Acacia longifolia

Photo: Ron Vanderhoff

Common names: Sydney golden wattle

Acacia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle) is a summer-blooming shrub or tree in the pea family (Fabaceae) that is native to Australia. It is variable in size and has been cultivated as an ornamental. Its leaves are leathery and strap-like, finger-wide and long, with parallel veins and have a conspicuous basal gland with no resinous margins. Flowers are yellow and arranged in short spikes in leaf axils. This Acacia is a prolific seeder that can form large seed banks; long-term control is difficult if populations are left to spread. As of this posting, it has been reported in California’s coastal counties from Sonoma County south to San Diego. Outside of California, Sydney golden wattle has become invasive in other parts of Australia (Victoria, New South Wales), New Zealand, South Africa, Spain, Portugal and Brazil. 

Cal-IPC Rating: Watch

CDFA Rating: None?


Acacia longifolia Plant Risk Assessment - An evaluation of the potential for a plant to be invasive in California.

Weed Management Notes

No Weed RIC Management Notes are available for this species. Check for information on other species in the genus on the Weed RIC site.

Cal-IPC Newsletter Articles

Cal-IPC Symposium Presentations

Presentations are linked where available. Where a presentation is not available, find more information by reading the abstract in the Cal-IPC Symposia Archive.

Other Acacia longifolia Information

  • CalPhotos - Images of plants taken mostly in California.
  • Calflora - Distribution map and records of this species in California.
  • CalWeedMapper - Distribution map of this species in California with ability to determine regional priorities.
  • EDDMapS - Distribution of this species in North America.
  • GBIF - Global distribution information.
  • Jepson Interchange - Information on this plant's taxonomy, biology, and distribution from UC Berkeley's Jepson Herbarium.
  • USDA PLANTS Database - Information on identification and distribution, with links to websites in individual states.
  • The Plant List - Global taxonomic resource and collaborative clearinghouse from Kew Gardens, the Royal Botanic Gardens, the Missouri Botanic Garden and others.
  • Additional photos

    Acacia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle) mature leaves and flowers. Photo: Ron Vanderhoff
    Acacia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle) seedling. Photo: Ron Vanderhoff
    Acacia longifolia (Sydney golden wattle) fruits and mature leaves. Photo: Ron Vanderhoff