Vol. 20, No. 1
Winter 2012
Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
Removing invasive
plants to help
butterflies thrive
The endangered Lange’s metalmark butterfly
(Apodemia mormo langei) lives only on the
Antioch Dunes National Wildlife Refuge and a
neighboring Pacific Gas & Electric property. US
Fish & Wilflife and PG&E have teamed up to
protect its host plant from invasive plants. Read
more on page 8.
Photo: Eric Palm, USFWS
Cal-IPC mapping ……………………………4
Interview with Ann Howald ……………..6
Preventing the spread of cheatgrass ….7
Environmental education & invasives. 10
Cal-IPC Student Chapter activities …..13
From the Director’s Desk
A new plan
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
ph (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500
www.cal-ipc.org info@cal-ipc.org
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s lands and waters
from ecologically-damaging invasive plants
through science, educations, and policy.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Elizabeth Brusati, Science Program Manager
Alice Chung, Training Program Specialist
Heather DeQuincy, Outreach Program Manager
Ginny King, Program Assistant
Agustín Luna, Business Manager
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Dana Morawitz, Mapping Program Manager
Tony Morosco, Mapping Specialist
Cynthia Powell, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Falk Schuetzenmeister, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Arpita Sinha, Training Program Specialist
Jen Stern, Training Program Manager
John Knapp, President
Native Range, Inc.
Jason Casanova, Vice-President
Council for Watershed Health
Doug Gibson, Treasurer
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Julie Horenstein, Secretary
California Department of Fish & Game
Edith Allen
University of California-Riverside
Peter Beesley
Pacific Gas and Electric
Edmund Duarte
Alameda County Department of Agriculture
Jason Giessow
Dendra, Inc.
Kim Hayes
Elkhorn Slough Foundation
Sue Hubbard
Federal Employee
Shawn Kelly
Southern California Wetlands Recovery Project
Dan Knapp
Los Angeles Conservation Corps
Chris McDonald
UC Cooperative Extension
Peter Schuyler
Ecological Consultant
Andrea Williams
Marin Municipal Water District
Chelsea Carey
UC Merced
Kai Palenscar
UC Riverside
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Cal-IPC News
Winter 2012 – Volume 20, Number 1
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Heather DeQuincy
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission from
the editors. Submissions are welcome. Mention of commercial
products does not imply endorsement by Cal-IPC. We reserve
the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
he State of California has adopted its first
comprehensive plan on invasive species. “Stopping
the Spread: A Strategic Framework for Protecting
California from Invasive Species” was developed by
the state’s advisory committee on invasive species and
approved by the heads of six state agencies.
Recommended actions cover the basics of
prevention, early detection/rapid response,
management, research and outreach. The advisory
committee borrowed from other states’ plans and from
existing California plans that focus on particular types of invasive species.
But there are new ideas as well. To address concerns over pesticide use, the plan
recommends creating a working group to review public health risks of invasive species
and their management, providing a forum for public-health advocates to directly help
shape approaches to invasive species management. Another recommendation calls for
the state to conduct a Program Environmental Impact Report on pesticide use for
invasive species control, providing an opportunity to review the state’s use of pesticides
through a CEQA process.
Cal-IPC programs are already addressing several key recommendations. We provide
resources on best management practices for preventing the spread of invasive plants.
We conduct risk assessment and compile mapping data to coordinate detection and
management efforts. And we work to make sure that information on invasive plants is
accessible to those in the field and the public.
Given that the state has eliminated key invasive plant programs in the last year,
we also need “a new plan” for funding on-the-ground weed management. Cal-IPC is
actively following the state Natural Resource Agency’s Fish & Wildlife Vision process
(online at vision.ca.gov), which provides an opportunity to shape the work of the state’s
Dept. of Fish & Game in the future. Invasive plants impact the state’s water, wildlife,
and wildfire. They will play an important role in climate change adaptation. Now
is the time to create funding opportunities through relatedissues that have clout in
Sacramento. We are working with partners to do just that.
Put March 14 on your calendar. Cal-IPC and partners will hold the 9th Annual
Invasive Weeds Awareness Day at the Capitol in Sacramento. It is an important
opportunity to make sure our elected officials understand the importance of addressing
invasive species. Our grassroots advocacy can make a difference!
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
Stinkwort is spreading in San Diego
County. Dittrichia graveolens was
recognized in San Diego County
less than five years ago but appears
to be expanding rapidly. The local
chapter of California Native Plant
Society is working to remove it. www.
A USDA researcher has found a soil
micro-organism that may kill weeds.
After examining 10,000 and testing
100 potential organisms, Ann Kennedy
of USDA has found that the bacteria
Pseudomonas fluorescens will inhibit
the growth of weeds without harming
native plants or crops. So far it has
shown promising results on cheatgrass,
medusahead, and jointed goatgrass, all
serious invasive plants in the Western
U.S. One pint per acre caused a 2040% reduction in cheatgrass in the first
year after application, with additional
reduction in the following year. (Capital
Press, Dec. 5, 2012) www.capitalpress.
Cal-IPC Updates
Board update
Former Cal-IPC Board President
Jason Giessow is recovering well after
a serious work-related accident in San
Diego County. We wish you the
best, Jason!
Symposium presentations
Presentations from the 2011
symposium are now available.
Membership renewal
Have you renewed your membership
for 2012? Check your address label
to see if you are current. Renew
now so you do not miss the Spring
newsletter with information about
the upcoming Symposium!
A proposal passed by the U.S. House
would strip states of the authority to
establish ballast water standards that
are more stringent than those set at the
federal level. Ballast water is a major
pathway for aquatic invasive species entering estuaries. This proposal would also set
a new national treatment standard in line
with that of the International Maritime
Organization. California is one of the
states whose ballast water standards exceed
that of the federal government. www.
According to a NASA study, climate
change will modify the plant communities over 40% of the earth’s surface by
2100. These plant communities will
change from one major ecological type
to another, such as forest, grassland, or
tundra. The researchers used computer
modeling that predicts the type of plant
community that is adapted to any climate
on Earth. Most of the planet’s land that
is not covered by ice or desert is projected
to undergo at least a 30% change in plant
cover. www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/
The public can view draft chapters of
the Bay Delta Conservation Plan. The
Plan has the dual goals of providing
for the conservation and management
of aquatic and terrestrial species in the
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta,
and improving current water supplies.
