Vol. 17, No. 4
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
Progress in Mapping
National park volunteers Ray Ridgeway,
Mary Swanson, Richard Wong, and Jessica
Chappell map plants as part of an early
detection program at the Golden Gate
National Recreation Area. Story page 8.
Photo by Jen Jordan, National Park Service
Watch out for these Red Alert weeds……………. 4
Early detection protocol from NPS……………….. 8
California Field Botanist Association . ………….. 9
The “green economy” and invasive species…..10
From the Director’s Desk
The difference a decade makes
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 843-3902
fax (510) 217-3500
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s natural areas
from wildland weeds through
research, restoration, and education.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Elizabeth Brusati, Program Manager
Heather Brady, Program Coordinator
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Jason Giessow, President (2010)
Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area
John Knapp, Vice-President (2010)
Native Range, Inc.
Doug Gibson, Treasurer (2010)
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Julie Horenstein, Secretary (2010)
California Department of Fish & Game
Edith Allen (2010)
University of California-Riverside
Peter Beesley (2011)
Pacific Gas & Electric
Jason Casanova (2010)
Los Angeles/San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
Valerie Eviner (2011)
University of California-Davis
Henry Gonzales (2010)
Ventura County Department of Agriculture
Brent Johnson (2011)
Pinnacles National Monument
Marc Lea (2010)
San Luis Obispo County Department of Agriculture
Jean Phillipe Marié (2011)
UC Davis Putah Creek Riparian Reserve
Cheryl McCormick (2010)
American Cetacean Society
Shea O’Keefe (2011)
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Peter Schuyler (2011)
Ecological Consultant
Katherine Suding (2011)
University of California-Berkeley
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Last year of term noted.
Cal-IPC News
Winter 2010 – Volume 17, Number 4
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Heather Brady
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission from
the editor. Submissions are welcome. Mention of commercial
products does not imply endoresement by Cal-IPC. We reserve
the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
hose working in ecological restoration have come a long way in the last ten years,
as has Cal-IPC itself. Like with other overwhelming environmental challenges, it
is not always easy to feel optimistic. But in looking at how far we have come in the last
decade, it is clear to me that major progress is being made.
In the year 2000, there many fewer professionals focused on management of invasive plants. There were only a handful of stewardship intern programs, native plant
nurseries, and private restoration firms. Cal-IPC had half the number of members it
does today, and no staff. In 2000, the first legislation to fund local Weed Management
Areas in California had just passed. Since then the program has provided $10 million
throughout the state to local management projects.
For years, nurseries and land managers were unable to come to terms regarding invasive plants used in horticulture. Working to stop the use of invasive plants in landscaping was often confused with a demand to use only natives. Today the Don’t Plant a Pest
campaign and the PlantRight partnership have built a strong foundation for addressing
this major pathway for spreading invasive plants.
In 2000, few organizations had inventoried and mapped the invasive plants on their
lands. GIS and GPS tools were breaking into the mainstream and data standards for
weed mapping were being worked out. Online geospatial tools were crude. Today, land
managers consider mapping to be an integral part of their weed work. Calflora and the
Bay Area Early Detection Network have developed handy online reporting tools for
new finds, and Cal-IPC is combining statewide distribution mapping with climatic
modeling to anticipate weed spread. New tech tools are being developed every year.
Ten years ago, agricultural and environmental organizations were finding common
cause in addressing invasive plants and formed the California Invasive Weeds Awareness
Coalition, which would begin sponsoring Invasive Weeds Awareness Day at the Capitol
in 2004. State and federal agencies formed the Interagency Noxious Weed Coordinating Committee, and county Agricultural Commissioners were taking on the new work
of organizing WMAs. Today the state has a formal Invasive Species Council with a 24member advisory committee bridging different taxa and stakeholder communities. We
aim to produce a comprehensive strategic plan that for endorsement at the top levels of
government, and to push for its implementation.
Those working on the ground know that plenty of invasive plant populations have
increased in size, and more
infestations have gotten
started. But we have also
eradicated many highpriority populations, and
gotten others in our sights.
Our numbers are greater,
our network is deeper, and
our policies are stronger. In
the coming decade, I look
forward to solidifying these
gains and creating highly
effective systems to protect
California’s wildlands from Pampas grass plumes were a common decorations in the
invasive plants.
late 1800’s. Photo courtesy of the Denver Public Library.
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
Cal-IPC Updates
Join Us!
Have you renewed your membership?
Check your mailing label. This will be
the last newsletter for those who haven’t
renewed for 2010. Send your renewal
today and stay connected.
Day at the Capitol
March 10 – Sacramento
Join us for the seventh annual Invasive
Weeds Awareness Day at the Capitol on
Wednesday, March 10, in Sacramento.
This is an opportunity to tell your state
legislators about the local and statewide
effects of invasive plants and what we
are doing about it. Past Day at the
Capitols helped reinstate funding for
Weed Management Areas and create
the state’s new Invasive Species Council.
Register at www.cal-ipc.org!
Jobs available at Cal-IPC
We are hiring a Business Manager,
Mapping Program Manager and
Training Program Manager.
2010 Field Courses
See page 14 for our 2010 Wildland
Weed Field Course Schedule
Cal-IPC’s 2010 Symposium
Put it on your calendar!
Oct. 13 –16, Ventura, CA.
