Cal EPPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas
from Wildland Weeds
Vol. 10, No. 3, Fall 2002
Quarterly newsletter of the California Exotic Pest
Jimsonweed (Datura stramonium), is a summer annual
native to Mexico. It is a problem in California in agricultural crops and disturbed fields. Along with an unpleasant odor, it contains tropane alkaloids that are used
medicinally, but can be deadly toxic. [From the
upcoming 2003 Weeds of California calendar. Photo
by Joe DiTomaso.]
Viewing invasive species
removal in a whole-ecosystem context
Weed-free forage
Wildland weed news
Symposium 2002
From the Director’s Desk
Exotic Pest Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 525-1502
n. 1) In ancient Greece, a drinking together, usually following the banquet proper, with
music, singing, and conversation; hence, a banquet or social gathering at which there is free
interchange of ideas. 2. A conference at which a particular subject is discussed and opinions
gathered; also, a collection or opinions on a subject; esp., such a collection published by a
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Our Mission
CalEPPC works to protect
California’s natural areas
from wildland weeds through
research, restoration, and education.
Executive Director
Doug Johnson
Board of Directors
Joe DiTomaso (President)
UC Davis Weed Science Program
Steve Schoenig (Vice President)
California Dept. of Food & Agriculture
Mona Robison (Secretary)
UC Davis Weed Science Program
Becky Waegell (Treasurer)
The Nature Conservancy
Mike Kelly (Past President)
Friends of Penasquitos
Alison Stanton
BMP Ecosciences
Carl Bell
UC Cooperative Extension
Carla Bossard
St. Mary’s College
Matt Brooks
USGS Western Ecological Resource Center
Paul Caron
Tom Dudley
UC Berkeley Dept. of Integrative Biology
Though there are no exceptional drinking plans (of which I’m aware, at least), there
does promise to be an informative interchange of ideas at the 2002 Cal-EPPC
Symposium, October 11-13 in Sacramento. It’s the year’s best opportunity to meet
with other restoration scientists, land managers and concerned citizens to discuss the
assessment and treatment of invasive plant invasions. The theme of the symposium is the
“Costs and Consequences of Invasive Plants,” and the line-up of presenters is looking
great. If you have not received a program and registration materials, you can find them
on our website at
We have an excellent slate of candidates for the Board of Directors election. Ballots
went out to members current as of July 31. If you haven’t sent in your ballot, please do
so as soon as possible so your vote is counted. The folks you elect will help set strategic
direction for Cal-EPPC over the next year!
The last few months have brought new educational partnerships. Cal-EPPC
provided a mini-grant to Lorrae Fuentes for a southern California K-12 teacher training
that included a trip to see invasive species projects on the Channel Islands. At the request
of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, we are supplying copies of the list of Invasive
Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in California for use in their public classes.
And the Aquatic Outreach Institute, which trains Bay Area teachers in environmental
education, will be using CalEPPC materials in their training packets.
A big thank you to those that recently renewed their memberships for 2002. Renewal
requests for 2003 will come out on their normal schedule later this fall. Cal-EPPC
welcomes new members and recognizes contributing and institutional members on page
Dawn Lawson
US Navy Facilities
Peter Warner
California State Parks
Scott Steinmaus
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Bill Winans
San Diego County Watershed Management
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002 – Volume 10, Number 3
We are pleased to publish this issue’s feature article by Erika Zavaleta (begins page
5). As the article makes clear, ecological restorationist need to look at invasive species
eradication in a whole-ecosystem context in order to reduce the potential for undesired
consequences. Erika is currently researching factors (including exotic Mediterranean
annuals) affecting the regeneration of valley and blue oaks.
See you at the Symposium!
Editor: Doug Johnson,
CalEPPC News is published quarterly by the California
Exotic Pest Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted
with permission from the editor. Submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all work.
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Doug Johnson
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
A City of San Diego ordinance seeking
to ban certain invasive exotic plants has
been recommended for approval by a city
council committee. The ordinance would
ban the sale, distribution and cultivation
of pampas grass, giant reed, Cape ivy
and tamarisk. The city’s Park & Rec.
Dept. is already involved in removing
plants targeted in the ordinance.
[, 6/1202]
California State Representative Dave Cogdill (Modesto) authored ACR 218, declaring the second week of July each year
as Harmful, Nonnative Weeds Awareness
“Not every [environmental]
problem of consequence comes
with a Bhopal-style wake-up
call. Global warming and species extinction are examples of
potential catastrophes that are
hiding in plain sight…”
New York Times, Aug. 20, 2002, p. D4
[From a special section “Managing Planet
Earth,” which devotes an entire page to restoration ecology and invasive species, and maps
25 biological hot spots worldwide, including
the California floristic province.]