The public comment period will begin in
June; until then, you can see the working
drafts. Aquatic plant removal is covered in
Appendix F of the “BDCP Documents”.
Cal-IPC plans to submit comments. If
there’s something you would like us to
include, please send your comments to
Elizabeth Brusati, edbrusati@cal-ipc.org.
The U.S. Forest Service published the
“National Strategy and Implementation
Plan” for the management of invasive
species. The Strategy covers prevention;
early detection and rapid response; control
and management; and rehabilitation and
restoration across aquatic and terrestrial
areas of the National Forest System. www.
Join Us!
9th Annual Invasive Weeds
Awareness Day at the Capitol
March 14 ~ Sacramento
This is your opportunity to educate
state legislators about the importance of
controlling invasive plants.
Register to join us at www.cal-ipc.org!
Cal-IPC published an article in the Fall
2011 journal of the Bay Area Automated
Mapping Association. “Mapping
invasive plant ranges in California: An
innovative combination of quantitative
and qualitative data” describes how
these two types of data work together
to improve our view of invasive
plant distribution. BAAMA’s journal
reaches 1,000 GIS professionals.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
Mapping the spread
An update from Cal-IPC’s Science and Mapping Program
011 kept the Science and Mapping
Team busy! We completed statewide
data collection on 200 invasive plant
species, built the online CalWeedMapper
tool to use data with suitable range
maps, and collected an array of datasets
for contribution to Calflora. Thanks to
this two-year effort
we now have a much
stronger foundation
for maintaining and
using statewide maps
for invasive plants in
For a summary of the information, users
can generate a Regional Management
Opportunity Report to serve as the basis
of regional strategic planning (see opposite page).
Commenting and updating functions
will help keep the maps current.
is an online mapping
tool that displays data
by USGS quadrangle
(quad) for 200 species from the
Cal-IPC Invasive Plant Inventory (see
These data combine two sources: our
interviews with invasive plant experts (108
meetings with 384 participants across the
state) and occurrence information from
Calflora and the Consortium of California
Herbaria (CCH). For each species,
CalWeedMapper shows where it occurs,
how abundant it is, where it is spreading,
and where it is currently being treated.
When a user selects a region,
CalWeedMapper generates a list of species
that are potential targets for surveillance,
eradication and containment in the
region. By exploring the maps for each of
these species, users can investigate which
species in which areas may be top regional
To accommodate the needs of different
users, CalWeedMapper includes a variety
of regional choices, including WMAs,
National Forests, National Parks, large
State Parks, Jepson floristic regions, and a
draft set of regional groupings of WMAs.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
By clicking on a quad, the user sees
information about the mapping meeting
at which the expert knowledge was
gathered and also about the occurrences
from Calflora and CCH that are in the
quad. Users can then add a comment to
the quad or update information if they
have editing permission.
Any new occurrence data submitted
to Calflora or CCH will update
CalWeedMapper. CalWeedMapper will
facilitate data correction by pointing out
where there are discrepancies between
occurrence data from Calflora or CCH
and the “expert knowledge” data collected
from our interviews.
To show where a given plant is most
likely to spread, CalWeedMapper also
displays suitable range based on climate.
Computer models were used to generate
suitable range for 30 plant species based
on where they currently grow. The maps
show the areas that contain suitable range
based on climate conditions in 2010 and
2050. These maps can help land managers
with climate adaptation planning and
preparing for the movement of new
invasive plants into their region. More
species will be added in 2012.
Adding GIS data
CalWeedMapper joins existing tools at
Calflora for tracking invasive plants.
Cal-IPC plans to work
closely with Calflora
to continue to develop
new tools. During
the last year, Cal-IPC
worked with Calflora
to add to their existing
online database, which
is already used by many
professional botanists
and native plant
By collecting GIS
datasets from those we met with across
the state for “expert knowledge” meetings
and uploading these datasets to Calflora,
we were able to increase the amount
of invasive plant occurrence data in
Calflora by 89,000 records, an increase
of 70%. Some 25% of these records are
lines and polygons, and we worked with
Calflora to build capacity for storing and
displaying these. We provided funding
to build a stronger shapefile upload tool,
the ability to collect and display lines and
polygons and a central database for all
invasive plant point, line and polygons
Here’s what you can do at
* Create maps and reports of
invasive plant distribution
* Identify management
opportunities in a county, WMA or
* Update species distribution data
Setting strategic priorities in the Central Sierra
In December, we met in Jackson
with a dozen representatives from
Amador, Alpine, Calaveras, El Dorado
and Tuolumne counties to discuss how
the maps and reports
from CalWeedMapper
can support coordinated
regional planning in
the Central Sierra.
The goal was to use
CalWeedMapper to reach
consensus on a strategic
list of species that are top
priorities for surveillance
and eradication. We
focused on identifying
which species are the
highest priority for
surveillance and for
region-wide eradication.
The group whittled the
region’s priorities down to
21 species for eradication
and 24 species for surveillance based on
CalWeedMapper’s reports and attendees’
knowledge of existing efforts.
the meeting brought up new species
of importance to their region that they
wanted to learn about before they became
a bigger problem. Wendy West from UC
“This is going to be a great
tool for weed managers.”
Surveillance targets are species not yet
present within the region, but occurring
within 50 miles. Two species that jumped
out to the group were Cynara cardunculus
(artichoke thistle) and Nicotiana
glauca (tree tobacco). Attendees expressed
concern that artichoke thistle could
rapidly expand in foothill ecosystems and
rangeland, and they suspected that tree
tobacco could establish in the foothills.
Piptatherum miliaceum (smilograss) has
already been reported in the region, but
investigation of the infested quads in
CalWeedMapper showed that all known
occurrences from Calflora or CCH are
under treatment for eradication, so the
species was included as a surveillance
~ Matt Brown,
El Dorado National Forest
Participants noticed right away
that it was important to consider two
parallel paths: their agency’s management
priorities and their region’s management
priorities and to understand that there
will likely be a difference between the two.
