Vol. 19, No. 2
Summer 2011
Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
All roads
lead to
Lake Tahoe
Sarah Ford, Tahoe Resource Conservation District,
spreads mulch along Hwy 267, one of six main
roads leading to Lake Tahoe, to prevent populations
of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) from spreading
during the Brockway Erosion Control Project,
funded by the Calif. Dept.of Transportation. Photo:
Nicole Cartwright, Tahoe RCD.
Invasive plants in the Sierra Nevada ….4
Interview with the Archbalds ……………6
Pesticide risk comparision ……………….8
20th Annual Symposium ………………… 10
Cape-Ivy biocontrols update …………..13
From the Director’s Desk
Prevention is the best cure
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
ph (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500
www.cal-ipc.org info@cal-ipc.org
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s lands and waters
from ecologically-damaging invasive plants
through science, educations, and policy.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Heather Brady, Outreach Program Manager
Elizabeth Brusati, Science Program Manager
Alice Chung, Training Program Specialist
Suzanne Harmon, Field Mapping Coordinator
Ginny King, Program Assistant
Agustín Luna, Business Manager
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Dana Morawitz, Mapping Program Manager
Cynthia Powell, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Falk Schuetzenmeister, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Arpita Sinha, Training Program Specialist
Jen Stern, Training Program Manager
Jason Giessow, President
Dendra, Inc.
John Knapp, Vice-President
Native Range, Inc.
Doug Gibson, Treasurer
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Julie Horenstein, Secretary
California Department of Fish & Game
Edith Allen
University of California-Riverside
Peter Beesley
Pacific Gas and Electric
Jason Casanova
Los Angeles/San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
Edmund Duarte
Alameda County Department of Agriculture
Valerie Eviner
University of California-Davis
Kim Hayes
Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Sue Hubbard
Natural Resource Manager
t is rare that we have the opportunity to celebrate a prevention victory (in part
because it is difficult to know when something unidentified did not happen!) But
with the formal adoption of NAPPRA by the USDA, after years of planning and public
comment, we have such a victory.
NAPPRA stands for “Not Authorized Pending Pest Risk Assessment”. The USDA,
through its Q37 regulations, has authority to restrict imports of nursery stock, but
historically very few species of so-called “plants for planting” (aka ornamentals) have
been disallowed and there has been no pre-screening before a new species is brought
into the country. The NAPPRA category has the potential to change that. If there is
sufficient concern that a particular plant proposed for import may be harmful, it can be
put into the NAPPRA category and be prohibited from entry until a risk assessment has
been completed saying that the species is judged to be safe.
This represents a shift from “innocent until proven guilty” to “guilty until proven
innocent”, which makes a lot more sense when the goal is prevention. USDA has
been developing a risk assessment procedure, building on Australia’s well-known
method. The trick will be to make sure USDA has the resources to process requests for
assessment in a timely manner. If the pipeline gets backed up, those wanting to import
plants may have a legitimate gripe that this is an unfair restriction on their rights.
Does this address invasive plant species already in the country? Yes, but only
those that are not widespread and that are under formal management. It remains to
be seen how “widespread” and “formal” will be interpreted. All in all, this is a major
step forward. Cal-IPC, other state councils, and partners through the National
Environmental Coalition on Invasive Species (www.necis.net) have actively supported
this move. If you were one of the many individuals who submitted comment to USDA
on Q37 revisions during our campaign, you helped make this happen!
We can all enjoy the beauty of new horticultural varieties prospected from around
the globe, as long as they have been screened for potential invasiveness before they are
brought to our soils. The new commonsense NAPPRA rule makes sure that will now
For more information, see the USDA webpage by searching for “usda nappra” or to
Deb Jensen
El Dorado Arts Council
Brent Johnson
Pinnacles National Monument
Shawn Kelly
Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project
Shea O’Keefe
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Peter Schuyler
Ecological Consultant
Andrea Williams
Marin Municipal Water District
Chelsea Carey, UC Merced
Kai Palenscar, UC Riverside
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Cal-IPC News
Summer 2011 – Volume 19, Number 2
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, and Heather Brady
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission from
the editors. Submissions are welcome. Mention of commercial
products does not imply endorsement by Cal-IPC. We reserve
the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Dyer’s woad (Isatis tinctoria), shown above in the before photos (left), but controlled
in after photo (right), is recognized as an eradication goal throughout the Sierra Nevada
region. Read more about project results on pg. 4. Photos: Katie Renhart.
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
California’s new state budget eliminates
virtually all funding for invasive plant
programs through the Dept. of Food and
Agriculture (CDFA), including Weed
Management Area funds. Cal-IPC and
other stakeholders will be working to
determine the best way to reinvigorate
the state’s support for invasive plant
prevention and management.
Do pesticides get sufficient environmental review? Congress is trying to address
this question through H.R.872, passed
by the House and being reviewed by
the Senate. The bill would confirm that
existing environmental review is sufficient
to allow for applications that comply
with labeled uses. Opponents contend
that current review procedures do not
adequately address cumulative effects, sitespecific factors, and impact to endangered
species. thomas.loc.gov, www.pesticide.org/
A shape-shifting invasive marine
organism in San Francisco Bay changes
its body form in different habitats. The
bryozoan Schizoporella errata normally
grows as a crust on hard surfaces such as
rocks, docks, and boat hulls. But in 2005
it was also seen growing as free-living
balls on the mudflats. This raises concerns
Cal-IPC Updates
Like us!
(Even more than you already do.)
Due to new Facebook policy, we had
to change our Facebook “group” to a
“page”. If you’re on Facebook, please
search for the California Invasive
Plant Council page and “Like” us in
order to receive Cal-IPC updates and
other news.
Statewide mapping
We are almost done! Our mapping
team has traveled the state to compile
maps by USGS quad on all 206
plants in the Cal-IPC Inventory in
48 of the 58 counties in California.
that some of the other 37 introduced
species that need hard surfaces could do
the same thing. Researchers are studying
whether this change in growth form is
causing impacts to the bay ecosystem.
