Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas
om Wildland W
Vol. 13, No. 3, Fall 2005
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
‘Chokes in the news
According to the Los Angeles Times, giant cardoon
(Cynarus cardunculus) makes a dramatic addition
to garden landscaping (see pg. 3). Above, escaped
cardoon (also called artichoke thistle) in Valley
Center, San Diego County. Photo by Janet Garcia
of UC Riverside, first place winner in Specimen
category of the 2005 Cal-IPC photo contest. See
pg. 10 for other contest winners.
Invasive species in National Parks ……………….. 4
Reports from events around California …………. 6
2005 Symposium biggest ever …………………….. 8
2nd Annual Photo Contest winners …………….. 10
From the Director’s Desk
Media coverage of invasives
Invasive Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 843-3902
fax (510) 217-3500
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s natural areas
from wildland weeds through
research, restoration, and education.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Elizabeth Brusati, Project Manager
Gina Skurka, Project Intern
Board of Directors
Steve Schoenig, President (2005)
California Dept. of Food & Agriculture
Alison Stanton, Vice-President (2005)
BMP Ecosciences
Carri Pirosko, Secretary (2005)
California Dept. of Food & Agriculture
Jennifer Erskine-Ogden, Treasurer (2005)
U.C. Davis
Joe DiTomaso, Past-President (2004)
U.C. Davis Weed Science Program
This issue of Cal-IPC News is full of tidbits from the mainstream media. Though “any news
is good news,” we are always curious to see if news reports on invasives will “get it right.”
Increasingly, we are seeing articles by knowledgeable journalists with a high degree of
understanding for the issue. A recent article in the San Francisco Chronicle did an excellent
job of describing the goals and strategies of the Coastal Conservancy’s efforts to rid SF Bay of
Spartina alterniflora hybrids.
When an article fails, it sometimes does so spectacularly. Such was the case with the Los
Angeles Times piece extolling the virtue of giant cardoon (Cynara cardunculus) as a garden
plant. Such pieces are entertaining in an
eye-rolling way, but they show the need
for continued outreach. As materials like
the Don’t Plant a Pest! brochures reach
Interested in making a charitable contribumore gardeners, awareness of invasiveness
tion? We need:
as an important factor will grow. We expect
LCD projector – for making presentations.
invasives will become even more common
in the news, and plan to take advantage of Airline tickets or frequent-flyer miles – help
this opportunity for education.
send Cal-IPC representatives to meet with
legislators in Washington, D.C., for National
As we do each year at this time, we
Invasive Weeds Awareness Week in February.
welcome five new board members.
Cal-IPC Wish List
Goodbye and a big “thank you!” to Joe
DiTomaso, Alison Stanton, Carri Pirosko,
Jon Fox, and Bobbi Simpson. Welcome to
John Knapp (Catalina Island Conservancy), Brianna Richardson (Arastadero
Preserve), Jenny Drewitz (Yolo County
RCD), Marla Knight (Klamath Nat’l
Forest) and Chris Christofferson (Plumas
Nat’l Forest). See you in 2006!
Computers (PCs) – recent models to update
our office.
Pro bono public relations or marketing – help
market the Weed Workers’ Handbook and
other publications, and publicize events like
California Invasive Weeds Awareness Week.
Pro bono graphic design – make our educational displays more attractive and effective.
Jon Fox (2005)
Catalina Island Conservancy
Mark Newhouser (2005)
Sonoma Ecology Center
Dan Gluesenkamp (2005)
Audubon Canyon Ranch
Bobbi Simpson (2005)
National Park Service – Exotic Plant Management Team
Jason Giessow (2005)
Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area
Wendy West (2005)
El Dorado County Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
David Chang (2006)
Santa Barbara Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Joanna Clines (2006)
Sierra National Forest
Christy Brigham (2006)
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area
Bob Case (2006)
California Native Plant Society
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Last year of term noted.
Cal-IPC News
Fall 2005 – Volume 13, Number 3
Editors: Doug Johnson and Elizabeth Brusati
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California
Invasive Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with
permission from the editor. Submissions are welcome.
We reserve the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News
Fall 200
Weed workers at ease. October is a good time to take a break, and attendees at the 2005
Symposium found lots to talk about over lunch and between talks.
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
The Los Angeles Times raised weed workers’
frustration when it described the invasive
artichoke thistle, or giant cardoon (Cynarus
cardunculus) as “exotic, dramatic, delicious” in
its garden section (7/14/05). The article said it
might be difficult to purchase, failing to note
that the species is a B-rated noxious weed in
The San Luis Obispo Tribune reported on the
arundo infestation in San Luis Obispo Creek
and the work of the San Luis Obispo Land
Conservancy to remove it and other invasives,
while the Santa Rosa Press Democrat covered
arundo removal efforts in Sonoma County.
Habitat® herbicide has received approval
from the California Department of Pesticide
Regulation for use in California. Habitat is
specifically developed for use in sensitive
aquatic environments. The herbicide, based
on imazapyr, uses less active ingredient than
other products and breaks down quickly, yet
is highly effective. It provides targeted
vegetation control by affecting enzymes
found only in plants, not in humans, animals,
birds, fish or insects. The Invasive Spartina
Project is using it to remove invasive cordgrass
from San Francisco Bay.
ABC News reported that a rust fungus used
as a biocontrol for blackberry in Australia,
New Zealand and Chile has infected commercial blackberry fields (as well as invasive
Himilayan blackberry) in Oregon. (7/25/05)
The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce,
Science, and Transportation voted unanimously to approve the “Ballast Water
Management Act of 2005” (S. 363),
introduced by Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii)
The bill now moves to the full Senate for
consideration. Unfortunately, according to the
Union of Concerned Scientists, the bill
should be scrapped in favor of S.770 (Levin,
D-Michigan), which would more fully
reauthorize the Nonindigenous Aquatic
Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of
1990. S.363 would focus only on ballast
water, delay implementation, and loosen
current protections under the Clean Water
Act. To follow the progress fo these bills, see
Four states sued the U.S. Department of
Agriculture in September for failing to impose
effective controls against destructive insects
that enter the country in shipping pallets and
other wooden packaging. A new rule issued
by USDA requires the use of a marginally
effective pesticide that damages the environment and is being phased out of use under an
international treaty. New York, California,
Connecticut and Illinois filed the lawsuit,
which seeks a court order directing USDA to
Cal-IPC Updates…
Website moved to new host: We moved to a
new web-hosting service in August. Our
homepage address remains,
but webpage adddresses to Don’t Plant a
Pest!, the Invasive Plant Inventory, and other
programs have changed. If you include links
to these pages in your website, please update
Public Review Draft of the updated Invasive
Plant Inventory (the weed list) released: The
draft was distributed at the Symposium and
is being mailed to all members, as a final
solicitation of comments before the final
version is published early in 2006. This is
your last chance to add information for
ratings before the list goes to press. Individual
plant assessment forms and a comparison
between the 1999 and 2005 lists are
available at
Symposium Lost & Found: Several items
were found as we cleaned up after the
Symposium. Contact Cal-IPC if you’re
missing something.
Wildland Weed Field Course: Due to
overwhelming demand, Cal-IPC plans to
repeat the WWFC in a few months. Contact to be notified of upcoming
Day at the Capitol 2006: The event will be
held March 8 in Sacramento. Last year, 100
weed workers met with representatives or
legislative staff to discuss the need for
find more effective and less environmentally
harmful methods of preventing the insects
from entering the country. (9/15/05)
The Monterey Herald reported that the
Department of Defense and the National
Wildlife Federation have joined to call for
increased coordination among agencies to stop
invasive species. The military considers
invasive species a threat to homeland security,
due to the species’ consumption of limited
water supplies and reduction of land available
…continued page 15
funding of invasive plant projects. Watch the
Cal-IPC website for details or contact to be notified when more
information is available.
Online store: We can now accept online orders
for books and brochures using secure credit
card processing. Online membership renewal
and event registration is next.
Don’t Plant a Pest! Program: Our website
now has a section for expanded landscaping
altrnatives information for each region.
Southern California is the first to begin filling
in. The Central Coast brochure is now
available, covering the coast from Southern
California to the Bay Area. Several other
regions of the state are developing brochures
and looking for comments on invasives and
alternatives. If you can help, contact one of the
regional organizers:
Central Valley: Susan Mason, or (530) 892-1666
Sierra Foothills: Joanna Clines,, 559.877.2218 x3150, and
Wendy West,, (530)
Tahoe Basin: Wendy West (see above) and Sue
Donaldson,, (775)
Desert: Val Page,,
(760) 900-2363.