The region’s top priorities will provide
rationale and opportunity so that the two
trajectories might meet in the future.
Surveillance priorities
As Margaret Willets, Stanislaus
National Forest, noted about
CalWeedMapper’s view on possible
surveillance targets, “It’s so helpful to
have this regional perspective because
of the many vectors of dispersal at play
in our region. ” Participants agreed that
“It’s great to know what is
coming your way and where
from… This is something
we’ve been asking for a long
Mike Boitano, Amador County
Agricultural Commissioner
Cooperative Extension pointed out the
usefulness to outreach: “This tool helps
prioritize education. There are some
obvious species to use for outreach and
education to the general public.”
Eradication priorities
Eradication targets included species
found only in isolated quads, as well
as some species that were a bit more
widespread but at relatively low level of
infestation, spreading, and
already under management
(and marked as containment
targets in CalWeedMapper’s
report). “Eradication targets
goals that we can make
re headway on,” said LeeAnne
Mi of the El Dorado County
of Agriculture. “Not
only does CalWeedMapper give us a
sense of the minimal occurrences in
our region,
it also helps us call on other
partners in our region to be inspired
by their headway
or get ideas on their
treatment successes.”
For species with suitable range maps,
we determined how much uninvaded
range was at risk, and looked for possible
future trends as the climate shifts. Two
species of concern were Isatis tinctoria
(dyer’s woad) and Carduus nutans (musk
thistle). In both cases, infestations occur
to the north and there is considerable
concern about isolated occurrences in
the region. Musk thistle can easily travel
on equipment, but working diligently to
remove this species is a viable goal.
Centaurea maculosa (spotted
knapweed) and Centaurea diffusa
(diffuse knapweed) are amply present
in the county yet we used local analysis
and knowledge to deem them strategic
eradication targets. Participants believed
all of the known populations are
eradicable and agreed to keep targeting
them as such.
Future steps include honing the
suite of surveillance and eradication
targets to a regional Top 10 list to help
convey regional priorities to funders
…continued page 14
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
“Harness the Boomers!”
An interview with Ann Howald
by Gina Darin, California Department of Water Resources
ontinuing our series of interviews
of founding board members, Gina
Darin spoke with Ann Howald.
Ann currently works for Garcia and
Associates, a consulting firm for biological
surveys from plants to bats to lizards – Oh
my! Ann’s work focuses on the Mojave
Desert surveys ahead of solar projects.
As rare plant surveys usually have a weed
component, Ann shared with me some
of her good and not-so-good discoveries
in the desert. The good news is lots of
null finds, meaning she’s not seeing too
much weediness in the desert beyond the
occasional red brome (Bromus rubens)
infestation, and those have a tendency to
dry out rapidly.
The bad news, however, is she’s finding a few halogeton (Halogeton glomeratus)
infestations in very out-of-the-way areas.
African mustard (Brassica tournefortii)
has also moved in from Nevada, and
is now showing up in Death Valley
National Park. Ann is sure to document
all her weed finds, knowing full well
that documentation influences control,
although she admitted “Or I map it and
pull it!” On Ann’s wish list
is a legal requirement for
all consultants performing
surveys to submit weed finds
to Calflora, similar to rare
plant survey guidelines for
submitting to the California
Natural Diversity Database.
When Ann’s not
botanizing for work, she’s
volunteering her time
Ann surveying weeds and rare plants in the Mojave
to many worthy causes,
Desert. Photo: Fred Roberts
including helping the
California State Parks with
some definitely had the potential to take
weed concerns. She’s currently workover the landscape.
ing on how to keep velvet grass from
Ann went on to work for the
overrunning a variety of wetlands and
California Department of Fish and
coastal grasslands, and hand-pulling
experiments around California red-legged Game’s Endangered Plant Program,
where she tackled the big questions about
frog breeding habitat in Annadel State
weeds. Ann attended the first CalEPPC
Park, Sonoma County.
symposium in Morro Bay both because
How Ann got involved with weeds
she was personally interested in the topic
and because it was related to her job. It
When Ann was working on her
was perfect timing in Ann’s career to get
undergraduate and graduate degrees
involved in this new organization. Preat UC Santa Barbara, people generally
CalEPPC, weed experts were scattered.
didn’t have awareness of weeds like they
“We’d had interagency botanist meetings
do today. Goleta, next to
occasionally, but no central functioning
UCSB, historically farmland,
entity to deal with the issue.”
is likely where pampas grass
was introduced to the US in
Fond Cal-IPC memories
1875, imported for plumes
Ann’s fondest memory as a CalEPPC
for Victorian drawing rooms.
founding board member was getting
Goleta Slough is a natural
the first weed list published. Having
wetland, and Ann clearly
been involved in the California Native
saw the spread of the weed.
Plant Society for years, Ann knew the
“Pampas grass was all over
strong influence the rare plant list had on
the place.” At the same time,
awareness and conservation. “CalEPPC
iceplant was spreading over
needs a list”, she would say, arguing that
the dunes near the UCSB
people love lists, but the board thought
campus. Juxtapose those
it too daunting of a task at the time. Ann
scenarios with the Santa
brought up the idea and second and then
Barbara garden plants and
a third time. Finally, Nelroy Jackson was
street trees that didn’t move.
on her side and the board agreed it was
It was clear to a botanist that
most non-native plants stayed time to take on the task. Ann started a
committee, which worked diligently to
where they were planted, but
Ann and husband climbing Bluff Knoll, Australia.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
…continued page 9
Cheatgrass in erosion control projects
by Julie Etra, MS, Western Botanical Services Inc., and Adrian Juncosa, PhD, Ecosynthesis.
s featured on the cover of Cal-IPC
News, Summer 2011, cheatgrass
(Bromus tectorum) has become a serious
invasive species in the Lake Tahoe Basin.
This is a relatively recent problem, as the
plant was only an occasional nuisance up
until about 2000.