Emily Roberson, Conservation Program
Director for the California Native Plant
Society, presented the Native Plant Preservation Campaign to the international
Convention on Biological Diversity in
April. The convention’s Committee of Parties adopted principles on invasive plants,
including guidelines for prevention, eradication and control. More at
The California Native Grass Association
gave a workshop for CalTrans on April
24. Called “Roadside Revegetation Using
Native Grassland Species,” the workshop
toured Yolo and Solano County sites to
learn about using native grasses to reduce
total life cycle cost, improve roadside
appearance, enhance environmental quality, reduce fire potential, and reduce chemical applications.
Cal-EPPC joined other groups in signing a
letter to President Bush, his advisors, and
key members of Congress and the Cabinet
expressing concern about the environmental implications of moving invasive
species-related functions of the USDA’s
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the Coast Guard to
the newly proposed Department of Homeland Security. The letter was supported
by environmental and scientific groups,
spearheaded by the American Lands Alliance, the International Center forTechnology Assessment, and the Union of Concerned Scientists.
A two-day Invasive Plant School was held
in San Diego on June 18/19, 2002. The
workshop was designed to satisfy continuing education requirements for pesticide
licenses while focusing on topics especially
relevant to people working to combat invasive plants. Participants received 12 hours
of CE credit by studying weed biology
and ecology, weed management, control
of arundo and saltcedar, herbicide basics,
specific information on herbicides used on
invasive plants, and laws and regulations
regarding pesticide use and working in
sensitive habitats. Due to the success of
the workshop, another will be held Sept.
25/26 in San Diego. For info, contact Carl
E. Bell at
Craig Dremann of the Reveg Edge published an article entitled “Releasing the
Native Seedbank: An Innovative Approach
to Restoring a Coastal California Ecosystem” in the June 2002 issue of Ecological
Restoration. The article describes the conversion of 74 acres in Santa Cruz County
from 95% exotic invasives to 85% local
natives without herbicides, burning, tilling, seeding or grazing. The conversion
involved extensive planting of natives
propagated from seed collected on-site.
The article can be found at
University of Washington’s Center for
Urban Horticulture planted 19 packets
of wildflower seed mixes marketed in the
Pacific Northwest, finding that each contained anywhere from three to thirteen
invasive species, and eight had seeds for
plants considered noxious weeds in at
least one state or Canadian province.
(04/19/02, Seattle Post-Intelligencer)
The USDA Agricultural Research Service
offers the first scientific evidence that vinegar may be a potent weedkiller, one that
is inexpensive and environmentally safe-perfect for organic farmers. The researchers
found that 5- and 10-percent concentrations killed weeds (common lamb’s-quarters, giant foxtail, velvetleaf, smooth pigweed and Canada thistle) during their first
two weeks of life. Older plants required
higher concentrations. Spot spraying of
cornfields with 20 percent vinegar killed 80
to 100 percent of weeds without harming
the corn.
The Mid-Atlantic Exotic Pest Plant Council held their annual meeting in West
Virginia August 7/8. Topics included the
effects of invasives on TNC preserves
in the Allegheny Highlands, spotlighted
Iris pseudacorus. More info at:
Colorado State University scientists have
isolated a phytotoxin secreted by the roots
of spotted knapweed which may have
applications as a natural herbicide. More
info at
Water agencies have amassed nearly $25
million to root out Arundo donax stalks
clogging waterways in southern California
(LA Times, July 21, 2002, www.latimes.
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Project Updates
Weed List revision
The weed list committee, which includes
representatives from Arizona and Nevada,
has completed a draft of the new ranking
protocol for internal review. This protocol
will ensure that the basis for weed rankings
is consistent, well-documented, and “transparent.” The next step, after redrafting the
protocol based on reviewers’ feedback, will
be to identify the full set of plants that
should be evaluated using the protocol.
This will result in a new list of Invasive
Plants of Greatest Ecological Concern in California in 2003. The protocol design aims
to make ongoing updates simpler. It is
standardized so that other states
can use the system as well.
For more information, or
to make sure a new weed
gets evaluated, contact
committee chair Peter
Warner by email at or by
post at State Parks Northern
Service Center, One Capitol
Mall, Suite 500, Sacramento CA
95814. [Thanks to the Center for
Invasive Plant Management in Bozeman,
MT for their grant in support of this
International Broom
While research on French broom biological agents continues at facilities in Montpelier, France, the California team has
organized support for funding in the
US Department of Agriculture budget to
study the biocontrols at their quarantine
lab here in Albany. (The lab is already
engaged in other wildland weed work: Dr.