Saharan mustard workshop: Cal-IPC cosponsored a meeting in Barstow August 30 for
land managers in the Southwest dealing with
Brassica tournefortii. Presentations from the
meeting are posted at
Cal-IPC News
Fall 200
The Challenge o
ely A
essing the Thr
off Effectiv
of Inv
e Species tto
o the National P
ark Sy
Lloyd Loope, U.S. Geological Survey, Haleakala Field Station, Hawaii
[This article apppeared in the Fall 2004 issue of
Park Science and is reprinted here with
permission. Some photos have been changed. See
the original at]
Who will prevent and combat invasions?
Invasive plants comprise a highly visible
taxonomic group among many serious
biological invaders permeating the United
States and reaching even the relatively isolated
and intact ecosystems of the national parks.
Federal natural resource managers can
An NPS workshop in Ft. Collins,
Colorado, 4-6 June 2002, in which I
participated, produced useful guidelines for
monitoring invasive plants in and near the
national parks (Hiebert et al. 2002). NoteworEver-increasing transport of species of all
thy innovations of the guidelines include the
kinds is breaking down biogeographical
need to “work outside of park boundaries to
boundaries with profound consemanage at a landscape scale … [and]
quences for biodiversity loss
identify a buffer zone, which, when
worldwide (Vitousek et al. 1997,
adequately managed in cooperation
Mooney and Hobbs 2000). When
with partners, will more effectively
species are transported—intentionaccomplish invasive species manageally or inadvertently—outside their
ment goals.” Yet, although increasing
original geographic ranges, many of
attention is being given by public and
them become established and
private entities to the need for
spread. Some proliferate explosively,
controlling plant invasions, almost no
tending to displace native species in
barriers to the movement of plant
their new area of establishment.
species by humans throughout the
Evolving technology (e.g., shipping
world exist, including the United
containers) has increased shipping
States. Approximately 20,000 species
speeds and volumes, making our
of vascular plants have proved invasive
detection and interception strategies
and damaging somewhere in the
for stemming the flow of invasives
world (Randall 2002). U.S. federal
in the United States very difficult to
noxious weed law (APHIS 2000)
implement and certainly inadequate
currently prohibits 91 species and five
(Campbell 2001, Loope and
genera, most of which are wellHowarth 2003).
documented threats to agriculture.
Given the seeds of catastrophic
Other taxonomic groups besides
loss already planted and those yet to
vascular plants pose present and even
come, invasive species pose a highly
greater future threats to park ecosyssignificant threat to the biodiversity
tems. Insects and fungal diseases that
of the U.S. National Park System in
attack trees are probably the most
the early decades of the 21st century
important groups nationwide. The
(e.g. Wilcove et al. 1998). Moreover,
Forest Service began working with the
global climate change is likely to
Animal and Plant Health Inspection
exacerbate the problem by favoring
Service (APHIS) of the U.S. DepartBull thistle (Cirsium vulgare) invades Tioga Pass in Yosemite
invasive nonnative species over
ment of Agriculture (USDA) in the
National Park. Many park units have been protected by their
native species (Mooney and Hobbs
late 1980s to address invasive species
remoteness or elevation, but these barriers are being breached.
2000). Writing as a former (24
threats associated with raw wood
Photo: Bob Case.
years) employee of the National Park
imports and solid-wood packaging
Service, now with the U.S. Geological Survey potentially address invasive species issues in
materials (e.g. Tkacz et al. 1998). Neverthe(USGS), my attempt here is at a personal
conjunction with local outreach efforts,
less, Thomas Hofacker (staff entomologist,
review and synthesis of implications of trends working with agencies (federal, state, and
USDA Forest Service) sees forest health in the
in biological invasions for national parks,
local) and individuals in communities
United States as broadly declining, with three
based on personal experience and analyses by
surrounding the parks and refuges for
to five new problematic insects or pathogens
education, prevention, detection, and rapid
becoming established in this country each
year, and with many tree species becoming
4 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
“functionally extinct” (presentation at annual
meeting of Entomological Society of America,
San Diego, CA, December, 2001). Campbell
(2001) believes this situation is at least partly
because the international system for regulating
trade to prevent transport of potentially
harmful organisms places a huge burden of
proof on countries wanting to protect their
ecosystems from pests arriving through such
pathways as raw wood and wood packing
materials. Another important point is that the
national and international quarantine system
was designed to protect mainstream agriculture with little or no reference to the protection of natural areas from biological invasions
(Campbell 2001, Baskin 2002).
In the United States, the agency
primarily responsible for protecting our
nation’s borders from biological invasions was
until recently USDA-APHIS. Because of
growing recognition of the need to address
this problem (e.g. the threat to forests of
insects and diseases in raw wood and wood
packaging material) and others, APHIS had
begun to focus beyond its primary mandate
of protecting mainstream American agriculture. Most of the large branch of APHIS
responsible for protecting our borders from
biological invasions at U.S. ports of entry
(Plant Protection and Quarantine) was
transferred to the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) in March 2003. How this
move to a different government department
with a different mandate will affect the
protection of natural areas and biodiversity is
not clear.
A 1993 report by the Congressional
Office of Technology Assessment recognized
many challenges the existing system faces to
keep harmful nonindigenous species out of
the United States (OTA 1993). For example,
first-class mail within this country is a virtually
unaddressed major pathway for transport of
biological material (potentially, for example,
federal noxious weeds), protected against
“unreasonable searches” by the Fourth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (OTA
1993, p. 48-49). This is just one of many
cases cited in the OTA report in which the
current system gives invaders the edge.
Since publication of the OTA report,
international treaties to facilitate the workings
of the multilateral trading system have
evolved (Werksman 2004). After years of
trade negotiations, the World Trade Organization was established in 1995 and with it a
treaty on sanitary and phytosanitary measures
(FAO 2004). The treaty is managed by the
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations,
which is responsible for
implementing the International Plant Protection
Convention. Some of the
trade-promotion measures have
not benefited invasive species
prevention. For example,
countries cannot legally
exclude a potential pest in
commerce unless they can
clearly establish that a specific,
credible threat exists through a
The destructive Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora
risk-assessment process.
glabripennis) from China provided a wake-up call regarding
Moreover, a country can
the threat of solid-wood packaging material as a major
require only the minimum
pathway for invasive pests into the United States. After
treatment measures docubeing intercepted repeatedly at ports of entry for several
mented as effective in reducing
years by border protection quarantine officials, a population
risk. On the positive side, it can
was discovered in Chicago in 1998. Photo: US Forest Service.
be said that the international
system has responded well to the threat of
biological endemism at the species level
movement of pests in solid-wood packaging
approaching 100% for many native groups.
material and has produced largely excellent
Over all, Hawaii has approximately 10,000
guidelines for regulating this pathway (FAO
endemic species (found nowhere else on Earth
besides Hawaii), out of a total biota of
approximately 20,000 native species
Biological asymmetry and invasions
(Eldredge and Evenhuis 2003). Hawaii , with
Not all regions of the world are equally
far above-average vulnerability to invasions
susceptible to biological invasions; some
(Loope and Mueller-Dombois 1989), is also a
regions primarily seem to be source areas.
major international hub of commerce. It is by
Called biogeographic asymmetry, this
far the U.S. region most damaged by
phenomenon has been widely recognized in
invasions, with large numbers of and serious
marine and aquatic invasions (Vermeij 1991,
impacts from invasive vertebrates, inverteLodge 1993) although it is just as prevalent in brates, and flowering plants (e.g. Loope
terrestrial invasions. North American forests
are particularly vulnerable to invasions of
Nevertheless, Hawaii receives no special
European and Asian insects (North American
protection to prevent invasive species
Forest Commission 2000). Many more plant- introductions. Border protection from foreign
eating forest insects from Europe have
passengers’ baggage and cargo at the Port of
successfully invaded North America (approxi- Honolulu is essentially identical to that at all
mately 300) than have invaded Europe from
other international ports in the United States
North America (34) (Nemiela and Mattson
(CFR, Chapter 7, 319.56-8). Preventive
1996). The decline of forest species of eastern
actions are taken based primarily on an
North America caused by insects and
approved list of organisms for which specific
pathogens, mainly from Asia (Campbell and
legal authority is deemed to exist (James
Schlarbaum 2002), does not seem to be a
Kosciuk, Agriculture Liaison, Customs and
reciprocal phenomenon. Very few native
Border Protection, DHS, Honolulu , Hawaii ,
insects and diseases of North America are
personal communication, May 2004).
known to have become established in Asian
Moreover, although Hawaii has better laws for
preventing invasive species establishment than
most states (OTA 1993), the Hawaii DepartHawaii—the U.S. region most susceptible to
ment of Agriculture has little or no authority
biological invasions
for protection from pests from foreign sources
Oceanic islands are well known to be
and receives limited funding (HDOA 2002).
especially vulnerable to invasive species. The
USDA-APHIS has a large program based in
Hawaiian Islands comprise one of the most
Hawaii for airport departure inspections to
isolated island groups in the world, with
…continued page 12
Cal-IPC News
Fall 200
ent R
California 2005 Invasive
Weeds A
eness W
Local groups around the state organized
weed events for the third annual California
Invasive Weeds Awareness Week, July 18-23.