In addition to appearing on some
infrastructure projects, it has become
extremely problematic on numerous
revegetation and erosion control projects
due to implementation of counterproductive best management practices
(BMPs) intended to decrease slope runoff
and establish vegetation. Our goal is to
identify counter-productive practices that
enhance invasive plant establishment and
to eliminate their use.
Cheatgrass occurs in abundance on
erosion control projects (specifically
road cuts) in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The
practices of deep tilling and application
of fertilizers, including slow-release and
compost, enhance the establishment and
spread of this plant and other weeds.
Deep tilling
The recent publication Revegetation
Guidance Document for Erosion Control
Projects in the Tahoe Basin (AECOM,
2011), resulted from studies, workshops,
and documentation of erosion control
projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Section
5.2, on revegetation, recommends that
practitioners “minimize soil disturbance
and removal, and maximize stockpiling
and reuse topsoil that must be removed, if
any. Remove existing invasive plants and
other weeds potentially interfering with
successful revegetation before planting.”
Further, it states, “…extensive soil
preparation is costly, and itself disturbs
the soil. In addition, on steeper slopes,
the ‘fluffy,’ lesser strength, lighter
soil that temporarily results from soil
loosening may locally slump. Therefore,
on steeper slopes, soil should be loosened
to an irregular and perhaps shallower
depth (e.g., 6 inches rather than
12 inches) to reduce the risk of
mass wasting.” This is particularly
critical on roadways such as
Brockway Summit above Lake
Tahoe, featured on the cover of the
summer Cal-IPC newsletter. This
site supported almost no cheatgrass
prior to the original slope treatments
and test plots in 2000, which
included adding soil amendments to
container plantings in test plots (no
This solid stand of cheatgrass (Bromus
container plantings survived).
tectorum) established after revegetation work.
Fertilizer application
Photo by Julie Etra.
Fertilizing a revegetation site can
are considered to be agronomically low
lead to an explosion in cheatgrass
nutrient soils.
infestations.Nitrogen, often a significant
component of fertilizer mixes, is not
Fertilizers may pose additional
required for seed germination, but
threats when nutrients leach from soil
stimulates the growth of cheatgrass and
amendments into the groundwater.
other invasive weeds.
This is of particular concern in Lake
Tahoe, a highly nutrient-sensitive system.
The Northeastern Nevada Revegetation
Nutrient-contaminated groundwater can
Guide: Planting Desirable Vegetation
enter the lake; fertilizers and compost may
to Compete with Invasive Weeds states,
further contribute nutrients to the lake,
“Where possible, seedbeds should be
which revegetation projects are intended
prepared with as little soil disturbance as
to reduce. This topic requires closer
possible in order to retain soil moisture
and organic matter. Keep in mind that
any disturbance of the soil can bring more Conclusions & control
competitive weed seeds to the surface
Instead of deep-tilling and fertilizing,
as well. Application of fertilizer on arid
seed mix that includes
rangelands after seeding establishment is
not usually recommended. Most annual
‘climax’ species, will help out-compete
weeds (e.g. cheatgrass) thrive on high
weeds such as cheatgrass. Designers and
nutrient availability. Therefore, fertilizing
specification writers can also require the
the newly planted site at seeding time or
use of weed-free seed.
in early spring can result in record class
weed infestations.”
Once established, cheatgrass can
be controlled through the judicious
This is indeed what has occurred
use of appropriate herbicides and by
and is continuing to occur on numerous
mechanically removing the plants with
sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin where deep
tilling with heavy applications of fertilizers weed eaters before setting seed. However,
repeated disturbance, including handhas been adopted. Unfortunately these
pulling, especially after seed set, exacerpractices continue despite the widespread
bates the problem. Thick application of
recognition that suitable revegetation
mulches can reduce emergence, but also
species drawn from California’s native
limits establishment of desirable species.
flora are well-adapted to thrive in what
…continued page 9
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
USFWS and PG&E partner to protect species
by Louis Terrazas, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
[Ed. Note: The Center for Biological
Diversity and two other organizations are
suing the California Energy Commission
and USEPA over approval of three
additional power plants in the Antioch
area. Their concerns include the impact on
sensitive habitat from nitrogen deposition
stemming from power plant emissions.
Look for a future article on the impacts
of nitrogen deposition on invasive plant
nudum psychicola). The United
States Fish & Wildlife Service
(FWS) and the Pacific Gas &
Electric Company (PG&E) are
teaming up to protect these
three federally listed endangered
species from being overrun by
invasive plants.
The two parties have signed
a Safe Harbor Agreement, which
establishes a relationship between
nvasive plants are pushing three
FWS and a cooperating nonFederally-endangered evening primrose
endangered species to the brink of
federal landowner. The purpose
(Oenothera deltoides howellii) is being protected
extinction in and around the Antioch
of a Safe Harbor Agreement is to from invasive plants by the US Fish & Wildlife
Dunes National Wildlife Refuge (NWR).
promote voluntary management
and PG&E.
Invasive plants like winter vetch (Vicia
of endangered species on nonAct can be flexible and allow non-federal
villosa), yellow starthistle (Centaurea
federal property, while giving assurances
landowners to work together with the
solstitalis), and ripgut brome (Bromus
to participating landowners that there will
FWS to protect endangered species and
diandrus) pose a direct threat to the
be no additional regulatory restrictions in
their habitat.
federally listed Contra Costa wallflower
the future.
