A quarterly
of the California
Exotic Pest Plant Council
Volume 9 • Number 3/4 • 2001
Giant salvinia (Salvinia molesta) Closeup picture
from The Nature Conservancy’s Weeds-on-theWeb Homepage (
See 2001 Red Alerts this issue.
Also In This Issue
Symposiums & Transitions
2001 Red Alerts
Hypericum Alert
Keep It in the Garden
Cape Ivy Germinating in
California & Oregon
CalEPPC Seeks Executive
Membership form
CalEPPC News
Who We Are
CalEPPC NEWS is published quarterly
by the California Exotic Pest Plant
Council, a non-profit organization. The
objects of the organization are to:
• provide a focus for issues and
concerns regarding exotic pest plants
in California;
• facilitate communication and the
exchange of information regarding all
aspects of exotic pest plant control
and management;
• provide a forum where all interested
parties may participate in meetings
and share in the benefits from the
information generated by this
• promote public understanding
regarding exotic pest plants and their
• serve as an advisory council
regarding funding, research,
management and control of exotic
pest plants;
• facilitate action campaigns to monitor
and control exotic pest plants in
California; and
• review incipient and potential pest
plant management problems and
activities and provide relevant
information to interested parties.
Page 2
Spring 2001
2002 CalEPPC Officers & Board Members
Joe DiTomaso
Steve Schoenig
Mona Robison
Becky Waegel
Mike Kelly
At-large Board Members
Carl Bell*
Matt Brooks**
Carla Bossard**
Paul Caron*
Tom Dudley**
Dawn Lawson**
Alison Stanton**
Scott Steinmaus*
Peter Warner*
Bill Winans*
* Term expires Dec. 31, 2002 / **TerMs expires Dec. 31, 2003
Working Group Chairpersons
Artichoke thistle
Mike Kelly
Tom Dudley
Karen Haubensak 510-643-5430
Cape ivy
Mona Robison
Cortaderia spp.
Joe DiTomaso
Jennifer Erskin
Joel Trumbo
Saharan mustard
Jim Dice
Bill Neill
Spartina spp.
Debra Ayres
Veldt grass
Dave Chipping
Maria Alvarez
Yellow starthistle Mike Pitcairn
CalEPPC web site:
CalEPPC News Editor: Mike Kelly (see above for address)
Submissions for CalEPPC News
Please Note:
The California Exotic Pest Plant
Council is a California 501(c)3
non-profit, public benefit
corporation organized to provide a
focus for issues and concerns
regarding exotic pest plants in
California, and is recognized under
federal and state tax laws as a
qualified donee for tax deductible
charitable contribution.
If you’d like to submit a news item, article, meeting announcement, or
job opportunity for publicaton in the CalEPPC News, it must be sent in
both electronic and hard copy forms to the editor. The editor reserves
the right to edit all submissions. Send your text/disk/email to edtior’s
address above.
The articles contained herein were contributed to the CalEPPC
newsletter. These articles represent the opinions of the authors
and do not necessarily reflect the views of CalEPPC. Although
herbicide recommendations may have been reviewed in
contributed articles, CalEPPC does not guarantee their accuracy
with regard to efficiency, safety, or legality.
CalEPPC News
Page 3
Spring 2001
10th Anniversary Symposium & Transitions
Mike Kelly
CalEPPC’s 10th Anniversary
Symposium, held in San Diego this
past October, was noteworthy in
several respects. First, some 230 people registered for the event despite
the proximity to Sept. 11th, the uncertainties of air travel, and agency
(and personal) budget cutbacks.
The desert-themed sessions of
the symposium succeeded in attracting participants from the desert
southwest. This was an important
goal of CalEPPC, to highlight desert
issues and seek ways to form partnerships amongst desert land managers and conservationists. From the
U.S. Geological Survey friday morning sessions through the afternoon’s
lively desert organization presentations and panels to the evening’s
desert workshop, I think we succeeded in plumbing the ecological and organization issues of the desert regions. I expect significant colla–
borations will flow from this jampacked first day of the CalEPPC
Symposium. Saturday’s sessions
found us back on familiar California
turf with a series of talks on significant weed issues and related research and more of the species specific weed workshops that are always
so popular at the conferences.
presidents who were in attendance,
including John Randall, Carla Bossard, and Mike Pitcairn, that it
struck me we were in a big transition for the organization. On the
one hand we had announced we
wanted to hire an Executive Director, our first paid position for the
group. On the other hand, our
Board no longer had a majority of
“old-timers,” volunteers who had
founded CalEPPC at our first symposium at Moro Bay in 1992 and
served on the Board of Directors, often for many years. Over the years
since we’ve had a normal attrition
from the Board, losing founders
such as Greg Archbald, Ann Howald, John Randall, Sally Davis, Nelroy Jackson and others. Most remain active as members and remain
active in weed affairs.
