2011 Cal-IPC SymposiumInvasive Plants and Ecological Change

Granlibakken Resort, Tahoe City

Proceedings, presentations, and working group notes are posted below. Searching for articles on a particular plant or topic? View our Plant Profiles.

Oral Presentations

Using public domain remotely sensed data to predict Taeniatherum caput-medusae (medusahead) infestations, a case study from the central California foothills Alford, Jim; Benedetti, Daniel; Jennings, Nathan
Designing wildlife avoidance into invasive species control projects Austin, Rick L.
The interaction of soil surface gravel content and nitrogen deposition on the seedbank of the invasive grasses Schismus arabicus and Schismus barbatus in the northwest Sonoran Desert Bell, Michael D.; Allen., Edith B
Dittrichia graveolens – a study of invasive plant biology with a focus on management Brownsey, Rachel; Kyser, Guy B.; DiTomaso, Joseph M.
Predicting the spread of invasive plants in the Sierra Nevada Brusati, Elizabeth; Johnson, Doug; Morawitz, Dana; Schuetzenmeister, Falk; Powell, Cynthia; Harmon, Suzanne; Morosco, Tony
Alteration of nitrogen cycling processes by exotic annuals in a California grassland Carey, Chelsea; Hart, Stephen C.
Sustainable forests, healthy communities and vibrant rural economies Carr, Kim
Effects of changing precipitation patterns on the spread of Bromus tectorum L. in the eastern Sierra Nevada and implications for management Concilio, Amy; Loik, Michael E.
The effect of invasive Chrysanthemum coronarium on a coastal sage scrub arthropod community in Southern California Cook, Roy W.; Talley, Theresa S; Wang, Mona; Nguyen, Kim-Chi; Ruiz., Erick
Nuance, naysayers and twenty years of studying species impacts D'Antonio, Carla M.
Sustainable solutions to cross restoration thresholds and build ecological resilience: Orange County Invasive Management (OCIM) project Dickens, Sara Jo; Mangla, Seema; Preston, Kristine; Suding, Katherine
A common data model for weed monitoring data DiPietro, Deanne; Gluesenkamp, Dan; Malpas, John; Schuetzenmeister, Falk; Stewart, Zhahai
Mapping, monitoring and removing medusahead Dudney, Joan
Emerging large landscape conservation initiatives create new opportunities to control invasive plants Frisch, Steven R.
Distribution and impacts of Arundo donax from Monterey to Tijuana Giessow, Jason; Casanova, Jason; Leclerc, Rene
Using distribution information to understand and conserve California flora: Recent results and prospects for further future improvement Glusenkamp, Daniel; Malpas, John
Science, policy, and management Interactions: The past is not a template for the future of the national parks Graber, David
New and expanding weeds in California Kelch, Dean
Invasive Spartina Project at a turning point: Eradication on the horizon, reconciling clapper rail impacts, and charting a course towards tidal marsh revegetation with native cordgrass Kerr, Drew
The evolution of arundo removal efforts on Camp Pendleton Lardiere, Benjamin M.; Bieber., Deborah
Mechanical control of yellow starthistle: impacts on target and non-target vegetation. Matzek, Virginia; Hill, Shannon
The Pesticide Use Monitoring Inspection: what every applicator needs to know Mila, LeeAnn
Challenges to early detection and rapid response – Spotted knapweed eradication: Building successful partnerships between local, federal, and private entities Mila, LeeAnne
Climate change in the Sierra Nevada; Processes, projections, and adaptation options Millar, Constance I.
Best Management Practices Establishing a Closed Chain of Custody for Herbicide Use in the Utility Vegetation Management Industry and Laws and Regulations for and Utility Vegetation Managers Money, Nelson
Recent court orders and injunctions for the protection of endangered species Moreno, Polo
How does light attenuation affect giant reed (Arundo donax) establishment? Palenscar, Kai; Holt, Jodie S.
Eradicating Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum) from San Francisco Bay wetlands Perlmutter, Mike; Archbald, Gavin; Boyer, Kathy
Prioritizing and promoting region-wide invasive plant management: a report on successes from the Bay Area Early Detection Network Perlmutter, Mike; Williams, Andrea; Gluesenkamp, Dan; Klochak, John
Population expansion and regional management of red sesbania (Sesbania punicea) in California. Robison, R.; Pooley, D.; Barve., N.
Invasive plant management in California State Parks Robison, Ramona
Evaluating the effects of horizontal and vertical mulches for restoration of a degraded site in the Mojave Desert: First year findings Schneider, Heather
Effectiveness of aquatic invasive plant control in Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe Shaw, Dan; Hymanson, Zach; Boyd, Kim; Sasaki, Tamara
Cost-sensitive risk assessment for invasive plants in the United States Springborn, Michael; Schmidt, John Paul; Drake, John M.
Results from four years of early detection invasive plant monitoring in Golden Gate National Recreation Area Steers, Robert; Wrubel., Eric
Prevention BMPs for invasive plant managers Stern, Jennifer
The ghost of invasions past: The soil legacy of invasive plant species Suding, Katharine
Road(sides) to recovery: containing the spread of invasive plants by implementing a comprehensive roadside weed removal initiative Summers, Tony
Tipping the balance: Using natives to combat weeds and promote ecological resilience of riparian restoration Tjarks, Hejo; Hammond, J.E.; Griggs, F.T.
Smog is fertilizer: Atmospheric nitrogen deposition drives weed invasions and biodiversity loss Weiss, Stuart B.
Working with mineral materials producers and suppliers _ Got clean gravel? West, Wendy; Dickman, Garrett
The importance of landscape context in invasive plant patterns within conservation linkages Wilkerson, Marit


Invasive aquatic weeds: implications for mosquito and vector management activities Blair, Charles E.

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