The California Invasive Weeds Awareness
Coalition (CALIWAC), of which Cal-IPC is a
member, provided a guide to organizing
events to help spur local groups to develop
Some highlights included: Friends of
Five Creeks ( in Alameda
County removed invasives along a section of
creek that was recently opened to public
access. In Santa Cruz County, voluneers
removed Ammophila arenaria (European
beach grass) from dunes. Park staff and a crew
of Student Conservation Association workers
Redwoods National Park gave presentations at
the park visitor’s center and led a walk with an
invasive plant removal work party. They even
landing a front page story in the Del Norte
Daily Triplicate (
story.cfm?story_no=1826). The Tahoe Basin
Weed Management Area held a “Broom
that described the threat of invasive plants in
the desert and their role in increasing fire
danger in southern California.
pull or giving a talk on local invasive plants at
a chapter meeting. Contact us to coordinate
with our developing speakers’ bureau.
The challenge for CIWAW 2006 will be
to improve publicity and participation by the
public. Ideally, the program could grow to
something resembling Coastal Clean-Up
Day, with a statewide campaign. While many
groups organized events, the comments we
received afterward included, “unfortunately,
we were not able to more widely advertise the
event,” “small turnout of seven volunteers,”
“the publicity was not very good, so no one
from the general public attended,” and “only
one person brought in a broom plant.”
CALIWAC has developed a guide to
organizing and publicizing events. Although
written for Weeds Awareness Week, it
contains information that local groups can
use throughout the year to raise their profile
in the community. It’s available on our
website at
or contact Cal-IPC for a copy.
Preserve Calavera’s
“Eat the Invasives” Picnic
Sierra Summit
Cal-IPC displayed an exhibit at the
Sierra Summit in San Francisco, Sept. 8-11,
the first-ever national conference of Sierra
Club members, with 4000 attendees from
across the U.S. Our exhibit
featured photographs of invasive
weeds invading stunning natural
areas such as Yosemite, with a
collage of photos on impacts and
information on the need for hikers
to clean equipment to avoid
transporting weeds in the
backcountry. The display drew a
steady stream of visitors, most of
whom seemed at least somewhat
familiar with the issue of invasive
plants. The Sierra Club has not
made invasive species a focus of its
programs, although it does
recognize the problem and
Wok as control tool. Preserve Calavera serves up
featured an article on tamarisk
some weeds. Photo: Karen Merrill
removal in Sierra magazine last year.
Sweep,” in which residents could turn in a
The “legacy project”during the conference
Scotch broom plant and receive a nontook Sierra Club members to Golden Gate
invasive alternative for their garden. The
National Recreation Area to remove cape ivy
Lassen Special Weed Action Team (SWAT)
and other invasives. A few attendees paid
held a booth at the county fair. Other
nearly $400 for a post-conference field trip to
programs ranged from training sessions for
pull invasive weeds for a week at Pt. Reyes (as
Master Gardeners to displays of local invasive
one of our board members commented, “I’d
weeds at county administration buildings and let them pull weeds on my preserve for
community colleges. Cal-IPC received a
free!”). If you belong to a local Sierra Club
mention in a Riverside Press-Enterprise article
chapter, please consider organizing a weed
6 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
Karen Merrill, Preserve Calavera
Preserve Calavera hosted their 3rd annual
“Eat the Invasives” picnic this spring. As part
of our community outreach efforts, we
thought it would be fun, as well as an
educational tool, to do our part to control
invasive plants by eating them! This years’
lecture was given by Doug Gibson, Director
of the San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy and
manager of a grant to the Carlsbad Watershed
Network for invasive plant removal throughout north San Diego County. A guided hike
into the adjacent native habitat afforded the
guests a first hand look at the pampas grass
and arundo removal efforts, as well as a
remarkable array of native species. The picnic
luncheon featured food made with invasive
and non-native plants. The delicious menu
items included nasturtium butter, ice plant
pickles, Fennel and fruit salad and a stir fry
with black mustard and artichoke thistle stalks.
The guests had a wonderful time learning
about, seeing and eating invasive plants!
Statewide WMA Meeting
The 7th Annual CaliforniaWeed Management
Area (WMA) Statewide Meeting was held on
September 19-20 at the Heidrick Agricultural
History Center in Woodland. This meeting
provides the opportunity for WMA coordinators, stakeholders, and other interested parties
to come together and share experiences, ideas,
frustrations and successes. Eighty people
participated this year. The conference featured
speakers on grants and funding, including
talks on the California Invasive Weed Awareness Coalition’s (CALIWAC) push for
funding and how to spice up grant applications for weed control. We also heard updates
on The Nature Conservancy’s Weed Information Management System (WIMS) and how
to identify some rare A-rated noxious weeds.
Regional breakout groups discussed local weed
programs and exchanged information on
proven techniques and funding sources. The
event concluded with a talk by Joe DiTomaso,
UC Davis, on effective treatments and new
controls. The WMAs had the opportunity to
show off their educational displays, along with
product exhibits.
Cal W
shed F
The 6th Annual California Watershed
Forum, hosted by the California Watershed
Network, in collaboration with the Salmonid
Restoration Federation, was held on September 28 at the California Environmental
Protection Agency building in Sacramento.
This year’s forum brought together agency
and legislative representatives and watershed
advocates throughout the state to help
develop an effective and successful watershed
program for California. The day included
expert panel discussions on issues such as the
future of watersheds and how to pay for a
watershed program. The event concluded
with an attendee brainstorming session on
solutions and developing policy. Local
watershed groups and other organizations,
including Cal-IPC, displayed exhibits and
shared information.
vis IGER
“Gardens and Guppies”
On September 21, the UC Davis
Biological Invasions Integrative Graduate
Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program hosted a workshop called, “Gardens
& Guppies: Working together to prevent
introductions of invasive species via the
horticulture and aquarium trades.” The
workshop provided a forum for leading
academics, industry representatives, NGO
Detection Classes Offered
Veteran weed workers Bob Case, Don
Mayall, and Jake Sigg are available to give
presentations on weed detection to interested
volunteer groups. Their goal is to train more
“detection helpers” who can spot and report
new weed infestations. They have begun
giving presentations to local chapters of the
California Native Plant Society, and the
presentations can be tailored to the needs of
other local volunteer groups.
Currently, presentations are only
available in the San Francisco Bay Area, but
the crew is recruiting presenters in other
regions. Presentations are free, though
presenters will accept travel reimbursement.
Bob, Don and Jake are longtime members of
Cal-IPC and CNPS, with decades of
experience between them. For more information, contact Bob at or
(925) 689-6528.
staff, agency personnel, and
students to discuss the issues of
invasive species relating to the
nursery and aquarium trades.
The IGERT trainees, graduate
students from a variety of disciplines, organized the symposium as a
culmination of their second year
group project. The theme of the
project focused on imports of
potentially invasive species by the
aquarium trade and the potential for
self-regulation by the horticulture
trade. The students presented the
results of their project along with
speakers from the University of
Washington, Ecos Systems Institute,
Sustainable Conservation, and the
Weeds impact watersheds. Cal-IPC staffer Gina Skurka
Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council. talks with an attendee at the Watershed Forum.
In the afternoon, attendees separated
into two groups for more in depth discussion
San Francisco Estuary Conference, October 4on the aquarium and horticulture trades. The
6 in Oakland. Topics included restoration
symposium was a very productive meeting of
projects, ecosystem and water planning in the
the minds where new ideas were exchanged
Delta, and changes in estuarine food webs.
for preventing introductions of invasive
Invasive species is one of the major challenges
species through these two trades in the future.
facing restoration projects, and Erik Grijalva
The IGERT trainees are now in the process of
of the Invasive Spartina Project described the
formalizing their results for publication later
progress of the 2005 treatment season.
this year.