Outgoing president Mike Kelly
enjoying a lighter moment at the
annual business meeting.
Our annual business meeting is
always held Saturday, in a session
where we announce the results of
the elections, hear first alert reports
from The Nature Conservancy’s
Mandy Tu and John Randall, and
get updates on our Cape ivy and International Broom Initiatives, and a
national report from Nelroy Jackson, a member of the National
Weed Council and National EPPC.
This business meeting was a bit
different though. I introduced newly elected members of the Board of
Directors and the new officers. It
was when I was introducing past
Incoming president Joe DiTomaso
leading a workshop at Symposium.
The transition is bringing in
younger blood, younger than the
original Board. Typically they’re
graduate students who’ve cut their
eye teeth on wildland weed issues.
I wondered about this “younger”
blood a bit until we had our annual
Board dinner. At the end of day
each Saturday at our annual symposium we’re in the habit of treating ourselves to a collective dinner
together where old and new Board
members get to mix a bit socially
and get to know each other. We
were about half-an-hour and at
least one beer into this year’s dinner at a local San Diego brewery
when I delighted in the realization
that several of these younger Board
members were animatedly and confidentally holding forth on weed issues with “veterans.” YES . . . .
CalEPPC News
Page 4
Spring 2001
2001 Red Alert!
New Expansions into and around California
Mandy Tu and John M. Randall
[The authors can be reached at:
The Nature Conservancy Wildland
Invasive Species Program, Dept. of
Vegetable Crops & Weed Sciences,
Univ. of Calif., Davis, CA 95616.
Phone: 530-754-8891; FAX: 530-7524604]. E-mail:;
The 2001 CalEPPC Red Alert!
for this year again provides an account of species that are either new
to California and have the potential
to become widely invasive, or update reports on already-established
species that are rapidly expanding
their range(s) in the state. Many of
these species are already known to
be invasive in other areas and could
become troublesome in California.
The Red Alert! for 2001 includes
five species that are newly invasive
to California (or specific areas within California) and three updates. Be
sure to look for updates on new
non-native species in CalEPPC
News, the Noteworthy Collections
section of the journal Madroño, and
on The Nature Conservancy’s
ly fill the water-column. C. caroliniana is listed as a noxious weed in
Washington State, and is now a
dominant in some Sacramento River delta locations (Hrusa et al. in
mss.). Joe DiTomaso of U.C. Davis
reports seeing C. caroliniana in Lewiston Lake in Trinity County
(northern California), but there are
no specimens from this location
confirming this sighting.
Euphorbia oblongata (eggleaf or
oblong spurge) is a perennial herb
in the Euphorbiaceae (spurge family) native to Europe. It is already labeled as a noxious weed (Rated B
by CDFA) of waste places in the
Jepson Manual (Hickman 1993),
which lists E. oblongata as present
only in the Central Valley and the
San Francisco Bay area but expected
to be elsewhere. CalFlora indicates
that this species has also been documented along the central California
coast and inland. Dean Kelch (UC
Berkeley) reports E. oblongata is also
now common from the Berkeley
Hills area north to the Carquinez
Strait, and that it is able to spread
from disturbed roadsides into dry
shaded slopes under an oak woodland canopy. Fred Hrusa (CDFA)
adds that he has specimens of E.
oblongata in the Sierra Nevada up to
4,000 feet in elevation at the CDFA
Botany Herbarium.
Lavatera cretica (smaller treemallow) is an annual or biennial
herb in the Malvaceae (mallow family) which was described in the Jepson Manual (Hickman 1993) as uncommon in the central and south
coast regions. CalFlora documents
L. cretica as present along most of
the California coast. Southern Californian botanist Carl Wishner reports that L. cretica is well-distri–
buted along the coast and along
roads in southern California from
the Malibu Civic Center west to
Zuma Canyon. He adds that he has
even seen a few plants along the
main roads leading over the Santa
Monica Mountains.
