Vol. 20, No. 4 & Vol. 21, No. 1
Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
Attendees at the pre-Symposium Habitat
Restoration Workday at Nathanson Creek
Preserve in Sonoma learned to use tools for
“bucking and swamping”.
Photo: Dana Morawitz
Special concerns near aquatic habitats..4
Symposium photos!…………………………6
Victorian box spreading……………………8
New videos and BMP Manual…………. 10
Spongeplant treatment to begin………. 11
From the Director’s Desk
What is early detection?
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
ph (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500
www.cal-ipc.org info@cal-ipc.org
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s lands and waters
from ecologically-damaging invasive plants
through science, education, and policy.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Carol Bardoff, Program Assistant
Elizabeth Brusati, Science Program Manager
Alice Chung, Project Manager
Heather DeQuincy, Outreach Program Manager
Agustín Luna, Business Manager
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Dana Morawitz, Mapping Program Manager
John Knapp, President
Native Range, Inc.
Jason Casanova, Vice-President
Council for Watershed Health
Shawn Kelly, Treasurer
Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project
Peter Schuyler, Secretary
Ecological Consultant
Peter Beesley
Pacific Gas and Electric
Karen Buhr
California Association of Resource Conservation Districts
Jutta Burger
Irvine Ranch Conservancy
Frank Davis
UC Santa Barbara
Jennifer Funk
Chapman University
Gery Gero
Climate Action Reserve
Doug Gibson
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Jason Giessow
Dendra, Inc.
t is widely agreed that “early detection and rapid response,” or EDRR, is the best
strategy for using limited resources to stop the spread of invasive plants. But what
exactly is EDRR? Generally, EDRR means finding and eliminating new invasive
plant threats through timely action. But there are (at least) three flavors of EDRR, all
important. I refer to them as classic, containment, and anticipatory.
The most dramatic situation involves finding new populations of a known problem
species far from areas previously known to be infested. The more damaging the species
and the further from previously known populations, the higher priority the detection
and response. Thus, when Caulerpa taxifolia, the “killer algae” from the Mediterranean
Sea, was found in southern California in 2000, it was a big deal. The eradication of
these populations was rightfully heralded as a great EDRR success story.
Such geographically dramatic finds are unusual. More typical are the regular
surveillance activities aimed at finding new populations of species already present in
a region. Collaborative regional efforts like the Great Lakes Early Detection Network
provide online reporting systems to facilitate communication about new finds, while
smartphone apps make reporting of field observations accessible to a wide audience of
citizen scientists. Such reports help managers contain the expansion of invasive plants at
the landscape scale by addressing populations found in new locations.
And then there is anticipating which of the nearly 2,000 non-native species naturalized in California might become invasive in the future. (Invasives often have a substantial “lag phase” before they spread.) Detailed risk assessment is needed to determine
which species are of highest concern. Several years ago Cal-IPC developed a list of
plants that have become invasive in the world’s other Mediterranean climate regions
and cross-referenced this against species already found in California. We also maintain a
“watchlist” of potential problem species compiled from land manager observations.
Partners in the Bay Area Early Detection Network (BAEDN) have worked to
identify containment and anticipatory EDRR targets for their 9-county region.
In 2013 Cal-IPC will be joining forces with BAEDN and will use their example
when incorporating anticipatory targets into our regional initiatives statewide.
Cal-IPC aims to coordinate effective action at the landscape scale throughout California, and integration of all three types of EDRR will be essential.
Kim Hayes
Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Dan Knapp
Los Angeles Conservation Corps
Chris McDonald
UC Cooperative Extension
Bridget Hilbig
UC Riverside
Meghan Skaer
UC Davis
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Cal-IPC News
Fall 2012/Winter 2013 – Vol. 20, No. 4 & Vol. 21, No. 1
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Carol Bardoff
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission from
the editors. Submissions are welcome. Mention of commercial
products does not imply endorsement by Cal-IPC. We reserve
the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
At the pre-Symposium
training, attendees used
a hold saw to create
“moats” for herbicide
application in a cutstump treatment.
Photo: Dana Morawitz
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
Arundo as biofuel? The State of Oregon
has authorized the cultivation of Arundo
donax as a bioenergy crop. A bond of
$100/acre must be set aside for potential
clean-up. More than 200 scientists organized by the National Wildlife Federation
submitted a letter to the Obama administration urging tighter controls on invasive
plants used for biofuels. New York Times
Green Blog, Oct. 23, and Oregon Invasive
Species Council, www.oregon.gov/ODA/
On September 23, Governor Brown
approved a bill to fund invasive mussel
eradication. State Assembly Bill 2443
(Williams) will add a charge to boater
registration fees to fund inspections and
eradication for quagga and zebra mussels.
Municipal water districts will be eligible
to apply for grants to help eradicate the
mussels. leginfo.legislature.ca.gov
Diversity and abundance of invertebrates are reduced in stands of introduced palm trees along the San Diego
River. Researchers compared the Canary
Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis) to
Cal-IPC Updates
Day at the Capitol 2013
Join us in Sacramento on March 13
to visit legislators’ offices to advocate
for funding and stronger programs.
Your voice makes a difference! Free
but registration is required. www.
Climate Change Models
CalWeedMapper now shows models
of suitable range (with climate
change) for 79 species. Our maps
show a consensus of 17 Global
Climate Models to take into account
variation among projections. Select
the Advanced tab, then Legend/
Change Layers to see the options.
native arroyo willows (Salix lasiolepis).
Due to differences in canopy size, canopy
density, and trunk texture, invertebrates
were only 60% as abundant around the
palms as the willows, with 70-80% of the
species diversity. Conservation Magazine,
A quarter of science teachers surveyed
said they released potentially invasive
organisms such as the waterweed
elodea, mosquito-fish, amphibians and
red-eared slider turtles into the wild
after lessons. “Many of the teachers
were mortified when we pointed out they
may be exacerbating the invasive species
problem,” said researcher Sam Chan of
Oregon State University. “We don’t want
to discourage the use of live organisms
in teaching because they can provide
focus, enhance student interest, and foster
responsibility and care. But there are
consequences to using them, and both
teachers and suppliers should consider
what will become of these organisms
when the classroom lessons are over.”
