Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas
from Wildland Weeds
Vol. 14, No. 3
Fall 2006
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
Buffelgrass at the border
Deladier Lopez and Raul Romo, Mexican graduate
students at Northern Arizona University, look at new
growth of buffelgrass (Pennisetum ciliare) outside
of Hermosillo in Sonora, Mexico. Lopez studies how
buffelgrass affects soil fertility and Romo has studied
the dynamics of buffelgrass invasion and the social
drivers for its introduction. Photo: George Koch,
Northern Arizona University
Buffelgrass: A threat to California’s desert…….. 4
15th Anniversary Symposium report……………… 6
Does Arundo produce seed in California?……..12
Speaker’s Bureau ready for prime time…………14
2007 Cal-IPC Field Courses…………………………19
From the Director’s Desk
Evolution of the Symposium
Invasive Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 843-3902
fax (510) 217-3500
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s natural areas
from wildland weeds through
research, restoration, and education.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Elizabeth Brusati, Project Manager
Melissa Dozier, Outreach Associate
Board of Directors
Dan Gluesenkamp (2007)
Audubon Canyon Ranch
Mark Newhouser, Vice President (2007)
Sonoma Ecology Center
Wendy West, Secretary (2007)
U.C. Cooperative Extension
Jennifer Erskine Ogden, Treasurer (2007)
U.C. Davis
Steve Schoenig, Past President (2007)
California Dept. of Food & Agriculture
Putting on an annual Symposium was one of the first things Cal-IPC ever did, and fifteen
years later we’re still doing it. A lot has stayed the same—it’s the best place to find out what
research is being done, see what techniques are being tried in the field, and meet all sorts of
weed workers from around the state. It’s an amazing confluence of people and information,
and it provides a lot of fun and renewal. Especially notable this year (besides the rain) were:
an excellent keynote address from State Parks Director Ruth Coleman; an all-star panel
session addressing the integration of research and management; and a 15th anniversary
tribute to founding member Greg Archbald.
Over the years, some things have changed, too. Attendance has grown from 100
attendees to 400, and the program has expanded. Finding ideal venues for a conference of
this size is a challenge. Comfortable atmosphere, access to field trips, easy travel logistics,
reduced cost, fun neighborhood, minimal environmental impact… it’s difficult to have it
all. We continue to get excellent suggestions from you on your feedback forms, and will
be working on them for next year’s Symposium in San Diego. The conference will be held
September 19-22 at the Bahia Hotel near Mission Beach.
We’ll aim to include plenty of presentations on topics like economic impacts, public
perceptions, outreach programs, horticultural partnerships, climate change, and policy
efforts, while maintaining our primary focus on management techniques and strategies.
In addition, we’ll be looking at ways to improve the focus and structure in working and
discussion groups, setting aside more unstructured time for interaction, verifying hotel
recycling and waste reduction practices, making sure meal options work for everybody, and
developing a price structure that encourages students and volunteers to attend.
So mark your calendars for next year’s event, and thank you for being there to make it
what it is!
David Chang (2008)
Santa Barbara Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Joanna Clines (2008)
Sierra National Forest
Christy Brigham (2006)
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Bob Case (2008)
California Native Plant Society
Chris Christofferson (2007)
Plumas National Forest
Jennifer Drewitz (2006)
Yolo County Resource Conservation District
Jason Giessow (2008)
Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area
John Knapp (2007)
Catalina Island Conservancy
Marla Knight (2007)
Klamath National Forest
Brianna Richardson (2007)
Montgomery Law Group, LLP
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Last year of term noted.
Cal-IPC News
Fall 2006 – Volume 14, Number 3
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Melissa Dozier
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California
Invasive Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with
permission from the editor. Submissions are welcome.
Mention of commercial products does not imply endoresement by Cal-IPC. We reserve the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Founders of Cal-IPC in early 1990s: (back, from left) Sally Davis, Jake Sigg, Ann Howald, Nelroy Jackson, Greg Archbald, Steve Harris, Mike Pitcairn, Jo Kitz, (front, from left) John Randall,
George Molnar, Mike Kelly, and Carla Bossard.
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
Cal-IPC Updates
Contribute info for the annual
Inventory update: Now’s your chance
to additional information on plants in
the California Invasive Plant Inventory
or to nominate a new plant for review.
Send your information to edbrusati@, and the review committee
will update the list based on your input.
Deadline: January 2, 2007.
Renew your membership early: Check
the mailing label on this newsletter to
see if your membership expires Dec.
31. We count on your membership
dues for so much of what we do, and
the less effort we spend reminding you
the more weed work we can do.) Use
our convenient online system at www. (the Quicklink for “Join CalIPC”). Thanks!
Check out the 2007 Field Course
schedule: Our projected schedule for
field courses throughout the state can be
found with the calendar on page 19.
Help distribute new brochures in the
Central Valley and Lake Tahoe Basin:
Thanks to dedicated local efforts, new
Don’t Plant a Pest! brochures are now
available for two more regions. Contact
Melissa Dozier at
if you can help. The brochure content is
also on the Cal-IPC website.
No Plante Una Plaga! The Mission
Resource Conservation District has
translated the Southern California Don’t
Plant a Pest! brochure into Spanish.
Contact Melissa Dozier at for more info.
Missed the Symposium? Presentations
and working group notes are available as
pdf files at
Thank You to: Dale Smith, for donating
her professional design expertise in
producing a new tabletop display for
Cal-IPC. Photo of the exhibit debuting
at the statewide WMA meeting page 9.
A draft California Aquatic Invasive Species
Management Plan has been produced by
the San Francisco Estuary Project. Cal-IPC
submitted comments on the draft. The final
plan should be available Spring 2007. fep.
Permanent pest ratings have been assigned
to the following plants by the California
Dept. of Food and Agriculture:
A – Slender false brome (Brachypodium
A – Non-native dodder (Cuscuta spp.)
B – Arundo (Arundo donax)
B – Jubatagrass (Cortaderia jubata)
B – Tamarisk (Tamarisk chinensis, T.
gallica, T. parviflora, T. ramosissima )
C – Tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima)
C – Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
A rating for Spanish broom (Spartium
junceum) is pending further review. www.
In some cases, invasive plants modify
habitat to their benefit according
to researchers at the U. of Michigan.
Experimenting on cattail populations, they
found that study plots with dead cattail
litter accumulated nitrogen in the soil at a
higher rate, and also had a higher turnover
of nitrogen than those without the litter.
This change in habitat favored cattails over
native species, indicating that the invasion
begins a feedback loop that continues to
benefit the invaders. or
On Sept. 29, Gov. Schwarzenegger signed
into law Assembly Bill 984 directing
California state agencies to work with other
Colorado River basin states to develop a
comprehensive plan for tamarisk control
and revegetation for the entire Colorado
River system. Once a plan is completed,
California will help implement it if funds
are appropriated.
At the federal level, President Bush signed
the Salt Cedar and Russian Olive Control
Demonstration Act (Public Law 109320), authorizing Congress to appropriate
$80 million over five years for large-scale
demonstration projects and research, as
well as development of a long-term strategy
for control. The Dept. of the Interior will
be the lead agency for implementing the
project when/if funding is appropriated.
A specimen of tropical soda apple
(Solanum viarum), one of the worst weeds
in the Southeastern US, was brought to
the Los Angeles County Arboretum earlier
this month. Native to Brazil and Argentina,
soda apple infests pastures and wooded
areas in the US. In a dramatic turn of
events, the man who brought the specimen
to the arboretum refused to disclose the
location of his find, although he assures
us that the plant has been killed. Luckily,
California lacks the hot, humid and wet
climate in which the soda apple thrives. As
with any potential newly introducted weed,
report sightings to CDFA and your county
agricultural commissioner.
Exhibiting behavior akin to college students
on spring break, the federally listed arroyo
toad (Bufo microscaphus californicus) spends
much of the breeding season vocalizing
on sandy beaches. Unlike their human
counterparts, the arroyo toads living in
the Angeles National Forest are losing
high quality breeding habitat to yellow
sweetclover (Melilotus alba). To combat
the problem, the Los Angeles River Ranger
District has proposed removing Melilotus
and other invasive plant species from area
beaches. If you have experience removing
Melilotus, the district welcomes your input.