Hedera canariensis (Algerian ivy)
is a sprawling woody vine in the
Araliaceae (ginseng family), and it
is often mistaken as Hedera helix
Newly detected species with
potential to be natural area
Cabomba caroliniana (cabomba,
Carolina fanwort) is an aquatic perennial herb in the Cabombaceae
(watershield family) which can be
distinguished by its dimorphic
leaves. It has floating leaves that are
leaves that are fan-shaped and
deeply dissected. It is native to the
eastern United States and has been
present in California since at least
1980 (L. Anderson, in Hrusa et al. in
mss.). C. caroliniana is a very popular plant in the aquarium industry
and is of concern because it is able
to spread rapidly and can complete-
Giant salvina (Salvinia molesta) infestation. Picture from The Nature
Conservancy’s Weeds-on-the-Web Homepage (http://
CalEPPC News
(English ivy). It has larger leaves
with fewer lobes than H. helix, although some naturalized forms of
H. canariensis are apparently morphologically indistinguishable from
H. helix. H. canariensis is commonly
sold as an ornamental or as ground
cover. Its leaves can be completely
green or variegated in color. It is of
particular concern because it is able
to invade relatively undisturbed
forest understories. Hrusa et al. (in
mss.) states that it occurs throughout the Bay Area where it is probably even more common than H. helix, and it has also been
documented from both the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mountains
in southern California.
Saccharum ravennae (Ravenna
grass) is a perennial bunchgrass in
the Poaceae (grass family). This species is native to Eurasia and is often
mistaken as pampas grass or jubatagrass (Cortaderia selloana & C. jubata). S. ravennae has attractive, tall
(up to 3 meters) pluming inflorescences and is frequently planted as
a showy ornamental. In the Grand
Canyon, the National Park Service
has been trying to control this invasive species since 1993. In California, S. ravennae has been documented in the southern Sonoran Desert
(Imperial County) where it is
invasive in ditchbanks and marshes. Fred Hrusa (pers. comm.) reports that the Botany Herbarium at
CDFA has specimens of S. ravennae
in Sutter County from the 1970s,
and also mentioned that the genus
Saccharum is sometimes also called
Erianthus. Recently, Joe DiTomaso
reported that there are rapidly expanding populations of S. ravennae
in Cache Creek preserve in Yolo
County (Northern California).
Achnatherum brachychaetum (Argentine needlegrass or punagrass)
is a tufted perennial grass (Poaceae)
that has already been listed in California and in Arizona for some time
as a noxious weed. It was listed as
Page 5
being eradicated from the San Joaquin Valley in Fresno County in the
Jepson Manual (Hickman 1993), but
an infestation covering a large area
just off of I-5 near Tracy was recently discovered. The CalFlora database (information obtained from
CDFA Botany Lab) now documents
this species in 7 counties in California. Joe DiTomaso adds that A.
brachychaetum has both outcrossing
flowers and basally-located cleistogamous flowers and that therefore, mowing alone is not an effective means to control this grass.
Salvinia molesta (giant salvinia)
is a floating, aquatic herb in the Salviniaceae (a fern family). It is a very
popular aquarium plant, and even
though it is a federally-listed noxious weed and every county within
California is trying to restrict its
sale, S. molesta is still widely sold. S.
molesta has the capability of overtaking large areas of aquatic habitat, and has been reported from several sites in southern California. It is
listed on CalEPPCs 1999 exotic
plant list and is expanding its range
in California. Hrusa et al. (in mss.)
reports that it is now wellestablished in aquatic habitats in
Imperial, Riverside, and San Diego
counties, and that control efforts
have been very effective in controlling and sometimes even eradicating this species from canals.
Hydrilla verticillata (hydrilla) is
an aquatic perennial herb in the Hydrocharitaceae (waterweed family),
and is a federally-listed and California-listed noxious weed. It’s also already on CalEPPCs Red Alert list. It
was found in Clear Lake (Lake
County, CA) in the early 1990s and
the California Department of Food
and Agriculture (CDFA) has been
working diligently since 1994 to
eradicate it from this site in order to
prevent it from spreading. Robert
Leavitt of CDFA reports that the Hydrilla Eradication Program has been
very successful in reducing the biomass and number of hydrilla plants
in Clear Lake, and that the program
Spring 2001
is still ongoing. Steve Schoenig of
CDFA reports that H. verticillata has
recently been found in Yuba
County, Calaveras County, and the
Redding area of California, but these
infestations are not too large and
should be manageable. H. verticillata
has also recently been reported from
the Tucson area in Arizona.
