Weeds of California and Other Western States (2 vols)

Weeds of CA and other Western States DiTomaso Cover

This is the most comprehensive weed identification book ever produced in the United States. It complements the 2003 Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West.

  • More than 750 weed species described and photographed.
  • Detailed descriptions of seedlings; mature plants; flowers, fruit,and roots; germination and propagation characteristics; and descriptions of similar species.
  • 3,000 color photographs of infestations, whole plants, flowers, seedlings, and seeds.
  • Includes a CD containing all photographs in the book, copyright-free for educational use.

Dr. DiTomaso was a non-crop weed specialist at UC Davis, and headed the Weed Research and Information Center. He also served on the Cal-IPC Board of Directors.

Evelyn Healy is an expert in ecology and plant systematics.