Regions Page
Visit CalWeedMapper’s Regions page
to view progress on Cal-IPC’s project
to assist local partners with strategic
planning, download lists of early detection
species, and see eradication workplans.
New Grants
We recently received grants from the
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation
(for on-the-ground work in the central
Sierra), Orange County Community
Foundation (for our training program)
Sierra Nevada Conservancy (for making
projects shovel-ready in Tuolumne
and Placer counties), and US Fish and
Wildlife Service Coastal Program (for
work in San Mateo County).
The Hawaiian Ecosystems at Risk
project will close this winter due to
budget cuts. The program has been an
important resource on invasive species on
Pacific islands. It appears the website will
remain online. www.hear.org
When does an invasive plant
evolve into a rare plant that needs
conserving? Scotch broom (Cytisus
scoparius) is considered an invasive species
in Denmark. However, it has been present
there for four centuries and has evolved
a horizontal-growing form that is more
frost-tolerant and less invasive than the
usual bush form. Using genetic analysis,
researchers compared Scotch broom from
Denmark to plants from Italy and learned
that the erect form is similar to the Italian
variety while the horizontal form is
genetically distinct from the others. They
concluded that Danish horizontal Scotch
broom should be given a formal taxonomic status in order to initiate conservation
activities for its protection. (Rosenmeier et
al. 2012. Botanical Journal of the Linnean
Society. online 20 Nov 2012)
Have you renewed your membership
for 2013? Check the mailing label to
make sure you are current.
Bylaws Change
In September, Cal-IPC members
approved a change to the organization’s bylaws. Directors will now be
appointed by the board rather than
elected by the membership, and bylaws
can be amended by the board without
a vote of the membership. These
measures are expected to streamline
our operations and add flexibility to
board recruitment.
New Board Members
Welcome our new board members:
Karen Buhr, Jutta Burger, Frank Davis,
Jennifer Funk, and Gary Gero.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Special concerns near aquatic habitats
By Sabrina Drill, Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, and Joel Trumbo, Staff Environmental Scientist, Lands Program,
Wildlife Branch, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
eed workers often attack riparian
invasive species with a goal of
improving habitat quality for fish and
wildlife in California’s rivers, streams, and
lakes. Those who are more experienced in
terrestrial habitats may not fully understand some of the issues that arise working
in and around freshwater aquatic habitats.
Characteristics of aquatic habitat
and organisms
gaseous oxygen. They often take in
oxygen, water, and other chemical
components through skin and gills which
are in direct contact with the environment, while terrestrial organisms bring
these elements into their bodies through
orifices, and gas and liquid exchange happens internally. Hence, aquatic organisms
are highly sensitive to chemical pollutants
that can enter the body through the skin.
This can be especially true for eggs and
Floating aquatic plants like water
hyacinth, water primrose, and giant
salvinia can cover the surface of lentic or
slow-flowing environments. They physically block sunlight from reaching into
the water column, but they also block
gas exchange from air to water. This can
greatly reduce the amount of dissolved
oxygen, but also block the release of gasses
produced during anaerobic digestion of
dead material.
Aquatic habitats are defined
Riparian invasive plants
by their physical, chemical,
such as arundo, tamarisk,
and biological characteristics.
and purple loosestrife also
Basic physical features include
affect in-stream habitat.
flow, depth, gradient, and
For example, when riparian
substrate. In terms of flow,
willows, which overhang
systems can be defined as
the streambed, are replaced
either lotic (moving water in
by exotic reeds, the flow,
springs, streams, and rivers)
timing and amount of nuor lentic (still water as in lakes
trient inputs change. Shade
and ponds). Some of the basic
over the stream is reduced
characteristics of flow affect
causing water temperatures
how these systems work, such
to rise.
as the fact that aside from any
Many aquatic and
tidal influence, flow is unidiriparian
plants propagate
rectional. This means that the
Because they
habitat is in a continual state
water, this
of change, and that upstream
infestainputs affect downstream
larvae, which are less likely than their terreaches.
This factor needs to be considered in
restrial counterparts to be in a protective
Temperature and physiochemical
restoration projects that seek to improve
environment such as a hard shell.
aspects, such as oxygen and nutrient
habitat connectivity. For example, in a
levels, also vary, and the chemical environ- Impacts of aquatic weeds
program to restore anadromous fish in the
ment is affected by the underlying geology
Ventura River by removing a large dam,
There are certain nuances to underof the system as well as by external inputs.
our first step was to eradicate Arundo
standing the impacts that invasive plants
These can be natural, such as leaf litter,
donax, a very well-adapted downstream
can have in aquatic systems. Submerged
or unnatural pollutants. The types of
colonizer, from behind the dam.
weeds such as hydrilla, chara, Eurasian
substrate (e.g. gravel, bedrock, sand, mud)
watermilfoil, and various pondweeds will
Controlling invasive plants in
provide different kinds of physical habitat.
affect flow by physically slowing water,
As in terrestrial forest ecosystems, the
aquatic habitats
and may also limit the available depth.
amount of light and shade vary and can
Those who control weeds within or
They limit access to mineral substrate
affect temperature as well as the ability
aquatic systems must pay attention
which invertebrates may need for atof aquatic wildlife to sense visually. The
to the impacts of both the invaders and
tachment. They trap fine sediments that
clarity/turbidity of the water is another
the tools used to control them. Both
might otherwise flow through an area
important characteristic.
chemical and non-chemical strategies pose
and can hence reduce water clarity. They
Aquatic species are also a little differmay produce some oxygen, but that effect potential ecological risks. Mechanical conent from their terrestrial counterparts.
trol measures which are likely to disrupt
is countered by the oxygen they take up
Aquatic organisms breathe dissolved
stream banks, stir up sediment, or displace
through respiration and decay.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
gravel substrates need to be implemented
with great caution. These factors also
need to be considered when physically
getting into an area to perform chemical
control. Mechanical control measures
which require digging root masses out of
riparian areas may cause greater environmental harm than judicious application of
targeted herbicides.