(Smithsonian Marine Invasions Research
Lab, feature story Feb. 2011, www.serc.
Wider spread of invasive species due to
climate change? The capacity of many
invasive species for relatively rapid genetic
change can enhance their ability to invade
new areas in response to human-caused
ecosystem disturbance. A new article
highlights cases where invasive plants
have expanded their latitudinal ranges in
response to climatic selection pressures,
and lists ten traits that are likely targets for
natural selection under climate change.
(Weed Research 51:227–240, June 2011)
“Our flora is becoming less distinctive”.
That is the conclusion of the lead
researcher on a study examining the
impact of increasing urbanization on
plants in Indianapolis. The research
team compared dried plants specimens
collected before 1940 to those collected
between 1996 and 2006 and found that
as urbanization increased, the number of
plant species remained roughly the same,
but many of the native species disappeared and were replaced by invasive ones.
Native plant species died off at an average
rate of 2.4 species per year. (Science Daily,
March 18, 2011).
A Missouri man was fined $1,000
and given six months probation for
introducing zebra mussels into a lake
when transporting a private boat lift.
The case is the first prosecuted under a
provision in Missouri’s Wildlife Code
designed to stop the spread of invasive
species. (www.ky3.com/news, May 27,
Enter a raffle to eradicate the last
invasive plant! Brownsea Island, a nature
preserve in England, is raffling off the
chance to remove its last rhododendron
plant. Rhododendrons, introduced there
in the 19th century, overran the island
and outcompeted native wildflowers and
trees, including endangered red squirrels.
The Dorset Wildlife Trust has spent
50 years removing the shrubs by hand.
Rhody Raffle tickets cost £1. (BBC News,
June 22, 2011)
…continued page 10
Thank you to all the invasive plant experts
who have contributed time, expertise
and datasets to this effort! Maps will be
available later this year through the online
tool at www.calweedmapper.org.
working on invasive species policy
and education. Ginger Jui, from
UC Berkeley’s Dept. of Integrative
Biology, is working on our climate
suitability modeling.
20th Anniverary fundraiser
Thank you to all who have helped in our
campaign to raise $20,000 for Cal-IPC’s
20th Anniversary. As of press time, we are
halfway to our goal. It’s never too late to
donate! www.crowdrise.com/cal-ipc20th
New grant
The California Landscape
Conservation Cooperative (led by
the US Fish & Wildlife Service) has
awarded Cal-IPC a grant to couple
our invasive plant risk mapping
approach with other conservation
maps capturing sensitive species
and habitats in order to increase
the analytical capacity for setting
management priorities.
Great interns
Two graduate students are interning
with us this summer. Ashley Gilreath,
from the Bren School of Environmental
Management at UC Santa Barbara, is
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
New Release
Prioritizing Regional Response to Invasive
Plants in the Sierra Nevada
by Elizabeth Brusati, Dana Morawitz, and Cynthia Powell, Cal-IPC
al-IPC’s newest report is designed
to help resource managers set
invasive plant management priorities
at a regional level. Maps in the report
help determine which species are most
important, and what type of management
approach—eradication, containment or
surveillance—is most appropriate for that
species in that region.
Our goal is to support resource
managers in setting priorities for effective
long-term invasive plant detection and
control, including the many projects
already in progress in the region and
justifying new projects. The approach
provides a foundation for regional
collaboration, and the work on the
Sierra Nevada has helped us refine our
methodology for recommendations in the
rest of the state.
We chose fifteen of the 43 species as
top management opportunities in the
Sierra Nevada based on their distribution
and Cal-IPC Inventory rating (Table).
Many species are listed as both eradication
and containment opportunities based on
their distribution in different parts of the
Each WMA received tailored
recommendations including additional
species particularly important for management in that area. Species are listed as
only one type of opportunity for each
Our recommendations are based on
maps of current distribution coupled
with maps of suitable range. We mapped
distribution by USGS quadrangles, collecting data by interviewing local experts
as well as compiling GIS datasets from
online databases, government agencies,
and local organizations (see “Mapping the
Spread”, Cal-IPC News, Fall 2010, Vol.
“This work is needed to
better visualize the threat
of new invaders, whether to
the public or management
teams. It is difficult to manage adaptively, and this work
holds an important key.”
~ Martin Hutten,
Yosemite National Park
on the
l 100 plants
Cal-IPC Inventory occur in the Sierra
Nevada. We chose a subset of 43 based
on discussions with land managers in the
region. Using maps and suitability models, we rated these 43 invasive plants for
eradication, containment, or surveillance
in the entire Sierra Nevada and for each of
the 14 Weed Management Areas (WMAs)
in the region.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Risk maps overlay current distribution and suitable range
to show uninvaded areas that are the most vulnerable to spread. In this yellow toadflax
(Linaria vulgaris) map, dark gray rectangles indicate abundance in USGS quadrangles,
while lighter gray shading indicates climatic suitability. (White dots indicate quads
where the species is under management). For Alpine County (green outline) yellow
toadflax is a high priority for surveillance because it is present at the northern edge
of the county, and much of the county is predicted to be suitable based on modeling.
Photo: Joe DiTomaso.
18, No. 3). Expert interviews are a key
data source. Over 80% of the quads now
known to be infested with a particular
species in California have been documented only through expert interviews;
no GIS datasets are available to document
these populations.
To map suitable range, we used
Maxent software to predict where a
species can survive. The software makes
statistical predictions based on where the
species currently exists combined with
data on environmental variables. We used
climatic variables, since this is the major
factor determining suitable range (see
pg. 10). We used this approach to map
suitable climatic range for 29 of the 43
species studied.
opportunities as high,
medium, or low. For each
WMA and the region as a
whole, we identified species
as top priorities for strategic
management based on these
ratings. Ratings depend on
factors such as the impact
and invasiveness of the species, whether the particular
infestation is spreading,
whether the species has a
CDFA weed rating, and the
evaluation of land managers.