Contact Leslie Welch, District Wildlife
In other wildlife news, the California Dept.
of Fish and Game wants to control invasive
northern pike in Lake Davis by drawing
the 70,000-acre-foot reservoir down to
a 15,000-acre-foot pool. This follows a
similar control program several years ago.
The project, set for next fall, includes
treatment with liquid rotenone in the lake,
tributary streams, ponds and springs within
the watershed. Four public hearings on the
proposal are scheduled. www.bakersfield.
Correction: The link for Japanese dodder
information at CDFA should have been
listed as in the last
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Weed Alert!
Buffelgrass: A threat to Southern California deserts
By Gina Darin, California Department of Food & Agriculture, Integrated Pest Control Branch and University of California-Davis, Weed Science
Texas, Hawai’i and Australia it is displacing
native species. California’s proximity to the
problem areas in Arizona and Mexico and
the value of our treasured desert habitat
put California arid lands at a high risk to
buffelgrass invasion.
In May, I represented the California Dept.
of Food and Agriculture at the 2006
Biennial Weeds Across Borders (WAB)
Conference in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico,
with officials from Mexico, Canada, and
the USA. Participants heard presentations
on Saharan mustard, tamarisk, Russian
olive, camelthorn, and national and state
weed programs to combat them, but of all
the noxious weeds in North America, no
weed commanded attention like buffelgrass
(Pennisetum ciliare).
Biology and Ecology
Pennisetum ciliare
Common name: buffelgrass,
anjangrass, African foxtail grass
Scientific name: Pennisetum ciliare
(synonym: Cenchrus ciliaris)
Native range: East Africa, Arabian
Peninsula, Madagascar, Pakistan,
and northern India
Photo courtesy Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
Introduced to: Australia, West Indies, South America, Mexico, and USA
Distribution in California: Orange, Riverside, and Imperial Counties
Preferred habitat: agricultural areas, desert, disturbed areas, range/
grasslands, riparian zones, scrub/shrublands, roadsides and vacant lots in
urban areas
Pathways of spread: wind, animal fur, roadsides, used as forage
Worst weedy characteristics: spreads fire, displaces native species
Listed: Arizona Noxious Weed List, 2005
Following the WAB conference, and being
intrigued by the focus on buffelgrass, I
engaged in many informative discussions
regarding the suspect plant. Californians
don’t seem to know much about it, or do
know about it and don’t mind that it’s here.
I believe Californians are at a crossroad as an
invader lurks nearby.
Buffelgrass – What, Where,
and How
There is an invasion afoot. Buffelgrass
is a non-native grass widely planted in arid
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
regions of the world for cattle
forage and was introduced to the United
States and Mexico to improve pastures.
It is established in many parts of the
southwestern USA, and the plant’s range
is expanding northward, possibly into
California. The first records for it from
the 1980s in Orange and Riverside
counties were published in 1996.
Buffelgrass modifies the ecosystems
it invades. In Sonora and Arizona,
buffelgrass carries wildfire through
habitats not naturally fire-adapted. In
Buffelgrass is a ragged-looking perennial
bunchgrass with erect culms on average
1.5 feet tall and bunches 3 feet wide. It
can form thick mats or tussocks with
dense, usually stoloniferous root systems.
The leaf blades are bluish-green in color
with soft hairs on the upper surface. The
inflorescence is generally cylindrical in
outline and can be purple, gray, brown or
straw-colored. The spikelets are surrounded
by bristles. According to Todd Esque,
ecologist for the US Geological Survey
(USGS), the most distinctive feature of
buffelgrass for identification is its color
when it is green and when it cures. It’s most
evident in big patches.
Buffelgrass is adaptable. It grows well
in heavy limestone and sand soils, can
withstand low pH, and is drought tolerant.
It can withstand heavy grazing, and its root
system is extremely fire resistant. Buffelgrass
produces seed both sexually and asexually. It
can also reproduce vegetatively, via rhizome
or stolon sprouts.
The seeds can spread with wind and by
sticking to animal fur, but mainly humans
disperse seeds. George Koch, professor at
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff,
recently returned from a buffelgrass
research trip to Hermosillo where he “saw
many campesinos collecting seeds from the
vigorous stands of buffel that develop along
roadsides. Apparently they sell the seed to
ranchers.” Also, Todd Esque described many
situations where buffelgrass spreads along
Buffelgrass does have some redeeming
qualities and is not invasive everywhere. It’s
reported to increase productivity of livestock
and could stabilize tailings at mines.
Buffelgrass is an important pasture grass in
Texas and many parts of the tropics, mainly
because of its low cost to establish, high
yields and high level of nutrients, tolerance
to drought conditions and crop pests, and
its ability to withstand heavy grazing and
trampling by livestock. It is often touted
for its ability to increase the flow of milk in
cattle and give a sleek and glossy appearance
to their coats. Buffelgrass has also been used
as a folk remedy for kidney pain, tumors,
sores and wounds.
leaves the roadside, it moves up on southfacing slopes in rocky terrain. He has seen
the grass ascending hillsides in southern
Arizona and Mexico. Buffelgrass thrives
particularly well in converted grasslands
in the plains of Sonora, but also advances
into intact desert, and has the potential
to become a serious wildland weed in
Hawai’i, buffelgrass was planted for erosion
control but is now replacing native pili
grass, Heteropogon contortus.
Buffelgrass carries fire. Mexican ranchers
are planting buffelgrass as a forage species,
but it, along with other exotic perennial
grasses such as red brome (Bromus rubens)
and fountain grass (Pennisetum setaceum),
has the dramatic ability to carry fires in
non-fire-adapted communities,
destroying palo verde and
Native Range and Exotic
saguaro habitats. By introducing
fire on a landscape scale in
Buffelgrass is native
habitats long considered
to East Africa, Arabia,
fireproof, buffelgrass not only
Canary Islands, Madagascar,
threatens human life and
Indonesia, northern India, and
property, but also compromises
Pakistan. Buffelgrass has been
the value of the surrounding
introduced into many tropical
deserts for biological
and subtropical areas, where
conservation, ecological
it can be found from sea level
research, and ecotourism. Tom
to 2000 meters. It usually
van Devender explains that by
requires summer moisture and
changing the fire regime in this
is not naturally cold-tolerant.
way, buffelgrass can transform
It is believed that buffelgrass
Sonoran Desert cactus
was first introduced to
woodlands into grasslands
Buffelgrass spreads rapidly along roadsides in the Southwest. Photo cour- within several years after its
Australia via the harnesses
tesy Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum.
of Afgan camels, and is also
introduction. Many native
found in South America and
species, such as saguaro, are not
the West Indies.
Widespread use of buffelgrass for pasture fire-adapted and their numbers are greatly
increases opportunities to spread from
reduced by the more frequent and more
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
severe fires associated with the unnatural
(USDA) first brought the plant to the US in cultivation. Cultivars have been developed
accumulation of fuel left aboveground by
1948 as a forage species. It has been detected with increased growth rates, ranges of
tolerance to different environmental
dried buffelgrass.
in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas,
conditions, and disease resistance. The
Louisiana, Mississippi, Florida, Missouri,
Response to the Invasion
USDA-ARS is even breeding a cold-tolerant
New York, Hawai’i (the islands of O’ahu,
Although initially thought to be an
strain, ‘Frio.’ If these cultivars are successful
Maui, and Hawai’i), Puerto Rico and the
important practice to boost rangeland
US Virgin Islands. It is also a valued pasture and escape, which seems inevitable, then
buffelgrass could spread much farther north. productivity, buffelgrass planting is now
grass in Texas and has been until recently a
controversial. Some ranchers are starting
minor pasture crop in California’s Imperial
Worst Weedy Characteristics
to experience the ecosystem impacts
Buffelgrass displaces native species.