For example, let’s say we’re applying
an herbicide to a riparian weed infestation
using a ground-based application method.
Under normal (and legal) conditions,
most of that herbicide spray is absorbed
by the target plants. Some lesser amount
of the spray, however, may move via drift
into the adjacent water body. Further, if
a significant rainfall event occurs shortly
after the application, there is the potential
for some herbicide to move via surface
flow to the water body. These off-target
movement scenarios typically involve only
a very small portion of the total spray
volume. Once this off-target herbicide
moves in to the waterway, it will be
diluted by the receiving water. Each one
the infestation at any one time can help
avoid impacts to aquatic animals.
Finally, it’s important to remember
that herbicide applicators are legally
required to follow all the appropriate
regulatory requirements such as adhering
to herbicide label directions and restrictions. Additionally, most aquatic weed
control projects will require a written
recommendation from a licensed pest
control adviser, and some projects may
require mitigation measures to protect
threatened or endangered plant or animal
species. In many cases, the aquatic herbicide user may need to obtain coverage
under a National Polluntant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permit.
For more information on the
NPDES permit for aquatic
weed control, contact the
State Water Quality Control
Board or your Regional
Water Quality Control Board
Herbicides can pose a direct toxicological risk to non-target plants and animals.
The risk is not based on toxicity alone,
but also on exposure. The most common
active ingredients used in invasive weed
control, such as aminopyralid, clopyralid,
glyphosate, imazapyr and triclopyr amine,
are all in the US EPA’s “practically
non-toxic” range for fish.
There are fewer studies that
address herbicide impacts
to other aquatic fauna, like
amphibians and invertebrates.
Larval fish are routinely used
as laboratory surrogates for
assessing toxicological risk to
larval amphibians. Over the
last several years an increasing
For more information
number of studies have been
Crop Data Management
conducted on herbicide toxicServices (herbicide labels
ity to tadpoles. The majority
and MSDS) www.cdms.net/
of these studies support the
assertion that the sensitivity
of tadpoles and larval fish
DiTomaso, J. M. and E.
Removing aquatic invasive plants with equipment such as a backhoe
to herbicides is similar. The
must be done in a way that minimizes disturbance. Photo by Joel Trumbo. A. Healy. 2003. Aquatic
available data on the toxicity
and Riparian Weeds of
of the most commonly used
the West. University
of these steps in the herbicide’s moveinvasive weed herbicides on aquatic
and Natural
ment away from its target represents an
invertebrates indicates very low risk to
exponential reduction in exposure. Added
these species as well.
together, the off-target movement of low
The only exceptions to this assertion
or even moderately toxic herbicides in
EXTOXNET (herbicide toxicology and
that invasive weed herbicides pose very
small concentrations does not represent a
environmental chemistry), extoxnet.orst.
low toxicological risk to aquatic fauna are
significant toxicological risk to non-target
products that contain the ester form of
aquatic species.
UC Weed Research and Information
triclopyr (triclopyr butoxyethyl ester) and
Center, wric.ucdavis.edu/index.htm
some glyphosate and imazapyr products
that contain inactive ingredients such
USDA Agricultural Research Service,
use. Probably the most significant issue
as surfactants that have higher aquatic
Exotic and Invasive Research Unit
toxicity. These products are moderately to involves the reduction of dissolved oxygen www.ars.usda.gov/main/site_main.
highly toxic to fish, larval amphibians and that results from the decomposition of
large amounts of herbicide-killed aquatic
aquatic invertebrates. But, they can still
Western Aquatic Plant Management
be safe to use near water primarily because weeds. While this is a legitimate concern,
Society. wapms.org
monothe way they are applied does not offer
Contact the authors at sldrill@ucanr.edu
much potential for exposure.
bodies. In these cases, following herbicide
and jtrumbo@wildlife.ca.gov.
label directions to spray only a portion of
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Ken Moore drew a crowd in the first-ever Tool Tailgate.
Photo by J.P. Marié
Jim Holmes “bucked” acacia at the Habitat Restoration
Workday. Photo by Dana Morawitz
2012 Symposium in Sonoma County
Photo Contest, 1st Place:
Demonstrating the amazing
power of the clenching jaw
of the weed wrench against
Scotch broom (Cytisus
scoparius), by William
Welsch. See more on our
Facebook page.
Our closing panel addressed the challenges of “Working Across
Time”, adapting invasive plant work in the face of climate change
and other ecosystem changes. Photo by J.P. Marié
2012 Awards
Ann Howald, founding
board member, received
the Jake Sigg Ward for
her longtime service to
Cal-IPC and invasive
plant work. Photo by J.P.
The Pollinators field trip visited Singing Frogs Farms.
Photo by Dana Morawitz
Jake Sigg Award for Vision and Dedicated Service: Ann Howald, Garcia and Associates
Golden Weed Wrench Award: Mark Heath, Shelterbelt Builders
Ryan Jones Catalyst Award: Susan Schwartz, Friends of Five Creeks
Invasive Plants Policy & Media Award: 1) Assemblymember Joan Buchanan (16th District); 2) Karen Buhr, California Association
of Resource Conservation Districts; 3) Bobbi Simpson, National Park Service Exotic Plant Management Team
Wildland Weeds Program Award for Organization of the Year: State Coastal Conservancy, San Francisco Estuary Invasive
Spartina Project
Partnership Award for Wildland Stewardship: Marla Knight, Klamath National Forest, and Jodi Aceves, Siskiyou County
Department of Agriculture
Student Paper Contest: 1st: Bridget Hilbig, UC Riverside; 2nd: Matt O’Neill, UC Riverside; 3rd: Christiana Conser, UC Davis
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Sam Schuchat,
Executive Officer
of the State Coasal
spoke on invasive
plant restoration
in wetlands of
northern and
southern California.
All presentations
are available as
pdfs on www.