“Cal-IPC maps have been identified as
a major source of information for our
planning efforts. We need landscapescale distribution maps of invasive
plants with information on how their
range may shift in response to climate
change. I have begun using Cal-IPC’s
mapping tool in beta form to provide
information for a systematic species
~ Athena Demetry,
Our recommendations
Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks
complement management
efforts already underway in
the region and can help in
planning future projects. They can also be contain invasive plant species climbing
The resulting risk maps overlay
used to combine new efforts with those
the foothills from the Central Valley may
current distribution and suitable range
be able to coordinate with the existing
to show uninvaded
Leading Edge Project
areas that are the most
that works to prevent
vulnerable to spread.
the spread of yellow
We used the maps to
starthistle to higher
Family Asteraceae
identify three categories
elevations. Finally, these
of management
Acroptilon repens (Russian knapweed)
recommendations and
opportunity: eradication, Carduus nutans (musk thistle)
risk maps can be used by
containment, and
Centaurea maculosa (spotted knapweed)
region-wide coordinatsurveillance.
Centaurea solstitialis (yellow starthistle)
ing bodies to establish
Eradication –
goals for eradication,
Chondrilla juncea (rush skeletonweed)
Complete removal
containment, and
Dittrichia graveolens (stinkwort)
of an infestation,
surveillance in support of
Onopordum acanthium (Scotch thistle)
possible where
early detection.
Family Brassicaceae
smaller infestations
The report was
occur isolated from other Isatis tinctoria (dyer’s woad)
distributed to
Family Fabaceae
every Weed Management
Containment –
Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom)
Area, National Forest,
Limiting spread
Genista monspessulana (French broom)
and National Park in
from larger infested
California as well as
Spartium junceum (Spanish broom)
areas. Strategic potential
to other organizations
Sesbania punicea (red sesbania)
depends on the geograworking on invasive
Family Poaceae
phy of the infestation,
plants and conservation
Arundo donax (giant reed)
how isolated it is,
planning. The report
and the suitability of
Family Schrophulariaceae
can be downloaded from
adjoining areas.
Linaria genistifolia subsp. dalmatica
www.cal-ipc.org/ip/map(Dalmation toadflax)
ping/sierra or you can
Surveillance –
contact us for a free CD.
Surveys to detect new
infestations of species
Fifteen of the study species were chosen as high-priority for management
Next Steps
thought to be absent.
in the Sierra Nevada as a region. Many are listed as both eradication and
As we complete our
containment opportunities based on their distribution in different parts of the
For each species in
statewide data collection
region. In any given WMA, other species may be high priorities, and some of
each WMA, we rated
efforts, we are beginning
the species above may be surveillance opportunities if not yet present in the
the strategic potential
WMA. See the full report for recommendations and maps for each WMA in
…continued page 10
for these management
the region.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
From Chinese Cleavers to Remote Sensing
An interview with two generations of weed workers – Greg and Gavin Archbald
by Gina Darin, California Department of Water Resources
s part of Cal-IPC’s 20th year
celebration, we’re tracking down
some of the founding board members
to ask them what they think of their
creation. In May, I spoke with Greg
Archbald, who is proud that his son
has joined the ranks of invasive species
Greg Archbald
Greg describes his initiation into weed
work as a convergence of activities at work
and home. With a background in law
and land acquisition, Greg co-founded
The Trust for Public Land (TPL) in 1972
where he worked for 15 years acquiring
parklands, including several tracts in
Golden Gate National Recreation Area
(GGNRA) and Point Reyes National
Over the years, Greg watched as
beautiful places he knew in the Marin
Headlands disappeared under a sea of
broom. “That really bothered me,”
said Greg. Moving to a ridgetop house
surrounded by French broom (Genista
monspessulana), and being very concerned
about the fire danger, Greg started pulling
and chopping broom, at one point
crawling on hands and knees and using
a Chinese cleaver to cut the base of the
broom stems. When he first began using a
brush cutter, Greg had a little help from a
neighbor, almost taking out his neighbor’s
leg along with the broom. “Learn by
doing,” Greg explained.
After his years with TPL, Greg
focused on involving volunteers in land
stewardship. Greg was hired by the
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy
(GGNPC), the nonprofit arm of the
GGNRA, and in this position, ran into
weed issues beyond the familiar broom,
like CDFA A-rated fertile capeweed
(Arctotheca calendula), B-rated gorse (Ulex
europaeus), and pampas grass (Cortaderia
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Idea conceived – birth of Cal-EPPC
host an exploratory meeting in Tiburon
in February 1992, and was thrilled when
people from San Diego to the North
Coast showed up expressing similar
concerns and voting to hold the first
wildland weed symposium later that year.
In 1990, Greg attended the Yosemite
Centennial Symposium and Natural Areas
Association conference in Concord, CA.
The conference included a lunch where
tables were set up by topic so attendees
Lucky to have GGNPC as a supcould sit with those with similar interests.
Greg sat at the
“Weeds” table,
and was joined by
(among others)
Carla Bossard and
John Randall (each
profiled in recent
issues of Cal-IPC
News); and George
Molnar, then chief
of the Biological
Resources Section
of Metropolitan
Dade County in
Florida. Greg was
blown away by
George’s description
of Florida’s Exotic
Pest Plant Council
(FLEPPC) includFouding board member, Greg Archbald, and his wife, Connie,
ing their ability to
are all bundled up for the chill atop the Haleakala volcano,
raise money and
Haleakala National Park, HI, with an elevation of 10,000’.
their program of
taking legislators
and state officials on aerial tours to view
Melaleuca quinquenervia and other species
invading the Everglades. Greg exclaimed
to the group, “There ought to be one of
those in California!”
