001 Red Alerts
– Hypericum Alert
– Keep It in the Garden
– Cape Ivy G

Spring 2001
Volume 9 Number 2 (1.2 MB)
– Workshop on Ecology and Mgmt. of Invasive Plants in SW Deserts
– Initial Broom Initiative
– Sierra Club Tamarisk Bash
– Viable Seed Production by Cape Ivy
– More on Italian Thistle
– Yellow Star Thistle Video
– Educational Materials

Winter 2001
Volume 9 Number 1 (3.5 MB)
– Cape ivy biocontrol
Asparagus asparagoides
– Noxious weed listing

Fall 2000
Volume 8 Number 4 (5.6 MB)
Salvinia molesta
– Noxious seaweed in Southern California
– Foreign exploration of Arundo donax

Spring/Summer 2000
Volume 8 Number 2-3 (1.9 MB)
– What next for CalEPPC?
– New wildland weed field manual
– Collecting and submitting plants for i.d.
– Drilling Ailanthus
– BLM uses heavy equipment
– $5 million for WMAs

Winter 2000
Volume 8 Number 1 (5.9 MB)
– Florida growers and invasive plants
– Exotic vs. native grasses as wildlife habitat
Parentucellia viscosa invades wetlands
– Federally listed species vs. mustard

Summer/Fall 1999
Volume 7 Number 3&4 (742 KB)
– Ecology and Management of Alien Annual Plants in the California Desert
– Where the Wild Weeds Are: The Value of a Rapid Assessment of Invasive Weeds
– Cooperative Weed Management Areas
– The Role of Herbicides in Preserving Biodiversity

Spring 1999
Volume 7 Number 2 (603 KB)
– Roundup of Arundo Projects Reveals Commitment, Strategic Weakness
– Lassen County’s First Weed Week
– Richmond Weed Abatement Ordinance

Winter 1999
Volume 7 Number 1
– Nitrate Immobilization and the Mycorrhizal Network
– 1999 Cal-IPC Symposium
– Biocontrol of Saltcedar Update
– Combating Biological Pollution

Fall 1998
Volume 6 Number 4 (1.2 MB)
– Results of Cal-IPC Questionnaire
– CalWeed Database
– Invasive New Zealand Weeds
– Symposium on Invasive Weeds

Summer 1998
Volume 6 Number 3 (589 KB)
– Distribution of Salsola soda in S.F. Bay
– Starr Ranch Sanctuary Artichoke Conference
– Extension Toxocology Network

Spring 1998
Volume 6 Number 2 (612 KB)
– Some Tips on Herbicide Tx of Cape Ivy
– Invasive Weeds Pose Major Threat to American Landscape
– Legendary Stewardship Award

Winter 1998
Volume 6 Number 1 (719 KB)
– Fort Ord Readies Troops for War-On-Weeds
– Cal-IPC Symposium ’97 Synopsis
– Pampas Grass Research

Fall 1997
Volume 5 Number 4 (647 KB)
– Battling the Kudzu of the West
– The Weed From Hell Finds a Buyer
– A New Invasive Mustard in California
– The Bradley Method

Summer 1997
Volume 5 Number 3 (718 KB)
– Killing the Beast
– A New Threat to California Pines
– A Working Paper on Ailanthus

Spring 1997
Volume 5 Number 2 (765 KB)
– Pampasgrass RFP
– Natural Areas Conference in Portland
– Rx for Applying Herbicides to Tamarisk

Winter 1997
Volume 5 Number 1 (549 KB)
– Lessons from the Front
– Cal-IPC Symposium ’97 in Bay Area
– Everlasting Sleeper
– Team Arundo del Norte

Summer/Fall 1996
Volume 4 Number 3 (499 KB)
– A French Broom Control
– 1996 Cal-IPC Election Results
– Salt Cedar Management Workshop
Ehrharta erecta: Attack in the Making

Spring 1996
Volume 4 Number 2 (4.0 MB)
– Another Ehrharta?
– Exotic plant bibliography
– Parentucellia viscosa

Winter 1996
Volume 4 Number 1 (4.7 MB)
– Agroforestry and biodiversity
– Using fire on yellow starthistle
– Highways as dispersal corridors
– French broom seedbank depletion

Fall 1995
Volume 3 Number 4 (6.2 MB)
Ailanthus altissima biology and history
– 1995 Symposium abstracts
– Partners in weed management
– Asilomar Accord

Summer 1995
Volume 3 Number 3 (1.3 MB)
– Wildlife and weeds
– Weed alert!
– Biological control

Spring 1995
Volume 3 Number 2 (2.0 MB)
Carpobrotus edulis
– Working with volunteers
– Marin County policy

Winter 1995
Volume 3 Number 1 (1 MB)
Lepidium latifolium
– Yellow bush lupine
– Lupine removal with heavy equipment
– Musings of a seed sack reader
– Effects of Arundo on water resources

Fall 1994
Volume 2 Number 4
– 1994 Symposium abstracts
– Regulatory “must-do” for herbicide applications
– Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern

Summer 1994
Volume 2 Number 3 (4.6 MB)
– Perennial pepperweed
– Charactistics of noxious weeds
– Slow-motion explosion
– Tamarisk in Baja California
– Preventing pampasgrass

Spring 1994
Volume 2 Number 2 (499 KB)
– Pampas eradication program, part 2
– Controlling Cortaderia by hand with volunteers
– Exotic removal programs around the state

Winter 1994
Volume 2 Number 1 (499 KB)
– New EPPCs forming
– Ecology and management of wild artichoke
– Controlling French broom
– German ivy engulfs riparian forests

Fall 1993
Volume 1 Number 4 (5.0 MB)
– 1993 Symposium
– Pampas grass eradication program
– Draft weed list

Summer 1993
Volume 1 Number 3 (499 KB)
– Control of exotic plants by herbaceous understory
– Working groups

Spring 1993
Volume 1 Number 2 (4.3 MB)
– Story of Team Arundo
– Working group reports

Winter 1993
Volume 1 Number 1 (5.7 MB)
– Background of CalEPPC
– Weed alerts
– Tamarisk invades desert riparian zones