CalFlora: Information on California
plants for education, research and
conservation. [web application]. 2000.
Berkeley, California: The CalFlora
Database [a non-profit organization].
(Accessed: Fri. Seep 21 15:28:44 PET
DiTomaso, J. 2001. Personal
communication. Department of
Vegetable Crops & Weed Sciences,
University of California at Davis.
Hickman, J.C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson
Manual: Higher Plants of California.
UC Press, Berkeley.
Hrusa, G.F. 2001. Personal
communication. Botany laboratory
herbarium (CAD), Plant Pest
Diagnostics Branch, California
Department of Food & Agriculture.
Hrusa, G.F., Ertter, B., Sanders, A.,
Leppig, G. and E.A. Dean. 2001.
Manuscript in review.
Kelch, D. 2001. Personal
communication. Jepson Herbarium,
University of California at Berkeley.
Leavitt, R. 2001. Personal
communication. California
Department of Food & Agriculture.
Database, Version 3.1
( National
Plant Data Center, Baton Rouge, LA
70874-4490 USA.
Schoenig, S. 2001. Personal
communication. California
Department of Food & Agriculture.
Wishner, C. 2001. Pers. commun.
Envicom Corporation.
Salvinia molesta closeup of leaf.
CalEPPC News
Page 6
Spring 2001
Weed Alert!
Hypericum canariense L.
(Canary Island St. Johnswort)
Mandy Tu
Hypericum canariense has recently been observed invading natural areas in San Mateo, Santa Barbara and
San Diego counties in California. It’s thought to have
escaped from cultivation (CDFA 2001), as it has traits
desirable to horticulturists (i.e. attractive, ornamental
foliage and large, bright orange flowers). Native to the
Canary Islands, it’s been found growing in the wild in
disturbed places, coastal sage scrub, and in grassland
habitats up to 100 meters in elevation in coastal areas
of California. H. canariense has the potential to extend
its range inland from its present coastal distribution.
Hypericum canariense is a shrub in the Hypericaceae
(formerly Clusiaceae) – St. Johnswort family. H. canariense can grow up to 5 meters tall and has simple, opposite leaves that are oblong-lanceolate, with tapered bases. They range in size from 2 to 7 cm long. The yelloworange flowers are large and showy with petals (12 to 15
mm in size) and stamens that persist after flowering.
The sepals are ovate with pointed tips and have ciliate
hairs along their margins. The fruits are leathery capsules that open at maturity (Hickman 1993). It’s currently not widely grown as a garden or landscape plant. A
web search in November 2001 revealed that it’s kept at
the Los Angeles Arboretum and seeds are offered for
sale on the internet (Platt 2001), but on the whole the
plant doesn’t seem to be widely offered at wholesale or
specialty nurseries in N. America.
tion cover, and it outcompetes and excludes both the native scrub vegetation (Baccharis spp., Toxicodendron diversilobum) as well as other non-native vegetation such
as jubatagrass (Cortaderia jubata). The only native plants
that persist after H. canariense invasions are trees that
are over 1.5 m tall (J. Wade, personal communication).
In favorable conditions, infestations of H. canariense can
spread at a rate of up to 45-90 meters per year.
Native Range
H. canariense is native to the Canary Islands, where
it is often located in xerophytic scrub or forested zones,
from 150 to 800 meters in elevation. It can be very common locally (Bramwell & Bramwell 1974).
Range as an Invader
In North America, H. canariense occurs as an invader in Hawaii and in California (USDA-NRCS 2001).
Previous reports from California list this species as being present only in San Diego and Santa Barbara
counties in southern California (CalFlora 2001). The
Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California (Hickman
1993) lists the species as uncommon in disturbed places
below 100 m in the South Coast subregion of the state.
In San Diego, H. canariense has escaped cultivation as
an ornamental near the Point Loma military cemetery
(M. Kelly, pers. comm.).
Continued on page 10
Scientific and Common Names
The genus name Hypericum is derived from the
Greek hyper, meaning over, and eikon, meaning an icon
or apparition (over an apparition). It was thought to
have been able to protect one from evil spirits and has
been used in several Greek names such as Hyperion or
Hyperides. The species epithet canariense means “of the
Canary Islands”. The common name of St. Johnswort is
from its association of St. John the Baptist. There are
currently no accepted synonyms for H. canariense.