Greg’s hope in pursuing an EPPC
for California was to find other wildland
weed workers and get them talking,
learning, and identifying resources for
problems similar to those he and his
colleagues were facing in the GGNRA.
“Isolation at the time was high, and
the subject of wildland weeds was new
while lots of information was available
on agricultural weeds.” Greg helped to
portive employer, Greg was able to use
his office, time, and facilities to help get
the Cal-EPPC going. Greg remembers
people jumped out of the woodwork for
the first Exotic Pest Plant Symposium in
Morro Bay in October 1992. After an
inspiring talk by FLEPPC’s president Bob
Doren, the group decided (on a suggestion by Nelroy Jackson) that everyone
in attendance would be a member, and
just like that Cal-EPPC had its first 150
Twenty years later, Greg is proud to
witness Cal-IPC’s many accomplishments:
evolving from humble beginnings to
influencing policy and invasive plant
management practice statewide. He
applauds the high quality work by those
involved with the California Invasive
Plant Inventory and with Cal-IPC’s
legislative initiatives. Greg also appreciates
the field courses and excellent instructors
who are training wildland weed workers around the state. Greg feels the key
moment for Cal-IPC was the hiring of
professional staff. “Doug and the staff are
doing a magnificent job.”
Greg predicts the future of Cal-IPC
Greg said that one recent moment that
stands out for him was the pleasure of
seeing his son Gavin present his Master’s
research at the 2009 Cal-IPC Symposium
in Visalia. “Seeing so many young people
involved in Cal-IPC is great,” said Greg.
He believes that having graduate students
present research at the symposium and
starting student chapters gives Cal-IPC
a continual infusion of talent. Greg says
that the organization is renewing every
year and will continue to be relevant and
successful as Cal-IPC keeps young people
involved, and keeps up a high level of
professionalism in its work.
The next generation
Gavin Archbald completed his
Master’s in Ecology and Systematics at
San Francisco State University in May
2011. He is now working with the San
Francisco Bay National Estuary Estuarine
Research Reserve, and is helping to
plan their mapping program to monitor
changes in marsh vegetation associated
with sea level rise and surrounding land
use changes. As a Graduate Fellow,
Gavin worked with the South Bay Salt
Pond (SBSP) Restoration Project to
develop detection methods for the nascent
invader Algerian sea lavender (Limonium
ramosissimum) using remote sensing and
satellite imagery. Gavin continues to help
local GIS experts map marsh vegetation,
including invasive plants, across the SBSP
management area.
Why Gavin decided to study a weed
Gavin readily admits his awareness
was heightened by his father’s career,
but Gavin wasn’t initially planning on
working with invasive species. Generally
interested in
using science to
repair environmental damage,
Gavin chose to
do his graduate
work in restoration ecology at
San Francisco
State. After hearing of Algerian
sea lavender,
Gavin chose to
study the weed
in the context
of wetland
Gavin is
struggling with
the question of
Gavin Archbald, the next generation of Cal-IPC, working on the
whether weeds
South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, San Francisco Bay.
are misunderstood. [Hold
research scholarships. (You wouldn’t mind
the rotten tomatoes! – Gavin has a point
a $5 increase in symposium registration
that is part of a growing trend in our field to fund these scholarships, would you?).
(see John Randall’s presentation in the
Gavin would also like to see Cal-IPC
2008 Symposium Proceedings)]. Gavin
facilitate internships between students and
points out that often we really don’t know organizations and expand opportunities
how non-native communities function
for students at the annual symposium.
compared to native communities. Gavin
Fond Cal-IPC moment
asked, “Can we assume that non-native
plants won’t provide similar functions in
When I asked Gavin to describe a
a wetland setting, for example?” This is
fond Cal-IPC moment, Gavin chose
a complicated issue, Gavin. Maybe he’ll
the 2006 Symposium when his father
pursue it in a Ph.D…
was presented with the Jake Sigg Award
for Vision and Dedicated Service. That
Cal-IPC’s role for students
moment stands out for Gavin because
By representing a community of man- growing up he watched his dad with this
agers and scientists interested in research,
seemingly eccentric broom-pulling habit.
Cal-IPC gives students and recent grads
“My dad helped build this organization,
an audience for weed science research in
and there’s a community of people who
wildlands. These are systems, like Gavin’s
get it and appreciate him.”
marsh, that have no immediate comPulling it all together
mercial application. Cal-IPC is a place to
unite researchers like Gavin with potential
Gavin grew up seeing Greg pulling
users of the research. For example, Gavin’s broom and going to town with a brush
thesis is providing information for review- cutter out of necessity to protect their
ing Algerian sea lavender for the Cal-IPC
home and help restore the GGNRA land.
While Greg took a practical approach to
weed control, Gavin is taking a scientific
Cal-IPC gives students like Gavin
approach, studying the how and the
relevant questions to investigate. In
Gavin’s case, he also met to discuss project why. It seems both Greg and Gavin are
answering a call in their genes going after
ideas and resources. In the future, Gavin
a common challenge each in their own
is a proponent of Cal-IPC taking this
support a step further and offering weed
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Pesticide Risk Mitigation Engine (PRiME)
An Advance Look at a New Tool for Pesticide Risk Comparison
by Susan E. Kegley and Wade Pronschinske, Pesticide Research Institute, Berkeley
ave you ever felt that you lacked the
The user selects one or more
information you needed to make
pesticide products and defines the
an informed choice of which herbicide
application method that will be used
would cause the fewest non-target
to obtain a comparison bar chart that
effects? Perhaps you are working in an
provides a quantitative risk estimate
area with a significant amount of aquatic
for the different risk indices on a scale
habitat and potential for runoff, or near a
of zero to one. For the non-human
residential area. Short of doing a detailed
indices, the risk index is a measure
risk assessment that takes time and
of the probability of an adverse effect
resources, it is impossible to determine
occurring, with adverse effects defined
the comparative risks of
for each category
different herbicides for a
of organism. For
Access a beta version the human indices
scenario. The label and
Material Safety Data
(inhalation, derof PRiME online at
Sheets (MSDS) just
mal, and dietary),
don’t provide sufficient
the risk index
will be based on
a hazard quotient
To address this problem, the
reference dose).