Photo by J.P. Marié
Thanks to our sponsors!
ACS Habitat Management
California Association of Local Conservation Corps
Pacific Gas & Electric Company
US Fish & Wildlife Service, Inventory & Monitoring
California Native Plant Society
State Office and local chapters: Dorothy King Young, East Bay,
Los Angeles/Santa Monica Mountains, San Luis Obispo, Yerba
Buena, North Coast, Santa Cruz, and Sacramento
Habitat West, Inc.
Hedgerow Farms
Santa Ana Watershed Association
The Nature Conservancy
USDA Forest Service
Dudek and Habitat Restoration Sciences, Inc.
National Park Service – CA Exotic Plant Management Team
Shelterbelt Builders, Inc.
California Weed Science Society
DriWater, Inc.
Sponsors advertised their products and services to
attendees, while helping us offset the cost of the Symposium.
Photo by J.P. Marié
RECON Environmental / RECON Native Plants, Inc.
California Native Grasslands Association
California Society for Ecological Restoration
Center for Natural Lands Management
Forester’s Co-Op
Garcia & Associates
Save the Date!
Cal-IPC 2013 Symposium
October 3-5, Lake Arrowhead
Field trips visited the Sonoma County Coast, Singing Frogs
Farm, the Blue Ridge-Berryessa Natural Area, and Mount
Tamalpais (above). Photo by Dave Bakke
Join us in the San Bernardino Mountains for
presentations, field trips, discussions, and more!. Abstract
submission begins in the spring. Registration opens in June.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Victorian box: an invasive tree spreading in California
by Marcel Rejmánek, Department of Evolution and Ecology, University of California, Davis
ictorian box is characterized as
“uncommon” in The Jepson Manual,
as an “uncommon ornamental escape”
by Weeds of California and Other Western
States, and as a species that was evaluated
but not listed in the Cal-IPC Inventory.
However, large infestations are in progress
along the Pacific coast
(see photos).
and Healey 1996, Lourenco et al. 2011,
Mulett 2002).
Victorian box has fragrant flowers with
five white petals, arranged in umbel-like
clusters. Flowering starts at around five
years of age. Introduced honeybees are
(yellow-orange two-valved capsules, ca.
12 mm across) take about six months
to mature. The capsules usually contain
20-40 sticky orange seeds, which are
dispersed by birds.
Seedling recruitment occurs below
the shrub or tree canopy
but increases in gaps.
Seedling survival,
however, is much higher
undulatum Vent.,
in the shade (Gleadow
known under common
1982, Gleadow et al.
names Victorian box,
1983). Seedlings grow
mock orange, sweet
rather slowly for the first
pittosporum, and
few years and then take
Australian cheesewood,
off and become massive
is an evergreen massive
shrubs. Victorian box can
shrub or medium, up
be distinguished from
to 15 m (49 ft) tall, tree
the commonly cultivated
from the Old World
and much less invasive
family Pittosporaceae. It
Japanese pittosporum
is native to the coastal
(P. tobira) by having flat,
belt and mountains of
flexible, not leathery
south-eastern Australia
leaves. Japanese pit(New South Wales,
tosporum has leaves with
Victoria). Victorian box
edges that curl down
is widely cultivated
inward. The climatic
Above: Victorian box (Pittosporum undulatum) with partly opened capsules.
throughout the world
of Victorian
Below: Victorian box infestation above Gorda at Cape San Martin, Monterey
as an ornamental plant.
box in its native range
Co. Photos by Marcel Rejmánek
Currently, this species
vary from moist subis recognized as invasive
tropical to dry temperate,
in the Azores, Brazil, Cuba, Hawai‘i,
probably the most important pollinators.
but without a pronounced dry season.
Jamaica, Portugal, the Western Cape of
The species is incompletely dioecious,
Therefore we may expect that this species
South Africa, and beyond its natural range meaning male and female flowers are
will spread only in relatively wet coastal
in Australia (Gleadow 1982, Goodland
not always on separate trees. Fruits
areas in California.
Three large infestations between
Monterey and Cambria plus one approximately 10 km (6 mi) south of Julia
Pfeiffer Burns State Park can be easily
recognized on Google Earth images. It
seems that all of them started from a few
trees that were planted 20 to 40 years ago.
Because mature individuals of Victorian
box are taller than native coastal scrub,
we may expect that the fate of native
vegetation will be similar to South African
fynbos invaded by exotic acacias and pines
(Richardson et al. 1992) or to highland
shrubby communities in the Galapagos
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
invaded by Cinchona pubescens trees (Jäger
et al. 2009).
Adding a tree layer to naturally
treeless communities represents a drastic
change to whole ecosystems. A decline in
the species richness and cover of native
herbaceous plants and shrubs was documented from communities invaded by
Victorian box in Australia. At an invaded
dry schlerophyll forest remnant on the
Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, vascular
plant species richness declined from an
average 15 species per 9 m2 (96 ft2) in
plots where Victorian box cover was less
than 20% to just five species where its
cover was more than 80% (Mullett 2001).
Control programs for Victorian box
most often utilize the cut and paint
method whereby individual trees are cut
and stumps are immediately treated with
herbicides. This method provides initially
very encouraging results, but the associated increase of light and soil disturbance
may promote establishment of new
seedlings, particularly in the absence of
follow-up and control. Bark stripping is
effective in preventing sprouts, but only
if all bark, from 30 cm (1 ft) down to soil
level, is removed. A more efficient control
method for this species is the drill and fill
technique whereby herbicides are injected
into the trunk and the canopy contracts
over time (Mullett 2002). Unfortunately,
size and rough terrain of currently infested
areas in coastal California are such that
the prospect for eradication of this species
is rather bleak (see Rejmánek and Pitcairn
Contact the author at mrejmanek@ucdavis.
Literature Cited
DiTomaso, J.M. and E.A. Healy. 2007.
Weeds of California and Other Western
States. Vol. 2. University of California
Agricultural and Natural Resources,
Gleadow, R.M. 1982. Invasion by
Pittosporum undulatum of the forests of
central Victoria. II. Dispersal, germination and establishment. Australian Journal
of Botany 30: 185-198.