Joe Balciunas is researching agents to control Cape ivy, in conjunction with South
African researchers; and Dr. Lincoln Smith
is conducting research on additional con-
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
trols for Yellow starthistle.) Agencies such
as the Regional Council of Rural Counties,
the Fort Bragg Fire Protection Authority,
and eight county agricultural offices have
sent letters of endorsement to Rep. Sam
Farr (Monterey) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein. Rep. Farr and Sen. Feinstein sit on
Agricultural Appropriations Sub-committees in the House and Senate, respectively,
and will work to include the line item for
the research in the budget. Frank Wallace
of Sacramento has been gathering endorsements and following the process in Washington.
targeted invasive plants (hardiness, habitat,
growth habit, care requirements, flowering
time, color, foliage type, and the plant’s
roles in landscape design) the group identified a list of plants as potential alternatives. The next step will be to meet with
nursery representatives for their input.
The project’s initial product will be brochures for nurseries encouraging landscaping alternatives to invasive plants. For
more information, contact project coordinator Alison Stanton:
Legislative Update…
Landscaping Alternatives Project
A kickoff meeting and workshop were
held at the U.C. Berkeley Botanical
Garden in Berkeley on June 7 to
discuss the problem of ornamental
plants that escape to become wildland invasives. Participants at
this meeting included wildland weed specialists, native
habitat advocates, land
managers, and horticultural experts
from the botanic
gardens, with
representatives from
organizations such as UC
Extension, The Nature Conservancy, the National Park Service, Cal-EPPC, the California Native
Plant Society, and Ketzel Levine, the gard e n i n g
correspondent from
National Public
(The next
will be coordinated with
from cooperative nurseries.)
a target group of ten
that are (1) available
in nurseries, (2) have realized
or potential
impacts in natural areas, and (3) are not
already regulated by the California Department of Food & Agriculture. Then, based
on horticultural attributes of each of the
AB 2534 (Pavley) “Clean Beaches”
This bill contains a provision that could
provide funding for invasive plant control
in coastal watersheds, including Caluerpa
taxifolia eradication through the Southern
California Caulerpa Action Team
(SCCAT). The bill has passed the Assembly and is now in the Senate Agriculture
and Water Resources Committee. Full
text of the bill is available online
ACR 218 (Cogdill) “Harmful, NonNative Weeds Awareness Week”
ACR 218 has passed, setting aside the
second week of July for programs advancing awareness of invasive plants.
S 198 (Craig, ID and Daschle, SD) and
HR 1462 (Hefley, CO) The Harmful
Nonnative Weed Control Act
This bill would provide major funding
for local weed projects nationwide. Currently being heard by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources and
the House Committee on Agriculture.
US Senators Pete Domenici (NM) and
Wayne Allard (CO) have drafted a bill that
would set aside $10 million for the Army
Corps of Engineers to research and implement tamarisk removal along waterways in
the West.
Viewing invasive species removal in a wholeecosystem context
Erika S. Zavaleta, Richard J. Hobbs & Harold A. Mooney
[adapted with permission from their article of the same name in TRENDS in Ecology & Evolution, 16(8):454-459, August 2001.]
How do we know whether a
non-native plant is likely to
invade a particular area? Can
we tell when an invasive has
stopped spreading-or where it
will someday stop -based on
geographic factors? Such questions intrigue researcher Scott
Steinmaus of Cal Poly San Luis
Obispo. Here he describes tools
he is developing tools to find
As a graduate student, I learned
to question assumptions.
Michael Barbour taught us to
challenge the assumption that
we could ever really know the
“native” condition of California. Marcel Rejm nek taught me
to ask, “Is your invasives problem truly growing over time,
or does it just look that way
because you are doing a better
job of measuring it?” These
questions underlie my development of models for evaluating
the potential for plant invasions.
Prediction is key
Few would disagree with
the philosophy that “prevention
is the best cure.” Predicting
where a plant species might
become invasive is a key component of prevention programs.
One technique for
making predictions uses empir-
ical models that are based on
used to predict invasiveness.
observations without necessarily
Two systems of criteria appear
understanding the mechanism. least prone to error: Reichard’s
These predictions are usually
risk assessment system for
accurate only under a narrow woody plants in North America,
range of conditions within
and the Australian weed risk
which the observations were assessment system for all plants
(White and Schwartz 1998).