California will receive $13 million for
invasive species programs from the
federal Farm Bill. The money will fund
programs such as parcel inspection dogs at
shipping facilities, high-risk pest detection
surveys, and a statewide survey for the
European grapevine moth. (Cal. Dept. of
Food and Ag. press release, Jan. 20, www.
gallotannin itself is harmless, it reacts with
enzymes produced by native plants and
microbes to form toxic gallic acid that
kills the native reed. Eurasian common
reed has taken over millions of acres of
wetlands in the U.S., leaving only small
patches of the North American variety.
(PhysOrg.com science news, Dec. 23,
If you see the new movie Avatar, look
carefully at the plants. UC Riverside
professor and Cal-IPC member Jodie Holt
served as a consultant for the film and its
associated video games, using her botany
expertise to help director James Cameron
provide background information about
the plants on the alien moon Pandora
(but were any invasive?). She also helped
actress Sigourney Weaver look and act
like a “real” botanist. (UC Riverside
newsroom, Nov. 24, newsroom.ucr.edu)
Are camels the newest biocontrol for
tamarisk, a.k.a. saltcedar? A rancher
in Colorado believes they might be.
Stating, “They will eat all day if given the
opportunity”, she says her 15 camels have
eaten all of the saltcedar on her ranch
and she believes they could be used to eat
the new growth that returns even after
a bush has been attacked by biocontrol
beetles. A researcher interviewed for the
article says that it would probably require
many camels to eat a significant amount
of saltcedar, similar to using goats. (High
Country News, The Goat blog, Jan. 20.,
Invasive genetic strains of common reed
(Phragmites australis) use microbes and
soil enzymes to attack North American
populations of reed. University of
Delaware researchers discovered that
invasive reed from Eurasia produces
more of the chemical gallotannin than
the North American reed does. While
The number of invasive alien species per
country ranges from nine in Equatorial
Guinea to 222 in New Zealand. The
Global Invasive Species Programme’s new
report, “Global indicators of biological
invasion: species numbers, biodiversity
impact and policy responses”, looked at
57 countries and found that, on average,
each country has 50 non-indigenous
species which have a negative impact on
biodiversity. (www.gisp.org)
Starting in January, boaters in Oregon
will pay new fees to cover the cost
of cleaning stations and educational
campaigns for aquatic invasive species
such as hydrilla, quagga mussels, and
zebra mussels. The new law will add a $5
surcharge to motorized boat registration
every two years. Manual and paddle boats
will need $5 annual permits. Out-ofstate boaters will pay $20. The new law
was instituted because existing voluntary
campaigns against aquatic invasive species
have not had much success. (NewsReview, Nov. 3, www.nrtoday.com)
Cold weather in Florida may help slow
the spread of invasive pythons and
green iguanas. A rare snowfall has made
pythons seek warm spots on roads and
Florida wildlife officials are urging hunters
with snake permits to take advantage of
the opportunity to find them. Frozen
…continued page
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Watch out for these Red Alert weeds!
Joseph M. DiTomaso, Department of Plant Sciences, UC Davis
ed Alerts (or Weed Alerts) represent
potentially new species not previously
reported to be invasive in California or
species that have been here, but are now
either expanding their range at a more
rapid rate or moving into new areas of
the state. These species were all reported
by Cal-IPC members during 2009. This
year saw more reports than any previous
year and many of these species have been
on the Red Alert list of past years. With
over 50 submissions, it was not possible to
present detailed information on all these
species. As such, I have narrowed the list
down to what I felt were the most important species to discuss, but included a full
list of all species in a table (pages 6-7)
with leathery, emergent, elliptic leaves
on non-inflated stalks. The bottom of its
leaves have a diagnostic honeycomb-like
spongy tissue. The white flowers are solitary or paired and are unisexual.
In California, smooth frogbit was previously reported to have escaped cultivation as a pond ornamental in some coastal
areas, including Alameda and Riverside
counties, but the largest infestation was
in Redding. In August 2007, Pat Akers
and Mary McClanahan reported scattered patches along 10-15 miles of the San
Joaquin River in Fresno. Later in 2007 it
appeared in the Sacramento Delta and in
February 2008 another infestation near
the Kings River southeast of Fresno. It
blocks waterways by forming thick mats.
The 2009 Red Alerts include two
aquatic plants (Limnobium laevigatum
and Undaria pinnatifida), two perennial
grasses (Phalaris arundinacea and Danthonia pilosa), and three broadleaf species
(Salsola soda, Watsonia meriana, and
Romulea rosea). Most of these have not yet
been evaluated for the Cal-IPC Inventory
because we have only recently received
information on them spreading into
wildlands. If you have additional information on these species, or have seen them in
other parts of California not mentioned
here, please contact Joe DiTomaso (see email address at end of article) or Elizabeth
Brusati at edbrusati@cal-ipc.org.
Smooth frogbit or West Indian spongeplant (Limnobium laevigatum): Smooth
frogbit is a member of the Hydrocharitaceae. This is the same family as other very
invasive aquatic plants, including Hydrilla
verticillata (hydrilla) and Egeria densa
(Brazilian egeria). It is native to tropical and subtropical Central and South
America. Morphologically, smooth frogbit
is very different from hydrilla and Brazilian egeria and resembles a smaller version
of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes). It
is a floating to rooted stoloniferous perennial. Smooth frogbit has a juvenile form
of partly submersed rosettes with thick
floating leaves. Juvenile rosettes gradually
develop into much larger mature clumps,
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
The species has been placed on the
California Department of Food and
Agriculture (CDFA) Noxious Weed Qlist. This designation can give CDFA the
authority to rapidly respond to control or
eradication efforts without going through
the long process of listing a plant on the
A-list. It is not yet listed in the Cal-IPC
Invasive Plant Inventory.