Attendees also saw a preview of the public
television series “Saving the Bay”, which
State of the
describes the history (natural and human) of
San Francisco Estuary
the bay, and how science and stewardship
work together to protect its resources. Cal-IPC
“Celebrating Science and Stewardship”
was the theme of the 7th Biennial State of the presented a poster on the weed list revision.
Garden Society
The Mediterranean Garden Society
(MGS) is an international organization for
everyone interested in plants and gardens
suited to the world’s mediterranean climate
regions, including California, the Mediterranean Basin, central Chile, South and Western
Australia, and South Africa’s Western Cape.
Members receive The Mediterranean Garden,
a quarterly journal with articles of interest,
practical information, book reviews and news
of events. Regional branches in Northern,
Central and Southern California organize
programs, symposia, and garden tours
throughout the year.
The MGS is a forum for the exchange of
ideas and information about appropriate
approaches to gardening in the cool, moist
winters and warm, dry summers characteristic
of a mediterranean climate. Members study
plants in their natural environments in order
to grow them successfully, and the Society
promotes conservation of natural resources,
interest in native plants, awareness of invasive
plants, and waterwise gardening in harmony
with the climate. There are many advantages
to living and gardening in these wonderful
climate regions, and members are invited to
attend the Society’s annual meeting, which is
held is a different country each year.
The Northern California Branch
produced The Garden Resource Guide for
Northern California’s Mediterranean
Climate. To order a copy, send a $10 donation
to: PO Box 542, Lafayette, CA 94549. For
lots more information, visit
-Katherine Greenberg, Past President
Cal-IPC News
Fall 200
Symposium 2005-Chico!
Cal-IPC’s 14th Annual Symposium, held this year at Chico State
University, was our largest ever, with more than 350 attendees. The
conference featured the addition of our first Wildland Weed Field
Course, held along Big Chico Creek, where 80 attendees learned about
integrated weed management methods from some of the most
experienced practitioners in the state.
When Symposium attendees weren’t listening to some of the more
than 40 talks, they could peruse research posters or visit our sponsors’
exhibits. Joe Silveira of the Sacramento National Wildlife Refuge
reminded us what we’re working toward with his keynote address on
“The Return of Natural Diversity to Great Valley Wildlife Habitat.”
On Friday, participants broke into small working and discussion
groups on topics such as Wetlands and Sensitive Habitats, Fire and
Fuels Treatment, Mapping, and Education/Outreach.
Attendees didn’t spend all of their time listening to talks. During
Thursday evening’s social hour, Cal-IPC scholarship recipients
meandered through the crowds selling raffle tickets. Winners were
drawn live on stage during the awards banquet, while Joe DiTomaso
auctioned off some of the more exceptional items like Ken Moore’s
rare, mini-weed wrench, a wildflower walk at Carson Pass with botanist
Bob Case, two fine wines from Joe’s personal wine cellar, a Jepson
Herbarium workshop, and a weekend getaway in South Lake Tahoe.
On Saturday, field trips visited the Sacramento National Wildlife
Refuge, the site of a future state park in the Sutter Buttes, weed
removal projects in Bidwell Park, and riparian restoration at Stony and
Red Bank Creeks.
If you weren’t able to make it to Chico, you can view most
Symposium presentations on our website. See you next year in Sonoma
Photos below by Bob Case, unless otherwise noted.
Wildland Weed Field Course
Wildland Weed Field Course: Participants take notes in the dappled sunlight of Bidwell Park
(upper left). Rob Wilson explains chemical treatment methods (bottom left), and Mark
Newhouser demonstrates revegetation techniques (above right), while Mike Taylor and Pete
Brucker show the proper way to use a weed wrench, with girdling demonstrations in the
background (bottom right, photo: Jim Bromberg).
At right, top: A full house at Bell Memorial Union. Middle: Attendees enjoy
lunch, with sponsor exhibits in the background. Bottom: Three generations of
weed workers—Carla Bossard (right), her former student (and current Cal-IPC
board member) Carri Pirosko, and future weed worker Jacob Pirosko.
8 Cal-IPC News FFall
all 200
Congratulations to the 2005
Award Recipients!
Jake Sigg Award for Dedicated Service:
Carla Bossard, St. Mary’s College of
California, for a decade of service on the
Board of Directors, co-editing Invasive Plants
of California’s Wildlands, participating on
the weed list review committee, and
mentoring students in invasive plant issues.
Above left: Susan Mason and Tanya Meyer’s display on the development of a Central Valley
version of the Don’t Plant a Pest! brochure. Above right: The knapweed-sniffing dogs of Montana, as described by Kim Goodwin from Montana State University.
Golden Weed Wrench Award for Land
Manager of the Year: Susan Mason,
Friends of Bidwell Park, for her leadership
in restoring Bidwell Park habitats.
Catalyst Award for Activism and Advocacy:
Frank Wallace, Sacramento Weed
Warriors, for involving hundreds of
community volunteers in restoration along
the American River Parkway.
Policy Award: Assemblywoman Lois Wolk
(Dist. 8-Davis), for her work and legislation
promoting agency coordination on invasive
species issues.
Above left: Susan Mason accepting the coveted Golden Weed Wrench Award from Cal-IPC’s
Doug Johnson, with last year’s recipient Ken Moore in the background. Above right: Bobbi
Simpson (left) presents Andrea Williams with the Weedzilla Award.
Weedzilla Award for National Park Service
Weed Manager of the Year: Andrea
Williams, Redwood National and State
Parks for diligence in proposing and testing
weed projects and acquiring a Student
Conservation Association team for a year.
Field trips
Left: The Bidwell Park field trip learns about the plantation of trees from around the
world as engineering materials. Photo: Doug Johnson Middle: At Sutter Buttes, participants visited a former ranch, full of yellow starthistle and medusahead, that State Parks
recently acquired. Photo: Elizabeth Brusati. Right top: “Sacramento River As It Was”
examines a vernal pool. Photo: Bree Richardson. Right bottom: Giant reed dwarfs CalIPC members on the “Arundo and Tamarisk in the North” trip. Photo: David Spencer
Cal-IPC News
all 200
2ndAnnual Cal-IPC Photo Contest
1st Place
1st Place
Delairea odorata (cape
ivy) takes over Live
Oak Creek, Fallbrook.
Carolyn Martus.
Escaped cardoon in Valley
Center, San Diego County.
Janet Garcia, UC Riverside
2nd Place
Gorse on San Bruno
Mountain, San
Mateo County.
John Beall
3rd Place
Yellow starthistle. Sally Childs
3rd Place
Cortaderia selloana at
Encinas Creek (the
“Costco” population),
Carolyn Martus
2nd Place
“Red on blue: much to do!” Red
sesbania. George Hartwell
Weed Impact
1st Place
Stacy Schmidt, Big Sur
Land Trust
2nd Place
1st Place
“Darn that starthistle!”
Photo by Patti Baker,
contributed by Sue
2nd Place
Hawaii Five-O “Delta style”
(water hyacinth).
Holly Crosson, UC Davis
Arundo on pavement.
Jason and Jesse Giessow
3rd Place
Endangered Yadon’s
piperia growing at the
edge of a dead
jubatagrass. Sally Childs
10 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
3rd Place
“Cape Ivy Goddess”
Jim Bromberg, Pt. Reyes Nat’l
Weed W
1st Place
Sesbania punicea
removal via canoe
along Lake Oroville.
Jim Dempsey,
California State
2nd Place
On the edge of the
Big Sur.
Stacy Schmidt, Big
Sur Land Trust
3rd Place
Boy Scouts remove a humongous wild radish,
Sunset Scrub restoration site, Presidio, San
Francisco. Mike Perlmuter
Special Category: All-Species W
eed W
Diorhabda elongata, saltcedar
biocontrol beetles, on tamarisk.
Tom Dudley
Canine “Woad Warrior,”
Klamath National Forest.
Julie Knorr
“Biocontrol,” Catalina Island.
John Knapp,
Catalina Island Conservancy
Hairy weevil for yellow
starthistle control,
St. Joseph’s Hill Open Space
Kathleen Jones
Before and After
1st Place
Removal of Himalayan blackberry, purple
loosestrife, and edible fig, Lake Oroville.
Jim Dempsey, California State Parks
3rd Place
Removal of jubatagrass in Manzanita Park.