A more robust technique
The two systems use essentially
for making predictions uses a
the same criteria:
mechanistic understanding of (1) a history of invasive behavior
how and why invasion is sucelsewhere;
cessful for a given species. Bio(2) closeness of biological relalogical characteristics alone are
tionship to another species that
often not enough to predict
is invasive;
invasion in a particular location
(3) climatic/ecological similaribecause they do not consider the
tyof introduction area to origiother two components to a sucnal home range;
cessful invasion: site character(4) aggressive traits such as
istics and the form of distur- allelopathic chemical release or
bance. This is where models
extremely competitive;
become useful.
(5) biological attributes such
We look at three compo- as vegetative reproduction, vinenents of invasion: like growth habit, short juvenile
(1) species characteristics-bioperiod, habitat generalist, easy
logical factors make a species germination/establishment patinvasive, consider native weakterns.
nesses as well;
(2) site characteristics-ecotones,
Site characteristics
complexity, isolation, and enviCronk and Fuller (1995)
ronmental factors; and provide general hypotheses that
(3) disturbance-any diversion
explain common plant invafrom the native condition that
sions. These may be used to
facilitates invasion.
develop characteristics of sites
Species characteristics that lend themselves to invasion.
Biological characteristics
Susceptibility can be based on:
of an exotic species have been
continued next page…
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Whole-system context…
(1) an absence of predators;
(2) poorly adapted natives with
low reproductive vigor;
(3) low biodiversity on site; and
(4) empty ecological niches.
Some invasives are
aggressive enough to establish
an infestation in an intact
native habitat. Most, however,
are opportunistic and favor the
opening afforded by some type
of anthropogenic disturbance.
These can be:
(1) chemical changes such as
fertilizer, sewage, and nitrogen
(2) physical disturbance such as
erosion, bare ground, roads and
(3) biological disturbance such
as removal of niche plants; and
(4) hydrologic disturbance such
as irrigation and groundwater
The modeler’s job
Explaining and predicting invasion is a multidimensional process involving many
variables. In developing a
model it is important to identify,
quantify, and incorporate the
most significant mechanistic
variables. Including too many
variables can lead to unreliable
predictions because of problems
associated with error propagation and dependencies among
the variables. Thus, the modeler’s job is to find the optimal set
of variables that give the most
useful predictions.
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Before and after
An adverse effect of eradication. The photos show a camp site on Sarian Island, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, before (top) and after (bottom) successful
eradication of feral goats Capra hircus and pigs Sus scrofa in 1998 explosively released
a previously undetected exotic vine Operculina ventricosa. Arrows in the bottom photo
indicate the roofs of the two buildings visible in the top photo. Photo by Curt Kessler,
Zoology Unlimited.
Discriminant analysis is
one statistical method that we
can use to classify a species as
invasive or noninvasive based
on its characteristics. For
example, working with Pinus
species, Rejm nek (1995) determined which biological characteristics contributed most significantly to a discriminant func-
tion and thus were the best predictors for invasive behavior in
(1) small mean seed size with a
short chilling requirement;
(2) minium juvenile period;
(3) short interval between production of large seed crops; and
(4) maximum opportunity for
dispersal by vertebrates.
Similar lists of most significant
characteristics can be developed
for other species.
methods to incorporate environmental characteristics of currently infested sites.
Our overall goal is to
design a system with sufficient
flexibility that one can assess the
risk of invasion for any weed in
any location in California. To
start, though, we needed one
good question to test such a
system. We decided to analyze
the likelihood that gorse (Ulex
europaea L.) would be an
aggressive invader in San Luis
Buckaroo Bonzai tackles gorse
Obispo County. The county’s
My graduate students
WMA was trying to decide
have taken to calling our whether to plan for an imminent
approach to model development invasion from Monterey County
the “Buckaroo Bonzai” method
to the north, and we thought
because we incorporate commaybe we could help.
binations of eclectic elements,
depending on what is most
Climate modeling
useful. We use biology of
Many factors can potenthe invasive species, a climatic
tially explain a successful plant
matching model, and ordination
invasion, but if the climate at a
Current Cartography
given location is not conducive
for growth then it is highly
unlikely that a successful invasion will ever occur. So climate
is the primary characteristic we
use in assessing a site’s vulnerability to invasion by a particular plant.
Our literature searches
provided us with the native
and current invasive distribution range for gorse. Gorse is
native to Europe, centering on
Ireland, and has been invasive
in cool, moist areas including
tropical latitudes at high elevations (New Zealand, southeast
Australia, Hawaii, Yucatan
highlands, as well as the Pacific
coast of the US).