The Antioch Dunes NWR is a unique
(Erysimum capitatum angustatum) and
In this agreement PG&E is provided
55 acre refuge in Antioch, Contra Costa
the Antioch Dunes evening primrose
with an “enhancement of survival permit”
County on the San Francisco Bay. The
(Oenothera deltoides howellii).
that allows them incidental take of
refuge was established in 1980 to protect
The endangered Lange’s metalmark
endangered species while maintaining
the three endangered species and is the
butterfly (Apodemia mormo langei) is also
their power lines and other structures
only NWR out of 555 refuges in the
threatened due to the loss of its host plant, on their bordering property. In turn,
NWR System that was set up specifically
the naked stem buckwheat (Eriogonum
PG&E is providing a “net conservation
to protect endangered plants and insects.
benefit” to the refuge by
It is a unique site where over 95% of
restoring available habitat
the remaining population of the Contra
on PG&E’s parcels, by
Costa wallflower and the Antioch Dunes
creating opportunities for
evening primrose are found on the refuge
population re-colonization
and the bordering PG&E property. The
and expansion, and by
remaining wild population of the Lange’s
maintaining suitable
metalmark butterfly is only found on
habitat. By completing a
the refuge and on the bordering PG&E
Safe Harbor Agreement
FWS and PG&E
The refuge is relatively small and is
can now officially
by industrial complexes,
partner to protect the
homes, roads, railroad tracks and the San
three endangered
Joaquin River. The habitat is severely
species and their
altered, diminished and fractured. It
habitat by controlling
is an island of habitat surrounded by
and eradicating the
source populations of more invasive plant
threatening invasive
plants on the neighboring populations. On the refuge, the invasive
Cal-IPC staff and Alameda-Contra Costa WMA helped
plants directly compete for sunlight and
PG&E property. This is
pull invasive plants at the Antioch Dunes NWR at a 2011 a great example of how
water with the endangered plants, and
with the host plant for the endangered
the Endangered Species
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
infestation on the refuge also
threatens rare native plants, such
as the Delta tule pea (Lithyrus
jepsonii jepsonii), Mason’s lilaeopsis
(Lilaeopsis masonii), the Suisun
marsh aster (Aster lentus), and
other native plants found on the
The mosaic of endangered
species and invasive plants on the
refuge makes it extremely difficult
and time consuming to manage.
The refuge staff, with the help of
Contra Costa wallflower (Erysimum capitatum
many great volunteers, spend the
angustatum) is also threatend by invasive plants.
majority of its time combating
invasive plants that are entangled
butterfly. Invasive plants like winter vetch
in with endangered plants
climb and smother the host plants for the
plant for the butterfly. They
Lange’s metalmark butterfly and alter the
to battle and control
microclimate for the eggs and larvae of
invasive plants, including mowing, weed
the endangered butterfly.
whacking, careful use of herbicides,
All this leads to the loss of host plants
prescribed burns, grazing with cattle, and
and the decrease in the success rate of the
a lot of manual labor.
Lange’s metalmark butterfly. The increase
Next, the Antioch Dunes NWR is
in vegetation supplies fuel for wildfires
planning on setting up more Safe Harbor
that have helped deplete the endangered
Agreements with other neighbors, in
species on the refuge. The invasive plant
…Ann Howald from page 6
produce the original CalEPPC list in
1996 and several updates as new information poured in. After the CalEPPC list
was published, agencies immediately used
it to prioritize weed control efforts.
“Nothing as complicated and
amazing as Cal-IPC would be easy to
build. Despite differences, Cal-IPC was
achieved, and I’m grateful for the experience of participating.”
Cal-IPC’s next steps
Twenty years ago, the board couldn’t
have anticipated the progress that has
been made, and could not have anticipated the confluence of the weak economy,
funding slashes to government and NGO
programs, and global climate change,
which all affect the mission of Cal-IPC.
Hope for the future comes from the
wonderful people within the organization
who have risen to the challenges and
have been on the cutting edge of new
technology and resources to further the
mission despite these challenges. So far,
Cal-IPC has been very successful looking
to the future, and needs to continue to
adapt to long-term environmental change,
to recognize and take advantage of
potential streams of financial support, and
foster greater collaboration.
Ann hopes everyone will resolve
to continue interest and dedication to
Cal-IPC in this time of personal financial
struggle. Also, “Harness the Boomers!”
Baby boomers are retiring, and there is
an enormous potential volunteer pool.
Be sure to include them and keep them
involved. They have much knowledge
and power. Ann, too, promises to stay
“Raising awareness and translating
awareness into action – that’s what it was
all about, and that’s what happened.”
Most Californians now understand the
threats posed by invasive weeds, and
that to protect our state’s biodiversity,
education and action must continue.
Join Cal-IPC for a
at the
Antioch Dunes NWR
Saturday, Feb. 25
10 am – 2 pm
Sign up at
order to better control the flow of invasive
species into the refuge and to further
expand the available habitat for these
three endangered species.
Contact the author at Louis_
…Cheatgrass from page 7
To alleviate the continual spread of
cheatgrass through ill-advised practices,
revegetation BMPs should be designed
that are compatible with regional ecology.
In the more arid areas of the West, this
means minimizing soil disturbance
(except to remedy compaction from
human causes), eliminating the application of high-nutrient amendments, and
selecting native species that best initiate
ecological succession.
AECOM. 2010. Revegetation Guidance
Document for Erosion Control Projects in the
Tahoe Basin. Report prepared for the California
Tahoe Conservancy, South Lake Tahoe, CA.
McAdoo, J.K., and R. Davis. 2003.
Northeastern Nevada Revegetation Guide:
Planting Desirable Vegetation to Compete with
Invasive Weeds. UNR Cooperative Extension,
SP-03-14, Reno, NV.
Julie Etra and Adrian Juncosa are both
Certified Professionals in Erosion and
Sediment Control.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
Adding invasives to environmental education
by Ashley Gilreath, Bren School of Environmental Science &
Management, University of California at Santa Barbara
he Education and the Environment
Initiative (EEI) is a landmark piece
of environmental education legislation
passed in 2003. The goal of the initiative
is to bring environmental education to
the 6.2 million students in California’s
public schools. Integration of multiple
subjects helps schools with environmental
education have higher student grades,
higher testing scores, and fewer problems
with discipline in the classroom.
Governor Schwarzenegger’s support statement for the EEI said, “This
nation-leading initiative will not only
prepare the next generation to tackle the
environmental issues of their day, it will
also get your students ready to excel in
California’s growing green economy.” The
initiative required the development of
a model K-12 curriculum for voluntary
use in schools. This curriculum includes
all kinds of environmental challenges –
including invasive plants.
Cal-IPC evaluated the coverage of
invasive species in the curriculum. We’ve
posted a list of the invasive species focused
lessons on our website (www.cal-ipc.org/
index.php) as
a resource for
teachers and other
educators. There
are many lessons
ranging from
those that briefly
cover invasive
plants as part of
a larger issue to
lessons focusing
exclusively on
invasive species.