The overall impacts of this new invader are unknown, but H. canariense appears to outcompete and exclude nearly all other vegetation once it has invaded. In
coastal California areas that have become infested, H.
canariense can comprise up to 90 to 100% of the vegeta-
Hypericum canariense flowers and leaves
CalEPPC News
Page 7
Spring 2001
Keep It in the Garden
Developing a List of Non-invasive Alternatives To
Replace Invasive Horticultural Species in California
Alison E. Stanton
The Problem
It’s estimated that nearly 40% of the species on the
U.S. Department of Interior’s endangered and threatened list are at risk from alien invaders. Public awareness of this critical environmental problem is still relatively low. Consequently, plants with known invasive
tendencies are for sale in nurseries in areas where they
have already escaped or have the ecological potential
for spread.
The horticultural trade is a significant path of introduction for many of our worst plant invaders. Faith
Campbell of the American Lands Alliance compiled a
list of 452 “worst invasive plant species in the conterminous US” and found that 271 species or 60% were
for sale through Andersen’s Horticultural Library. For
example, pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) is available
in many California nurseries despite the fact that land
managers in coastal regions often cite these aggressive
plants as a top management concern.
Invasive horticultural stock is not a new problem,
but noxious weed policies and regulations have not
caught up. Current weed management regulations in
California only target noxious weeds that are listed in
either the Federal Noxious Weed Act or the CA Department of Food and Agriculture noxious weed list. Many
invasive plant species, especially those that primarily
invade natural areas, are not listed. There is a pronounced emphasis within weed management on the
control of incipient weed infestations with much less
attention paid to prevention. No mechanism exists in
the current framework for controlling the propagation,
distribution, and sale of unlisted species with known
invasive tendencies.
A rigorous education campaign is required to combat further releases and introductions of invasive exotic
plants into California’s natural landscapes. It’s critical
to develop regional lists of invasive ornamental plants
that should not be sold in California. It’s equally important to provide non-invasive alternatives that will
help nursery owners make an informed decision to sell
non-invasive substitutes in place of known invasive
The Solution
The California Exotic Pest Plant Council (CalEPPC)
is prepared to work with the California Association of
Nurserymen (CAN) and other stakeholders to adopt
and promote voluntary guidelines on handling known
invasive species within the nursery industry. A campaign slogan, “Keep it in the Garden,” has already
been adopted in preliminary meetings. The program
will target growers, nursery retailers, commercial users, and the gardening public.
CalEPPC has received a grant of $15,000 from Environmental Defense to develop educational materials
for the “Keep It in the Garden” campaign. I wrote the
grant application and will be primarily responsible for
implementing the project. I received my MS in Horticulture and Agronomy through the Weed Science Program at U.C. Davis where I conducted my thesis research on pampasgrass and jubatagrass, which I
presented at the 2000 CalEPPC Symposium.
I plan to convene an initial workshop composed of
academic horticulturists, scientists from the Weed Research Information Center at U.C. Davis, California Agricultural Commissioners, and representatives from
CAN, CA Department of Food and Agriculture, and
CalEPPC. Workshop participants will address the criteria for determining whether a plant is invasive. The initial goal will be to identify a list of currently available
ornamental plants, by region of the state, which invade
natural areas that should not be sold in nurseries in
California. The list will be compiled from plants appearing on the CalEPPC “List of Exotic Pest Plants of
Greatest Ecological Concern in California.”
The state will be divided into a number of geographic zones and each species assigned to the zones
where it is known to invade or has the significant potential to spread. Identified plants will be categorized
according to standard horticultural criteria such as
growth habit, hardiness zone, appropriate landscape
uses, and propagation methods. Based on these horticultural criteria, the working group will determine
non-invasive alternatives for each plant on the list.
Thus, the list of alternatives will enable nursery industry members, commercial users, and the gardening
public to select the “right plant for the job,” while minimizing the risks of garden escapes.
A major goal of this project is to establish some
guidelines that address a serious environmental problem in an arena where no policy exists. The California
horticulture industry is a major economic force and an
Continued on page 11
CalEPPC News
Page 8
Spring 2001
Help needed in collecting more seed
Cape Ivy Germinating in California and Oregon
Ramona Robison
[Note: this is a followup article to
the Spring 2001 CalEPPC News article on Cape Ivy.]