From the top: Frogbit resembles
water hyacinth. Photo courtesy Pat
Akers, CDFA. Wakame grows on
floating objects such as docks.
Photo by Chela Zabin. Hairy
wallabygrass displaces native
Danthonia californica. Photo by
Peter Warner.
Wakame or Japanese kelp (Undaria
pinnatifida): Japanese kelp is a goldenbrown kelp with flat broadly pinnatelobed or -divided fronds that can reach
over 1m in length and width. It is native
to southeast Asia and Japan where it is
used for food (sushi). Japanese kelp has
an extended period of spore production
and can release millions of motile spores
that can remain active for up to 5 hours.
It rapidly colonizes open or disturbed
substrates and floating objects and is
adapted to both warmer waters of southern California, as well as the cooler areas
in the northern part of the state. Japanese
kelp may have the potential to displace
certain native kelp species in California
coastal waters. Marina owners worry that
it will cover boat hulls, piers, and docks. It
typically inhabits the upper region of the
sublittoral zone, from the low tide mark
to about 15 m deep.
It was first discovered near Santa
Catalina Island. It soon moved to other
areas of southern California such as Santa
Barbara and as far north as Monterey,
but did not expand much for a few years
afterwards. In fact, at that time (2002),
it was included as a Cal-IPC Red Alert.
In 2009, Ted Grosholz of UC Davis and
Chela Zabin of the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center reported that it is
moving northward quickly and has been
found in several new locations in the San
Francisco Bay. Ted also indicated that it is
the most significant marine algal invasion
since Caulerpa. In addition to California,
Japanese kelp has also become invasive off
the coastal waters of France, Britain, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Australia,
and New Zealand. It is currently listed as
a Limited species on the Cal-IPC Inventory. Visit www.serc.si.edu/labs/marine_invasions/MIRL_at_RTC/undaria.aspx for
factsheets and instructions for reporting
suspected sightings of Undaria.
canarygrass have been made, but these are
from populations on the east coast.
Little is actually known about its
genetics in California. While the native
biotypes are an important component of
the ecosystem and provide food for seedeating birds, the non-native forms can
displace other native plants that are more
desirable in those particular habitats. This
is the case in many other northern states,
such as Oregon, Washington, Idaho,
Montana, and Wyoming. In Washington,
reed canarygrass is a state-listed noxious
weed. Because of the confusion related to
what is native or from European origin,
Cal-IPC has not, to date, listed reed canarygrass on its current inventory. Athena
Demetry at Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks reports that it is spreading in
the Sierra Nevada, suggesting that perhaps
these infestations are non-native.
Glasswort (Salsola soda): Glasswort is
a member of the Chenopodiaceae and a
close relative of Russian thistle (tumbleweed). It is native to southern Europe
and is very distinctive because of its fleshy
succulent nature and adaptation to saline
environments. Unlike the other Russian
thistles, glasswort foliage remains fleshy
in fruit. Glasswort inhabits mudflats and
saltmarshes in the San Francisco Bay
region. Populations in the San Francisco
Bay seemed to be fairly stable in the past
few years, but this year have dramatically
expanded in the Suisun Marsh area. Sarah
Estrella of the Cal. Dept. of Fish and
Game reported that a small infestation
expanded to cover over two acres and was
displacing the native Salicornia (pickleweed) species. The species has not yet
been evaluated for the Cal-IPC Inventory.
Hairy wallabygrass, hairy oatgrass
(Danthonia pilosa = Rytidosperma
pilosum): Hairy oatgrass is a perennial
bunchgrass native to Australia. The Jepson
Manual lists it as being found in disturbed, open sites, meadows, and coniferous forests in the north and central Coast
Ranges, Klamath Range and the San Francisco Bay Area. Both Peter Warner and
Tim Hyland reported that it is becoming
a dominant species in the coastal terrace
prairie and upland grassland of many
northern California coastal counties. In
these areas, it appears to be outcompeting
native California oatgrass (Danthonia californica). Although relatively widespread,
this species may be increasing its rate of
spread. It has not yet been evaluated for
inclusion on the Cal-IPC Inventory.
Reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea): Reed canarygrass is a coarse
perennial to 1.5 m tall, with creeping
rhizomes. It is considered an obligate
wetland species inhabiting wet sites along
streams. Although it is considered native
to California, there are European biotypes
that have been introduced into the United
States and have likely invaded California,
perhaps even hybridizing with the native
forms. Comparisons of the hybridization
of European and North American reed
From the top: There are questions
about the genetics of reed
canarygrass in California. Photo by
Athena Demetry. Glasswort invades
mudflats and salt marshes around
San Francisco Bay. Photo by Sarah
Estrella. Rosy sandcrocus is moving
inland in Sonoma County. Photo by
Peter Warner.
Rosy sandcrocus (Romulea rosea var.
australis): Rosy sandcrocus is another
member of the iris family. It is a small
pink flowered perennial ornamental that
has escaped cultivation. Rosy sandcrocus
is native to South Africa and was typically
found on disturbed dry sandy or often
hard-packed soils in the San Francisco
Bay Area and other sites along the central
and north coast. Peter Warner reports that
while it appeared for years to be restricted
to disturbed areas and roads along the
…continued page
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Additional invasive plants reported to Joe DiTomaso in 2009. Year in parentheses indicates previous years included as a Red Alert.