For the initial stage of
our model development, we
focused on the distribution of
the species in its native region.
We assume that the species has
Weed Watch
First reports of Yellow starthistle, by
no reports
Based on CDFA pest damage
reports. Contributed by Rosie
Yacoub, CDFA GIS Analyst
Rene Simon, Placer County Agricultural
Inspector, reports scarlet wisteria Sesbania
punicea along Miner’s Ravine in Roseville.
The invasive plant has been found in
riparian corridors in Shasta, Sacramento,
Nevada, and Fresno counties, according to
Steve Schoenig of the California Department of Agriculture’s Integrated Pest Control Branch. Report sightings to Steve at
Photo by Gil Nelson, from the University of South Florida’s Plant
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Readings &
A Global Compendium of Weeds
by R.P. (Rod) Randall
Au$165.00 Hardcover, 944pp
2002 RG and FJ Richardson Publishing
Until now, the most comprehensive
coverage of the world’s weed flora
was produced in 1979 by Holm
et al . (A Geographic Atlas of
World Weeds) and listed 6,400
species. In this compendium,
Rod Randall has compiled
a list of almost 21,000
entries comprising over
18,000 weedy taxa and
2,500 alternate name
records. The information presented
is specifically
designed to
give a weed
risk assessor,
or anyone interested in the weed potential of a plant, a condensed
report of the status of a species with
avenues for finding more information
through the extensive reference listing.
Brooms: Managing Invasive Alien Shrubs
by Leif Joslyn
$25.00 45 min
2002 Xenobiota Xposures
Congratulations to videographer Leif
Joslyn on a job very well done. Well-paced,
with appealing footage and informative
text, this video held my interest throughout. It manages the neat trick of making
broom beautiful and menacing at the same
time. With the exception of a few minor
8 CalEPPC News Fall 2002
typos in scientific names, details are clear
and accurate, and the many experts consulted give a solid background on the biology and control of one of our worst weeds.
I recommend it to anyone.
review by Jake Sigg
The Center for Invasive Plant Management has published an on-line catalog of
educational weed materials in the West.
With 1,200 entries, including videos, brochures, slide sets, curricula, books, etc.
this resource will be useful for
educators and anyone who
is trying to learn more
about invasive
plants. Suggestions
additions to
the catalog
are enthusiastically
with infrared treatments. [Thanks to
Paul Caron of CalTrans]
The National Wildlife Refuge Association’s new webpage has extensivve links
and descriptions for invasive species programs.
“Refuge Issues”)
History, Biology, Ecology, Suppression,
and Revegetation of Russian-Olive Sites
(Elaeagnus angustifolia, L.)
The National Resource Conservation Service Plant Materials Technical Note No.
MT-43 15pp
Russian-olive is very invasive in wet-saline
environments and certain riparian environments. This paper provides extensive background on the history, reproduction, and
treatment of Russian olive.
good riddance
Insion of the Baysnatchers
8-panel brochure
The RIDNIS (Reducing the Introduction
and Damage of Aquatic Nonindigenous
Species) program has published a colorful
and informative brochure on aquatic
Evaluation of Infrared Treatments for
Managing Roadsice Vegetations
by Rob Edgar, Oregon DOT
This report presents information on the
effective treatment of roadside vegetation
Russian olive [Photo from Noble Foundation Plant Image Gallery
El Dorado County cel-
A workshop developed by the
Resource Conservation District for
homeowners associations.
An article drafted for a Master Gardeners column.
ebrates Weed Week
Educational flyers posted along the
Placerville Bike/Hiking Trail.
The El Dorado County Integrated Invasive Weed Management Program planned
an impressive array of programs for the
first California Weed Week this July. Their
weed tour began on the west slope and
continued up to Lake Tahoe, stopping to
look at infestations of Yellow starthistle,
Scotch broom, Tall white top, and Spotted
knapweed along the way. Other efforts
A presentation made to the county
Board of Supervisors on the activities
of the weed group.
one published by the Alameda/Contra
Costa County Weed Management Area. In
cooperation with the Forest Service, the
California Department of Food and Agriculture, and Sierra Pacific Industries, the
group helps control Spotted knapweed in
the area burned by the 1992 Cleveland
For more information, contact Senior
Agriculture Biologist Wendy West at
The group also hopes to have a booth
for the third straight year at the county’s
Harvest Fair in September. The group has
active projects on roadside vegetation management, and is preparing an educational
publication on Yellow starthistle based on
We are our membership… Thank you!
