Don’t Plant a Pest: Southern California Spanish


Out of stock. Download a free PDF of the Don’t Plant a Pest: Southern California (Spanish) brochure. Note that the PDF is not scaled for letter-sized printing.

No plante una plaga! is a Spanish translation of the “Don’t Plant a Pest-Southern California” brochure.

The brochure offers replacement ideas for: iceplant; English, German or Cape ivy; periwinkle; fountain grass; pampas grass; broom species; acacia; myoporum; Mexican Fan or Canary Island date palms; Brazilian pepper trees; and eucalyptus or gum trees. To view information included, see our Southern California Don’t Plant a Pest page. (English website)



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Don’t Plant a Pest!: Alternatives to invasive garden plants

Homeowners and landscaping professionals can help slow the spread of invasive plants by choosing non-invasive species for their gardens. “Don’t Plant A Pest!” brochures suggest alternatives for garden plants known to be invasive in California.

The brochures are designed to be an educational resource for gardeners and consumers, a tool for Cal-IPC members and others to use in approaching their local nurseries, and a template for other organizations that wish to produce similar materials.