Many of these species are already listed on the Cal-IPC Invasive Plant Inventory and the information below represents new locations
and range expansions.
Common Name
Reported By
Acer palmatum
Japanese maple
Cheryl McCormick
Rhus lancea
African sumac
San Diego
Larry Hendrickson
Dittrichia graveolens
SF Bay Area
Andrea Williams, Tracy Cline,
Bob Neale, Tim Hyland (2004)
Senecio quadridentatus (=
Erechtites quadridentatus)
cotton fireweed
Santa Barbara
Wayne Chapman
Erigeron karvinskianus
Latin American
SF Bay Area
Andrea Willliams
saltmarsh aster
Suisun City
David Keil
Calendula arvensis
field marigold
SF Bay Area
Tim Hyland
Carthamus lanatus
woolly distaff thistle
San Luis Obispo coast
Tim Hyland (2004)
Crupina vulgaris
common crupina
Peter Warner
Gazania linearis
San Francisco
& Ft. Ord
Susan Hubbard, Jo Kitz (2008)
Picris echioides
bristly oxtongue
Central Valley
John Anderson
Conium maculatum
poison hemlock
Russian River
Victoria Wikle
Cynoglossum officinale
Lassen County
Alan Uchida (2002)
Malcolmia africana
African mustard
gypsum soils, Nevada
Ann Howald (2008)
Lobularia maritima
sweet alyssum
Sonoma &
Mendocino Cos., SF
Peter Warner
Catalpa speciosa
northern catalpa
San Joaquin River
Mary McClanahan
Maytenus boaria
Euphorbia oblongata
oblong spurge
Euphorbia terracina
carnation spurge
Los Angeles Co.
Tim Hyland
Lathyrus latifolia
everlasting peavine
North Coast range
Peter Warner
Lathyrus tingitanus
Tangier pea
North Coast range
Peter Warner
Melilotus albus
white sweetclover
E. Sierra Nevada
Sue Weis
Crocosmia x crocosmiflora
Marin County
Robert Katz
Iris foetidissima
stinking iris
East Bay
Barbara Ertter
Kniphofia uvaria
redhot poker
Sonoma &
Mendocino coast
Peter Warner
Ficus carica
San Joaquin River
Mary McClanahan
Passiflora tarminiana
banana poka
San Francisco
Jennifer Erskine Ogden (2004)
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
East Bay, Golden
Gate Nat’l Rec. Area
Santa Cruz, Sonoma
& Napa Cos.
Roy Leggitt (1997)
Peter Warner,Tim Hyland (2001)
Common Name
Reported By
Phytolacca americana
Napa County
Chris Sauer
Muehlenbeckia complexa
maidenhair vine
Mendocino coast
Bill Maslach
Brachypodium sylvaticum
slender false brome
Possibly Santa Cruz
Steven Daniel (2003)
Ehrharta erecta
erect veldtgrass
Central coast
Tim Hyland
Nassella manicata
(= N. formicarum)
tropical needlegrass
Sonoma coast
Peter Warner
Nassella tenuissima
Mexican needlegrass
Topanga State Beach
Michael O’Brien & Sally Davis
(2000, ‘04, ‘05)
Acaena novae-zelandiae
Sonoma Coast
Tim Hyland
Rubus hybrid
Putah Crk, Yolo Co.
Rich Marovich
Kickxia elatine
Central Valley
John Anderson
Centranthus ruber
red valerian
SF Bay Area
Andrea Williams
…Red Alerts, from page
coast, it is now forming large populations in coastal and interior grasslands
in Sonoma County. Rosy sandcrocus has
not yet been evaluated for the Cal-IPC
Invasive Plant Inventory.
Throughout the year Joe DiTomaso collects
reports of potentially new invasive species
not previously reported in California. If you
would like to contribute to his list, contact
him at jmditomaso@ucdavis.edu.
Watsonia (Watsonia meriana =Watsonia bulbillifera): Watsonia is a member
of the iris family (Iridaceae) and is native
to South Africa. It is a common perennial ornamental species that reproduces
by bulblets and corms at the base stem.
The species has been reported to be locally abundant in some areas along the
north coast, particularly on roadsides,
open fields and waste areas, however, Peter
Warner reports that it is now spreading
both south from Sonoma County and
north from Mendocino County. Smaller
patches are now coalescing and spreading
into marshes, woodlands, and grasslands
adjacent to roadsides. Watsonia is currently listed as a Limited plant in the Cal-IPC
Invasive Plant Inventory.
For more information
Cal-IPC Red Alerts:
…Weed News, from page
iguanas are falling out of trees, sometimes
onto cars. Unfortunately, the cold snap
also threatens the lives of sea turtles and
manatees. (Christian Science Monitor,
Jan. 9, www.csmonitor.com)
Florida python owners whose snakes
aren’t so cute anymore can turn them in
at Exotic Pet Amnesty Days. While these
events focus mainly on exotic birds and
non-dangerous reptiles, an Amnesty Day
last September at Gatorland in Orlando
collected state-listed Reptiles of Concern
including the infamous Burmese and
African rock pythons that are invading
the Everglades. Amnesty days focus on
educating the public about responsible
ownership of exotic pets so that these
animals are not released into the wild. The
largest pet turned in was a 13 ft., 80 lb.
Burmese python. (Florida Fish & Wildlife
Conservation Commission, www.myfwc.
com, Gatorland event video: gatorland.