of buffelgrass on the land. One WAB
Buffelgrass was introduced to Sonora
According to research presented at WAB,
presentation stated that the practice of
in 1958. The Mexican government has
buffelgrass removal resulted in increases
removing native desert vegetation before
promoted buffelgrass as forage, and its
in nitrate, ammonia and net nitrogen
seeding with buffelgrass leads to a loss
cultivation often involves bulldozing the
mineralization rates in both converted
in net primary production from land
native vegetation before seeding. This
grassland and intact desert. The mechanism
conversion. George Koch works with one
practice severely degrades the native plant
driving the decline of native herbaceous
Mexican rancher near Hermosillo who
communities. Tom van Devender of the
species in the presence of buffelgrass appears planted buffelgrass on his ranch for cattle
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum estimates it to be competition for limiting resources,
and also manages his ranch for high value
covers more than one million hectares in the slowing nutrient cycling and occupation
game species (deer and big horn sheep).
state of Sonora, Mexico.
of space. Therefore, buffelgrass threatens
The rancher is concerned that buffelgrass
native diversity by competitively acquiring
may displace the native vegetation that
Buffelgrass is increasing rapidly in the
nutrients, increasing its own biomass and
these native game species prefer. Alejandro
borderlands between the United States and
leaving fewer nutrients for native plant
Castellanos of the University of Sonora,
Mexico. Yuma County, Arizona, is taking
buffelgrass infestation very seriously because growth. For example, buffelgrass is replacing Hermosillo, underscored this point. He
native herbs and shrubs in the xerophytic
the extra fuel load creates a fire hazard.
scrub of the Chihuahuan Desert. Also, in
Todd Esque finds that once buffelgrass
continued on page 10
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
2006 Symposium: Sonoma County
Panelists for the research and management forum were (from right)
Catherine Parks (USFS), Erika Zavaleta (UC Santa Cruz), Pete Holloran (UC Santa Cruz), Jodie Holt (UC Riverside), Joe DiTomaso (UC
Davis), John Randall (The Nature Conservany, partially hidden), Carla
Bossard (St. Mary’s College of California), Jaymee Martee (The Nature
Conservancy), Mike Kelly (Los Penasquitos Canyon Preserve), and
Christy Brigham (National Park Service). Dan Gluesenkamp of Audubon Canyon Ranch moderated.
…and the Field Course
Top right: Director Ruth Coleman of California State Parks gave a rousing keynote address.
Joanna Clines (USFS), Dave Bakke (USFS), and Joel Trumbo (CDFG)
leada Discussion Group on the use of herbicides in restoration work.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
A field course on”Tools for Early Detection” was attended by
80 people the day before the Symposium. At top, an exercise
to measure patch density; at bottom, GPS tools used for early
Top left: Cal-IPC Executive
Director Doug Johnson presents
the 2006 Policy Award to
Assemblyman Dave Cogdill (RModesto), as well as his Legislative
Director Erin Cogdill and Andrea
Fox of the California Farm Bureau
Federation (not pictured) for their work renewing funding to the state’s
Weed Management Area program. Top right: Sharon Farrell (left) of the
Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy and Maria Alvarez of the Golden
Gate National Recreation Area were honored with Catalyst Awards for
their exceptional contributions over the last 15 years to some of the state’s
most highly regarded programs in invasive plant control and outreach.
Sharon and Maria helped fete Cal-IPC founder Greg Archbald, winner
of the Jake Sig Award for Vision and Service. John Watson of the Cache
Creek Conservancy was the recipient of this year’s Golden Weed Wrench
Award for Land Manager of the Year. Bottom right: Bobbi Simpson (left)
presented Stassia Samuels of Redwood National and State Parks with the
Weedzilla Award for National Park Service Land Manager of the Year.
Above, top: Cal-IPC Board member Marla Knight with a luxury birdhouse, one of the raffle
prizes. Above: Doug Gibson, San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy and Cal-IPC board member-elect,
and Cindy Burrascano, San Diego Chapter of CNPS. Left: Marc Lea knows what he wants in
the raffle. Below: Learning about brooms and restoration at Lake Lagunitas on the field trip to
the Marin Municipal Water District.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Weeds, 1st Place:
“Fennel glacier” on Santa Cruz Island. Peter
Weed Workers,
1st Place: Cape
Ivy Re-MooVal along
Hwy 1. Bruce
Weed Workers, 2nd Place:
10-year-old lost in fennel.
Peter Schuyler.
Weeds, 2nd Place:
Jeep lost in fennel. Peter Schuyler.
This year’s categories were
condensed into Weed
Workers and Weeds.
Winners received framed
8”x10” photos of their
winning entry and a
stylish Cal-IPC t-shirt.
Weeds, 3rd
Place: Arundo
through a car
seat on the
Santa Clara
River. Anna
Weed Workers, 3rd Place: Rolling back
the cape ivy carpet, Golden Gate
Nat’l Recreation Area. Libby VanWyhe,
submitted by Tanya Baxter
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Bristly OxTongue.
Doug Burgess.
Weed Management Areas
Annual meeting in Woodland
Weed Management Areas (WMAs) bring together local landowners
and managers (private and public) to combat locally problematic
invasive weeds. WMAs are organized according to county, multicounty, or other notable geographical area, and together cover
every inch of California. This September, the Heidrick Agricultural
History Center in Woodland hosted the 8th annual statewide WMA
meeting. The meeting featured panel discussions on permitting
and on maximizing WMA success; a presentation on promoting
weed awareness modeled on Montana’s successful program; a debut
of new treatment and control techniques; and regional breakoutsessions to establish local weed-control priorities.
But the section of the meeting that inspired a wave of better
posture and frantic note taking covered a familiar subject: funding!
In June, the California state budget passed with $1.5 million in
general funds for the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture to
support the WMA program. CDFA is charged with distributing the
money to the WMAs, and Steve Schoenig of CDFA outlined the
request for proposals that will determine the allocation of funds.
Rather than distribute the money evenly to all WMAs regardless
of size, funds will be allocated according to specific project needs.
Even though most attendees were deep in thought on the topic of
proposals, most were able to relax for a few hours Thursday night
during a barbecue at the Yolo Land and Cattle Company.
Thanks for supporting renewed
WMA funding
Funding for the WMA program was renewed in large part because
so many organizations sent letters of support. In our summer issue
we acknowledged over 100 organizations that provided letters, but
we inadvertantly missed some organizations. A big thanks for their
invaluable support of this important program.
Statewide Organizations:
• California Association of Pest Control Advisers
• California Council of Land Trusts
Regional and Local Organizations:
• CA Native Plant Society, El Dorado Chapter
• Contra Costa Resource Conservation District
• Fresno County Board of Supervisors
• Glenn County Board of Supervisors
• Honey Lake Valley Resource Conservation District
• Kern County Board of Supervisors
• Kern County Department of Agriculture &
• Lake County Weed Management Area Partnership
• Mariposa County Board of Supervisors
• Merced County Board of Supervisors
• Napa County Board of Supervisors
• San Diego County Department of Agriculture, Weights &
• San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors
• San Luis Obispo Department of Agriculture
and Measurement
• Santa Barbara County Agricultural
Commissioner’s Office
• Shasta County Department of Agriculture/
Weights & Measures
• Shasta County WMA
• Sierra-Cascade Land Trust Council
• Solano County Weed Management Area
• Tulare County Board of Supervisors
Outreach Associate Melissa Dozier displays the new Cal-IPC exhibit at the State WMA
meeting. Photo: Bob Case.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Buffelgrass continued from page 5…
says, “There is apparently no replacement
for buffel in the near future. Ranchers
are probably decreasing hectareage by
themselves as they realize that buffel may be
displacing other species that may be more
profitable for wildlife as they change from
cattle ranching to hunting grounds on their
del Estado de Sonora), a research branch
sponsored by the Sonora state government
and the state cattle growers association in
Sonora, but no real promotion has been
made for them since they are apparently
no match for buffel’s high biomass
Eradication and Control Efforts
The key to the successful control of
buffelgrass is preventing new infestations
or beginning control efforts while the
infestation is still small and manageable.