Special thanks to…
Life members:
Elizabeth Crispin (Mt. Shasta) · Gigi Hurst (Habitat West, Inc., Escondido) · Micki Kelly (Kelly Biological Consulting, San Anselmo)
Sustaining Members:
Greg Archbald (Santa Barbara) · Peter Brastow (San Francisco) · William
McCoy (Berkeley) · Connie Rutherford (Ventura) · Dolores Welty
Contributing Members:
Doug Allshouse (Friends of San Bruno Mountain, Daly City) · John
Anderson (Hedgerow Farms, Winters) · June Bilisoly (Portola Valley) ·
Martha Blane (Martha Blane Associates, San Marcos) · Eva Butler (Eva
Butler & Associates, Sacramento) · Marian Chambers (Central Sierra
Partnership Against Weeds, Sonora) · Sarah Chaney (Channel Islands
National Park, Ventura) · Susan Cochrane Levitsky (Cameron Park) ·
Wilma Follette (Sausalito) · Dave Fross (Native Sons Nursery, Arroyo
Grande) · Jim Hanson (CalTrans, Oakland) · Steve Hartman (CNPS,
Reseda) · Ann Howald (Santa Rosa Junior College, Sonoma) · Sarah
Jayne (Irvine) · Jo Kitz (Mountains Restoration, Woodland Hills) · Richard Kust (Irvine) · Jennifer Langford (Jenesis, Avila Beach) · Elaine &
Donald Mahaffey (CNPS Sea Ranch, Gualala) · Audrey Miller (Novato)
T. Charles Moore (Sunnyvale) · Jim & Barbara Peugh
(Friends of Famosa Slough, San Diego) · Paul Robins (Yolo County
RCD, Woodland) · David Sands (Go Native Nursery, LLC, Montara) ·
Susan Schwartz (Friends of Five Creeks, Berkeley) · Peter Slattery (Moss
Landing Marine Lab, Salinas) · Jean Starkweather (Marin Conservation
League, San Rafael) · Don Stiver (El Cerrito) · Stan Weidert (Shingletown) · Clarence Weinmann (Oakland Museum of California, Berkeley)
Contributing Institutional Members:
Nature’s Image (Grady Banister, Lake Forest)
Institutional Members:
Agri Chemical & Supply (Greg Omori, Oceanside) · Aquatic Outreach
Institute (Sharon Farrell, Richmond) · Bitterroot Restoration (Shengjun
Lu, Auburn) · US Bureau of Land Management (Al Franklin, Folsom)
· Cache Creek Conservancy (Jan Lowrey, Woodland) · California Depart-
ment of Parks & Recreation (Rebecca Cull, Livermore; George Gray, Santa
Cruz) · California Department of Parks & Recreation/OHMVR (Karen
Randall, Sacramento) · Chirman Biological Consulting (Darlene Chirman,
Santa Barbara) · City of Mission Viejo (Tom Levene) · City of Pacific
Grove (Frank Ono) · City of Palm Desert (Buford Crites) · County of San
Bernardino Public Works (Marnie McKernan) · Dow AgroScience (Bruce
Kidd, Murrieta) · Elkhorn Native Plant Nursery (Jean Ferreira, Moss Landing) · Golden Gate Biosphere Reserve Association (Natasha Benjamin, San
Francisco) · Golden Gate National Parks Association (Sue Gardner, San
Francisco) · Huntington Library (San Marino) · IPM-PCA Associates (Steven
Ash, San Rafael) · Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo (Mark Skinner) ·
Life Science! Inc. (Lisa Stallings, Sacramento) · Los Osos/Morro Bay Small
Wilderness (Jim Weldon, Los Osos) · Marin County Open Space District
(Mischon Martin, San Rafael) · Milo Baker Chapter, CNPS (Santa Rosa) ·
Monterey County Agricultural Commission (Eric Lauritzen, Salinas) · Ocean
Trails Golf Club (Barbara Dye, Rancho Palos Verdes) · Quail Botanical
Gardens (Julian Duval, Encinitas) · Rana Creek Habitat Restoration (Paul
Kephart, Carmel Valley) · S&S Seeds (Victor Schaff, Carpinteria) · San
Joaquin River Parkway (Deborah North, Fresno) · San Mateo County Parks
(David Moore, Redwood City) · Shelterbelt Builders, Inc. (Mark Heath,
Berkeley) · Strybing Arboretum, Helen Crocker Russell Library (San Francisco) · The Nature Conservancy (Rebecca Shaw, San Francisco) · Tom
Dodson Associates (Tom Dodson, San Bernardino) · Tree of Life Nursery
(Mike Evans, San Juan Capistrano) · University of California Botanical
Garden Library (Berkeley) · Ventura County RCD (Patricia Oliver, Somis)
· Vianasa Winery (Sam Sebastiani, Sonoma) · Wilbur-Ellis Company (Scott
Johnson, Sacramento) · Wildlands Restoration Team (Ken Moore, Santa
Cruz) · Yosemite National Park (Sue Fritzke, El Portal) · Zentner & Zentner
(John Zentner, Oakland)
And welcome to new members:
Emily Briscoe (Southern California Coastal Water Resources Project, Corona
Del Mar) · Lauren M. Brown (Science Applications International, Corp., San
Luis Obispo) · Jeremy Endsley (Sacramento) · Carly Gibson (Fawnskin) ·