Watsonia is spreading south from Sonoma
County and north from Mendocino
County. Photo by Peter Warner.
USDA PLANTS database: plants.usda.gov
Calflora database: www.calflora.org
Jepson Flora Project:
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
National Park Service releases early detection protocol
Andrea Williams, Marin Municipal Water District
Andrea Williams previously worked for the
National Park Service and is the co-founder
of the Bay Area Early Detection Network.
e’ve heard the tenet before: early
detection and rapid response is,
aside from prevention, the most cost-effective way to deal with invasive species.
In plans ranging from individual land
units, to local Weed Management Areas
(WMAs), to the state of California, national agencies, and national and international interagency panels, they say, “Go
forth and do early detection”. But what
does that actually translate to, and how do
we “do” early detection? A recently published protocol from the National Park
Service’s San Francisco Bay Area Inventory
and Monitoring Network (SFAN) answers
these questions.
The SFAN encompasses diverse national park units, including Golden Gate
National Recreation Area, Point Reyes
National Seashore, Pinnacles National
Monument, and John Muir National
Historic Site. The SFAN is one of 32 Inventory and Monitoring (I&M) Networks
nationwide whose function is to improve
over several years, recently cleared peer repark management through greater reliview and has been “published” (i.e., made
ance on scientific knowlavailable online). It presents
edge. These networks have
logical methods and guidance
It presents
ranked and prioritized “vital
for where, how often, and for
signs”: ecosystem indicators, logical methods what to search; the types of
processes, or stressors that
data to gather; and recomand guidance
will serve as an indication or
mended training levels for
early warning for park man- for where, how
volunteers and staff, to better
agers regarding the state of
glean data from some of the
often, and for
their lands. Unsurprisingly,
millions of people out in our
some aspect of invasive spe- what to search. national parks annually.
cies monitoring was imporThe Objectives
tant to most of the networks. At SFAN,
Three objectives provide the framemanagers recognized that early detection
monitoring, spread monitoring, and effec- work for early detection monitoring:
developing and revising a list of target
tiveness monitoring are all key to invasive
invasive plants, whose priority determines
species work. Effectiveness monitoring
the level of data gathered; ranking park
was deemed to be outside the purview of
I&M; spread was folded into planning for subwatersheds by management priority,
plant community change monitoring, and risk, and current infestation level to generate priorities for monitoring frequency;
early detection was tackled as the highest
and regularly evaluating and examining
The resultant protocol, Early Detection invasive plant monitoring data to revise
of Invasive Plant Species in the San Francis- and refine priorities, as well as clarifying
co Bay Area Network, developed and tested contributing factors to new invasions in
the park.
Mapping capeweed along the Coastal Trail above Muir Beach. Volunteers Jim
Dougherty, Richard Wong, and Mary Swanson are pictured. Photo by Jen Jordan, NPS.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
The list of target species for each park
was based on current knowledge and
rankings, summing recognized invasiveness and biological ease of control and
stratifying into priorities by feasibility of
control based on species’ infested acreage
in the park. Species listed by Cal-IPC,
the Cal. Dept. of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), The Nature Conservancy
(TNC), and local WMAs received varying
numbers of points for invasiveness, as did
unlisted species which shared invasive
characteristics with a listed congener.
Based on best available knowledge, species
also received points for altering ecosystems—affecting a system change, not
just crowding out other plants—and for
endangering rare plants in SFAN parks.
Next, based on best available knowledge,
species were ranked by ease of control
independent of number of acres infested.
All points were summed for the overall
…continued on page 12
Ceanothus — “See, I know this!”
Plant identification workshops from the California Field Botanist Association
Michael Bower, Melissa Hostler, Erin Gottschalk Fisher, and Debra Sykes
nvasive plants. We love to hate them.
And, many of us derive pleasure from
pulling, whacking, spraying, burning,
or at least cursing at them. But, an often
forgotten prerequisite for successful weed
control is the accurate identification of the
undesirable plant. Identification is important not only when deciding whether or
not you have a problem plant, but also in
the selection of an herbicide, since most
herbicides work on some plant families
but not others. Early detection programs
depend on the accurate identification of
known and potential plant invaders. Too
often we give up when we have doubt
about the true identity of a potential
invasive plant, or even worse, we proceed
to control a plant that is not actually the
problem plant we thought it was.
Don’t despair! Free, no-experiencenecessary plant identification workshops
are provided by Ceanothus: California
Field Botanist Association throughout the
Sacramento Valley at locations and times
listed on our website (www.ceanothus.
org). All types of plant enthusiasts, from
backyard gardeners to weed workers to
professional botanists, are invited to attend the workshops. Everyone is encouraged to bring plants they are interested in
identifying, a Jepson Manual, and
plant dissection tools, if you’ve got
them. The only requirement is that
you have fun!
The supportive group environment at Ceanothus workshops
was first envisioned two years ago
by consulting botanists Melissa
Hostler and Erin Gottschalk Fisher.
Since its inception, Ceanothus has
welcomed consulting botanists
Debra Sykes and Michael Bower
as co-organizers. At workshops we
read aloud from the Jepson Manual
in a small group, discussing points
of confusion as we come to consensus about the determination
for a particular plant. Ceanothus
is committed to providing handson plant identification workshops
in a growing number of locations
in California, including Davis,
Sacramento, Rocklin, Auburn, and
Chico. Ceanothus also provides
other opportunities such as field
plant identification trips and professional networking opportunities.