Sally Childs
2nd Place
A bank cleared of yellow starthistle.
Sally Childs
Cal-IPC News
Fall 200
National Parks, continued from pg. 5
1998). With just 0.2% of the U.S. land area,
Hawaii has about 30% of U.S. endangered
species. Although habitat destruction has
been an important cause of extinction and
endangerment, the introduction and spread
of invasive alien species has contributed in a
major way in the past and is now the
predominant cause of biodiversity loss in
Still, much biological richness is left in
Hawaii’s national parks, mostly at high
elevations, but what is left is threatened by
old, new, and future invasions. The invasive
tree Miconia calvescens is an alarming and
imminent threat. This large-leaved, shadetolerant tree from tropical America has greatly
reduced biodiversity over most of the rain
forest area of Tahiti (Meyer 1996, Meyer and
Florence 1996) and promises to do the same
in Hawaii without major management
intervention. Hawaii’s national parks and
Hawaii’s NPS Exotic Plant Management Team
are very much involved in interagency efforts
to manage M. calvescens (e.g. Loope and Reeser
Good models for improved prevention
for Hawaii exist in the largely successful
preventive systems in place in New Zealand
and Australia. In these countries the public
accepts laws and procedures, some involving a
small loss of personal freedom, as the price
that must be paid for protecting agriculture,
forests, and native ecosystems. New Zealand
has comprehensive biosecurity legislation and
a highly rigorous border control system,
utilizing trained dogs and X-ray technology
(Baskin 2002, Loope 2004). Australia has a
relatively successful plant screening system
that has evaluated thousands of new plant
introductions since its inception (Pheloung et
al. 1999, Baskin 2002).
The stakes are high in Hawaii because of
the state’s world-class biota. No location in the
world rivals Hawaii as a showcase for biotic
evolution in isolation and adaptive radiation—not even the famed Galapagos
archipelago (Williamson 1981). In Hawaii,
the National Park Service emerged as a leader
in conservation biology about 1970, turning
apathy into action, and showed that extensive
native ecosystems persisted at high
elevations in the state. It has pioneered
the use of fencing as a tool for
sustained elimination of feral ungulates
(Stone and Loope 1996), serious alien
plant control within designated
“special ecological areas” (Tunison and
Stone 1992), pushing for better
quarantine measures at airports and
harbors (Reeser 2001), and drawing
the line against Miconia and other
invasive species. The National Park
Service in Hawaii is well aware that it
cannot rest on its laurels, however
(Bryan Harry, NPS Pacific area director,
personal communication, 2004).
protect mainstream agriculture on the U.S.
mainland from Hawaii’s pests but no
reciprocal measures for protecting Hawaii
(OTA 1993). Clearly, the quarantine system is
not protecting Hawaii from what Bright
(1999) termed the “pathogens of globalization.”
Hawaii has been one of the most
unfortunate locations in the world as far as
pest introduction is concerned, and its
biodiversity and agriculture have suffered.
The state is in the midst of an invasive species
crisis affecting not only the archipelago’s
highly endemic biota, but also overall
environmental and human health, and
viability of its tourism- and agriculture-based
economy (CGAPS 1996). The Invasive
Species Specialist Group of the World
Conservation Union (i.e., IUCN) recently
developed a list of “100 of the World’s Worst
Invasive Species” (ISSG 2002); Hawaii has 47
of them.
Hawaii has roughly the same total
number of nonnative arthropod species as the
continental United States. McGregor
(1973) speculated on the reason:
“Although there is much greater
diversity of crops and habitats within
the continental United States , these
are dispersed over a vastly larger land
area. In Hawaii , where the overall
diversity is less, the various habitats
are more readily accessible from the
principal port of entry.” The more
moderate and stable climate of Hawaii
is also more favorable to an invading
species than the climate in much of
the United States. Furthermore,
McGregor (1973) recognized this
point in relation to agricultural
quarantine: “(for insects and mites) in
the period 1942-72 the rate of
colonization per thousand square
miles was 40 species, 500 times the
rate of [the] continental United
States.” There is no evidence to
indicate that this pattern has changed
in the following 30 years.
More native species have been
eliminated in Hawaii than anywhere
Miconia tunnel. Biologist Jean-Yves Meyer stands beneath a
else in the United States . Hawaii has
typical forest of the invasive tree Miconia calvescens in Tahiti.
lost about 8% of its native plant
Miconia has become recognized as an invader capable of
species and an additional 29% are at
extinguishing biodiversity in island rainforests, and is being
risk (Loope 1998). The state has lost
aggressively combated by the Hawaii Exotic Plant Manage27 of its 73 historically known bird
ment Team and others in Hawaii . Photo by Jean-Francois
species and about 900 of 1,263
Butaud and Jean-Yves Meyer, 2004.
described land snail species (Loope
12 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
Lag time often masks biological
invasions on the U.S. mainland
Given unabated action of similar
forces responsible for continued
ecological degradation—habitat
destruction and fragmentation,
biological invasion, and cascading
effects—biodiversity of mainland
national parks is clearly at risk
(Vitousek et al. 1997). Meanwhile,
Hawaii comprises a useful testing
ground where strategies to prevent and
combat invasions can be applied,
tested, and refined.
Lag time is an important and
underappreciated phenomenon in
invasion biology and tends to mask the
pervasiveness of invasive species on the North
American continent. For example, very many
nonnative insect and disease problems in
eastern North America went unnoticed
initially but have gathered momentum and
become acutely problematic with time. For
example, white pine blister rust (Cronartium
ribicola), introduced with nursery stock from
Europe, has been in this country for more
than a century (Maloy 2001), but it is just
now killing most of the whitebark pine (Pinus
albicaulis) trees in the northern Rocky
Mountains from Glacier National Park to
Yellowstone and Grand Teton.
Likewise, hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges
tsugae), a tiny insect, also illustrates well the
case of serious invasions, which are revealed as
serious only gradually. Native to Asia, it
reached the western United States in the
1920s and the eastern part of the country in
the 1950s, but the conventional wisdom was
that it attacked only cultivated hemlocks (Van
Driesche and Van Driesche 2000). In the
1980s, reports surfaced of eastern hemlock
death in Virginia, and the infestation has now
become a huge problem from New England
to North Carolina and is slowly spreading
westward. This may be an invasion that could
cause functional extinction of two hemlock
species, eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis)
and Carolina hemlock (Tsuga caroliniana).
Lag times are not always as long. Balsam
woolly adelgid (Adelges piceae) has virtually
eliminated Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) in Great
Smoky Mountains National Park; it was first
noted in the United States about 1950 and
started attacking fir in the Smokies in the
1970s. Dogwood anthracnose (Discula
destructive), first detected in the country in the
1970s, was reducing or eliminating flowering
dogwood (Cornus florida) in many eastern
national park areas by the 1990s (Langdon
and Johnston 1992).
Fast-moving and newly emergent
invasive diseases deservedly get the most
attention. Sudden oak death syndrome
(caused by the fungus Phytophthora ramorum)
is a high-visibility problem that popped up in
1995 in California and kills healthy trees
within four months (Kliejunas 2001). For
nearly a decade, the fungus in the United
States had been confined to Pacific states, but
its chances of invading southeastern states,
where numerous potentially susceptible oak
(Quercus) species are ecological dominants, was
learned to have been hastened in early 2004.
At that time it was found that in spite of the
best preventative efforts of APHIS, one large,
infected nursery in Los Angeles had shipped
National Park Service crew removes yellow starthistle outliers at Yosemite NP. Photo: Bobbi
Simpson, NPS
susceptible plant material widely. An APHIS
update reported, “As of June 15, P. ramorum
has been confirmed in plants traced forward
from the initially positive Los Angles County
wholesaler at 118 sites in 16 states,” including
11 states in the southeast (APHIS 2004).
How many more sleeper invasions have
already been inoculated within ecosystems
worldwide by the recent burgeoning of
trade—involving diverse pathways from solidwood packing and raw lumber to seed trade
on the Internet? And how much are protective systems going to improve in the coming
decades in addressing continuing inoculations? In my view, change is going to depend
more than anything on awareness.
Who will tell the people?
Entomologists Nemiela and Mattson, in
a 1996 article in BioScience, stated (p. 751):
“When the outrageous economic and
ecological costs of the wanton spread of
existing exotics and continued entry of new
ones become common knowledge, it is
inevitable that there will be a public outcry
for actions to mitigate the potentially dire
consequences.” Whose responsibility is it to
inform the public? One might conclude that
the seriousness of the problem of biological
invasions seems to be largely unrecognized in
the consciousness of the American public.