Gleadow, R.M., Rowan, K.S. and D.H.
Ashton. 1983. Invasion by Pittosporum
Victorian box infestation at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, Monterey County,
indicated by arrows. Native Artemisia californica is in the foreground. Photo by
Marcel Rejmánek
undulatum of the forests of central
Victoria. IV Shade tolerance. Australian
Journal of Botany 31: 151-160.
Goodland, T. and J.R. Healey. 1996. The
invasion of Jamaican montane rainforest
by Australian tree Pittosporum undulatum. School of Agricultural and Forest
Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor,
UK. pages.bangor.ac.uk/~afs101/iwpt/
Jäger, H., Kowarik, I. and A. Tye. 2009.
Destruction without extinction: longterm impacts of invasive tree species on
Galapagos highland vegetation. Journal of
Ecology 97: 1252-1263.
Lourenco, P., V. Medeiros, A. Gil, and
A. Silva. 2011. Distribution, habitat and
biomass of Pittosporum undulatum, the
most important woody plant invader in
the Azores archipelago. Forest Ecology and
Management 262: 178-187.
undulatum Vent. Plant Protection
Quarterly 17: 130-139.
Rejmánek, M. and M.J. Pitcairn. 2002.
When is eradication of exotic plant
pests a realistic goal? In: Turning the
Tide: The Eradication of Invasive Species
(eds C.R. Veitch & M.N. Clout), pp.
249–253. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and
Cambridge, UK. www.issg.org/database/
Richardson, D.M., Macdonald, I.A.W.,
Holmes, P.M. and R.M. Cowling. 1992.
Plant and animal invasions. In: The
Ecology of Fynbos (ed R. Cowling), pp.
271-308. Oxford University Press, Cape
Mullett, T.L. 2001. Effects of the native
environmental weed Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (sweet pittosporum) on plant
biodiversity. Plant Protection Quarterly 16:
Mullett, T.L. 2002. The biology of
Australian weeds 41. Pittosporum
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
New 3rd edition: “Prevention BMPs for Land Managers”
by David Bakke, USDA Forest Service, Vallejo
urning news! Hot off the presses!
(Sorry, couldn’t help myself ). A
new edition of Cal-IPC’s manual on
Prevention Best Management Practices
(BMPs) for land managers is available
both in print and as a free download
So what’s new, you ask? Fire, fire!!!!
No, seriously, the new edition includes an
extensive new chapter on invasive plant
spread prevention BMPs associated with
wildfire suppression and forest fuel management activities, including the use of
fuelbreaks and post-wildfire rehabilitation.
With funding provided by USDA
Forest Service, State and Private Forestry,
a large group of folks from around
the state with invasive plants and/or
fire suppression and fuel management
backgrounds began to meet last winter,
first on the phone, then in person and
online. This group represented many
different federal, state, and local agencies
and organizations in the state. Many
more individuals reviewed the drafts and
work products. I can honestly say this has
been one of the most intensely reviewed
documents that I have been involved with
in some time.
One concern that had to be addressed
strongly and early on is that these prevention guidelines are never intended to compromise firefighting strategy and tactics.
As stated in the introduction to Chapter
10: “in wildfire suppression, protection of
life is the foremost goal. Implementation
of the prevention measures described…
should not interfere with this goal.”
It is also important to keep in mind
that these are voluntary measures; none
are required to be implemented unless
required within a particular agency or
organization. Many of the BMPs in the
new chapter have been used for several
years by firefighting agencies including the
National Park Service and Forest Service.
By incorporating them into this manual,
these practices are now made available to
Thanks to all the folks who assisted
with this effort and a big thanks to the
staff at Cal-IPC, notably Alice Chung and
Heather DeQuincy, who provided guidance and kept the group on task, enabling
the third edition to be completed on time.
Printed copies are available from CalIPC for $10 plus tax and shipping. Order at
Prevention and yellow starthistle videos online
ere you unable to attend one of
the workshops on “Preventing
the Introduction and Spread of Invasive
Weeds” held around the state in 2012?
Do you need a video to educate the
maintenance crew or upper management at your agency about utilizing best
management practices to prevent the
spread of invasives? Need a refresher on
the best timing of various methods to
control yellow starthistle? Online videos
of the workshops are now available for
your viewing and sharing pleasure!
Four workshops were held throughout
California to extend information on best
management guidelines for construction,
aggregate production, maintenance
operations and land managers. Over 200
people attended the workshops in Los
Angeles, Sonora, Tulare and Truckee.
The USDA Forest Service, National Park
Service, California Department of Food
and Agriculture, University of California
Cooperative Extension, and Cal-IPC
sponsored the workshops with funding
by the USDA Forest Service and the
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Video topics include:
• What is the Issue? Invasive Plant
Biology and Vectors of Spread
• Controlling Invasive Weeds through
an Aggregate Quarry Inspection
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
• Weed Control, Mine Reclamation,
and the Surface Mining and
Reclamation Act
• USFS Lake Tahoe Basin Management
Unit Aggregate Inspection Program
• Best Management Practices for Work
in Utility & Transportation Corridors
• Yellow Starthistle Biology & Control
These presentations could be helpful
at your next weed training, to educate
your co-workers or staff or to help you
understand the complexities of inspecting
gravel pits for invasive weeds. The videos
are available at: www.cal-ipc.org/ip/prevention/preventiontraining.php.
Spongeplant treatment to begin in Delta
uccess from our Day at the Capitol
efforts! In Spring 2011, Cal-IPC News
ran a cover story on “South American
spongeplant spreading in the Delta.”
Along with biological challenges, the story
identified legal challenges to treating this
aquatic weed. Though it grows near water
hyacinth and Brazilian egeria, two species
that are currently treated by the state’s
Department of Boating and Waterways,
the agency was not allowed to treat the
South American spongeplant because it
was not identified in state code.
