Protecting Sierra Tree Mortality Zones

Cal-IPC, in cooperation with the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture and county Agricultural Commissioners in the Central Sierra, is working to control invasive plants that threaten to spread into areas with extensive tree mortality. Drought conditions have enabled native bark beetles to kill millions of trees in the region, making it more important than ever to control invasive plant populations which can spread into disturbed areas (more information on tree mortality in the Sierra).
To support prioritization of particular species and populations for control, Cal-IPC has integrated spatial data on tree mortality from Calfire into the online CalWeedMapper tool. Regional partners from the Central Sierra, including the Sierra, Sequoia, Stanislaus and Eldorado National Forests, Yosemite and Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks, and county agencies are collaborating to address the top priority invasive plant populations.
Additionally, this project will make available best practices education for preventing the spread of invasive plants in tree mortality zones by making BMP materials widely available and assisting local partners with training needs
Plants being managed
Aegilops triuncialis
barb goatgrass -
Centaurea diffusa
diffuse knapweed -
Centaurea solstitialis
yellow starthistle -
Centaurea stoebe ssp. micranthos
spotted knapweed -
Cytisus scoparius
Scotch broom -
Elymus caput-medusae
medusahead -
Genista monspessulana
French broom -
Spartium junceum
Spanish broom
Start date
2017Resources protected
forest health, tree mortality hazard zones, native vegetation communities, wildlife habitat, sensitive plant and wildlife species, native biodiversity
Project goal
Containment of key populations of high-priority invasive plant species in the Central Sierra to prevent spread into areas disturbed by extensive tree mortality.
Project partners
- California Dept. of Food and Agriculture
- Amador County Department of Agriculture
- El Dorado and Alpine Counties Department of Agriculture
- Calaveras County Department of Agriculture
- Fresno County Department of Agriculture
- Mariposa County Department of Agriculture
- Tuolumne County Department of Agriculture
- Stanislaus National Forest
- Sierra National Forest
- Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park
- Yosemite National Park
Project funders
Project photos