Integrated Pest Management Institute
of North America based in Madison,
Wisconsin, is working with an intermoderate risks in the orange zone, and
national team to develop a web-based
low risks in the yellow zone.
tool called the Pesticide Risk Mitigation
Engine (PRiME). PRiME allows the user
to compare site-specific risks to aquatic
organisms (fish, invertebrates, algae),
small mammals, earthworms, and birds, as
well as inhalation risks for bystanders. In
the next revision, PRiME will also include
algorithms to estimate dermal (skin)
exposure risks for reentry into the treated
area, risks to pollinators , and dietary risk
(for food crops).
The interface allows the user to map
an area using Google Earth and automatically retrieves available soils data from the
National Resource Conservation Service
database. Using the PRZM-EXAMS
model, these data are used to estimate
the expected amount of runoff to water
bodies based on the soil type and the
physical properties of the herbicide. The
user can characterize the land around
the area by mapping sensitive sites and
conservation practices, such as buffer
strips, which will then be used to make
risk calculations more site-specific.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
For example, the chart above shows
the comparison risk indices for three
herbicides containing different active
ingredients. This information takes the
guesswork out of estimating relative
risks for non-target impacts of different
products and allows the user to select
the least-toxic product for a particular
The PRiME tool is now developing
modules for agricultural applications;
however, the team is currently seeking
funding to expand the tool to other
applications such as vegetation management programs and environmental
impact reports. You can access a beta
version of PRiME online at www.
ipmprime.org; to get started, scroll to the
bottom of the page and click “Try our
guest resources”.
Team members include Tom
Green and Wade Pronschinske, IPM
Institute; Chuck and Karen Benbrook,
BCS-Ecologic; Susan Kegley, Pesticide
Risk Summary
Glyphosate @ 1.35 lb/acre
For each herbicide these
toxicities are evaluated:
Avian Acute
Avian Reproductive
Small Mammal Acute
Fish Chronic
Aquatic Algae
Aquatic Invertebrates
VOC Emission Potential
Diuron 80 DF
Diuron @ 0.772 lb/acre
2,4-D at 7.794 lb/acre
Risk index
PRiME allows comparison of risk indices
for pesticides, looking at a range of impacts
to wildlife and humans. Currently the site
focuses on agricultural applications, but a
similar approach for wildland applications
is on the drawing board.
Research Institute; Paul Jepson and
Michael Guzy, Oregon State University;
Pierre Mineau, Environment Canada;
Martin Williams and Mark Cheplick,
Waterborne Environmental.
Contact the author at skegley@
20th Annual
Cal-IPC Symposium
Invasive Plants and Ecological Change
Granlibakken Conference Center, Tahoe City
October 4 – 7, 2011
Featured Speakers
Smog is fertilizer: atmospheric nitrogen deposition drives weed
invasions and biodiversity loss, Stuart Weiss, Creekside Center for
Earth Observations
Climate change in the Sierra Nevada; Processes, projections, and
adaptation options, Constance Millar, Pacific SW Research Station,
USDA Forest Service
Effects of changing precipitation patterns
on the spread of Bromus tectorum L. in the
eastern Sierra Nevada and implications for
management, Amy Concilio, UC Santa Cruz
Nuance, naysayers and twenty years of studying
species impacts, Carla D’Antonio, UC Santa
Predicting the spread of invasive plants in the
Sierra Nevada with climate change, Elizabeth
Brusati, Cal-IPC
Fire, climate change, and opportunities for
invasion, Max Moritz, UC Berkeley
Science, policy, and management interactions:
The past is not a template for the future of the
national parks, Dave Graber, Pacific West Region,
National Park Service
Discussion Groups
Prioritizing schemes for weed management
Invasive plant IPM
Prevention efforts across the state
Cal-IPC Student Chapter updates
Licensing and contracting mechanisms for
getting work done!
State-level strategies for rapid response
and management of aquatic weeds: New
approach needed?
Full program online at www.cal-ipc.org. Dept.
of Pesticide CE credits, including 2 hrs. Laws &
Regulations will be available pending approval.
Field Techniques for Recording Invasive Plants
Photo Contest
On Wednesday, October 4, Cal-IPC will host our
annual Pre-Symposium Field Course. Topics include
data-recording standards, vouchering techniques,
estimating distance and cover, occurence reporting, data
management, communicating about your program, field
safety, and landscape level planning. Register with the
Symposium to receive a discount!
See information on our website and submit entries by
September 2 to photos@cal-ipc.org.
Raffle & Auction
This is a fun event and a fundraiser for Cal-IPC. Books,
wine, tools, art, and fabulous trips will be up for grabs. Do
you have something to donate? Contact raffle@cal-ipc.org.
And More. . .
To Register. . .
§ Sponsor Exhibits § Student Paper & Poster Contest §
§ Job Board § Social Hour § Awards Banquet §
§ Student Lunch § Friday Field Trips §
Online form at www.cal-ipc.org; you can pay online, over the
phone, or by sending a check. Register and reserve lodging by
September 2 for discounts. Additional discounts for students and
Full details at www.cal-ipc.org
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
planning work.