Enter Assembly Member Joan
Buchanan from the 16th District, based
in Contra Costa County. Knowing that
aquatic weeds threaten a range of Delta
benefits of importance to her constituents
and other Californians, she convened
a group to discuss solutions. Based on
the group’s recommendations, Assembly
Member Buchanan authored a bill, AB
1540, to add spongeplant to the list of
species that Boating and
Waterways can treat.
At the 2012 Weeds
Awareness Day at the
Capitol we endorsed
the bill in visits to the
offices of all 120 state
legislators, and this fall,
the bill was signed by the
Assembly Member
Buchanan showed
that smart legislative
action can facilitate
effective natural resource
management. For her
Lars Anderson, USDA Agricultural Research Service, holds
leadership, Cal-IPC
a South American spongeplant (Limnobium laevigatum).
presented her with a
Photo by USDA-ARS
2012 Policy Award
Join us for Day at the Capitol 2013 on March 13!
at our Symposium in
Register at www.cal-ipc.org/policy/state/ciwad.php.
PG&E honors Cal-IPC board member
he Pacific Gas and Electric Company
(PG&E) honored Cal-IPC board
member Peter Beesley with its Richard A.
Clarke Environmental Leadership Award
for his work to develop a Safe Harbor
Agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife
Service for the company’s property
adjacent to the Antioch Dunes National
Wildlife Refuge. Located in eastern
Contra Costa County, Antioch Dunes
is home to three endangered species:
Lange’s metalmark butterfly, Contra Costa
wallflower, and Antioch Dunes evening
primrose. PG&E used a combination of
employee volunteer work and herbicides
to reduce the cover of invasive plants such
as winter vetch, yellow starthistle, and
ripgut brome. (See Cal-IPC News, Winter
Peter has worked
for the company for 11
years and has served on
the Cal-IPC board of
directors since 2010.
Other award recipients
placed power lines
underground to protect
California condors and
developed a system to
operate a bucket truck’s
equipment electronically
to reduce engine idling.
Award recipients chose a
nonprofit organization
to receive a donation
Doug Johnson (Cal-IPC), Janet Loduca, (PG&E Vicefrom PG&E; Peter
President, Environmental) Peter Beesley, and Des Bell
(PG&E Senior Vice President). Photo by Dalton Chan
donated his $5000
prize to Cal-IPC.
Congratulations and thank you to Peter!
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Thank You for Supporting our Work!
Recent Donors
Your tax-deductible donations are extremely
valuable in supporting our programs. Thank
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
Anonymous (Berkeley)
Edith Allen (Riverside)
Shelagh Brodersen (Berkeley)
Jason Casanova (Los Angeles)
Jason Giessow (Encinitas)
Mike Kelly (San Diego)
Tamia Marg (Berkeley)
Steve Schoenig (Davis)
Peter Schuyler (Santa Barbara)
Jake Sigg (San Francisco)
Lincoln Smith (Albany)
Andrea Williams (Richmond)
Patron ($500-$999)
Gladys Baird (Encinitas)
Peter Beesley (Nevada City)
David Chang (Santa Barbara)
Lillian & Gary Giessow (St. Louis)
Juniper Ridge (Berkeley)
Mary Millman (Berkeley)
Olofson Environmental, Inc.
Annette Wheeler (Los Altos)
Champion ($250-$499)
John Anderson (Winters)
Mike Blankinship (Davis)
Darlene Chirman (Santa Barbara)
A. Crawford Cooley (Novato)
Michael Dungan (Santa Barbara)
Meryl Faulkner (La Jolla)
Judith Fenerty (San Jose)
Kim Hayes (Moss Landing)
Ken Himes (Belmont)
Sue Hubbard (Salinas)
Carolyn Johnson (Sebastopol)
Robert Klinger (Bishop)
Dan Knapp (Los Angeles)
John Knapp (Lompoc)
Marcia Kolb (Oakland)
T. Charles Moore (Sunnyvale)
Swimmer Family Foundation
(La Quinta)
Matthew & Joann Zlatunich
(San Francisco)
Contributor ($100-$249)
Linda Anderson (Felton), John P.
Anderson (San Francisco), David &
Louise Beesley (Nevada City), Joan
Bockman (Oceanside), Chip Bouril
(Yountville), Linda Brodman (Santa
Cruz), Zelda Bronstein (Berkeley),
Ernest Bryant (Santa Barbara), Jutta
Burger (Irvine), Bob Case (Concord),
John Chamberlain (Half Moon Bay),
Stephen Chung (Laguna Niguel),
Henry DiRocco (Anaheim), Sally
Falkenhagen (Atherton), Robert Flint
(Woodside), Charles Fry (Fort Jones),
Doug Gettinger (Vista), Marilyn
Goldhaber (Berkeley), Val Haley
(Santa Cruz), Brett Hall (Santa Cruz),
James & Nancy Harris (Huntington
Beach), Steve Hartman (Reseda),
Bruce Heublein (Cayucos), John &
Hermi Hiatt (Las Vegas), Karen Holl
(Felton), Jim Holmes (Weaverville),
Lawrence Janeway (Chico), Drew
Kerr (Pinole), Jo Kitz (Woodland
Hills), Larry Klaasen (San Diego),
Mark Langner (Coleville), Michael
Mooney (Mill Valley), Gerald &
Mary Edith Moore (Petaluma),
Patrick Moran (Albany), Ingrid
Parker (Santa Cruz), Mike Peters
(Fallbrook), Elizabeth Proctor (San
Francisco), Scott Steinmaus (San Luis
Obispo), Don Stiver (El Cerrito),
Wendy Tokuda (Oakland), Mandy
Tu (Hillsboro, OR), Lorraine Unger
(Bakersfield), Patricia Van Aggelen
(San Francisco), Central Coast Wilds
Nursery (Santa Cruz), Bill Winans
(San Diego), Larry & Barbara
Worthington Jones (Richmond)
Friend (up to $99)
Paul Aigner (Lower Lake), Marcia
Basalla (Novato), Robert Berman
(Albany), William Bianco (West
Sacramento), Charlie Blair (Lompoc),
Crosby & Kaneda (Oakland), Julia
Cross (Guernville), Erica & Mark
Dedon (Dublin), William Denneen
(Nipomo), Michael Ehrenzweig
(Berkeley), John Ekhoff (San Diego),
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Alf Fengler (San Mateo), Mike
Forbert (Pacifica), Charles Fry (Ft
Jones), Jennifer Funk (Orange), Holly
Gellerman (Sacramento), Linnea
Hanson (Chico), Suzanne Harmon
(Sonoma), Nancy Hartwick (Morro
Bay), Glen Holstein (Davis), Ann
Howald (Sonoma), Anna-Maria
Huber (Thousand Oaks), Shannon
Johnson (San Ramon), Jean Kaiwi
(San Diego), Keep the Sespe Wild
(Ojai), Beth Keer (Oakland), Mark
Lawless (Poway), Roy Leggitt (San
Francisco), Susan Mason (Chico),
Elizabeth Mather (San Diego),
Robert Matherly (Auburn), Lawrence
Maxwell (San Francisco), David
Mazurkiewicz (Santa Barbara),
Marilyn McEvoy (Weaverville),
Tanya Meyer (Emporium, PA)
Audrey Miller (Ferndale), Bill Neill
(N. Hollywood), Elizabeth O’Shea
(Orinda), Ellen Perryess (Los Osos),
William Rosenberg (Palo Alto),
Heather Schneider (Riverside), Steven
Schulz (Solvang), Dan Songster (El
Torro), Robin Thompson (El Dorado
Hills), Jim Versteeg (Porterville), Peter
Warner (Sebastopol), Gloria Woehler
(Los Angeles)
Auction & Raffle Donations
Thank you for contributing to Cal-IPC’s
raffle and silent auction.