Chico Ceanothus workshop participants
discuss the concept of plunger pollination while
identifying several species of tarweed (Hemizonia
spp.). Photo courtesy of California Field Botanist
Through Ceanothus, people
from different backgrounds (i.e., academia, consulting, public agencies, and
hobby botanists)
are making connections and educating each other,
while helping keep
“hands-on” botany
alive. Weeds are a
frequent management concern for
workshop attendees
and discussions
about weeds and
invasive plants are
commonplace during our workshops.
Workshop participants working together to identify different
It was through a
species of tarweed (Hemizonia fitchii and H. parryi ssp. rudis).
Ceanothus workPhoto courtesy of California Field Botanist Association.
shop that one of us
shamefully realized we had been pulling
out native chaparral pea (Pickeringia montana) and not an invasive broom! Don’t let
this happen to you!
So, if you are interested in identifying that pesky garden weed, determining whether you have discovered a new
population of an invasive plant, meeting
other professionals or hobbyists, or simply
refining your plant identification skills,
we hope to see you in our workshops in
California Field Botanist Association
workshop locations and times are listed at:
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Conference Reports
Climate change, biofuels, the green economy, & weeds!
s more states form Weed Management Areas and Invasive Species
Councils (including California!), we are
entering an era of increased awareness
of the linkages between invasive species
and economic issues. Even the Wall Street
Journal recognized the economic impact
of invasive species in a recent article (Jan.
15). National Invasive Species Awareness Week, formerly known
as National Invasive Weeds
Awareness Week, brought 130
participants from 30 states to
Washington, D.C. from Jan.
Attendees learned about
invasive species programs at
Defenders of Wildlife, the Lady Bird
Johnson Wildflower Center (Texas), Student Conservation Association, and other
organizations, agencies and universities.
Perhaps the most provocative title on the
agenda was “Johnny Appleseed was a Bioterrorist” by Dr. Ernest Delfosse of Michigan State University. California Secretary
of Food and Agriculture A.G. Kawamura
also spoke at the event, saying “Invasive
species affect all walks of life — from the
environment to our food supply to the
health of our families and pets.”
NISAW focused on three topics:
climate change, the “green economy”, and
biofuels. Below we have excerpted points
from position papers that were distributed
to congressional staff by NISAW attendees. To read the full position papers with
recommendations for action by the federal
government, visit www.nisaw.org/.
Climate Change
Climate change and biological invasions are dynamic, interconnected, and
interdependent phenomena that alter
ecosystem services. Ecosystem goods and
services, in turn, impact agriculture and
food security, water supplies, natural
resources, wildlife, recreation, and public
health and safety nationwide.
Climate changes confound predictive
biological models and, more importantly,
the policy decisions based on the mod-
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
els. As climate conditions change, novel
ecosystems may be filled with a new mix
of native and non-native species. A current assessment of the distribution and
environmental requirements of invasive
species across North America with respect
to climate trends is necessary to determine
effective ecosystem
management policies.
assistance, policy and regulation, control,
eradication, and restoration. In addition
to jobs created specifically to address
invasive species, the technical demands of
invasive species prevention and management expand job opportunities across
a wide variety of sectors (e.g., software
development for mapping and modeling,
development and testing of tools for integrated pest management).
We call on Congress to build incentives into climate change legislation that
require the use of non-invasive plant species for activities such as carbon sequestration, biofuels, post-wildfire land rehabilitation, land and water adaptation, and
wildlife habitat security so new legislation
supports long-term ecosystem health.
The Green Economy
Invasive species are intricately linked
to the economy. Trade, travel, and transport facilitate their spread. Invasive species
management requires extensive human
and financial resources.
The impacts of invasive species can
substantially undermine economic growth
and sustainable development. Invasive
species prevention and management can
foster the “green economy” through green
collar job creation and social development
programs. On the other hand, if invasive
species are not addressed as a matter of
urgency, their spread and consequent impacts will substantially undermine green
economic growth, including our capacity
for renewable energy development and
The prevention and management
of invasive species requires substantial
human resources across a wide range of
expertise, including inspection, taxonomic
identification, research, monitoring,
education and communication, technical
To provide alternatives to
petroleum-based energy, the
U.S. government has mandated
a greater proportion of plantbased biofuels be integrated
into its energy portfolio. However, certain
plant species being proposed for biofuel
production in the U.S. are invasive species or are likely to escape cultivation and
become invasive.
To minimize the risk of biofuel crop
escape into the surrounding environment,
the U.S. government needs to employ and
promote ecological studies and scientific
models that characterize the invasion
risk of each biofuel species or cultivar
(as appropriate) within a target region
and identify ecosystems most susceptible to invasion. Information generated
from biofuel crop ecological studies, risk
analyses, bioeconomic and climate match
modeling, and other methods can guide
the government’s risk mitigation plans…
Federal agencies can take strategic steps
at appropriate points within research and
development, crop production, harvest
and transportation, conversion and refinery practices, and/or regulatory action to
minimize the risk of biofuel crops becoming invasive.
For more information:
National Invasive Species Awareness
Week: www.nisaw.org
National Invasive Species Council:
Thanks to Janet Clark, NISAW organizer,
for information and the logo.
11th Annual Central California Invasive Weed Symposium
The theme of this year’s Central California Invasive Weed Symposium at the
Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds was “Fire,
Water, Action!” The new fairground
venue was refreshing and highlights the
new organizing partnership between the
Monterey County WMA and the budding
Santa Cruz WMA.