The curriculum even covers non-native
animals as early as the second grade!
Curriculum examples:
The third grade lesson “Lights,
camera, action!” uses invasive grasses
to teach about changing habitats.
The fourth grade lesson “Cultivating
California” teaches how the
introduction of livestock permanently
changed the landscape of California
with the introduction of new plants.
The seventh grade lesson “Changes
in ecosystems” teaches how European
beachgrass is invading coastal sand
dunes and impacting wildlife.
• The high school biology lesson
“Effects of introduced species” teaches
the ecological effects of invasive
plants, giving four examples.
The California Environmental
Protection Agency (Cal-EPA) and
partners designed this curriculum to
teach students to think critically about
the environment. The lessons are
meant to teach students how to make
…continued page 12
2012 Field Course Schedule
Cal-IPC Field Courses provide a solid grounding in the tools and knowledge
needed to manage invasive plants. Learn from our expert instructors, and work
towards your Cal-IPC Trained Wildland Manager certificate. Courses are designed
for professional land managers and restoration volunteers. Check our website to
learn more about course curricula, habitat restoration workdays and the certificate
Register at www.cal-ipc.org, or call us at (510) 843-3902
Ben Lomond (Santa Cruz Co.)
Idyllwild (Riverside Co.)
Registration rates
Ben Lomond Conference & Retreat Center
James San Jacinto Mountain Reserve
Fees are per day of training
April 24 – Biology & ID
April 25 – Control Methods
April 26 – Mapping
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
June 5 – Strategic Approaches
June 6 – Biology & ID
June 7 – Control Methods
Cal-IPC member: $155
Non-member: $175
Restoration volunteer: $55
Preventing the
Introduction and Spread of
Invasive Plants
Best management guidelines for land
managers, aggregate production, maintenance
operations and construction.
Exeter: Jan. 26; 11 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Los Angeles: March 8; 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Sonora: April 9; 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Truckee: May 2; 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Register and find agenda at:
ucanr.org/registration 2012
Hosted and sponsored by USFS, NPS, CDFA, UCCE and
Cal-IPC. Funding provided by the U.S. Forest Service
and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Order your 2011
2011 Individual
Subscription Prices
(includes regular shipping)
All-Terrain IPM
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Print and Online ((Non-North
is www.wssajournals.org
for more information.
Contact us at wssa@allenpress.com for a free
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Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
…Education from page 10
it the first state certified environmental
curriculum in the country!
evidence-based judgments. According to
Phil LaFontaine of the Department of
Education, “The overarching theme of
this curriculum is the interactions and
interdependence of human societies and
natural systems.” Teaching in this style
provides an opportunity for students to
apply what they learn in school to real life
problems. This kind of critical thinking is
another reason students who participate
in environmental education do better in
It is our hope that the EEI curriculum
will make environmental problems like
invasive plants common knowledge
among the general population. Education
is essential to making invasive plants a
mainstream part of life. Students will
not only learn themselves but will take
knowledge about invasive plants home to
their families. This cascade of knowledge
might make a difference in everyday decisions – from what garden plants to buy to
where they buy firewood.
The lessons meet California academic
content standards by integrating subjects like history, reading, and science
together. In fact, the EEI curriculum is
so well designed that the State Board of
Education certified it in 2010 – making
Unfortunately, the program needs
more funding to meet its goals. Despite
suffering huge funding cuts Cal-EPA is
ambitiously continuing their planned
rollout of curriculum to public schools. In
fall 2010 they embarked on a campaign
to raise $22 million. Part of this funding
will go towards printing the EEI materials
for teachers and students and training
for teachers. This campaign has resulted
in several successful partnerships. The
Sempra Energy Foundation provided
a $50,000 grant for the Santa MonicaMalibu Unified School District to
implement the curriculum. In Manteca,
teacher training was funded by the locally
based American Modular Systems.
You can help to support the EEI
curriculum by spreading the word to
educators and supporting state funding for the program. If you help run
an environmental education program
check out the EEI website (www.calepa.
ca.gov/education/eei) and make sure your
program meets their environmental
Thank You for Supporting our Work!
Recent Donors
Your tax-deductible donations are extremely
valuable in supporting our programs. Thank
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
Peter Beesley (Grass Valley)
Jake Sigg (San Francisco)
Annette Wheeler (Los Altos Hills)
Patron ($500-$999)
John P. Anderson (San Francisco)
Mike Kelly (San Diego)
Champion ($250-$499)
Julie Horenstein (Sacramento)
Dan Knapp (Los Angeles)
Contributor ($100-$249)
Joan Bockman (Oceanside), A.
Crawford Cooley (Novato), Henry
DiRocco (Anaheim), Joe DiTomaso
(Davis), Ed Duarte (Dublin), Sally &
Craig Falkenhagen (Atherton), Judith
Fenerty (San Jose), Mike Forbert
(Pacifica), Douglas Gettinger (Vista),
Jim Hanson (Oakland), Ann Howald
(Sonoma), Lawrence Janeway (Chico),
Carolyn Johnson (Sebastapol), Larry
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
Jones (Richmond), John Knapp
(Lompoc), Marla Knight (Fort Jones),
Tamia Marg (Berkeley), T. Charles
Moore (Sunnyvale), Lincoln Smith
(Albany), Donald Stiver (El Cerrito),
Donna Thompson (Crescent City),
Connie Varnhagen (Edmonton, Canada)
Friend (up to $99)
Doug Allshouse (Daly City), Greg
Archbald (Nevada City), David
Beesley (Nevada City), Charles Bouril
(Yountville), Stephen Chung (Laguna
Nigel), Robert Connick (Berkeley),
Adrienne DeBisschop (Oakland),
Abe Doherty (San Francisco), Claire
Englander (Berkeley), Meryl Faulkner
(La Jolla), Alf Fengler (San Mateo),
Patricia Gordon-Ready (San Diego),
James & Nancy Harris (Huntington
Beach), John & Hermi Hiatt (Las
Vegas, NV), Ken Himes (Belmont),
John Holloway (Sea Ranch), David
Kelly (Auburn), Micki Kelly (San
Anselmo), Ralph Kraetsch (Walnut
Creek), Elizabeth Landis (Los Angeles)
Mark Langner (Coleville), Scott Martin
(Borrego Springs), Elizabeth Mather (San
Diego), Tanya Meyer (Emporium, PA),
Audrey Miller (Ferndale), Gerald &
Edith Moore (Petaluma), Elizabeth
O’Shea (Orinda), Elizabeth Proctor (San
Francisco), Carolyn Ridley (Alexandria,
VA), Phillip Roullard (San Diego),
Patrick Skain (San Francisco), Sarah Sweet
(Galt), Mandy Tu (Hillsboro, OR), RW
Van Alstyne (Fort Brag), Matt & Joann
Zlatnuich (San Franscisco)
New Members
As a Cal-IPC Member, you join a powerful
network of land managers, researchers,
volunteers, and concerned citizens. Welcome!