Among environmental concerns, clean air and
clean water perhaps understandably seem to
attract the most attention (since their direct
effects are readily imagined). The reality is that
biological invasions threaten much more than
the integrity of natural ecosystems of national
parks. They pose immense threats to the U.S.
economy, agriculture, and forest resources,
and to the public health and quality of life of
U.S. citizens. Yet it seems that almost nowhere
in American society is this message being
conveyed effectively. Admittedly, the press
reports with high frequency on specific
invading species, but only rarely produces indepth analyses relevant to the general problem
of invasions (e.g. Nash 2004, Choo 2004).
How can NPS rise to the challenge?
The issue of the threat of invasive alien
species to natural areas obviously presents
huge challenges, but there are many possibilities for working toward “solutions.” A recent
issue of BioScience presents an upbeat mix of
ideas on promising approaches by knowledgeable scientists (Dybas 2004). One such
scientist’s (Daniel Simberloff ) presentation
was entitled “We can win this war: The
dangers of pessimism about introduced
species.” Another (David Lodge) is quoted as
having made the observation that screening
species for invasiveness is one of the essentials
continued next page…
Cal-IPC News
all 200
…continued from previous page
and that “we have or are developing the tools
to do that. The management and policy tools,
however, lag way behind.” A third scientist
(Ann Bartuska) expressed frustration over
“how little we have done about dealing with
… [the invasive species issue]—given how big
it is, how clearly we know the impacts, how
widespread it is, and how it touches everyone
in one way or another.… We seem to have the
political will and the public will to really take
on fire [in wildland management] in a big
way… but we don’t seem to be able to do the
same with invasive species.” Her suggested
solutions included “integrated vector
management” and “an effective early detection
rapid response system.”
The National Park Service has special
incentives for ramping up its efforts to address
the invasive species issue. National parks and
their ecosystems provide an excellent opportunity to bring the invasions message to the U.S.
Those parks provide unfortunate but strong
lessons to be learned by NPS employees and
the general public. Those fortunate regions
and parks that have up to now been less
susceptible and have largely escaped damage
by invasions can learn from their neighbors
and anticipate threats posed by future
The 1916 NPS Organic Act states clearly
that the national parks are to be kept “unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” The National Park Service now appears
to be faced most ominously with massive
impairment of the parks’ natural resources by
biological invasions from outside. One role for
the National Park Service might be to
accelerate its proactive role in informing its
employees and the American public of the
insidious nature of biological invasions.
Another might be to include serious analyses
of the importance of proactive quarantine
systems suitable for regions at risk such as the
Hawaiian Islands (see Reeser 2002). Major
The NPS Exotic Plant Management Team removes pampas grass from difficult-to-access
cliff faces, where plants can serve as significant seed sources. (Photo: Bobbi Simpson, NPS)
public. Parks have been identified in the past
(originally by NPS Director George Hartzog
in the early 1970s) as “miners’ canaries” for
U.S. environmental health and indeed can
well serve as such for communication of the
invasions message. Some regions and parks are
much more susceptible to invasions than
others, with some already showing substantial
degradation. Parks in Hawaii , California, and
Florida are especially affected by invasions.
14 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
breakthroughs in science, policy, and
management will likely be needed to address
the complex and important issue of biological
invasions if substantial impairment of the
parks is to be averted.
Lloyd Loope is station leader of the Haleakala
Field Station, USGS Pacific Island Ecosystems
Research Center . Contact him at
Literature cited
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trans-Arctic interchange. Paleobiology 17:281307.
Vitousek, P. M., C. M. D’Antonio, L. L. Loope, M.
Rejmanek, and R.Westbrooks. 1997. Introduced species: a significant component of
human-caused global change. New Zealand
Journal of Ecology 21:1-16.
Werksman, J. 2004. Invasive alien species and the
multilateral trading system. Chapter 8. Pages
203-217 in M. L. Miller and R. N. Fabian,
editors. Harmful invasive species: legal
responses. Environmental Law Institute,
Washington , D.C.
Wilcove, D. S., D. Rothstein, J. Dubow, A.
Phillips, and E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying
threats to imperiled species in the United States .
BioScience 48(8):607-616.
Williamson, M. 1981. Island populations. Oxford
University Press, Oxford, UK.
News, continued from pg. 3
for training troops. For example, yellow
starthistle destroys paratroopers’ parachutes at a
cost of $2,000-$5,000 apiece (10/19/05).
A letter in the Annals of Internal Medicine
describes a clinical case in which a 24-yr-old
man was admitted to a hospital with myocarditis (swelling of the heart) resulting from
exposure to sap from tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus
altissima) through open blisters on his hands.
Although it doesn’t describe the level of
exposure that caused this toxicity, it is a
reminder to take care when removing tree-ofheaven. (TNC Invasive Species Listserve)
USA Today described the release of tamarisk
leaf beetles at 24 sites in the southwestern U.S.
Australian researchers looking for ways to
eradicate toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) have
found a way to trap them using ultraviolet
lights. Cane toads, some as big as dinner plates,
can even kill crocodiles and wild dogs with
their hallucinogenic venom. Researchers in the
Northern Territory found that the “disco
lights” are a great way to attract cane toads so
that they can be trapped.
A report on “Invasive Weeds, Pests and
Diseases: Solutions to Secure Australia,” has
been prepared by the Australian Biosecurity
Group, a task force convened by the Invasive
Animals Cooperative Research Centre, the
Cooperative Research Centre for Australian
Weed Management, and World Wildlife
South Africa’s oldest nature reserve is
threatened by an alien invasion so fierce that
environmentalists now fear for the renowned
park’s future. Hluhluwe-Umfolozi Park is being
overrun by triffid weed (Chromolaena odorata),
an invasive species from Central America. The
plant spreads at such a rate—smothering
indigenous vegetation and driving off
animals—that it was named after the carnivorous plants from the 1951 sci-fi novel The Day
of the Triffids.
Cal-IPC News
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5 Symposium Sponsor
We thank our 2005 Symposium Sponsors for their generous support:
Gold Sponsors
Agri-Chemical and Supply, Inc. – Cal-Native Plants – Dudek and Associates – Ecosystems
Restoration Associates – Monsanto Company – RECON Environmental, Inc.
Silver Sponsors
BASF Corporation – Clean Lakes, Inc. – DeAngelo Brothers, Inc. – Habitat West, Inc. – Hedgerow Farms – Los
Angeles Conservation Corps – Shelterbelt Builders – UC Exotic/Invasive Pests and Diseases Research Program
Bronze Sponsors
Alligare, LLC. – CDFA Integrated Pest Control Branch – Dendra, Inc. – Dow Agrosciences – Intellispray, Inc. – UAP
Timberland, LLC. – Target Specialty Products – Ventura County Resource Conservation District – Wilbur-Ellis Co.
Green Sponsors
Ben Meadows Company – Butte County Resource Conservation District – California Native Grasslands Association
– Catalina Island Conservancy – Circuit Rider Productions – EDAW, Inc. – Nature in the City – Regional Council of
Rural Counties – The Student Conservation Association – West Coast Wildlands – Western Farm Service
New Members and Donors
Thank you for your generous support! This list reflects new members
and donors since the last newsletter.