Presentations ranged from discussing
balancing fire hazard and weed invasion,
to the need for the weed community to
move beyond using only RoundUp when
using a chemical control methods, to leveraging the use of large equipment to get
lots of work done, to the cost effectiveness
of small-scale fennel control, and to the
opportunity to partner with mosquito
abatement professionals.
Tim Hyland, Cal. Dept. of Parks and
Recreation, presented on his (and his
colleagues) successful efforts to control
European beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria) using innovative integrative techniques
that are more financially viable than previously described techniques.
Bob Case hosted the popular “Jeopardy Gameshow: Don’t Laugh about Laws
& Regs” developed by David Chang for
the 2009 Cal-IPC Symposium, complete
with audience members as contestants.
This led to possibly the most laughter at
any Laws & Regs session in the history of
the Cal. Dept. of Pesticide Regulation.
Following an amazing organic lunch,
attendees had the chance to discuss poster
topics and interact with each other.
Sycamore Farm’s weed eating goats.
Photo by Marc Gomes.
And what would the CCIWS be
without the “Tool Tailgate”? This year
mechanical masticators, biological masti-
cators (goats), jeeps modified for herbicide
application, native nursery stock, a hydro
obliterator demonstration that really obliterated, and more provided the attendees
with demonstrations of inventive and
effective tools for better weed control.
Following the symposium, field trip
participants were treated to a tour of the
Watsonville Slough, High Ground Organics and Harkins Slough. High Ground
Organics has been committed to restoring upland portion of the slough from
degraded land to native habitat, including the Santa Cruz tarplant (Holocarpha
macradenia), which is on the verge of
This symposium continues to bring
land managers, contractors, restoration
professionals and volunteers together to
share their successes, struggles, and pioneering weed control strategies. Thanks
to the organizers, presenters, and attendees for keeping the flame alive.
The 12th Annual CCIWS is tentatively scheduled for Friday, Nov. 12, 2010.
Mark your calendars!
Northern California Botanists 2010 Symposium
Gina Darin, California Department of Water Resources
Linnea Hanson, Plumas National
Forest and President of Northern Cal.
Botanists, welcomed everyone and introduced the theme: Botanical Treasures
in Northern Cal. – What’s at Stake?
Sessions covered invasive plants,
management tools and conservation of
plant diversity, plant/animal interactions, bryophytes, newly described species, and encouraging future botanists.
The keynote speaker, Bruce Baldwin of
UC Berkeley, spoke on the abundance
of cryptic diversity, but some of the
other presenters discussed not-so-cryptic
diversity, including a newly described,
six-foot-tall plant living clonally on the
side of the road in northern California
— Sidalcea gigantea.
One of the many benefits of this
event was the networking opportunities. Attendees from northern California and beyond (including Oregon
and Finland) descended upon Cal.
State University, Chico, for the 2010
Symposium. A goal of the sympoClare Aslan, UC Davis, presented on the role
sium is to increase communication
of bird dispersal in non-native plant invasion.
of botanical issues in northern Cal.
Photo courtesy Northern California Botanists.
between land managers, agencies,
students, researchers, etc. This was
Complete with a raffle to support
accomplished during the poster session,
student scholarships, this Northern
workshops, field trips, and lunches out on California Botanists Symposium was
the town in Chico.
one to remember.
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Valley Regional
WMA Meeting
Gina Darin, CA Dept. of Water Resources
The Sacramento Weed Management
Area (WMA) hosted the first-of-its-kind,
regional WMA meeting in November,
2009. Over 40 attendees participated in
the meeting representing 15 neighboring counties and included representatives
from state and local agencies, utilities,
NGOs and universities.
The Sacramento County Agricultural
Commissioner congratulated the group
on being the local contingent of a nationwide effort to address issues caused by
invasive plants.
Programs affecting California’s WMAs
were discussed, including the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka
federal stimulus funding); Cal-IPC’s statewide mapping projects; the newly formed
Bay Area Early Detection Network
(BAEDN); continuing work with the
horticulture industry by the PlantRight
campaign; and the state’s newly-formed
interagency invasive species council.
…Early Detection from page
invasiveness score, then sorted according
low priority. High-priority subwatersheds
to feasibility of control based on number
are visited annually; significant and modof acres infested with that
erate, biennially; and low,
species, cost for removal,
once every five years.
The document is
politics, and access. “ConSurveys are conducted
only as useful as it
trollable” acreage was based
by either National Parks
on the size of the park unit is used, so please staff or volunteers. Surveys
and annual area treated
“steal with pride” cover roads and trails, with
by their exotics program,
data collection ranging
and varied slightly by park. (and attribution)!
from simple (presence/abSpecies shown to be highly
sence during a survey) for low-priority
invasive, but not widespread in the park,
species or Level 1 volunteers to complex
are top priority for detailed mapping;
(digital point and polygon data, as well as
more widespread but still invasive species
associated phenological and habitat data,
are mapped with a point unless populataken with a handheld unit) for highly
tions are small.
skilled volunteers and staff and highThe list of priority areas for searches
was made by ranking subwatersheds—
drainage-based subunits of watersheds—by number and degree of current
infestations; risk of further infestation;
and priority of resources present. Subwatersheds were ranked, grouped along the
most natural breaks, and assigned a score.
The protocol’s utility is not limited to
early detection; several of the Standard
Operating Procedures—such as mapping,
and plant collection and vouchering—and
the general framework of prioritizing
areas and species apply to invasive species
management in general. The document is
only as useful as it is used, so please “steal
with pride” (and attribution)!