Cape ivy (Delairea odorata) seeds
collected in February and March,
2001, from throughout California
and Oregon were tested for germination potential under greenhouse
conditions. Twenty large, filled
seeds were selected and then planted in pots of moist soil which were
watered by overhead misters in a
greenhouse. The greenhouse temperature range during the experiments was between 15 and 34ºC
(59.6 and 94ºF).
Seeds sprouted between 6 and
31 days after planting, and all the
seed locations tested eventually germinated (see photographs and table). While this study did not test
the un-filled seed from all locations
collected, it does prove that Cape
ivy is producing germinable seed
throughout its range in California
and Oregon. The method used to
test seed germination was not difficult and could be used by volunteers and resource managers to test
whether their individual populations are producing germinable
seed. The method for testing a population for germinable seed production requires collecting ripe seed
and drying it in paper bags kept at
room temperature, separating large,
filled seeds from the rest of the
flowering material, placing those
seeds in pots of moist potting soil,
and watering with a light mist daily
for a few weeks to determine
whether seeds will sprout.
The production of germinable
Cape ivy seed has practical implications for its management and control in California. Before developing
a management strategy, a population should first be tested for seed
viability as Cape ivy seeds are wind
dispersed. If viable seed production
is found in only some of the
populations within a managed area,
those should be the highest priority
for eradication. These studies are
collection and testing is planned for
the winter of 2001-2002. For more
Cape ivy locations. Point above California map is Curry County, Oregon.
Election Note
Col. Val Prehoda was unable to take her seat on CalEPPC’s Board because of a job promotion to Alaska!
Also, Joe Balciunas resigned his seat upon recommendation of his employer since CalEPPC raises Cape ivy funds
that go to his employer. Under the Bylaws, the Board appointed Peter Warner and Scott Steinmaus to fill their
seats for 2002, at which time a new election will be held.
CalEPPC News
Page 9
Spring 2001
Locations of Germinable Cape Ivy Seed
Collected in February and March, 2001
(all locations but one in California)
Lot #
San Diego
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Los Angeles
Curry County,
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz
S. L. Obispo
San Mateo
S. L. Obispo
Bonsall Preserve
San Dimas Canyon
Glendale, Elinita Rd.
Monrovia Canyon
Palisades Drive
Will Rogers State Historic Park, below
Temescal Canyon
Will Rogers State Historic Park, near
Pistol River Schoolhouse
Rodeo Valley Creek, GGNRA
Rodeo Valley Maintenance Station
Presidio off Battery, just over Golden Gate
McNee Ranch south of Pacifica
San Jose Creek near Pt. Lobos
Gibson Creek, Pt. Lobos
Pajaro River
Watsonville Slough off San Andreas Rd.
Elkhorn Slough near Moss Landing
Chorro Flats in Morro Bay State Park
San Bruno Mountain, bottom
McKinleyville, School Road .5 miles west of
Central Ave.
High Street, San Luis Obispo
Cape ivy seed
Cape ivy seedlings
CalEPPC News
Page 10
Spring 2001
Job Announcement
Part Time Executive Director for CalEPPC
The Board of Directors of the California Exotic Pest
Plant Council invites applications for the half -time position of Executive Director of the Council. The Executive Director will manage the Council’s operations from
the successful candidate’s home town. The Council has
an annual operating budget of $100,000. The Executive
Director reports directly to the President of the Board of
Directors and has four primary areas of responsibility:
1. Development of fund raising program to encourage
support from foundation, corporate, and private
2. Responsibility for directing the business and financial affairs of the Association. This includes: dayto-day administrative tasks; membership and subscriptions; oversight of the managing editor and
journal operations, and office staff; implementation
of the annual work plan; staff development; newsletter; completion of strategic plan.
3. Serve as liaison to local CalEPPC annual symposium organizers and provide administrative or logistic support; support the development of regional, international workshops, special projects, and
4. Promote the field of invasive weed management to
enhance the scientific basis and programs at the local, state, and federal level.
Qualifications: We seek candidates who have demonstrated ability in: administration of organizations, fiscal management, fund raising, membership building;
understanding of non-profit organization; strong written and verbal communication skills; outstanding interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to those individuals with an advanced degree and related work
experience in a invasive weed management oriented
field. The successful candidate should have excellent
problem solving abilities and be capable of working independently and without direct supervision.