Kathryn Mazaika & Mark Langan (San Francisco) · Thomas W. Mulroy (Science Applications International, Corp., Santa Barbara) · Peter Schuyler (Santa
Catalina Island Conservancy, Avalon) · Russell Scofield (BLM, Pioneertown)
· Frederick Warren (Richmond) · Wendy West (El Dorado County Dept. of
Agriculture, Placerville)
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
Weed-free forage: Coming to a forest near you
Project aims to stem spread
of weeds by horse-campers and
The weed-free forage policy developed
through the Sierra Nevada Framework for
Conservation and Collaboration is now
being extended to all California national
forests. Beginning in 2003, all Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and
National Park Service lands in California
will require the use of certified weed-free
feed when horse-camping, packing or staying on federal lands for periods of
time. Already, cattlemen who use public
land for grazing are being told about
required weed-free certifications for feeds
that might be brought onto public land for
Weed-free certification
Weed-free feed or forage includes
baled hays, grasses, alfalfa or any baled
combination, plus straw and mulch. California certified weed-free forage must be
free of propagative parts of state-listed noxious weeds. Cubes are not considered weed
free unless they are processed from fields
that have been certified as weed free. Baled
feed and cubes used on all federal public
lands have to be certified weed free by
a California county agricultural commissioner. When trail-riding on public lands
for any length of time agencies are suggesting that horses be “purged for 12 hours
by the feeding of California certified weedfree feed” before entering public lands.
California has between 750,000 to
1 million head of horses and experts
have estimated that these animals consume
between 20 percent and 25 percent of the
hay produced in the state. In addition to
hay growers, the horse industry also will
likely be the most heavily impacted by the
new weed-free forage regulations, followed
by the cattle industry.
Opportunity or burden?
Will this be an opportunity or a
burden for hay growers? Kiran Johl, Associate Director for the California Farm
Bureau Federation’s National Affairs Division, says, “Farm Bureau recognizes the
motivation for a weed-free forage certification program. We hope what develops
is a workable program that provides our
hay producers with a value-added product
they’ll be adequately compensated for,
rather than a burden.”
It’s anticipated that once the three
federal land agencies begin their weed-free
policy requirements in 2003, the California Department of Parks and Recreation,
along with various county and local parks
and trail agencies, will follow suit. Already,
CalTrans requires weed-free straw for erosion control and landscaping in the state
highway system. Santa Clara County currently requires it at its public stables and
Silver twine
“We started certifying growers last
year,” agricultural biologist Eric Wylde of
the Santa Clara County agricultural commissioner’s office said. “We presented this
program as a new marketing opportunity
because, once the closure orders are in
place, the demand will be there. Our growers believe there’ll be value down the road
in establishing name recognition for these
certified hays.
“We’re currently charging by the hour
for certification services and think the process is adding about 16 cents a bale to
the cost of hay,” Wylde said. “There may
be other costs associated with growing,
depending on cultural practices.”
The way Santa Clara County’s program works is that growers, once their
continued next page…
For this typical seaside scene, a cooling
white and yellow garden is offered to soothe the eyes. Two
fine shrubs that can provide structure to this coastal garden
are Cytisus scoparius and Rosa rugosa. Cytisus scoparius has
gotten something of a bad rap because it is aggressive, a
garden bully, but if your Scotch broom threatens to run
amok, whack it right back. Or, if whacking is not your
thing, choose a compact cultivar such as “Moonlight,” an
evergreen form peppered with pale yellow blossoms that
rarely exceeds 5 feet, or “Cornish Cream,” also a wellbehaved variety with creamy white pea-like blossoms.