Leif Bryant (Napa County Flood Control),
Arlene Hopkins (Arlene Hopkins &
Assoc., Santa Monica), Sabrina Hopton
(McKinleyville), Wendy Horn (Palmdale),
Shawn Horne (Napa County Flood
Control), Art Janke (City of Walnut Creek
Open Space District), James Rexroth (San
Joaquin County Parks & Recreation),
Patrick Reynolds (H.T. Harvey & Assoc.,
Davis), Victor Schaff (S&S Seeds, Inc.,
Carpinteria), Kathy Van Zuuk (USDA
Forest Service, Colfax), Nancy VanAntwerp
(Carpinteria), Connie Varnhagen
(Edmonton, Canada), Brian Werner (Three
Rivers), Jacob Whall (Pacific Restoration
Group, Inc., Perris)
Building on our past to enhance the future
by Mike Bell, Cal-IPC Student Chapter Co-Chair, UC Riverside
t the 2011 symposium, the Cal-IPC
Student Chapter gathered with
alumni, Cal-IPC board members, and
land managers to discuss development
over the past four years and a plan to
expand in the future.
The Student Chapter was founded
and has actively participated in Cal-IPC
activities since 2007. During the first
few years, students from the University
of California, Riverside, reached out to
graduate students and other academic
members of Cal-IPC to promote
communication between students and
professionals working on the control of
invasive plants.
We built a strong base of students
from institutions across the state who
participate in outreach activities and
weed removal days. These events have
allowed students to trade knowledge on
the impacts of invasive plant species with
the public and local land managers. The
southern California branch of the Student
Chapter has worked closely with local
Weed Management Areas (WMA), to
procure funding to create and purchase
educational materials to present to the
public at local plant sales, Earth Day
events, and Cal-IPC Speaker’s Bureau
talks. Associating with WMAs provided
us with the resources needed to develop
outreach materials consistent with CalIPC’s mission, which students could easily
modify for their own region.
This year we expanded our goals, and
have begun to create partnerships with
land managers to provide students with an
opportunity to learn some of the details
of day-to-day and long term management
of invasives; skills not taught within a
normal graduate program. In April 2011,
we were hosted by the Catalina Habitat
Improvement and Restoration Program
from the Catalina Island Conservancy.
Over the course
of our three-day
trip, we were given
a tour of the island,
educated on their
diverse methods of
weed treatments,
surveyed the protected native flora
for sensitive species,
and treated multiple
invasive species
populations. It was
a great experience
for all students who
attended. We also
learned the use of
Cal-IPC Student Chapter members pull New Zealand spinach
GIS to map the
with Tony Summers of CHIRP along the coast of Catalina Island.
spread and control
of species, how
undergraduates. As we grow, we intend to
to mix and apply herbicides, and came
expand our reach to link current students
away with a general sense of the time and
with each other, and to connect students
resources it takes to fight the spread.
with information about how they can
We are going to continue our weekend expand their research projects through
weed program this March with a trip
grants. We also want to link prospective
to Joshua Tree National Park. Students
students with current research on the
interested in attending the weekend
spread and control of invasive plant
should contact us as soon as possible.
Once back on the mainland, we have
been working to update an educational
brochure on the most prolific invasive
species within the Santa Ana River
watershed. Using knowledge we gathered
for public outreach events, we were able
to help describe and provide clear images
to help the public identify each species.
The updated brochure is available for
download on our website and available to
partners for future outreach.
One of the main objectives identified
at the symposium was the need to get
more students involved with Cal-IPC and
more of them educated on the opportunities that exist within invasive plant
science. Up to this point, the Student
Chapter has focused our attention on
current graduate students and motivated
In order to do this, we are in the
process of transforming our website to not
only contain educational materials and
information about outreach events, but
also to guide students towards internships,
research grants, and graduate programs.
Getting students familiar with Cal-IPC
prior to starting a graduate program will
introduce them to our community early
and will help fulfill the research needs of
new and spreading species. We want the
information on our site to be fluid and up
to date, so if you know of opportunities
that students would be interested in,
please let us know and we will add them.
If you would like more information
about the Cal-IPC Student Chapter, or
are interested in keeping up-to-date on
events, visit our website at calipcsc.org or
‘Like’ our Facebook page at www.facebook.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
Readings &
Know of a resource that should be shared
here? Send it to edbrusati@cal-ipc.org.
Jepson eFlora
The Jepson eFlora parallels the second
edition of The Jepson Manual, Vascular
Plants of California. The eFlora includes
all of the taxonomic treatments of
the print Manual and in addition to
treatments for taxa that were excluded
from the print Manual because of doubts
about naturalization status. It includes
interactive distribution maps linked to
specimen data from the Consortium of
California Herbaria. The eFlora is linked
to numerous electronic tools through the
Jepson Online Interchange.