Todd Esque described an experience when
he was driving to Hoover Dam and saw
buffelgrass on the roadside. He stopped
and collected samples for the herbaria and
later went back to remove it. “We don’t
want it to get down
to Lake Mead,” Esque
affirmed. Buffelgrass
has a high degree of
reproductive vigor, wide
adaptability, and few
pests and predators. It is
difficult to manage once
firmly established. Esque
believes windblown
seeds are the biggest
obstacle to effective
control. Seeds also
travel on vehicles.
He recommends
prioritizing small,
outlying populations
of buffelgrass for
eradication. Eradication
is possible if the
Taking a census of buffelgrass near Magdalena, Sonora. Most of infestation is caught
the herbaceous plants have disappeared. Photo courtesy Arizonaearly, but it takes a
Sonora Desert Museum.
much more extensive
community effort once
the population moves away from roadsides.
Arizona, especially along roadways, and
Then it’s no longer just a Department of
in 2005, Arizona listed buffelgrass as a
Transportation problem, but a regional
prohibited noxious weed.
problem. The best control of buffelgrass will
Kika de la Garza of the USDA-NRCS
likely occur with the use of an integrated
Plant Materials Center in Texas is evaluating
management approach. Manual and
native grasses to replace buffelgrass on
mechanical methods, followed by another
rangelands and wildlife areas. So far, studies
control treatment (such as an herbicide
show that only shortspike windmillgrass
spray to control for new seedlings) for
(Chloris subdolichostachya) establishes in
several years, must be followed by active
a buffelgrass plot. The NRCS and the
restoration efforts to obtain desired results.
USGS are seeking research on buffelgrass
Manual: The long, dense root mass
impacts to native ecosystems and control
makes manual removal difficult. All
methods. Alejandro Castellanos explains,
pieces of the root must be removed or
“Some alternative native grasses have been
resprouting may occur. The Sonoran Weed
studied under experimental conditions at
CIPES (Centro de Investigaciones Pecuarias Whackers have much experience in this
Tucson, Arizona, has an extensive
buffelgrass problem. Buffelgrass fires in
urban and suburban Tucson are growing
more frequent, suggesting that immediate
action is required before buffelgrass fires
become the dominant driver in local
ecosystems. In the past decade, buffelgrass
has expanded rapidly across southern
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
area. The Southern Chapter of the Arizona
Native Plant Society coordinates the weed
whackers program, through which over
500 volunteers have cleared an estimated
8,000 acres of buffelgrass and fountain grass
infestations in the Tucson Mountains.
Mechanical/Cultural: Buffelgrass
withstands cutting and grazing. Cutting or
grazing the grass 5-10 cm from the ground
actually increases plant growth.
Biological: It has no serious pest
problems except a fungal blight caused by
Magnaporthe grisea.
Chemical: Cost-benefit trials by Todd
Esque showed that the most effective
treatment is Roundup application. Todd
recommends: “Just spraying gives the same
results as all the other techniques, but it is
much cheaper unless you have an army of
Where do we stand?
In conclusion, buffelgrass is a threat to
California due to proximity to Arizonan and
Mexican infestations and the value of the
desert ecosystems at risk. Since buffelgrass
is opportunistic, Todd Esque warns that it
seems like Tucson’s problem could occur in
any municipality in southern California.
Buffelgrass likes summer monsoon rains,
which the California portion of the Sonoran
Desert has less of than Tuscon, giving us
a slight advantage. Any vacant lot with
excess runoff throughout the year would
make good habitat for buffelgrass. There
are herbarium records for buffelgrass
in California. It is also present in Yuma
County, Arizona, along Interstate-8 at the
doorstep of California. Judging by what
buffelgrass is capable of in our neighboring
states, and due to the severe fire hazard that
buffelgrass presents, it seems wise to remove
plants from California. After removing
buffelgrass, consider planting native species
or non-invasive alternatives in the area so
new buffelgrass seedlings will be less likely
to establish.
Information Sources
Arizona Dept. of Agriculture, List of Prohibited,
Regulated, and Restricted Noxious Weeds:
Arizona Native Plant Society, Sonoran Desert
Buffelgrass in Australia:
Buffelgrass in Arizona and Sonora: www.
USGS study on buffelgrass and fire: www.werc.
The Nature Conservany Weed Alert: tncweeds.
Mandy Tu, The Nature Conservany Stewardship
USDA-NRCS Plant Materials Program:
Weeds Across Borders 2006 Proceedings (in
Tutorial for Identification and Removal of
Contact the author at The
author thanks Todd Esque, U.S. Geological
Survey, Henderson, NV (todd_esque@; George Koch, Northern Arizona
University, Flagstaff; Alejandro Castellanos,
University of Sonora, Hermosillo; Jim
Weigand, Bureau of Land Management,
Sacramento; and Tom Van Devender,
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, for providing
information for this article.
Cartoon from The New Yorker, September 4, 2006.
Invasive Ornamental Plant Guide Wins Award
Carolyn Martus, San Diego Chapter of the California Native Plant Society
The San Diego County Invasive Ornamental Plant Guide
published by the San Diego Chapters of the American Society
of Landscape Architects (ASLA) and California Native Plant
Society (CNPS) was awarded “Outstanding Environmental
Resource Document” at the Association of Environmental
Planners annual awards banquet on September 21, 2006.
The guide was produced and distributed by ASLA-SD and
CNPS-SD for the primary purpose of educating landscape
professionals and the general public regarding the cultivation,
selection, use, and management of non-native and/or invasive
flora in San Diego regional landscapes. The guide is of special
importance in “urban interface” areas where natural vegetation
and man-made landscapes come into close contact. The guide
provides a list of plants in two categories: most invasive and
moderately invasive. The complete guide is available online at
Pictured accepting the award at right are Carolyn Martus
(President, San Diego Chapter of CNPS), Scott Sandel
(member of both ASLA-SD and CNPS-SD) and Melanie
Johnson-Rocks (volunteer, CNPS-SD).
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Seed production in Arundo donax?
Maile Johnson1, Tom Dudley1 and Casey Burns2. 1Marine Science Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-6150; 2USDA
The invasion of California riparian
areas by Arundo donax (arundo, or
giant reed) continues despite efforts
to control its spread, and there
remains some uncertainty as to
how it is able to do so. Arundo can
establish monocultural stands from
fragmented rhizomes distributed
by flooding with many wellknown impacts to ecosystems and
biodiversity (Else 1996, Decruyeneare
& Holt 2005), but the question of
whether seed production plays any
role in this invasion is frequently
cited, yet not adequately answered.
No viable seed production has been
observed and no seedling has ever
been reported here (Bell 1997,
Dudley 2000, Boose and Holt 1998,
Else 1996, Spencer 2005), but no
study has definitively confirmed this
statement nor addressed the issue of
sexual reproduction in arundo. For
this reason, we conducted a study
of reproductive structures from
arundo found in California and
other infested regions, to determine
whether seed production and viability
could be documented.
identifying developing ovules.
From each plume approximately
200 florets were scanned under a
dissecting microscope to establish
presence of any developing
structures. We gently peeled back
the lemma and the palea with forceps
to expose the ovule, and if there
was any evidence of seed or ovule
development the samples were placed
into a Petri dish and stored at 4ºC.
The criteria we used to distinguish an
inactive ovule from a developing one
were the following: if it showed an
obvious increase in size, if it looked
swollen, if it appeared to have a hard,
or hardening, seed coat, or if an
embryo was visible. We observed a
total of roughly 36,666 florets, from
which 43 ovules were suspected as
possibly being developing ovules.
These originated from only three
sites within the Los Angeles River
watershed (Los Angeles River near
Griffith Park, and nearby from the
San Gabriel River), collected between
17 November and 18 December,
Laboratory Testing
Arundo produces flowering cymes
The putative developing
(plumes) toward the end of the
Arundo donax along the Santa Clara River. Photo: Tom Dudley
ovules were tested with tetrazolium
growing season, from approximately
to determine whether actively
mid-autumn through late winter.