From “Gardening on the edge: Before you throw in the trowel,
here’s a grower’s guide to seaside gardens,” by Sandra Gorry
in the San Francisco Chronicle, June 29, 2002, page 1WB.
[Reassuringly, many letters to the editor followed.]
10 CalEPPC News Fall 2002
…be it Resolved by the Assembly of
the state of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That
the second week of July be designated and recognized
as Harmful Nonnative Weeds Awareness Week in California; and be it further Resolved, That on the occasion of
Harmful Nonnative Weeds Awareness Week, the Legislature encourages all Californians to participate in activities
to raise awareness of the scourge of these weeds, and of
methods to prevent their pernicious spread…
From California Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 218
introduced by Assembly Member Cogdill on June 4, 2002
4th Annual Weed Management Area Statewide Meeting
“Costs & Consequences of Invasive Plants”,
CalEPPC Symposium 2002
September 23th-24th, 2002
Woodland, CA
October 11-13
Sacramento, CA
Come share success stories and challenges
with stakeholder groups from around the
state. Presentations will cover program
updates from various projects, funding
guidance, information on new tools in
weed control, and a mapping workshop.
For more info, email Steve Schoenig at
[see page 4 for details]
“The Power of Nature”, the 29th Annual
Conference of the Natural Areas Association (NAA)
October 2-5, 2002
Asheville, NC
Focusing on conservation of biodiversity in
natural areas, adaptive ecosystem management, and nature reserve design. One session deals with setting priorities for management of invasives.
Ecological Restoration (SERCal)
For more information, see
excerpted from Ag Alert, May 22, 2002, by
the California Farm Bureau Federation.
October 24-27, 2002
North Lake Tahoe, CA
“Restoration with a View: Sustaining Fragile Habitats”, the 9th Annual Conference
Sessions on soil and water quality in the
of the California Society for
Tahoe basin, public use of restoration areas,
Invasive Plants in Natural and Managed
forest dynamics, montane riparian and wetEcosystems
land restoration, invasive species manageNovember 2003
ment, and native grasslands.
Early notice on a conference that will be a
joint effort of the Weed Science Society
of America, The Ecological Society of
California Botanical Society’s Biennial
America, EPPCs from around the country,
Graduate Student Meeting
the Natural Areas Association, Society for
February 15, 2003
Range Management, and the Society for
UC San Diego, CA
Ecological Restoration. Nelroy Jackson and
Carla D’Antonio are Co-Chairs for the
Graduate students involved in research
projects in any area of botany (ecology, evo- conference.
…continued from previous page
fields have been inspected, are given special
silver twine that is used in baling and that
designates the feed has been certified weed
The California Department of Food
& Agriculture recently hired two two
seasonal Weed Free Forage Coordinators,
with financial support from the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management.
Bonnie Davis and Stephanie Balsdon will
be managing outreach to equestrians, feed
retailiers, growers, bailers, shippers and
agency personnel.
Other states, including Colorado,
Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho,
already have regulations requiring weedfree forage on public lands.
lution, conservation, floristics, morphology,
development…) are encouraged to attend.
The venue is ideal for students to gain
valuable experience giving presentations in
the standard format of scientific meetings
and to meet others involved in botanical
Biological bombshells
In an age when bioterrorism is a growing concern, the question should be askedCan exotic or genetically-modified weeds
be weaponized? Weed disasters have typically occurred by accident, and the security
analysts focus on pathogens and toxins.
Certainly there is a history of plant
toxins harming humans (such as Lathyrus
peas) and agricultural resources (such as
the rangeland weed Halogeton glomeratus).
Ricin, a toxic compound isolated from
castor beans, has even been researched by
the U.S. Army.
But this ignores the potential for
long-term destruction from plants that
wreak havoc through ecological disruption.
The purposeful introduction of weeds that
interfere with ecosystem processes, degrade
habitat, poison humans or livestock, or
invade waterways could be used to drain
us of economic and natural resources.
We should have an “incident command
system” set up to respond to such a threat,
such as what the Centers for Disease Control has. The USDA has an Animal
Health Emergency Management Plan, but
no comparable plan exists to cope with
the deliberate introduction of a disastrous
exotic pest.
For true homeland security, we need
to pay more attention to the potential
threat of weaponized exotic plants.
Bud Hoekstra
San Andreas, CA
Views expressed are those of the authors,
not necessarily those of CalEPPC. Send
letters to CalEPPC News, 1442-A Walnut
St. #462, Berkeley CA 94709 or email
to Letters may be
edited for brevity.
CalEPPC News
Fall 2002
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