Benefits of Rangelands
“Conservation Benefits of Rangeland
Practices: Assessment, Recommendations,
and Knowledge Gaps” is a synthesis of
rangeland-related literature. It provides
information to guide the development
and assessment of management
practices and conservation programs on
rangelands. It assesses the effectiveness of
seven NRCS-recommended rangeland
conservation practices: prescribed grazing, prescribed fire, brush management,
range planting, riparian management
practices, wildlife management practices,
and invasive plant management. Also
assessed were a landscape approach to
…CalWeedMapper from page 5
and the public. Attendees agreed that
outreach and education can and should
continue through WMA partners. For
instance, Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmatica
(Dalmatian toadflax) has been spread
unknowingly by gardeners in the Tahoe
region, but an outreach and education
campaign has increased the number
of reported populations as El Dorado
residents have begun looking for the
plant. Another ornamental plant, Sesbania
punicea (red sesbania) is moving toward
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
rangeland conservation, and a social
and economic assessment of rangeland
conservation practices. www.nrcs.usda.gov/
National Forest Foundation grants
The National Forest Foundation is
currently soliciting proposals for its
Matching Awards Program (MAP), that
provides matching funds for direct onthe-ground and citizen-based monitoring
projects benefitting America’s National
Forests and Grasslands. MAP funds can
be used to support conservation and
restoration projects benefiting wildlife
habitat, recreation, watershed health, and
community-based forestry. Deadline: July
2, 2012. www.nationalforests.org/conserve/
SF Bay Restoration
The online journal San Francisco Estuary
and Watershed Science has published a
special two-part issue on “Ecology and
Regional Context of Tidal Wetlands in
the San Francisco Bay National Estuarine
Research Reserve”. These open-access
articles address estuarine ecology, the
history and future of restoration in San
Francisco Bay, and the possible effects
of climate change on the Bay and Delta.
restoring and adopting landscape
approaches. The report also calls for developing and communicating information
on the value of species and ecosystems to
humanity, describes the role of protected
areas, and discusses mainstreaming biodiversity needs. www.fao.org/forestry/30032043e91af6fddb0d073537f6249fd0cc2e.pdf
Bridging the Gap
The Journal of Applied Ecology has
launched a major new initiative to bridge
the gap between applied ecological
research and practical environmental
management. “Practitioner’s Perspectives”
provide a platform for individuals
involved in hands-on management of
ecological resources to explain what is
needed to ensure effective take-up of the
results of research.
International Proceedings
Proceedings from the 2nd International
Workshop on Invasive Plants in the
Mediterranean Type Regions of the
World, held in Trabzon, Turkey, are
now available. The conference included
participants from 29 countries. (See
page 168 for an article from California.)
Wildlife and Climate
The Food and Agriculture Organization
of the UN published, “Wildlife in a
Changing Climate” describing consequences of climate change on wildlife, as
well as potential conservation measures
to adapt to climate change, including
Interested in smartphone applications for
tracking invasive species? The National
Invasive Species Information Center has
a new page devoted to these tools. www.
the region from the west and represents
an opportunity to engage the public in
surveillance and wise plant selection for
the largest difference in the future.
Working at the level of multiple
counties was a larger scale than what most
people were used to, and it provided a
chance for attendees to devise new ways to
work together, whether for on-the-ground
projects or joint outreach and education
projects. Identifying surveillance and
eradication targets in the region helped
participants put their minds together and
think about where limited funds can make
Contact Cal-IPC Science Program
Manager Elizabeth Brusati (edbrusati@
cal-ipc.org) or Mapping Program Manager
Dana Morawitz (dfmorawitz@cal-ipc.org).
Funding provided by USDA Forest
Service, California Department of Food
and Agriculture, California Landscape
Conservation Cooperative, National Fish
& Wildlife Foundation, Resources Legacy
Fund, and Richard and Rhoda Goldman
Fund. Cal-IPC is an equal opportunity
February – April
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
February 26-March 3
Washington, D.C.
Cal-IPC Field Courses
April 24-26
Ben Lomond, Santa Cruz County
May – July
N.A. Congress for Conservation Biology
July 15-18
Aquatic Plant Management Society
July 22-25
Salt Lake City, UT
Western Society for Weed Science Mtg
March 12-15
Reno, NV
North Bay Grasslands Symposium
May 4-6
Sonoma County
California Invasive Weeds Awareness Day
March 14
SERCAL’s Annual Conference
May 15-17
UC Davis
Ecological Society of America Annual Mtg
Aug 5-10
Portland, OR
Western Aquatic Plant Mngmt Conference
April 2-4
San Diego
Cal-IPC Field Courses
June 5-7
Idyllwild, Riverside County
Cal-IPC’s 21st Annual Symposium
October 10-13
Rohnert Park, Sonoma County
Noxious Weed Short Course
April 16-19
Loveland, CO
Invasive Plant Short Course
June 26-28
North Platte, NE
Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge
February 19-22, 2013
Perth, Australia
August & beyond
“Your jaw drops at what’s going to happen. The weeds don’t stop.”
~ Lars Anderson of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s agricultural research service, referring to
the alarming rate of spread of South American spongeplant in “New Delta invader, spongeplant,
thretens to clog waterways, pumps”, Contra Costa Times, December 20, 2011.
“Nature doesn’t have a direction, function or purpose. Humans
decide that. It’s up to us to decide what we want nature to be like…”
~ Ecologist Mark Davis in the Leaf Litter newsletter, www.biohabitats.com, Winter 2011. He
continues, “The field of invasion biology isn’t going to exist in several decades. This native vs.
non-native notion is not going to hold up. Our biota will be such a mixture of long term and
recently arrived species, and for the people who grew up with this mixture, it’s going to seem
ridiculous to continue to characterize some species as native and some as not.”
Cal-IPC News Winter 2012
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We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership that includes scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
Please complete this form and mail with check or credit card number. Additional donations support our projects. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and donations beyond regular membership rates are tax deductible. Join or donate online at www.cal-ipc.org.
* Receives member benefits for three individuals.
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Champion ($250 – $499)
Patron ($500 – $999)
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
I would like to consider a
legacy gift. Please send information on planned giving.
Cal-IPC Membership runs on the calendar year. Those who join after June 30 will be current
through the following calendar year. Joint memberships receive a $5 discount on each organization’s normal rate and apply only to Regular Cal-IPC memberships.
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Mail this form with check (payable to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card info to:
Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
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