Approach and Findings
metabolizing embryo tissue was present. The
Their presence and abundance vary widely
tetrazolium test (TZ test) is a standardized
among regions and stands, and the specific
To provide comprehensive coverage
procedure for evaluating seed viability for a
environmental or biological cue to promote
across the region, we requested that cowide range of plant types, including grasses.
flower growth has yet to be identified, but
operators collect plumes at the appropriate
The TZ test detects live tissue by staining
there does seem to be a general pattern in
time in their areas. Co-operators provided
a red/pink color on contact with hydrogen
North America of increased flowering as
a total of 244 plumes from late September
derived from enzymatic activity associated
one moves from north to south. The plume to early February, from 31 collection sites
with embryo respiration (Garay 2002).
is typically borne on mature stalks, its size
representing California, Nevada, Colorado,
Ovules were exposed to a 0.5% tetrazolium
ranging from about 20 to 45 cm or more
New Mexico, Texas, Nuevo Leon (northern
salt solution for 24 hours, and evidence of
in length. Plumes contain many hundreds
Mexico), Georgia and Washington D.C.;
staining was monitored at one hour, five, 12
of spikelets, each containing two to six
22 of these were from northern and
and 24 hour intervals (Peters 2000).
florets. In each floret and enclosed within
southern California. At some sites plumes
the lemma and palea we observed all the
were collected periodically throughout the
Five ovules displayed distinctive
essential reproductive structures: one ovule,
flowering season to increase the chance
staining patterns suggesting the presence
two stigmata and three anthers, all distinct
of finding seed in a mature state, while
of dehydrogenase activity. These may have
characteristics of the Poaceae family.
other sites yielded only one collection date.
been viable embryos with the potential to
Immature flowers were still suitable for
develop into seed, although no true seed
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
was ever found. Generally, the TZ test is
used on mature seeds to determine percent
viability of the samples, but given the
extremely limited ovule sample size we only
report absolute numbers. Remaining chaff
that potentially held additional developing
‘seed’ was placed onto moist sand in nursery
flats (covered with clear plastic to retain
moisture) to test whether any germination
would occur, but no germination was
Conclusion and Interpretation
If the TZ staining correctly indicated
developing tissue, a total of five developing
ovules were derived from a single general
location. In the previous year there was
suggestion of possible seed production
from a single location in Ventura County
(D. Kanthack and D. Dyer, pers. comm.),
although that site showed no evidence of
viable reproductive tissue during this study.
This may indicate that the environmental
conditions necessary to stimulate
reproduction, if reproduction is occurring
at all, may be highly specific and not
frequently encountered. The 2005 season
was unusually wet in California, which
may have reduced the tendency to produce
flowering structures by arundo because
there is anecdotal evidence that low soil
moisture plays a role in stimulating flower
This study indicates that arundo may
be capable of producing seed, albeit in very
low numbers and the results cannot be
considered definitive. Whether hypothetical
‘seeds’ could germinate and survive in
a natural habitat also remains an open
question, but this and other ecological
questions can only be addressed if viable
seed production can be documented in
the future. Therefore, targeted studies
will continue in 2006 to better establish
whether fertilization and seed development
are possible. Of equal interest will be to
identify the physiological mechanisms that
cause plants to be sterile in most, if not all,
cases (we did not have sufficient material to
evaluate whether fertilization preceded ovule
production). Pollen production appeared to
be low, so it is possible that male sterility is a
factor limiting fertilization.
The extreme rarity of ovule development
in Arundo donax can be interpreted to mean
it is unlikely to be of ecological significance.
Other invasive plants are known to maintain
and expand populations based largely on
asexual reproductive tactics, such as water
hyacinth and other aquatic species which
form daughter plants that disperse and
form large masses, but these generally
produce seed as well. The capacity for
multiple reproductive tactics is a common
trait for successful invaders (Reichard and
Hamilton 1997), so it is unusual for a weed
as successful as arundo to effectively have no
sexual reproduction.
The essential lack of sexual reproduction
also means that genetic diversity, or
variation available for natural selection
of invasive traits, should be low, as
Khudamrongsawa et al. (2004) verified in
arundo at the Santa Ana River. Apomixis
(diploid seed produced without fertilization)
is a means of asexual reproduction that
allows rapid production of propagules by
some invasive plants (e.g. dandelions), but
the lack of genetic variability may limit
invasive potential, as indicated by the
greater success of out-crossing Cortaderia
selloana compared with asexual Cortaderia
jubata (Lambrinos 2001).
Thus, arundo remains one of the few
cases in which a serious invader may not
depend on sexual reproduction nor seed
production at all. Its continuing invasion
relies on exceptionally robust rhizomes for
population re-distribution and expansion.
Despite the fact that no seedlings have yet
been found in the field, there is now a slight
suggestion that new populations could be
established from seed dispersal. The case for
seed production may not be fully closed,
but the remarkable success of this plant
certainly depends on other factors (e.g.
nutrient augmentation, altered hydrology,
lack of natural controls) that warrant further
We appreciate the advice of Brent
Miller (UC Santa Barbara) regarding
grass reproductive physiology and David
Dyer (USDA-NRCS, Fresno) on seed
viability testing. Dennis Kanthack (Ventura
Co. Watershed Protection District) was
instrumental in initiating this study. We
especially thank Rebecca Harris for her
time at the scope, and Adam Lambert
provided stimulating input on invasive grass
biology. We thank the following people for
providing material for analysis: Kim Allison,
David Chang, Gretchen Coffman, Karen
Gaffney, John Goolsby, Kelly Lyons, Cindy
Montepegano, Bill Neill, Rose Roberts,
Dennis Kanthack, Dave Hubbard, Shea
Valero, G. Harter, Steve Morgan, Reyes
Garcia, D. A. Hendrickson, Rose Roberts,
Heather Baurman; and the grand prize goes
to Sabrina Drill (UC Coop. Extension) for
providing the sole evidence that arundo
sex may be possible. The Santa Clara River
Trustees Council provided support for
this work through Fish & Wildlife Service
Agreement No. 81440-G021, facilitated by
Denise Steurer.
Bell, G. 1997. Ecology and management of Arundo
donax, and approaches to the riparian habitat
restoration in southern Calif. Pp. 103-113 in
Brock, J., Wade, M., Pysek, P., Green, D. (eds.)
Plant invasions: Studies from No. America and
Boose, A. and J.S. Holt. 1999. Environmental
effects of on asexual reproduction in Arundo
donax. Weed Research 39:117-127.
Decruyenaere, J.G. and J.S. Holt. 2005. Ramet
demography of a clonal invader, Arundo donax
(Poaceae), in So. Calif. Plant Soil 277:41–52.
Dudley, T.L. 2000. Arundo donax L. Pp. 53-58
in C.C. Bossard, J.M. Randall, and M.C
Hoshovsky (eds), Invasive Plants of California’s
Wildlands. Univ. Calif. Press.
Ekstam, B. and Forseby, A. 1999. Germination
response of Phragmites autralis and Typha
latifolia to diurnal fluctuations in temperature.
Seed Science Research. 9:157-163.
Else, J. A. 1996. Post-flood establishment of native
woody species and an exotic, Arundo Donax,
in a southern California riparian system. MS
thesis. San Diego St. Univ.
Garay, A. and Elias, S. 2005. The value of the
tetrazolium (TZ) test. Oregon St. Univ. www.
Khudamrongsawa, J., R. Tayyar and J.S. Holt.
2004. Genetic diversity of giant reed (Arundo
donax) in the Santa Ana River, California. Weed
Science 52:395-405.
Lambrinos, J.G. 2001. The expansion history of
a sexual and asexual species of Cortaderia in
California. J. Ecology 89:88-98.
Peters, J. (ed). 2000. Tetrazolium testing handbook.
Assoc. Official Seed Analysts, Contrib. No. 29.
New Mexico.
Reichard S.H. and C.W. Hamilton. 1997.
Predicting invasions of woody plants introduced
into North America. Conserv. Biol. 11:193203.
Spencer, D., G. Ksander, and L. Whitehand. 2005.
Spatial and temporal variation in RGR and leaf
quality of a clonal riparian plant: Arundo donax.
Aq. Biol. 81:27-36.
Contact Tom Dudley at tdudley@msi.ucsb.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Thanks to the 2006 Symposium Sponsors for their support!
