2004 Cal-IPC SymposiumInvasive Plants and the Wildand/Urban Interface

Ventura Beach Resort Ventura, CA

Proceedings, presentations, and working group notes are posted below. Searching for articles on a particular plant or topic? View our Plant Profiles.

Oral Presentations

Regulations we use as tools to deal with invasive plants Albrecht, Courtney
Approaches to assessment of cumulative economic impact of invasive plants Athan, Tara
Towards eradication of Lepidium latifolium at Paramount Ranch: Control methods and a test of restoration treatments Brigham, Christy
A comparison of flora in San Francisco’s fragmented natural areas Campbell, Christopher
Invasion of Arundo donax in riparian ecosystems of Mediterranean-type climates: Causes, impacts and management strategies Coffman, G.C.
Partnering to prevent invasions of plants of horticultural origin Connick, Sarah; Gerel, Mike
Out of the frying pan: Invasion of exotic perennial grasses in coastal prairies Corbin, Jeffrey D.; Thomsen, Meredith; Alexander, Janice; D_Antonio, Carla M.
The new “JK Injection Tool” for control of knotweeds and other hollow-stem plants growing in sensitive wetland sites Crockett, Ron P.; Krebsbach, Michael L.
Reducing the introduction and distribution of non-native aquatic invasive species through outreach and education (RIDNIS Project) Crosson, Holly A.; Grosholz, Edwin D.
Water gardening: Pathway to paradise or plant invasion? Crosson, Holly A.
Benefits versus fire risk of native and invasive vegetation in the wildland-urban interface Dicus, Christopher A.
2004 Cal-IPC Red Alert! New invasions, recent expansions, and a few others to be on the look-out for…. DiTomaso, Joseph M.
The effect of soil salinity and flooding on the growth Carpobrotus edulis (L.) N.B. Br.: Implications for its spread into the Ballona Wetlands Drennan, Philippa M.; Zakrzewski, Leanne
The riparian weed management program at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton: Past, present, and future Fitch, Meghan Trainor; Bieber, Deborah
Who cares about weeds? Thoughts about sustaining Cal-IPC’s relevance in a changing world Gardner, Sue
Encouraging conservation on private lands through permit coordination Gerel, Mike
Managing remnants of natural habitat in an urban sea Goode, Suzanne
Are exotic species shrinking serpentine refugia for native plants? The case of a rare annual jewelflower in Santa Clara County, CA Green, Allison R.
Highway corridors: Crossing political boundaries Harper-Lore, Bonnie L.
Implications of global change for exotic and native species in California grasslands Harpole, W. Stanley; Seabloom, Eric
Volunteer exotic removal efforts and success at Egdewood County Park and Preserve, San Mateo County, California Heiple, Paul; Himes, Ken
Floodplain invasion: Tracking pepperweed expansion in the Cosumnes River Hogle, I.H.; Viers, J.H.; Quinn, J.F.; Schwartz, M.W.
CRISISCat – An online invasive species information clearinghouse for California Hollander, Allan D.
Fire management impacts on invasive species at the wildland/urban interface in California Keeley, Jon E.
Weeds in wildland/urban interface fuelbreaks: Challenges and opportunities Klein, Janet
Herbicide toxicology and signal words Krieger, Robert
A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California Lambrinos, John G.
Addressing community concerns: Los Angeles County WMA’s best management practices for vegetation management Lehman, Dean
Integrating ecological, social, and economic perspectives on the spread of invasive species Melbourne, Brett; Hollander, Allan; Norgaard, Kari; Schoenig, Steve; Thomson, Diane; Veloz, Sam
The role of pre-fire fuel manipulations in the invasion of alien plants Merriam, K.E.; Keeley, J.E.; Beyers, J.L.
California’s fading wildflower legacy Minnich, Richard A.
Flaming: A new tool for wildland weed control Moore, Ken
Behavioral responses of birds to invasive spartina in San Francisco Bay salt marshes Nordby, J. Cully; Cohen, Andrew N.; Beissinger, Steven R.
Tools in the toolbox: Community based stewardship in the management of invasive weeds Norgaard, Kari Marie
Identifying origins and tracing spread of pampasgrass and jubatagrass in California by microsatellite markers Okada, Miki; Ahmad, Riaz; Jasieniuk, Marie
Control of hedge parsley (Torilis arvensis) Oneto, Scott; DiTomaso, Joseph M.; Kyser, Guy B.
Control of tree tobacco (Nicotiana glauca) Oneto, Scott; DiTomaso, Joseph M.; Kyser, Guy B.; Garcia, Sergio; Hale, Sarah
Why you may need a licensed pest control advisor Pattison, David
The use of heavy machinery (excavators) to remove Ammophila arenaria (European beachgrass) from native sand dunes at Point Reyes National Seashore Peterson, Ben
Effects of environment on establishment of Arundo donax in three southern California riparian areas Quinn, Lauren; Holt, Jodie S.
Reproductive biology of cape ivy (Delairea odorata) in California Robison, Ramona
Distribution of perennial pepperweed in Bay-Delta wetlands: a CalFed mapping project Rogers, Chris
Habitat fragmentation in California: Current extent, rate of edge generation, and a look at our likely future Scott, Thomas
Invasive hybrid cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora x S. foliosa) recruitment dynamics in open mudflats of San Francisco Bay Sloop, Christina M.; Ayres, Debra R.; Strong, Donald R.
Impacts of mowing and bud destruction on yellow starthistle root dynamics and flowering Spencer, D. F.; Enloe, S. F.; Liow, I.; Chan, V.; Donovan, M.; Healy, E.; Pitcairn, M.
Invasion dynamics of perennial pepperweed along the salinity gradient Spenst, R.O.; Foin, T.C.; Miles, A.K.
Funding invasive plant projects through the farm bill Warner, John
State and federal legislation funding initiatives West, Wendy
English ivy removal at Redwood National and State Parks Williams, Andrea
2003 Invasive Spartina Project Monitoring Program Zaremba, K.; McGowan, M.; Ayres, D.R.

Discussion Notes

Aquatic working group Anderson, Lars; Zaremba, Katy; Owen, Julie; Crosson, Holly
Environmental/social issues working group Chang, David; Brastow, Peter
Grasses working group Clines, Joanna; DiTomaso, Joe; Meyer, Tanya
Fire working group Clines, Joanna; DiTomaso, Joe; Goode, Suzanne
Riparian working group Giessow, Jason; Newhowser, Mark
Roadsides working group Harper-Lore, Bonnie; West, Wendy
Trees and shrubs working group Heath, M.; Grove, S.
Forbs working group Pirosko, Carri; Schoenig, Steve
Nurseries working group Robison, Mona; Richardson, Bree
Dunes working group Rodgers, Jane; Cooper, Kim
Mapping working group Schoenig, Steve; DiPietro, Deanne; Newhouser, Mark
Critical habitats working group Zaremba, Katy; Heath, Mark

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