Alyson Aquino, Linda and Earl Ault,
Bailey’s, Bay Nature, Bear River Pasta
Co., David and Louise Beesley, Charlie
Blair, Cindy Burrascano, California
Academy of Sciences, California Native
Plant Society Redbud Chapter, David
Chang, Joe DiTomaso, Derek Eddy,
Alicia Funk, Garre Winery, Joanne Greer,
Hedgerow Farms, Hog Island Oyster Co.,
Ann Howald and Family, Jessica Hughes,
Chris Ising, Los Angeles Conservation
Corps, La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club,
Lagunitas Brewing Co., James Law,
Marin Municipal Water District, Tanya
Meyer, Nelsen and Pamela Money, Nikki
Nedeff, Patagonia, Paul Quakenbush, San
Francisco Whale Tours, Steve Schoenig,
Marc Schwager & Allison Ash, Sierra
Nevada Brewing Co., Smokey Ridge
Ranch, Bruce & Nancy Steele, Kate
Symonds, Trader Joe’s, True Grass Farms,
Rebecca Waegell
New Members
As a Cal-IPC Member, you join a powerful
network of land managers, researchers,
volunteers, and concerned citizens. Welcome!
Susan Anderson (Occidental),
Andrienne Beeson (RECON
Environmental), Jeff Bennett (East Bay
Regional Park District), Kelly Bougher
(Bureau of Land Management), Eric
Brown (PG&E), Daniel Brubaker
(Shelterbelt Builders), Karen Buhr
(CARCD), Scott Butterfield (The
Nature Conservancy), Josh Carlson
(Concord), Jim Cartan (Oakland),
Joel Cervantes (Pepperwood Preserve),
Sarah Chmielewski (Bureau of Land
Management), Ryan Colley (Bureau of
Land Management), Kenneth Collins
(Elkhorn Slough Foundation), Michelle
Cooper (UC Davis Bodega Marine
Reserve), Adam Cope (Civicorps), Jeffry
Coward (Insignia Environmental),
Josie Crawford (California Native
Plant Society), Kevin Dixon (East
Bay Regional Park District), Alicia
Dunphy (El Portal), Claire Elliott
(Acterra), MaryBeth Farley (Roseville),
Megan FitzSimmons (Sonoma
Ecology Center), Alison Forrestel (San
Francisco), Daniel Franco (Golden
Gate National Parks Conservancy),
Deanna Giuliano (California Native
Plant Society), Janie Godfrey (Sierra
Streams Instititue), Sarah Gordon
(Kenwood), John Guardino (Laguna
Foundation), Jeannette Halderman
(Truckee), Aaron Hebert (Sempervirens
Fund), Sallie Hejl (US Fish & Wildlife
Service), Karen Holl (UC Santa Cruz),
Jim Holmes (Weaverville), Chrissy
Howell (USDA Forest Service), Elizabeth
Hubert (Water Resources), Diana
Immel Jeffery (Sonoma-Marin Coastal
Grasslands Working Group), Michelle
Jensen (Pepperwood Preserve), Dennis
Kanthack (Ventura), Dave Kaplow
(Pacific Open Space, Inc.), Timothy
Keldsen (USFWS), Richard King
(Petaluma), Alan Leavitt (Arnold),
Kent Lightfoot (UC Berkeley), Paul
Maben (PG&E), Marco Mares
(County of San Diego), Patrick
McIntyre (East Bay Regional Park
District), Theo Michaels (Petaluma),
William Miller (U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service), Jason Mills (Chico), Patrick
Moran (USDA-ARS, Exotic and
Invasive Weeds), Nicholas Mueller
(San Joaquin Conservation Corps),
James Murphy (Habitat West, Inc.),
Lynette Niebrugge (Marin Resource
Conservation District), Matt O’Neill
(UC Riverside), Mike Palladini (Napa),
Meghan Parish (Laguna Foundation),
Michael Parks (Target SP), Joseph &
Mary Paternoster (DriWater), Joshua
Pepper (Pesticide Research Institute),
Terra Perkins (Whiskeytown), George
Phillips (Walnut Creek), Allison Phillips
(Half Moon Bay), Stephen Pree (City
of El Cerrito), Tyson Read (PG&E),
Thomas Reyes (El Portal), Catey
Ritchie (Golden Gate National Parks
Conservancy), James Robinson (Cedar
Ridge), Cliff Rocha (East Bay Regional
Park District), Homero Romero (Grass
Valley), Daydre Roser (Sacramento),
Connor Ross (Sonoma Ecology Center),
Josh Rubin (Gallo Family Vineyards),
Linda Ruthruff (California Native
Plant Society-SCV), Jessica Saenz
(Deangelo Brothers, Inc.), Ron Sanders
(San Francisco), Sam Schuchat (State
Coastal Conservancy), Andrew Smith
(Sonoma County Agricultural Dept.),
Sue Smith (Circle Bar Ranch), Amanda
Swanson (Riverside), John Swenson
(NPS/Point Reyes National Seashore),
Sarah Swope (USDA Exotic & Invasive
Weeds Research Unit), Louis Terrazas
(USFWS), Kou Thor (Oroville), Britt
Thorsnes (East Bay Regional Park
District), Debra Turrieta (DriWater),
Kirstie Watkins (Sebastopol), Jeff
Wilcox (Berkeley), Rosie Wilson (Marin
Agricultural Land Trust), Victoria Wojcik
(Pollinator Partnership), Scott Woodin
(McLaughlin Preserve)
Symposium attendees vied for
many great raffle and silent auction
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Readings &
Center for Invasive Species Management
…is the new name for the Center for
Invasive Plant Management based at
Montana State University, reflecting its
new, broader mission. Their website is an
excellent source of information.