Gold Sponsors: Agri-Chemical & Supply, Inc. – California Native Plant Society – Cal-Native Plants – CDFA
Integrated Pest – Control Branch – Clean Lakes, Inc. – Ecosystems Restoration Associates – RECON
Environmental, Inc. – Restoration Design Group, LLC – UC Exotic/Invasive Pests & Diseases Research
Silver Sponsors: Cygnet Enterprises, Inc. – DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. – Hedgerow Farms – Mission RCD: Santa
Margarita & San Luis Rey – Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Bronze Sponsors: Center for Invasive Plant Management – Dendra, Inc. – Dow Agrosciences – Habitat West,
Inc. – Intelli-Spray, Inc. – Los Angeles Conservation Corps – Monsanto Company – National Park Service: CA
Invasive Plant Management Team – Shelterbelt Builders – Target Specialty Products – UAP Distribution, Inc.
– Ventura County RCD
Green Sponsors: California Native Grasslands Association – Center for Natural Lands Management – Dudek
& Associates – East Bay Chapter of the CA Native Plant Society – Environmental Science Associates – Regional
Council of Rural Counties – San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy – Wilbur-Ellis Co.
Raising local awareness with the Cal-IPC Speakers’ Bureau
Melissa Dozier, Cal-IPC Outreach Associate
I may be biased – after all, I am the outreach associate – but I believe that combating invasive
wildland weeds requires increased public awareness about the issue. To spread the word at the
local level, Cal-IPC developed the Speakers’ Bureau, a network of people ready to give talks
on weeds to local organizations. Speakers are equipped with two complete PowerPoint
presentations, targeted to general and gardening audiences (just imagine–reaching your
local garden club!).
The Speakers’ Bureau provides a network of Cal-IPC speakers for local groups,
while providing speakers with ready-to-go materials and information to make it easy.
Here’s how it works. The Speaker’s Bureau divides California into nine sections, each
with a regional coordinator. When Cal-IPC receives a request for a talk, the regional
coordinator in that area finds an available speaker from the network. We’re always
looking for more speakers, and we still need regional coordinators in Southern California.
Don’t be shy–remember that Cal-IPC will send you written outlines for each PowerPoint
presentation, as well as answers to frequently asked questions and fact sheets to prepare you
for common questions. That way you don’t need to worry about being blindsided by common
conundrums such as: “Doesn’t the introduction of invasive plants increase biodiversity (and isn’t that a
good thing)?” Even though Cal-IPC provides the presentations and outlines, speakers are free to alter them to fit their
own personal style and strengths.
With the Speakers’ Bureau, you can reach:
Watershed/restoration/trail work volunteers
Garden clubs
Book clubs, neighborhood groups, homeowners’ associations
Environmental education centers – staff and students
Outdoor Clubs: hiking, kayaking, fishing, ATV, etc.
Birding clubs
High school or college environmental clubs
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Make contact…
The sidebar (at left) lists just a few examples of Speakers’
Bureau audiences. Many groups are interested in invasives–one
of our Bay Area speakers recently gave a talk to a woodworker’s
club! If you know a group in your area that might be interested in a talk, or if you’d like to join the Speakers’ Bureau,
contact Melissa at 510-843-3902 or The
CD above could be yours!
New and Contributing Members
Thank you for your generous support! This list reflects new members and donors since the last newsletter.
New Members
Chad Aakre, Rocklin – Christine Alford,
Woodland – Rachel Alford, San Francisco
– Jeff Alvarez, Sacramento – Thomas
Amesbury, Grass Valley – Chanthy An,
Sausalito – Tom Annese, San Francisco
– Gavin Archbald, San Francisco – William
Arenander, Santa Rosa – Andrea Austel,
Concord – Alyssa Babin, San Francisco
– Bruce Badzik, San Francisco – Regina
Ball, Lompoc – Patrick Band, Santa Rosa
– Michael Bankosh, Los Altos – David
Bates, Hollister – Heather Bauman,
Windsor – Jerome Beatty, Prineville, OR
– Susie Bennett, San Francisco – Jacob
Bentley, Soquel – Gisele Block, Petaluma
– Michael Bower, Davis – Heather Brady,
Carmel – Chris Bramham, San Rafael
– Martha Breed, Lafayette – Ronald
Brown, Salinas – Scott Butterfield, San
Luis Obispo – Kerry Byrne, Davis – Jim
Carnathan, Rocklin – Ken Collins, Moss
Landing – Coleen Cory, Ventura – Bill Cox
– Taya Cummins, Los Angeles – Rachel
Cunningham, Winters – Dave Davenport,
Tiburon – Jay Davison, Fallon, NV- Mark
Dedon, San Ramon – Serena Dennis,
Sausalito – Lisa DiGirolamo, San Francisco
– Tjut Djohan, Moraga – Brendan Dolan,
Los Altos – Ray Dorsey, Opelika, AL
– James Dougherty, San Francisco – Susan
Dunlap, Menlo Park – Kevan Eden, Yolo
– Beth Eisenberg, Pt. Reyes Station – Mark
Eiswerth, Whitewater, WI – Terri Ely,
Sacramento – Tracy Condeso, Marshall
– Valerie Eviner, Davis – Schuyler Feekes,
Windsor – Jessica Ferguson, Windsor
– Shannon Fiala, Napa – Shannon Flarity,
Sawyers Bar – Alisa Flint, San Clemente
– Michele Forys, Trinidad – Peter Frye, San
Rafael – Andre Gauthier, Windsor – Baird
Gillespie, San Francisco – Chris Glover,
Anderson – Sarah Godfrey, Felton – Mark
Grayshock, Menifee – Dave Griffiths,
San Francisco – Joel Grogan, Eldridge
– Mike Harris, Anderson – Steve Harris,
Los Altos – Dylan Hayes, San Francisco
– Brittany Heck, Penngrove – Jonathan
Heintz, Roseville – Nicole Heller, Palo Alto
– Renita Herrmann, San Francisco – Tom
Hesseldenz, Mt. Shasta, Brian Hildebidle,
San Francisco – Robert Hobbs, San Diego
– Mark Hodge, Riverside – Michael
Hogan, Tahoe City – Charlie Hohn,
San Fernando – Andrew Holguin, Davis
– Anna Huber, Ventura – Matt Hufford,
Gold River – Rachel Hutchinson, Davis
– Lisa Infante, Los Altos – Rachel Irish,
Corona – Jesse Irwin, Fremont – Courtney
Johnson, Sacramento – Noelle Johnson,
Windsor – Ryan Jones, San Francisco
– Jennifer Jordan, Glen Ellen – Jay Kasheta,
Westlake Village – John Kenney, Moss
Landing – Stephanie Kierejczyk, Fresno
– Chuck Kozak, Montara – David Kratville,
Sacramento – Ken Krout, Geyserville
– Nancy LaGrille, Arroyo Grande – Adam
Lambert, Santa Barbara – Pablo LeiraDoce – Cassandra Liu, Point Reyes Station
– Roselynn Lwenya, Porterville – Florence
Maly, Fresno – Jaymee Marty, Galt Thomas J. McNabb, Westlake Village
– Sean McNeil, Windsor – Liz Meyer,
Hollister – Mike Millar, Windsor – Alan
Mitchnick, Washington, DC – Shane
Morgan, Windsor – Kerry Myers, Forest
Falls – Bonnie Nash, Fountain Valley
– Holden Neal, Los Altos – Geoff Newman,
Elk Grove – Ed Nishikawa, Concord
– Jon O’Brien, Davis – Rachel O’Malley
– Brendan O’Neil, Duncans Mills – Mary
Pakenham-Walsh, Sacramento – Catherine
Parks, La Grande, OR – Mike Parks, Santa
Fe Springs – Mary K. Paul, Monterey
– Todd Pederson, Sacramento – Michael
Peterson, Sacramento – Richard Puskar,
Bishop – Sarah Ratay, Avalon – Brent Reed,
Windsor – Bill Reid, Santa Cruz – Mike
Ritenour, Sacramento – Tara Roark, El
Portal – Dave Roe, Santa Cruz – Tim Romo,
Redlands – Scott Ruch, Berkeley – Stassia
Samuels, Orick – Santa Rosa Rancheria,
Lemoore – Aleutia Scott, San Francisco
– Kevin Scrivner, Katy, TX – Bryan Sesser,
Eldridge – Robyn Sherrill, Penngrove – Jan
Shriner, Santa Cruz – Scott Smith, Katy,
TX – Lise Smith-Peters, Chico – Elizabeth
Speith, Sausalito – Jessica Spencer, Las
Vegas, NV- Monica Stafford, San Francisco
– Jil Swearingen, Washington, DC – Mary
Tamburro, San Diego – Kathy Teare, Aptos
– Louis Terrazas, Petaluma – Bart Topping,
O’Neals – BJ Trading, Central Point, OR
– Anna Vasquez, Windsor – Ralph Vigil,
Rocklin – Katie VinZant, Fawnskin – Chris
Wagner, Big Bear Lake – Greg Wahl, San
Ramon – Eloise Warren, San Francisco
– Jaime Weyler, Menifee – Valerie Yep, San
Francisco – Lisa Young, San Diego – Erika
Zavaleta, Santa Cruz
Gladys Baird, Encinitas – Stephen
Batchelder, Crockett – Robert Berman,
Pacific Grove – Bob Case, Concord – David
Chang, Santa Barbara – John Copeland,
Chico – Joseph DiTomaso, Davis – Tom
Dodson and Associates, San Bernadino
– EDAW, Inc., Sacramento – Norman C.
