Prevention BMPs for Land Managers

Best Management Practices Land ManagersInvasive plants can degrade the ecological integrity of wildlands, and land managers employ a range of tactics to reduce this damage. While controlling established infestation is important, prevention is the most cost-effective approach to reduce this damage.

This manual presents a set of voluntary guidelines and ready-to-use checklists to help those managing wildlands in California to prevent the accidental spread of terrestrial invasive plants.

Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants: Best Management Practices for Land Managers

This manual is available as a free download. Click here for a PDF of BMP for Land Managers. (38 pp., 4.25 MB)

  • Contents:
    Working on YST

    Cleaning tools, equipment, and vehicles can reduce the spread of invasive plants. Photo courtesy Martin Hutten, Yosemite National Park


This manual would not have been possible without the expert knowledge generously provided by technical team members across the state.

This report was funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, with funding provided by the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, through the California Department of Agriculture as well as direct funding from the USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry.

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Please cite this report as: Cal-IPC. 2012. Preventing the Spread of Invasive Plants: Best Management Practices For Land Managers (3rd ed.). Cal-IPC Publication 2012-03. California Invasive Plant Council, Berkeley, CA. Available:

For more information, contact Cal-IPC.