…Sierra Nevada from page 5
to work with resource managers on ways
to apply our results on the ground. In
the Sierra, we are collaborating with
existing regional organizations, such
as the Southern Sierra Partnership in
Fresno, Tulare, and Kern counties, to tie
our results into broader conservation
Suitability modeling
We modeled suitable range for
each species in California using
current distribution and climate
data for the state. We used Maxent
software, which predicts where a
species can survive based on where
it currently lives combined with
environmental variables. It requires
precise geographic locations that
represent the range of conditions
in which the species grows. For
environmental data, we used a set
of 19 climatic variables derived
from temperature and precipitation
measurements. These variables,
available at Bioclim (www.worldclim.
org), are commonly used in ecological
We based our assessment of future
suitability in the year 2050 on the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change’s A2 emissions scenario,
which is widely used for climate
change assessments that inform policy
Mapping climatic suitability for a
given plant species is an inexact science. Like any modeling, the results
depend upon the assumptions of the
particular model and the data used
to generate predictions. The maps
are based on existing distribution as
evidence of the climatic range of the
species. Some species may be able to
grow in climates beyond where they
currently grow in California, either
because they can adapt or because
they have not yet been transported to
a region with that type of climate. See
the full report for additional information and references on our methods.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
The maps and recommendation
methodology are being incorporated
into an online mapping system to be
released later in 2011. This tool will
allow resource managers to generate
maps and recommendations for their
area of the state. It will also allow for
quad-level data to be updated to keep
maps current and to show change
over time. The system will tie into
occurrence data housed in the Calflora
online database to make sure that
information only needs to get entered
With new funding from the
California Landscape Conservation
Cooperative (an effort led by the US
Fish & Wildlife Service) we will be
coupling the invasive plant risk maps
with other conservation maps capturing
sensitive species and habitats, increasing
the analytical capacity for setting
priorities. Look for updates in Cal-IPC
News and on our website.
This report would not have been
possible without the data and expert
knowledge generously provided by
hundreds of individuals and organizations involved in Weed Management
Areas across the state. Thank you! The
authors also thank other members of the
mapping team: Suzanne Harmon, Tony
Morosco, and Falk Schuetzenmeister.
Funding was provided by the
California Department of Food and
Agriculture (American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act funds); National
Fish and Wildlife Foundation Pulling
Together Initiative; Resources Legacy
Fund; Richard and Rhoda Goldman
Fund; USDA Forest Service State and
Private Forestry Program; and USDA
Forest Service Special Technology
Development Program.
In accordance with Federal law
and US Department of Agriculture
policy, Cal-IPC is prohibited from
discriminating on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age, or disability.
Advertise in Cal-IPC News
Cal-IPC is now accepting
advertisements within our quarterly
publication, Cal-IPC News, which
has been in circulation for 18 years
and reaches several thousand natural
resource managers throughout Calif.
We will consider ads from
individuals, organizations and
companies that provide goods
and services beneficial to natural
resource managment. We believe
that this is a service to our readers
and supports our publication costs.
Please contact Heather Brady to
reserve your space in an upcoming
issue or to learn more about the cost
and process. hjbrady@cal-ipc.org or
(510) 843-3902.
…News from page page 3
The first biocontrol agent in the
European Union for use against an
invasive plant has been approved. The
United Kingdom approved widespread
release of a plant louse, or psyllid, that is
a natural enemy of Japanese knotweed,
which is estimated to cost the country
$288 million a year in damages and
removal. (Science, May 13, 2011)
Should biological invasions be managed as natural disasters? A new article
examines how impacts and responses
for biological invasions compare to
those for natural disasters, pointing out
that both are generally unpredictable
and uncontrollable, generate enormous
environmental damage, and have
frequency inversely proportional to
magnitude. The authors argue that
precautionary systems should be put in
place to prevent biological invasions,
similar to systems existing for disasters.
(BioScience 61 (4): 312-317, April 2011)
Citizen scientists in Texas have logged
more than 12,000 observations of invasive
plants on a publicly accessible online
database that governmental agencies and
resource managers can use to monitor the
plants that compete with native plants.
Order your 2011
2011 Individual
Subscription Prices
(includes regular shipping)
All-Terrain IPM
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s www.wssajournals.org
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Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
2011 Field Course Schedule
Los Angeles
Tahoe City
Audubon Center at Debs Park
Granlibakken Resort
July 20 – Herbicide Control
San Diego
Tijuana River NERR
August 3 – Mapping
August 4 – Control Methods
October 4 – Field Techniques
for Recording & Reporting
Invasive Plants
Check our website to learn more about
course curricula and the certificate
program. Register at www.cal-ipc.org/
Thank You for Supporting our Work!
Recent Donors
New Members
Your tax-deductible donations are extremely
valuable in supporting our programs. Thank
As a Cal-IPC Member, you join a
powerful network of land managers,
researchers, volunteers, and concerned
citizens. Welcome!