Frank, Berkeley – Ken Himes, Belmont
– Ingrid Hogle, Berkeley – John Holloway,
The Sea Ranch – Carlyn Hyde, San
Francisco – Nancy Harris, Huntington
Beach – Glen Holstein, Davis – Ann
Howald, Sonoma – Carolyn Johnson,
Sebastopol – Charity Kenyon and Mike
Eaton, Galt – Jo Kitz, Woodland Hills
– Mark Langner, Bridgeport – T. Charles
Moore, Sunnyvale – Native Sons Nursery,
Arroyo Grande – Valerie Page, Apple Valley
– Tanya Quin, Thousand Oaks – Bree
and Stewart Richardson, Mountain View
– John Roberts, Sacramento – Lincoln
Smith, Albany – Jean Schacter, Portola
Valley – Jake Sigg, San Francisco – Jean
Starkweather, San Rafael – Donald and
Ruth Stiver, El Cerrito – Michael Thometz,
Campo – Edward Tuttle, Los Angeles
– Michael Van Dan, Beverly Hills – Jean
Vandevort, Felton – Bill Winans, San
Diego – Elaine Woodriff, Petaluma – Joann
Zlatunich, San Francisco
Raffle and Auction Donations
Barnaby’s Restaurant, Ron Bisio (Trimble
Navigation), Blackthorn Inn, Charlie
Blair, Christy Brigham, Bob Case, David
Chang, Janet Clark (Center for Invasive
Plant Management), Marie Denn, Joseph
DiTomaso, Teresa Elaine (Terri’s Home
Stay), Jennifer Erskine Ogden, Tom
Farella (Farella Park Wine), Lori Griffin,
Carol Hom, Jepson Herbarium, John
Knapp, Marla Knight, Laguna de Santa
Rosa Foundation, Lagunitas Brewery, Lori
Manrik, Casey May (Marin Municipal
Water District), Mark Newhouser, San
Diego Chapter, California Native Plant
Society, Seghesio Winery, Bobbi Simpson,
Sonoma DoubleTree Hotel, Shawn Taylor,
Sonoma Ecology Center, Nancy Vayhinger,
Peter Wellington, Wendy West and Kirk
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Wildlife and Invasive Plants:
Finding Common Ground to Protect Ecological Diversity
January 30-31, 2007
Portola Plaza Hotel, Monterey, CA
A joint symposium by Cal-IPC and the Western Section of The Wildlife Society (TWS)
Registration and other information at on the Annual Conference page,
or contact Elizabeth Brusati,, 510-843-3902.
Bringing together weed workers and wildlife biologists to discuss interactions between invasive plants and wildlife,
this symposium will be held in conjunction with the TWS-Western Section’s annual meeting. Invited speakers,
contributed papers, and posters.
Speakers include:
• Clare Aslan, UC Davis – Bird spread of invasive trees in California
• Dave Bakke, US Forest Service, Vallejo – USDA Forest Service pesticide risk assessments:
Methods, utility and limitations
• Cameron Barrows UC Riverside, Center for Natural Lands Management – Population,
community, and ecosystem consequences of an invasive plant in a desert sand dune
• Shawna Bautista, US Forest Service, Oregon – Summary of herbicide effects on wildlife
• Christy Brigham, Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area and Cal-IPC Board of
Directors – Considerations for wildlife biologists when working in areas with invasive plants
to prevent spreading weeds
• Sarah Chaney, Channel Islands National Park – Role of endemic island scrub jay in dispersal
and establishment of invasive Italian stone pine and Russian olive
• Todd Esque, US Geological Survey, Las Vegas – Impacts of invasive grasses on desert tortoise
• Erik Grijalva, San Francisco Estuary Invasive Spartina Project – San Francisco Estuary
Spartina control within California clapper rail habitat
• Rob Klinger, The Nature Conservancy, USGS, UC Davis – Impacts, effects, and food webs:
the importance of distinguishing conservation and ecological perspectives in animal-invasive
plant interactions
• J. Cully Nordby, UC Los Angeles – Impact of Spartina alterniflora invasion on resident bird
species in San Francisco Bay tidal salt marshes
• Peter Schuyler – Controlling invasive plants and animals: Observations and lessons from island
restoration projects
• Rick Sweitzer, University of North Dakota – Dispersal of invasive plants by bison and feral
• Joel Trumbo, California Department of Fish & Game – Potential wildlife impacts of herbicides
used in restoration: Background and current status
A poster session on the evening of January 30 will present current research on interactions among wildlife and
invasive plants in California, while a panel discussion on the morning of January 31 will allow speakers and the
audience to exchange information and ideas on balancing the plant and wildlife perspectives.
Photos: Santa Catalina island fox by Joe DiTomaso, yellow starthistle by Bob Case, nest in artichoke thistle by Janet Garcia.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Readings &
WMA Summary Report. The California
Department of Agriculture has released the
Noxious Weed Management Area Support
Program report, detailing the highlights of
the Weed Management Area projects funded
in 2000-04. Download the report at www.
Book. Math in the Garden, by the UC
Berkeley Botanic Garden and Lawrence
Hall of Science includes garden-related class
exercises suitable for grades K-8. $29.95 (on
sale for $19.95 as of 11/1/06). View sample
pages at
Aquatic Nuisance Species Identification
Cards. California Sea Grant produces 3”x
4” cards featuring photos of hydrilla, giant
salvinia, parrotfeather, and zebra mussels
on water-repellent stock with a grommet
for attaching to a key chain. $3.50/set for
Tool Review
agencies, $4.50 for the general public,
10% discount on multiple orders. Call
858-534-4446 or go to
and others about reducing the spread of
aquatic nuisance species, especially fouling
organisms on boats. Contact Jamie Gonzalez,
858-694-3414 or
New Book. Invasive Species of the Pacific
Northwest, edited by P. D. Boersma, S. H.
Reichard, and A. N. VanBuren, features
accounts of a wide variety of organisms that
are invasive in the Pacific Northwestern
States. Includes freshwater, marine, and
terrestrial plants; invertebrates; vertebrates;
and diseases. Each species account contains
maps, photos, and an overview of impacts.
Published by University of Washington
Press, 285 pp., $29.95.