UC Davis Videos
Four online videos are available from
the UC Davis Weed Research and
Information Center: Control Techniques,
Principles of Weed Control, Calibration
in Natural Areas, and Weed Identification.
IPM Perspective
Three scientific societies examined issues
associated with using “least toxic pesticides” as a “last resort” in the context of
Integrated Pest Management. View their
conclusions at wssa.net/WSSA/PressRoom/
Goat Grazing
A list of contractors who provide goat
grazing services for weed control is available at www.livestockforlandscapes.com/
Global Compendium of Weeds
Rod Randall has updated his comprehensive Global Compendium of Weeds. The
new edition includes more than 33,000
species with more detailed citations. It
is available as a free, large (1115 pg) pdf
download. www.agric.wa.gov.au/objtwr/
California Climate Change
The State of California has released 30
new studies on California climate adaptation issues. They offer information on
energy, water, agriculture, public health,
coastal, transportation, and ecological
resources. www.climatechange.ca.gov/
Sportman’s Guide
A Sportsman’s Guide to Invasive Species
educates hunters and anglers about
invasive species prevention. Free download at www.weedcenter.org/store/outreach/
New book!
Weed Control in Natural Areas in the Western United States
by the University of California Weed Research & Information Center
Biology and control methods
for 340 species.
544 pages with photos.
$37.00 plus tax & shipping.
Tables of chemical and nonchemical control options.
Authored by 15 experts
from California, Colorado,
Idaho, Montana, Utah,
& Washington led by Joe
DiTomaso of UC Davis.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Order now! Books will be
available late January.
Available at
or 510-843-3902
February – March
April – July
August & beyond
California Weed Science Society
January 23-25
CNPS Vernal Pool Plant Taxonomy
April 15-17
UC Davis and Central Valley
Cal-IPC Symposium
October 3-5
Lake Arrowhead
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
February 28 – March 4
Washington, DC
SERCAL Conference
May 14-16
UC Santa Barbara
Central CA Invasive Weeds Symposium
November 7
Monterey County
California Invasive Weeds Awareness
Day at the Capitol
March 13
Invasive Plant Short Course
June 25-27
North Platte, Nebraska
“While I didn’t take this up specifically for its exercise benefits, it has
proven to be an outstanding fitness activity.”
~ Retired professor Sue Duckles combined her love for hiking and gardening into a hybrid hobby—
removing invasive weeds from wilderness parks. San Francisco Chronicle, p. D1, October 10.
“Finding a middle ground on which all sides of the debate can respect-
fully agree, rather than perpetuating the divisive debate on points of difference, is a vital process.”
~ Nancy Shackelford et al. “Finding a middle-ground: the native/non-native debate” in Biological
Conservation 2013.
“What phrases in literature or life will ever top the rich resonance of
its opening line? “The Inventory categorizes plants as High, Moderate, or
Limited, reflecting the level of each species’ negative ecological impact in
California…” “Call me Ishmael” has nothing on it!
~ A column bemoaning changes in high-school reading lists. (Actually, the Cal-IPC Inventory is
among the suggested resources for high school science classes.) Rock Hill Herald, www.heraldonline.
com (also covered on National Public Radio’s “Wait, Wait, Don’t Tell Me!” December 15)
Cal-IPC News Fall 2012/Winter 2013
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Berkeley, CA
Permit No. 1435
Invasive Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
Have you
renewed your
Cal-IPC membership
for 2013?
Join Us!
We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership that includes scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
Please complete this form and mail with check or credit card number. Additional donations support our projects. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations beyond regular membership rates are tax deductible. Join or donate online at www.cal-ipc.org.
Regular $40
Amount of gift
Student $20
Friend ($1 – $99)
Organization* $150
Contributor ($100 – $249)
Champion ($250 – $499)
* Receives member benefits for three individuals.
Attach contact information for add’l individuals.
Patron ($500 – $999)
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
Joint Memberships
I would like to consider a
SERCAL only add $25
legacy gift. Please send inforCNGA only add $35
mation on planned giving.
SERCAL & CNGA add $65
Cal-IPC Membership runs on the calendar year. Those who join after June 30 will be current
through the following calendar year. Joint memberships receive a $5 discount on each organization’s normal rate and apply only to Regular Cal-IPC memberships.
Check here if you would prefer to receive the Cal-IPC News as a link to an online pdf
file rather than a paper copy.
Occasionally, we share members’ addresses with like-minded organizations. Check if
you do not want your information shared.
Mail this form with check (payable to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card info to:
Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
State Zip
Credit Card No.
Date Signed