Patron ($500-$999)
Charity Eaton (Orange)
Doug Gibson (Encinitas)
Blair Baker (South Pasadena), Hannah
Beaty (Seal Beach National Wildlife
Refuge), Kathleen Bishop (Battle Creek
Watershed Counservancy, Manton), Jim
Branham (Sierra Nevada Conservancy),
Leslie Bryan (Western Shasta Resource
Conservation, Anderson), Mark Burgon
(City of Redding Parks), Stephen Chung
(Irvine Ranch Conservancy, Laguna
Niguel), Amy Concilio (UC Santa
Cruz), Andrea Craig (Los Molinos),
Geoff Diaz (City of Redding Parks),
Josh Donlan (Advanced Conservation
Strategeies), Joan Dudney (Acterra,
Palo Alto), Marisa Evans (Marin
Municipal Water District), Tracy Fenton
(Redding), Steve Frisch (Sierra Business
Council), Dave Graber (Sequoia & Kings
Canyon National Park, Three Rivers),
Steve Greenberg (Berkeley), Jasmine
Greer (Sacramento), Misty Hailstone
(Edwards Airforce Base), Lars Higdon
(Irvine Ranch Conservancy, Orange),
Matt James (Coastal Restoration
Consultants, Carpinteria), Deborah
Kruse (American River Conservancy,
Fresno), Leslie Lew (Sonoma County
Agricultural Preservation & Open Space
District), Chris Long (California
National Guard, San Luis Obispo),
Marisa Mibach (Santa Clara County
Open Space, San Jose), Constance Millar
(PSW Reserach Station, USDA Forest
Champion ($250-$499)
Helen Conway (San Jose)
Cecelia Eviner (Ringwood, NJ)
Deb Jensen (Placerville)
Jean-Phillippe Marie (Davis)
Karen Paulsell (Oakland)
Anthony Varnhagen (San Francisco)
Contributor ($100-$249)
Peter Beesley (Grass Valley)
David Chang (Santa Barbara)
Doug Johnson (Albany)
Friend (up to $99)
Elizabeth Brusati (El Cerrito),
Corinne Calfee, M.L. Carle
(Penngrove), Alice Dugas (Lompoc),
Carolyn Foley, Jason Giessow
(Encinitas), John Holloway
(Sea Ranch), Julie Horenstein
(Sacramento), Deb Jensen (Placerville),
Eleanor Kelly, Larry Klassen (San
Diego), Susan Mason (Chico), Wendy
Poinsot (San Francisco), Elizabeth
Proctor (San Francisco), Rebecca
Rothschild, Scott Steinmaus (San
Luis Obispo), Lynn Sweet (Riverside),
Anonymous, Anonymous
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Service, Albany), Max Moritz (UC
Berkeley Environmental Studies), Edward
Newbegin (Berkeley), Ray Omori (ACS
Habitat Management, Oceanside),
Joseph Orta (Alameda County Grounds,
Tracy), Derek Ostensen (Derek
Ostensen & Associates, Laguna Beach),
Andrew Otto (Truckee River Watershed
Council), Claudia Parrish (Stanislaus
County Agricultural Commissioner,
Modesto), Karen Paulsell (Friends of
Sausal Creek, Oakland), David Price
(SIL International, Arcata), David
Reid (Friends of Sausal Creek, Albany),
Marc Rubald (Davis), Donald Scriven
(Center for Natural Lands Management,
Thousand Palms), Julie SimonsenMarchant (San Diego), Peter Suchecki
(Oakland), Sean Tully (Fairfax), Lina
Valenzuela (San Joaquin Valley Parkway
Trust, Fresno), Liz Varnhagen (Berkeley),
John Wasilewski (San Diego), Stuart
Weiss (Creekside Center for Earth
Observation, Menlo Park), Christy Wolf
(Naval Weapons Station Seal Beach,
New Organizational Members
Organizational Members advance
Cal-IPC’s mission to protect California’s
wildlands from invasive plants.
Sonoma Ecology Center
DuPont Land Management
Sonoma County Agricultural
Preservation & Open Space District
Ecological Conservation &
Cape-ivy Biocontrols Update
by Angelica M. Reddy and Chris Mehelis, USDA-ARS-WRRC, Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Unit
[Cal-IPC and partners have supported the
Exotic and Invasive Weeds Research Unit in
Albany, CA, in its development of biocontrol
agents for Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata).
The unit operates specialized quarantine
greenhouses where host-specificity testing can
be conducted to ensure that the agents will
not damage any other plant species. This
labor-intensive process takes many years to
complete, and the permitting process also
takes time.]
Cape-ivy (Delairea odorata) has been
in the cross hairs of coastal land managers and land owners for some time, as it
poses a problem by smothering native
vegetation. The USDA’s biological
control project began in 1997 with the
support of donations from the California
Native Plant Society, the National Park
Service, California State Department of
Parks and Recreation, and Cal-IPC.
Dr. Joe Balciunas initiated and led the
project, which started with a partnership
with the South African Plant Protection
Research Institute, to locate potential
biocontrol agents in Cape-ivy’s native
region. Once promising insects were
located and preliminarily screened for
host specificity to Cape-ivy, they were
imported to the USDA-ARS quarantine
laboratory in Albany, CA, for rigorous
host range testing, which began
in 2001.
An adult Cape-ivy gall fly (Parafretureta
regalis) perched on one of its galls. Photo:
We have spent the past ten
Elizabeth Grobbelaar.
years conducting experiments
to ensure that when the
Africa. The two agents were not able
biocontrol agents are released,
they will target Cape-ivy without to reproduce with any of them. TAG
reviewers requested that we test eleven
damaging native plants or
more plant species. Some of these plants
agricultural crops. In early 2010,
have proven difficult to obtain, or are only
Joe Balciunas retired and was
available during specific seasons.
replaced by Dr. Angelica Reddy.
Prior to his retirement, Dr.
Per TAG’s request, we have also
Balciunas submitted a petition
conducted studies to investigate
for release of the two insects to
the preference, as well as the effect
the Technical Advisory Group
of infestation by the moth on the
(TAG) of the USDA-APHISdevelopment of both Cape-ivy varieties
PPQ. We received TAG’s official (stipulate and astipulate) found in
response to the release petition
California, and whether preference and
in late 2009 and are currently
damage inflicted on Cape-ivy by the
conducting additional work to
month differs between varieties.
address the comments submitted
When the host range testing is
by the petition reviewers.
complete, perhaps as soon as the end of
Initially, more than 100
next spring, we will resubmit the petition
different species of plants were
to TAG. From there we anticipate a lagtested either in our quarantine
time of a minimum of six months before
laboratory in Albany or at our
any permission to release will be granted.
cooperator’s facilities at the Plant
Two Cape-ivy moth larvae (Digitivalva delaireae)
Contact the author at chris.mehelis@
Protection Institute in South
tunneling through stems. Photo: Elizabeth Grobbelaar.
t has been some time since we at the
USDA’s Exotic & Invasive Weed
Research Unit have reported on the
Cape-ivy biological control project. We
are quite pleased to share our progress,
as we are getting closer to releasing two
promising biocontrol agents: the stem
boring moth (Digitivalva delaireae),and
the gall-forming fly (Parafreutreta regalis).
