Preparing for Wildland Fire: A Step-by-Step Guide for NPS Invasive Plant Managers

Cover of the Preparing for Wildland Fire Report with a red, smoke-filled sky behind an American flag at half-mastWildfires – and wildfire response – present a significant risk for the spread of invasive plants. This guide describes steps that can be taken to avoid, minimize, or mitigate the introduction and spread of invasive species before and during wildland fire incidents. Although some protocols are specific to the NPS, the overall approach is generally transferable to other organizations.

Preparing for Wildland Fire:
A Step-by-Step Guide for NPS Invasive Plant Managers

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Please cite this report as: Cal-IPC 2022. Preparing for Wildland Fire: A Step-by-Step Guide for NPS Invasive Plant Managers.

For more information, contact Cal-IPC.