Symposium Logistics & FAQs

Three images of the Ventura Marriott terrace lobby and swimming pool

Learn with us! Ventura Beach, Nov. 12-15, 2025

The Symposium will be held at the Ventura Beach Marriott, a small town oasis two blocks San Buenaventura State Beach and Ventura Pier and Promenade. Minutes from downtown, breweries and restaurants, Ventura Beach Marriott is conveniently located off of highway 101 between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles.

Book hotel rooms by Oct. 24 for discounted rate of $179/night. Use the link or call Marriott Central Reservations at 1-800-228-9290.



What are the group expectations for this event?

Cal-IPC is committed to creating a Symposium environment that is welcoming, safe, collaborative, supportive, and productive for all attendees. We value our diverse perspectives, expertise, opinions, backgrounds, and life experiences, and understand that this collective diversity is essential to meeting our mission and to this event. Attendees must agree to the Cal-IPC Symposium and Event Code of Conduct to participate.


How do I get my DPR CEU credits?

Licensed herbicide applicators can receive continuing education credits for many Symposium sessions. To get credit, be sure to sign up for DPR CEUs with your registration. There is an additional fee to cover staff time processing.

We will be applying for continuing education units from the California Dept. of Pesticide Regulation – 2 units fulfilling Herbicide Laws & Regulations, and likely 12-13.5 hours of “other” units. More details directions will be posted on the DPR page once they are available, likely in September.


Will the presentations be available online?

Yes! Attendees to the Symposium will be able to see recordings in the Webex App under each session on the Program, about 15 minutes after the session ends. After the event is over, we will download the videos and post them to the Cal-IPC Symposium Archive online.

Attendees to the Symposium will be able to view available PowerPoint presentations as attachments to each session on the Program, along with the Abstracts. The presentations will also be added to the online archive after the event is over.


How do I participate in the Photo Contest?

Anyone can enter! Anyone can vote! Simply use the Photo Contest Submission form (no sign in account needed). Your photos may be used in future Cal-IPC outreach materials such as our website, brochures, campaigns, or reports (with photographer credit, of course). The Photo Contest will be open for submissions July 15-Sept. 15.

Come back to vote, Sept. 16-Nov. 13. All votes will be tallied online, and winners will be announced at the Symposium, Nov. 14.


What is the refund policy?

Please purchase carefully. No refunds.


How do I provide feedback?

Take our survey! Your feedback helps us improve the event for next year. When the event is over, a link will be shared with all participants.


How do I get help?

Get in touch with us! Email us at

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