Downloadable PSA. The Nature
Conservancy’s Invasive Species Initiative
is at it again, producing a Public Service
Announcement on rush skeletonweed
(Chondrilla juncea) to follow the previous
cinematic success of “KNOTWEED!” and
“Gill Man”. All three videos may be viewed
Hotline. The USFWS and USGS sponsor
an Aquatic Nuisance Species hotline, 1877-STOP-ANS (1-877-786-7267), where
the public can report sightings of aquatic
nuisance species or request information on
More Aquatic Species Materials. Sea Grant
also has a free bilingual (English/Spanish)
poster designed to educate boaters, fishers,
Starhill JAWZ
A California firm, Star Hill
JAWZ, has developed a
hydraulic tool to uproot
large woody plants. The tool
mounts onto a skid steer
loader, tractor, or mini-excavator, and can be used to
grab onto a woody stem at
ground level, lift the plant
out of the ground, shake off
loose soil, and carry to the
desired location. To date, the
tool has been used chiefly
in landscaping applications,
but its designers believe it
will prove equally useful for
invasives removal projects.
The units (regular and mini)
use a universal quick attach
mechanism for mounting.
Full specifications and a
DVD of the tool in action
are available.
For more information, see or
call 415-285-2707.
Have you tried a new tool for weed work? Share the information by submitting a review
to Cal-IPC News. Photos always encouraged.
Knotweed Resources. TNC also recently
added several resources on knotweed
(Polygonum cuspidatum), including
information on field practices and a
brochure produced in Oregon. http://
Database. The Global Invasive Species
Database has a new interface with
improved content and functions. The
database covers all taxonomic groups from
micro-organisms to animals and plants in
ecosystems across the world. New entries
include iceplant (Carpobrotus edulis) and
castor bean (Ricinis communis). www.issg.
Cal-IPC T-shirts for the spirited weed
worker! “Stop the invasion of wildland
weeds” on the back. We ran out of sage
shirts, but there are lots of white and navy
ones left over from the Symposium. Just
give us a call. Help spread the word and
look good doing it!
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Publications Available from Cal-IPC
Order at or call (510) 843-3902.
CA tax and shipping costs will be added.
Weeds of California and Other Western States
(two volumes)
Joseph DiTomaso and Evelyn Healy
UC Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2006
Identification guide to 750 weed species, with 3000
color photos. Detailed descriptions of morphology
and biology. Includes a CD-ROM with all photos.
Available December 2006. Price TBA.
Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands
Carla C. Bossard, John M. Randall and Marc
C. Hoshovsky, Eds. University of California
Press, 2000
Biology and control information on 70 of the
state’s worst wildand weeds. Maps, photos,
illustrations. 360 pp. $25.00
The Weed Workers’ Handbook
Aquatic and Riparian Weeds of the West
Joseph DiTomaso and Evelyn Healy
UC Agriculture & Natural Resources, 2003
Comprehensive identification guide to the West’s
riparian weeds. Photos, identification keys. 440 pp.
Cal-IPC and The Watershed Project, 2004
Biology and control information on 25 SF Bay
Area wildland weeds, plus background on organizing local projects. Illustrations. 120 pp. $9.20
Grass and Grass-like Weeds of California
California Invasive Plant Inventory
Joseph M. DiTomaso. California Weeds, 2004
Cal-IPC, 2006
Summarizes the impacts, potential for spread,
and distribution of more than 200 nonnative plants that invade wildlands in
California. 39 pp. Currently out of print.
Online pdf at
Menu-driven CD-ROM identification guide
to more than 200 invasive grasses and native
perennials used in restoration. Requires Windows
95 or higher, 650 MB free hard-drive space.
Broadleaf Weeds of California
Joseph M. DiTomaso. California Weeds,
Expert computer-based identification guide
to 722 broadleaf weeds of California.
Requires Windows 95 or higher. $40.00
Buy both CD-ROMs for $60.00
Don’t Plant a Pest! brochures
Wildland-safe alternatives to invasive plants sold
at nurseries. 14 panels. Choose: San Francisco Bay
Area, Southern California, Central Coast, Central
Valley, Sierra Foothills, Tahoe Basin, or Trees in
California. $30.00/100 brochures [up to 10 free]
Biological Pollution brochure
Describes ecological and economic impacts of invasive
plants in California for a general audience. Tri-fold.
$12.00/100 brochures; $110.00 /1000 brochures
[up to 10 free]
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
The Use of Fire as a Tool for
Controlling Invasive Plants
Joseph M. DiTomaso and Douglas W.
Johnson, Eds., 2006
Captures current state of knowledge on the
use of fire to manage invasive plants in
wildlands. 49 pp. $5.00
Yellow Starthistle Management Guide
Joseph M. DiTomaso, Guy B. Kyser, and Michael J. Pitcairn, 2006.
Comprehensive overview of treatment methods
for yellow starthistle. Approx. 78 pp.
Available December 2006. Free to 2007
Cal-IPC members.
2007 Cal-IPC Field Courses
We are finalizing the list of field courses
for next year. The cost for each oneday course will be approximately $125
for Cal-IPC members. The complete
schedule will be posted on the Cal-IPC
website ( For more
information on field courses, contact
Melissa Dozier, or
Tools & Techniques Courses:
March Los Angeles/Santa Monica area
Redding area
South San Francisco Bay Area
…plus, a new Mapping Course the day
before the Symposium (Sept. 19) in San
3rd International Fire Ecology and
Management Congress
November 13-17
San Diego, CA
Northern California Botanists
January 18-19, 2007
CSU Chico
Northern California Botanists is an
organization with the purpose of increasing
communication about botanical issues
in Northern California among agency,
consulting, and academic botanists.
Bay-Friendly Landscape Maintenance
Training & Qualification program
January 23-February 27
Oakland, CA
Landscape professionals in Alameda County
can learn sustainable practices and become
certified as a “Bay Friendly Business.” Class
meets Tuesdays.
Weed Science Society of America
February 5-8, 2007
San Antonio Texas
Evolutionary Change in Human-altered
Environments: An International Summit
February 8-10
UC Los Angeles
“When a place once full of ivy and eucalyptus starts to look and
smell like California, people get interested.”
Kitty Whitman, Presidio Park Stewards volunteer at Mountain Lake in San Francisco, Bay
Nature Magazine, Oct-Dec 2006
“Regulating the movement of plant and animal species based on
whether or not the fringe of the environmental movement considers
them ‘native’ or ‘non-native’ has very little to do with sound science and
very much to do with controlling private property.”
Peyton Knight, The National Center for Public Policy Research , regarding a letter signed by
numerous property rights groups and delivered to Senate Environmental and Public Works
Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-OK) warning about the invasive species legislation.
An international summit of evolutionary biologists, conservation practitioners,
and policy makers to synthesize current
knowledge and to begin to develop plans to
mitigate the effects.
National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week
February 25-March 2, 2007
Washington, D.C.
Weed workers from across the U.S. descend
on the Capitol to bring invasive plants to
the attention of Congress.
Invasive Weeds Day at the Capitol
March 14, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Join weed workers from around the state to
visit legislators.
Knotweed Symposium
March 14-15, 2007
Portland, OR
In conjunction with the Western Society of
Weed Science annual conference.
Society of Wetland Scientists
June 10-15, 2007
Sacramento, CA
Join an expected 750 wetlands biologists
from around the world. This year’s theme
is “Water Wetlands and Wildlife: Resolving
Conflict and Restoring Habitat.”
Ecological Society of America and Society
for Ecological Restoration, Joint Annual
August 5-7, 2007
San Jose, CA
More than 3000 ecologists will gather
to discuss “Ecological Restoration in a
Changing World”. Abstracts due March
Cal-IPC News Fall 2006
Cal-IPC Membership Form
We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership that includes scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
Please complete this form and mail with check or credit card number. Additional donations support our projects. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations beyond regular membership rates are tax deductible. Join or donate online at
2006 Individual Membership
2006 Institutional Membership
Family $60
Small company
Contributing $75
or nonprofit
Joint Cal-IPC/SERCAL $60 Donations
Joint Cal-IPC/CNGA $70
for Cal-IPC programs: $____
for Cape Ivy Biocontrol: $____
Student/Volunteer $15
(info online at
Mail this form with check (payable to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card info to
Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709, or…
Fax form with credit card info to 510/217-3500, or…
Phone us at 510/843-3902 with contact and credit card info.
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Occasionally, we share our members’ addresses with like-minded
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