New Members
Riaz Ahmad (Davis), Patrick Akers (Sacramento), Monica Alas (San
Rafael), Jason William Allen (San Diego), David Allen (Orick), Kasey
Allen (Point Reyes Station), John P. Anderson (San Francisco), Ted
Angle (Reno, NV), Greg Archer (El Portal), Sheri Asgari (Irvine),
Jerry Asher (Lincoln City), Kristin Asmus (Walnut Creek), Denali
Beard (Folsom), CJ Beigle (Pismo Beach), Jim Belsher-Howe
(Quincy), Martha Berthelsen (Richmond), Cheryl Beyer (Alturas),
Claire Beyer (Richmond), F. Thomas Biglione (Stockton), Cindy
Bishop (Fresno), Michael Blankinship (Davis), Lynn Boyd (Walnut
Creek), Bill Bradberry (Fountain Valley), Jack Bramkamp (San
Dimas), Terrel Brand (Oakland), Brenton VMS LLC (Folsom),
Matthew Brown (Oroville), Nancy Brownfield (Oakland), Ernest
Bryant (Santa Barbara), Jennifer Buck (Davis), Sarah Bull (Morro
Bay), Jennifer Williamson Burt (Sacramento), Jennifer CampbellYoung (Costa Mesa), M.L. Carle (Penngrove), Mike Carpenter
(Willows), Jason Casanova (Los Angeles), Brian Cashore (Bishop),
Barbara Castro (Chico), Daniel Clark (Los Gatos), Patti Clifford
(Arcata), Roger Cole (Oroville), Michael Commons (Whiskeytown),
Bernadette Cooney (Weaverville), Karen Cotter (Los Gatos), Michelle
Cox (Mineral), Jeff Crain, Kyla Dahlin (San Francisco), Bonnie Davis
(Fremont), Gage Dayton (Moss Landing), Denise Della Santina (El
Portal), Mark Dodero (San Diego), Joy Durighello (San Francisco),
Todd Easley (MCB Camp Pendleton), Adam Erickson (Orick), Susan
Erwin (Weaverville), Eric Evans (Rocklin), Eric Folmer (Berkeley), Sue
16 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
Fritzke (San Francisco), Linda Gamberg, Janet Garcia (Moreno
Valley), Tamara Gedik (Trinidad), Joanna Gehrig (Orick), Andrew
Georgedes (Montara), Pat Gilbert (Shasta), Mark Girard, Jackie
Gonzalez (Chico), Kim Goodwin (Bozeman, MT), Sara Greenwald
(San Francisco), Abigail Gwinn (Seaside), Carolyn Halde (San
Francisco), Mark P. Hansen (Seaside), Jack Hardy (Battle Ground),
Leann Hendy (Live Oak), Daniel Hill (San Jose), Linda Hill (Berkeley), Samantha Hillaire (Oroville), Eric Hoff (Orick), Stan Hooper
(Los Altos), Beau Howard (Hollister), Lottie Hufford (Cedarville),
John Hunt (Chico), Rachel Hurt (Alameda), Ellie Insley (Glen
Ellen), Shigero Isuda (Daly City), Elaine Jackson (Martinez), Judy
Johnson (Bass Lake), Laura Julian (Blue Lake), Terri Kempton (San
Francisco), Drew Kerr (El Sobrante), Guy Keyser (Davis), Alynn
Kjeldsen (Sebastopol), Andrew Kleinhesselink (San Francisco), Roy
Kroeze (La Grange), Laura Kummerer (Saratoga), Eric Lane (Lakewood, CO), Brendon Larson (Davis), Amy Livingston (Mineral), Jimi
Logsdon (Chico), Scott Loosley (Santa Cruz), Liana Lopez (Mariposa),
Lynn Lorenson (Nevada City), Eliza Maher (Riverside), Michael
Malmberg (Sausalito), Jean-Philippe Marie (Davis), Anthony
Marrone (Stockton), Kevin Martyn (Redding), Sarah McCullough
(Mineral), Erin McKinney (San Diego), Norma McKinney (Spring
Valley), Jim McCoy (La Grange), Autumn Meisel (Menlo Park),
Julian Meisler (Santa Rosa), Eric Menig (Chicago Park), John Merz
(Chico), LeeAnne Mila (Placerville), Rick Miller (Folsom), Terry
Miller (Blairsden), Joseph Minewiser (Davis), James Moller (Anderson), Joe Molter (Redding), Kathleen Moody (Fort Jones), David
Moorhead (Tifton), Virginia Moran (Grass Valley), Aaron Morehouse
(Avalon), Michelle Murphy (San Francisco), Deborah Nares (Salinas),
Natomas Basin Conservancy (Sacramento), Tony Nelson (Point
Reyes), Nancy Ness (Elma), Jon O’Brien (Davis), Jessie Olson
(Petaluma), Gary Omori (Oceanside), Ray Omori (Oceanside), Yoko
All-Seasons Weed Control (Grass Valley), Gladys Baird (Encinitas),
Robert Berman (Pacific Grove), Charles Blair (Lompoc), Daniel
Boughter (Point Reyes Station), Chip Bouril (Yountville), Bob Case
(Concord), David Chang (Santa Barbara), Meryl Faulkner (La Jolla),
Ron Felzer (Oakland), Margaret Fillius (San Diego), James & Nancy
Harris (Huntington Beach), Susan Hubbard (Hollister), Barbara
Jones (Richmond), Jo Kitz (Woodland Hills), Celia Kutcher
(Capistrano Beach), Joan Marlowe (Cupertino), Audrey Miller
(Ferndale), Yolanda Molette (San Francisco), Daniel Munoz & David
Hiovich (Los Angeles), Greg Omori (Oceanside), John Osborne &
Abe Doherty (Oakland), Lindsay Pasarow (Banning), Tanya Quin
(Thousand Oaks), Don Stiver (El Cerrito), David Sundstrom (Rancho
Palos Verdes), Michael Thometz (Campo), David Washburn (Hemet)
James Young (El Cerrito)
Donors for Symposium Auction and Raffle
Giving ‘til it hurts. Auctioneer and Cal-IPC Past-President Joe
DiTomaso reluctantly parts with a bottle of wine from his personal
cellar during the auction at the 2005 Symposium. Photo: Bob Case
AgriChemical & Supply, Alison Stanton, Ann & Ralph
Mendershausen, Friends of Bidwell Park, Big Chico Creek Watershed
Alliance, Bob Case, Bobbi Simpson & Christy Brigham (National
Park Service), Butte Environmental Council, Campus Bicycles,
Carolyn Gibbs (Lassen SWAT), California Dept. of Food & Agriculture, CNPS Mt. Lassen Chapter, Collier Hardware, Cynthia Graves
Perrine (Jepson Herbarium), Cynthia Harrington Ficenec (California
Native Grasslands Association), David Chang, Dave Flietner, CNPS
San Diego, Fanno Saw Works, High Country News, Hugh & Jennifer
Williamson, Intermountain Nursery, Jackson Shedd, Jake Sigg, Janet
Clark (Center for Invasive Plant Management), Jenn Erskine Ogden,
Joanna Clines, Joe DiTomaso, John Knapp (Catalina Conservancy),
Judy Johnson, Kathy Lambert, Ken Moore (Wildlands Restoration
Team), Linnea Hanson, Marilyn Walter, Marla Knight, Orchard
Supply Hardware, Peet’s Coffee and Tea, Raley’s & Bel Air, Robert
Fischer, S&S Seeds, Santa Barbara Biltmore, Sierra Foothill Conservancy, Susan Mason, UC Statewide IPM, U.S. Forest Service, The
Weed Wrench Company,
Omori (Oceanside), Raquel Ordorica (San Diego), Lesa Osterholm
(Grass Valley), Richard Parry (Los Altos), Dale Patterson (Santa Fe
Springs), Jim & Barbara Peugh (San Diego), Huy Pham (San Jose),
Barbara Pollock (Stockton), John Pritchard (Watsonville), C. Anne
Prutzman (Oakland), Tim Reilly (Capitola), David Reneau (Menlo
Park), Kellie Rey (Moss Landing), Caroline Ridley (Riverside), Melissa
Riedel-Lehrke (Los Angeles), Rick Riefner (Irvine), Chris Rose
(Winters), Allison Roth (San Francisco), Dan Ryan (Rolling Hills
Estates), Robert Sanders (Chico), Allison Sanger (Susanville), Daniel
Sarr (Fort Collins), Kristina Schierenbeck (Chico), Mari Schroeder
(Santa Ana), Julie Serences (Carmichael), Jason P. Sexton (Woodland),
Joseph Silveira (Sacramento River NWR), Onkar Singh (Clovis),
Siram (Oakland), Jeremy Sison, Robert Skillman, John Smith, Trish
Smith (Irvine), Tamara Sperber (Modesto), Charles Starzynski (Fair
Oaks), Harlan Steele (Burbank), Bobbie
Stephenson (San Diego), Lew Stringer (San
Francisco), Mark Stromberg (Carmel Valley), Chris
Swift (Rocklin), Kathy Swift (Lincoln), Riley Swift
(Lincoln), Kate Symonds (Santa Rosa), Ellen Tatum
(Arcata), Mike Taylor (Placerville), Aileen Thiele
(Oakland), Suzanne Thomas (El Portal), Jenn
Tiehm (Paicines), Ryan Tiejen (Orick), Jamison
Tuitele-Lewis (Prather), Jessica Umbright (Chico),
Emma Underwood (Davis), Debi Upton
(Oroville), Kris Vagos (San Francisco), Matt Wacker
(Sacramento), Jessie Walker (Escondido), Emily
Walter (Arcata), Sally Walters (Folsom), Holly
Warner (Mariposa), Judi Weaser (El Portal),
Amanda Weinberg (Costa Mesa), Charles Williams
(Redwood Valley), Charlie Williams (Oakland),
Desiree Williams (San Rafael), Rob Wilson
(Susanville), Christopher Winchell (Clovis),
Spencer Wolfe (Oakland), Sheli Wingo-Tussing
(Chico), Eric Wrubel (Oakland), Amanda Yantes
We have them to thank. Five of the founding Cal-IPC board members—Jake Sigg, Greg
(Hollister), Anne Yost (Ft. Jones), Mahala Young
Archbald, Carla Bossard, Ann Howald, and Nelroy Jackson. Photo: Bob Case
(Sacramento), Ellen Zagorey (Davis)
Cal-IPC News
all 200
Readings &
Have you seen a new resource your fellow
weed workers should know about?