Salary and anticipated start date: The salary and
benefits offered is $24,000 to start. The successful candidate will be encouraged to grow the position into a
full-time position. We anticipate a starting date of
April 1, 2002.
Please send application materials in both electronic
and hard copy formats, including a letter of interest, resume, and names and addresses of 3 references to: CalEPPC Search Committee c/o Joe DiTomaso at: UC Davis Weed Science Program, 210 Robbins Hall, Davis,
CA 95616 or email to: Application must be received by February 15, 2002.
(Hypericum cont’d)
In San Mateo County in northern California, H. canariense currently covers approximately 25 to 40
hectares (62-99 acres) near Gazo
Creek (J. Wade, pers. comm.). John
Wade of the Pescadero Conservation Alliance reports that there are
several populations of H. canariense
along the coast, and that they are all
rapidly expanding in range.
Reproduction and Methods of
H. canariense produces large
amounts of viable seed. Many seedlings have been found just downslope of mature shrubs in San Diego County (M. Kelly, pers. comm.).
Little information is available
on successful control methods for
H. canariense. It could be difficult to
manually remove with a weed
wrench unless the ground is very
soft because of its large root system.
Such mechanical approaches may
not be successful unless the entire
root and stem portions are completely removed, as it may resprout
(J. Wade, pers. comm.).
Mike Kelly (personal communication) has been successful controlling H. canariense by using the cutstump herbicide application method. He first cut the stems with a
chainsaw, then applied the herbicide glyphosate (brand name
RoundUp®) at full strength to the
cut-stump. Mike suspects that a
less-concentrated solution of herbicide might also be effective, but has
not tested the efficacy of differing
amounts of herbicide on H. canariense control.
Bramwell, D. and Z. Bramwell. 1974.
Wildflowers of the Canary Islands.
Stanley Thornes, Ltd., London.
CDFA. 2001. California Department of
Food and Agriculture-Weed Management (
Hickman, J.C. (ed.). 1993. The Jepson
Manual: Higher Plants of California.
University of California Press, Berkeley.
Kelly, M. 2001. California Exotic Pest
Plant Council. Personal communication.
Platt, K. 2001. The Seed Search (http://, site
accessed November 2001.
USDA, NRCS. 2001. The PLANTS Database, Version 3.1 (http:// National Plant Data
Center, Baton Rouge, LA 70874-4490
Wade, J. 2001. Pescadero Conservation
Alliance. Personal communication.
CalEPPC News
Page 11
(Keep It in Garden cont’d)
important stakeholder in any policymaking regarding the sale and
distribution of ornamental plants.
According to the USDA Economic
Research Service (ERS) the environmental horticulture and floriculture
industry is the fastest growing sector of US agriculture, with $12.1 billion in sales in 1998. The California
industry alone generated over $2.4
billion in revenues, producing 20%
of the total U.S. nursery crop production (followed by Florida (11%),
North Carolina and Texas (8%)).
Industry members are strongly
opposed to implementing statewide
or national bans on any plant species that do not appear on noxious
weed lists. Many are willing to accept voluntary local restrictions on
plants only in areas where they are
known invaders. Others view any
attempt to impose restrictions on
the sale of currently unregulated
plants as an infringement on their
There is little information on the
economic impact of curtailing sales
of invasive ornamentals. One reason is that the exact proportion of
horticultural stock that can be considered invasive is up for debate.
No consensus exists on the criteria
for determining whether a plant is
invasive and it is therefore difficult
to determine the economic impacts
of not selling certain invasive ornamentals. However, it is equally difficult to determine the consequences of continuing to sell the plants
because plant invaders in natural
ecosystems cause harm that is diffi-
cult to assess in monetary terms.
A list of non-invasive alternatives will be a valuable educational
tool to open up dialogue between
horticulturists and weed scientists
on how an invasive ornamental is
defined. Providing alternatives to
invasive ornamentals is an easy and
effective way to address the problem immediately. Efforts to implement governmental regulations are
unlikely to be successful and will be
time consuming and expensive. As
part of the “Keep It in the Garden”
campaign, the list will help to raise
public awareness of the serious environmental threat of invasive species. Anyone interested in participating in the project in any capacity
should contact Alison at her home
office (415.379.9086) or at
Special Offer Continued — $5 Off
Invasive Plants of California’s Wildlands
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