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
Readings &
Know of a resource that should be shared
here? Send it to edbrusati@cal-ipc.org.
Invasive Species Compendium
The Invasive Species Compendium is
an online, open access reference work
covering identification, biology, distribution, impact and management of more
than 1500 invasive species, with more
being added. Users can also access articles.
Datasheets and bibliographic information
are updated weekly. www.cabi.org/isc
Species spellchecker
The Taxonomic Names Resolution Service
is a utility for correcting and standardizing plant names. It can resolve common
misspellings and taxonomic synonyms.
Users can upload, validate, and correct a
list of plant names against a database of
published scientific names and authorities.
Free books
The National Academies Press now offers
pdf version of its more than 4000 books
for download free-of-charge, including
titles in agriculture and biology.
Hawaiian risk assessments
More than 1000 weed risk assessments conducted by the Pacific Island
Ecosystems at Risk program in Hawaii
are available on their website, with more
added each week. A new website under
development will include the updated list
and links to species assessments. www.
Decision guide
“A Decision-Making Guide for Invasive
Species Program Managers” provides a
brief overview of approaches to management, from eradication to mitigation.
Book Review
Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions
Edited by Daniel Simberloff and Marcel Rejmánek. University of California Press. 2011.
he Encyclopedia of Biological Invasions
is a one-volume compilation of topics
related to invasion biology, part of UC
Press’ Encyclopedia of the Natural World
series. The short reviews it contains are
intended for either students or others interested in biological invasions.
Contributors are a range of international
experts in the field. Cal-IPC members
will recognize long-time California weed
researchers such as Joe DiTomaso, Jodie
Holt, Michael Pitcairn, and Marcel
The book is organized into reviews
of about three to five pages long, listed
alphabetically. Each review starts with a
definition of the topic, continues with a
general description and examples of how
it relates to biological invasions, and ends
with a short list of related publications
and cross-references to other entries.
A bibliography of further reading is at
the end of the encyclopedia, as well a
glossary of 600 terms and appendices of
the important references and the IUCN
(International Union for the Conservation
of Nature) list of the top 100 worldwide
invasive species.
Topics were chosen to represent
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
describes how it affects pathways, establishment, and impacts of invasive species.
invader attributes, ecosystem features,
processes, impacts, notable taxa, pathways to invasion, management and
regulation, history, and notable invasions
by geographic region. General topics
include plant competition, allelopathy,
disturbance, restoration, and Charles
Darwin. More specific topics include
early detection and rapid response, weeds,
sudden oak death, the “enemy release
hypothesis”, and lag time. The broader
topics are framed in a way to explain
their relevance to biological invasions.
For instance, the entry on climate change
The wide range of topics will be of
interest to both those who focus on the
more academic aspects of invasive species
biology and those who are interested in
learning the basics of management. For
instance, the entry on range modeling
describes some of the methods commonly
used and the possible benefits and
drawbacks of using modeling to predict
invasions. The criteria for choosing the
topics are not entirely clear, however, and
the entries cover both the obvious broad
topics and a slightly confusing mix of
specific ones. For instance, why does the
plant Lantana camera have its own entry,
but not Fabaceae, a family well-known
as a source of invasive plants? I wonder if
the choice of topics was dictated partly by
the interests of well-known researchers (or
those who agreed to write entries).
The Encyclopedia will be a good
reference for anyone who needs a quick
reference to a lot of topics. It could be
helpful to someone preparing a college
course that focuses on biological invasions
or who needs a starting point for writing a
longer paper on one of the topics.
August – September
Cal-IPC Mapping and Control Courses
August 3 & 4
San Diego
Ecological Society of America
August 7-12
Austin, TX
SER Int’l Congress on Ecological Restoration
August 21-25
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Weed Science School
August 30 – September 1
UC Davis
Int’l Conf. on Alien Plant Invasions
August 30-September 3
Szombathely, Hungary
International Symp. on Biological Control
September 11-16
Waikoloa, HI
Natural Areas Conference
November 1-4
Tallahassee, FL
State of the SF Estuary Conference
September 20-21
CARCD Conference
November 9-11
October – December
Cal-IPC’s 20th Annual Symposium
October 4-7
Granlibakken, Tahoe City
CNPS Conservation Conference
January 10-14, 2012
San Diego
Cont.Dialogue on Non-Native Insects
October 5-6
Boulder, CO
CA Weed Science Society Conference
January 23–25, 2012
Santa Barbara
SoCal Botanists Symposium
October 15
N.A. Congress for Conservation Biology
July 15-18, 2012
“Given their persistence and potentially irrevocable damage, biological ‘spills’
should be treated with more caution and urgency than a chemical spill..”
~ Anthony Ricciardi, Michelle E. Palmer, and Norman D. Yan in “Should biological invasions be managed as natural disasters?”, BioScience, April 2011
“Every time you hear the term ‘invasive species’ think ‘Monsanto’… ”
~ David Theodoropolous, speaking at the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference in
Eugene, OR, March 5, 2011. www.youtube.com/watch?v=AT4Zczx_bik.
He went on to say, “Invasion biology is a pseudoscience based on discredited ecological concepts. Invasion
is entirely natural, and increases biodiversity… Forty years ago we were told that the threats to nature were pollution, pesticides, poisons, bulldozers and chainsaws. Now we are told that the greatest threats to nature are wild
plants and animals, and the cure: poison, bulldozers and chainsaws. Now ask yourself—who does this serve?
Follow the money. Invasion biology is deeply corrupted by the herbicide and regulatory industries… the
Exotic Pest Plant Councils are herbicide industry front groups. Monsanto employee Nelroy Jackson was a
founding board member of Cal-EPPC and was on the National Invasive Species Advisory Committee…
How can we tolerate this corruption of environmentalism by industry?”
Cal-IPC News Summer 2011
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