Cal-IPC Projects

  • Scattered people use backpack sprayers to treat invasive grasses on rolling green hills

    Safe and effective herbicide use

    When used properly, herbicides can be a useful tool in the integrated weed management toolbox. Cal-IPC and the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) are working together to provide the best guidance for safe and effective herbicide use - to protect sensitive habitat, wildlife, and the people who work and play in California’s wildlands. Our goal is to provide land managers, restoration specialists, and other users with information on the situational effectiveness of all control methods, herbicide and non-herbicide, to guide...Read More
  • Ventura Beach Pier at sunset with rocks and sand in foreground. Text overlay "Save the Date" 2025 Cal-IPC Symposium Ventura Nov. 12-15

    2025 Cal-IPC Symposium, Nov. 12-15

    Join us in Ventura, November 12-15, for another dynamic gathering of California land mangers to network, learn, and celebrate our hard work! The Symposium will be held at the Ventura Beach Marriott, a small town oasis only two blocks from San Buenaventura State Beach and minutes from downtown.

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  • Volutaria

    Desert Knapweed Containment

    Volutaria tubuliflora, or desert knapweed, is a plant from north Africa that has recently been found in California. These are the only known sites in North America. There are two small sites on the coast in San Diego County and Orange County, and a major infestation in Borrego Springs, 50 miles inland in the Sonoran Desert. This infestation has spread over 15 square miles, and range modeling shows that desert knapweed would find suitable conditions across the American Southwest. In the 2016 superbloom, partners mapped and removed populations across the area during the January to April...Read More
  • Yosemite invasive plant management staff treat Himalayan blackberry in Yosemite Valley below El Capitan, Yosemite National Park.

    Protecting Sierra Tree Mortality Zones

    Cal-IPC, in cooperation with the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture and county Agricultural Commissioners in the Central Sierra, is working to control invasive plants that threaten to spread into areas with extensive tree mortality. Drought conditions have enabled native bark beetles to kill millions of trees in the region, making it more important than ever to control invasive plant populations which can spread into disturbed areas (more information on tree mortality in the Sierra). To support prio...Read More
  • Multiple teams recording data at the Carpinteria Salt Marsh CHMA Surveys

    South Central Coast Eradication

    This project targets five invasive plant species for region-wide eradication in the South Central Coast region (San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties): Canada thistle, Russian wheatgrass, Japanese dodder, Dalmation toadflax and European sea lavender. Eradication is the gold standard of invasive plant control because it means the threat from that species has been eliminated (unless the species is re-introduced to the region). It is more effective and more cost-effective than long-term ongoing containment. The species in this effort were prioritized through a comprehensive assessment with r...Read More
  • Jason Giessow, DENDRA Inc., collecting cane density information for an Arundo infestation on a Tehama County waterway in the Central Valley: Photo Dana Morawitz

    Arundo Mapping

    Arundo donax, or giant reed, is one of the most damaging invasive plants in California. Its dense canes crowd riparian areas, destroying wildlife habitat and consuming extra water. Major removal projects have been undertaken in many coastal watersheds, including the Santa Ana River in southern California, and the Salinas River on the central coast. In 2008-2010, Cal-IPC undertook mapping Arundo in coastal watersheds from Mexico to Monterey to support removal efforts. As part of Proposition 1 funding to...Read More
  • Limonium

    SF Bay Sea Lavender Control

    Cal-IPC and partners prioritized Algerian sea lavender (Limonium ramosissimum) and European sea lavender (L. durisculum) as top priorities for removal to protect San Francisco Bay tidal marshes. These plants are found in several other locations along the California coast (for instance, Morro Bay, Carpenteria Marsh near Santa Barbara, and San Diego). California's salt marsh habitat is home to a unique assemblage of plants and wildlife, and much of this habitat has been lost to development. Few weed species can thrive in this habitat, but sea lavender is spreading aggressively ...Read More
  • Knotweed

    Northcoast Knotweed Eradication

    Invasive giant knotweeds routinely make the list of the worst invasive species in the world. They have wreaked havoc in western Oregon and Washington, taking over riparian areas. There are only a handful of infested areas in California, and the main challenge is on the north coast, in Humboldt and Del Norte counties. Multiple species of knotweed, including Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica), giant knotweed (F. sachalinensis) and Himalayan knotweed (Periscaria wallichii) are found in the region, at about 100 sites in all. Knotweeds are notoriously difficult to get...Read More
  • Interns with the Student Conservation Association hand-pull dandelions (Taraxacum officinal) in Matterhorn Canyon, Yosemite National Park, alongside NPS staff. Photo: Michael Diehl

    Sierra Nevada Meadows Protection

    Sierra Nevada meadows are valued for their ecosystem functions, regulating water storage and flow, and providing important wildlife habitat. Invasive plants can significantly alter vegetation communities, degrade wildlife habitat, and potentially reduce water storage and carbon sequestration functions. Our project improves understanding of these impacts and strengthens capacity to effectively address the threat. The primary activity of this project is characterizing the level of threat in Sierra meadows from invasive plants through development of a “Read More
  • woman scientist with binoculars looks out over a marsh with Spartina plants

    Invasive Spartina Project

    Pacific cordgrass (Spartina foliosa) is a major component of tidal marsh vegetation in San Francisco Bay, which historically covered thousands of acres across the region. In the 1970s, the Army Corps of Engineers introduced Atlantic cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) to the Bay, which hybridized with its native cousin. The hybrids expanded aggressively across lower tidal mudflats and tidal ...Read More

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