Please contact
or (510) 843-3902.
Nursery Partnership newsletter: The
Partnership to Prevent Invasive Plant
Introductions through Horticulture (which
includes Cal-IPC) now produces an online
newsletter describing the group’s goals and
progress. (See Summer 2005 issue of Cal-IPC
News for more information on the partnership.)
Class: The Western Society of Weed Science
offers the Noxious Weed Management Short
Course for Land Managers, April 24-27,
2006 at Chico Hot Springs in Pray,
Montana.The course was developed for land
managers who want to gain a better understanding of ecologically-sound integrated
weed management concepts. Lab and field
exercises, in addition to classroom sessions, will
be used as teaching methods. Registration for
the course is limited. Melissa Brown
Outreach guide: The California Invasive
Weeds Awareness Coalition (CALIWAC) has
produced a guide for organizing field trips,
contacting local media, and other ways to get
your message out. Although originally
designed for California Invasive Weeds
Awareness Week, it contains ideas that can be
used all year (or for CIWAW 2006). The
guide is titled Strategies for California
Invasive Weeds Awareness Week. and is
available at
Ehrharta management summary: Ehrharta
spp. (veldt grasses) now have an updated
entry in The Nature Conservancy’s series of
management summaries for invasive plants,
describing biology, impacts, and control
Outreach listserv: The WEEDAWARE-L
listserv facilitates communication among
parties interested in invasive plant awareness
and outreach. This list is intended to provide
support and resources to those conducting
weed awareness campaigns and to facilitate
regional coordination and collaboration. It is
open to everyone.
Deck of weed cards: “Weeds You Should Get
to Know” Weed Deck. TNC-Florida has
produced a pocket-sized weed deck of
3.5″×5″ laminated cards that can be fannedout. Designed specifically for land managers,
this waterproof and durable weed deck
includes identifying characters for five weeds,
great photos, and control information!
Video game: Play Weed Wipeout, an online
video game from Australia that lets you choose
your control method and see your bank
balance change as your weed management
investment either pays off or not. Tell your
boss you’re “researching” outreach programs.
18 Cal-IPC News Fall 200
of Land Management. Available by e-mailing or faxing 303236-0845. Although BLM’s website says it’s
out-of-print, it’s actually been reprinted. PDF
download also available, although graphics are
better in the printed copies.
Roadside distribution. Sign with noxious
weed pamphlets spotted in Fields, OR. Photo:
Heidi Martin, Caltrans District 11.
Evaluation guides: Cornell University has
produced several fact sheets with information
on evaluating effectiveness of outreach and
education programs.
Online book: The full text of the book Alien
Plant Invasions in Native Ecosystems of
Hawaii: Management and Research (1992;
Stone, Smith, & Tunison, eds.) is now online
on the Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk project
Brochure: Weed-free Rangelands & Wildlife
Habitat, a brochure for hunters on preventing weed spread, is available from the Center
for Invasive Plant Management at Montana
State University.
Book: Measuring and Monitoring Plant
Populations (1998, Elzinga et al.), is recommended as a “must-have manual for monitoring weed projects.” Published by the Bureau
Free software: An updated version of The
Nature Conservancy’s Weed Information and
Management System, WIMS 3.0 beta, is out
for review. Changes include a streamlined data
model, a more user-friendly interface, and
improvements for data sharing. Download
from (select the
“Files” tab and pick the topmost one). A
message board is provided to discuss ideas and
announce new releases:
The current production version, 2.1b, is still
in use and available.
Virtual library: Online access to the American
Institute of Biological Sciences virtual library
is now free to all visitors. Includes talks from
2004 55th Annual AIBS Meeting – Invasive
Species: The Search for Solutions.
Free photos: The Natural Resource Conservation Service Photo Gallery contains natural
resource and conservation related photos
from across the USA. Photos are available free
of charge. Search by state or category. Great
for presentations.
completed a regional database of invasive nonnative plants as part of the Southwest Exotic
Plant Mapping Project that will help land
managers share information about invasive
plant occurrence and distribution.
Website: The Nature Conservancy has
redesigned its web site for fire practitioners. It
includes reports on forest management and
fire as well as information on training
Know of an event that should be posted here?
Southwest Vegetation Management Association Annual Meeting
Please contact
November 2-4, 2005
Phoenix, AZ
Ecological Society of America Annual
Meeting: “Ecology in an Era of Globalization:
Challenges and Opportunities for Environmental Scientists in the Americas”
Western Weed Coordinating Committee
Annual Meeting
January 8-12, 2006
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
December 1 and 1, 2005
Las Vegas, NV
Sponsored by the Ecological Society of
America. Invasive species is one of three major
Advanced Invasive Plant School
California Weed Science Society 58th
Annual Conference: “Improvise, Adapt, and
December 6 and 7, 2005
Ontario, CA
A new course from Dr. Nelroy Jackson and
Carl Bell with in-depth information on
impacts and conttrol of invasives.
“Invasive Plants in the Midwest: Assessment,
Management, Partnerships”
December 14-15, 2005
Kansas City, MO
Cosponsored by the North Central Weed
Science Society and the Midwest Invasive
Plant Network.
This seventh annual event brings together
weed workers from across the country to the
nation’s capitol to visit their congressional
representatives. Interested in joining the
California team? Contact Cal-IPC!
Day at the Capitol
March, 2006 (date to be announced)
Sacramento, CA
Attendees from around the state visit legslators
to educate them about the need for invasive
plant projects. Everyone is encouraged to
attend. Registration is free.
12th Annual California GIS Conference
January 16-18, 2006
Ventura, CA
April 5-7, 2006
Santa Barbara, CA
Weed Science Society of America Annual
Noxious Weed Management Short Course
February 13-16, 2006
New York, NY
April 24-27, 2006
Pray, MT
See description page 18.
National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week
Weeds Across Borders
February 26-March 3, 2006
Washington, D.C.
May 25-28, 2006
Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico
The 3rd Weeds Across Borders Conference
sponsored by the Federal Highway Administration and the Arizona-Sonora Desert
Museum. Share information with scientists,
practitioners, and policy makers from Canada,
the US, and Mexico.
“The enemy is cordgrass? Is there anyone left in conservation who is
not spraying, ripping out, cutting down or burning? It seems to be
popular science to destroy things in order to save them.
“Managing Weeds in a Changing Climate”
15th Australian Weeds Conference
September 24-28, 2006
Adelaide, South Australia
Laurie Stoelting, letter to the editor, San Francisco Chronicle, Oct. 15, 2005
Submit abstracts by December 2, 2005.
“Pampas grass, an ornamental plant from Argentina…marches up and
down California like a bunch of feather-headdressed Vegas
showgirls, trampling sensitive coastal habitats with their high heels.
Lisa McKinnon, Ventura County Star, Oct. 14, 2005
Cal-IPC News
all 200
Cal-IPC Membership Form
We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership, including scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens. Please
photocopy the form below, complete, and mail with your payment. Additional donations are always welcome to support our projects; we are a
501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and donations beyond regular membership rates are tax deductible.
Joint Cal-IPC/CNGA
Small company
or Nonprofit
City, State & Zip
Ways to join:
Mail: send this form with check (made out to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card
info to Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
Fax: fax form with credit card info to 510/217-3500
Phone: call us at 510/843-3902 and provide contact and credit card info
Work Phone
Home Phone
Credit Card No.
Invasive Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
Please check the
label to make sure your
membership is current. Renewal
notices mailed in January.
Thank You!
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Non-Profit Org.
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Berkeley, CA
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