Sierra Meadows Vulnerability Index

Report cover with picture of researchers walking through a Sierra Meadow by a stream

This report describes an index that Cal-IPC has developed for scoring vulnerability of Sierra Nevada meadows to invasion by non-native plants. The index is a modification of the US Fish & Wildlife Service Invasive Plant Inventory and Early Detection Prioritization Tool (IPIEDT), restricted to just set priorities among areas and to emphasize historic disturbance as a stressor. The index was further informed by local expert opinion regarding invasive species distribution, accessibility, and site conditions for a randomly selected subset of 100 of over 18,000 previously mapped meadows for which the vulnerability index was tested. Results were shared with land managers and appeared to provide a useful “initial cut” for priority meadows to monitor and manage more carefully for invasive plant incursion.

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Block (USFWS), S. Gross (US Forest Service) provided the IPIEDT and input on how to adapt it. T. L. Morelli (US DOI Northeast Climate Science Center) and Sean Maher (Missouri State University), provided insights and data from their research on meadow connectivity and climate refugia. M. Brown (Eldorado National Forest), J. Clines (Sierra National Forest), A. Demetry (Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park), G. Dickman (Yosemite National Park), E. Frenzel (Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park), M. Friend (Plumas National Forest), J. Haas Stanislaus National Forest, E. King (Placer County Dept. of Agriculture), L. Mila (Agricultural Commissioner, El Dorado & Alpine County Depts. of Agriculture), K. Sikes (California Native Plant Society), J. Trumbo (California Dept. of Fish & Wildlife) shared invaluable site-specific expertise.

This report was funded by a grant to Cal-IPC from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.


Cal-IPC. 2019. Sierra Nevada Meadows Invasive Plant Vulnerability Index. Report to the National Fish and Wildlife Foundations. 32 pp.