Research on targeted grazing for weed
management was presented by Morgan
Doran of UC Cooperative Extension, and
Dale Woods of the Cal. Dept. of Food &
Agriculture presented the latest news on
biological control projects.
During the afternoon session WMAs
gave updates on current and scheduled
projects. A Pacific Gas & Electic representative announced that they have begun
implementing a comprehensive weed
management program. During the open
forum, attendees shared control tips and
tools, a stinkwort brochure, how to better
communicate with Caltrans, and an effective letter to property owners requesting
access to their land.
By focusing on regional issues and providing a venue for neighbors to share ideas
the meeting was a great success. The leaders of the Sacramento WMA hope that
this meeting will inspire other counties to
host regional meetings in the future.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
priority species. Information is stored
in GeoWeed, Sonoma Ecology Center’s
improvement on The Nature Conservancy’s Access-based vegetation management
information system WIMS. GeoWeed
(geoweed.org), like WIMS, is freely available and allows for digital data collection
through a series of ArcPad forms. Absence
data are tracked through the use of the
“Survey Area” portion of the database.
Locating Materials
Early Detection of Invasive Plant Species
in the San Francisco Bay Area Network
is available at science.nature.nps.gov/im/
Volunteers Carolyne Orazi, Lou Sian,
and Debbie Blancas conduct a survey for
priority early detection species. Photo by
Jen Jordan, NPS.
Total score was obtained by adding risk to
weighted (2x) rare species priority score
and subwatersheds approximately quartered into high, significant, moderate, and
Materials for the volunteer-based
program detailed in the protocol, including an instruction manual, data sheets,
maps, and plant ID cards, can be found at
signs/Invasives/weed_watchers.cfm or www.
Andrea Williams can be contacted at
Thank You for Supporting our Work!
Recent Donors
Your tax-deductible donations are extremely
valuable in supporting our programs.
Thank you!
Stewardship Circle ($1,000 and above)
Bosworth Williams (Guerneville)
Patron ($500-$999)
Gladys Baird (Encinitas),
David Chang (Santa Barbara),
Mike Kelly (San Diego),
Michael Swimmer (Indio),
Peter Warner (Sebastopol),
Annette Wheeler (Los Altos)
Champion ($250-$499)
Edith Allen (UC Riverside),
Jason Casanova (La Crescenta),
Helen Conway (San Jose),
Daniel Knapp (Los Angeles)
Contributor ($100-$249)
John Anderson (San Francisco), John
H Anderson (Winters), Peter Beesley
(Grass Valley), Darlene Chirman
(Santa Barbara), Crawford Cooley
(Novato), Joe Di Tomaso (Woodland),
Jim Etters (Brooks), Sally & Craig
Falkenhagen (Atherton), Meryl Faulkner
(La Jolla), Doug Gettinger (Vista),
Dan Gluesenkamp (San Francisco),
Carolyn Johnson (Sebastopol), Beth
Keer (Oakland), Wyatt Jepson Knapp
(Lompoc), Tamia Marg (Berkeley), Mike
& Jean McCourt (Carmel), Frank &
Trisha Meyer (San Andreas), Tanya Meyer
(Davis), Charles Moore (Sunnyvale),
Elizabeth Proctor, Bree Richardson
(Mountain View), Laura Scott Sellers
(Pasadena), Joan Stewart (Springville),
Katharine Suding (Berkeley), Steve Van
Eerden (Emporium, PA)
Friend (up to $99)
Patrick Akers (Sacramento), Linda
Anderson (Felton), David Bakke
(Fairfield), Marcia Basala (Novato),
Charles Blair (Lompoc), Charles
Bouril (Yountville), Shelagh Brodersen
(Berkeley), Sarah Chaney (Ventura),
Robert Connick (Berkeley), Mary
Lynn Cox (Oakland), Ellen Edelson
(San Francisco), Judith Fenerty (San
Jose), Jeffrey Firestone (Bloomington,
IN), Diane Glim (Pacific Grove), James
Harris (Huntington Beach), Ken Himes
(Belmont), John Holloway (Sea Ranch),
Larry M Jones (Richmond), Marcia
Kolv (Oakland), Mark Langager
(Bridgeport), Bob Meyer (Los Osos),
Audra Miller (Ferndale), Diane Nygaard
(Oceanside), Jim & Barbara Peugh (San
Diego), Bruce Saito (Los Angeles), Susan
Schwartz (Berkeley), Julie Serences
(Carmichael), Lincoln Smith (Albany),
Jean Starkweather (San Rafael), Don
Stiver (El Cerrito), David Thomson
(Alviso), Wendy Tokuda (Oakland),
Steve Underwood (Hydesville),
Richard Van Alstyne (Fort Bragg), Sue
Wickham (Benicia), Matt Zlatunich (San
Francisco), Roseville Better Gardens
Club (Roseville)
New Members
As a Cal-IPC member, you join a powerful
network of land managers, researchers,
volunteers, and concerned citizens.
Alyson Aquino, Steven Ash (IPM-PCA,
San Rafael), Rita Beard (NPS, Fort Collins,
CO), Gary & Jan Beeler (Fallbrook Land
Conservancy), Wade Belew (CNGA,
Cotati), Daniel Bohlman (The Land
Conservancy of SLO County), Gabriela
Castaneda (Audubon Center at Debs Park,
Los Angeles), Cody Chappel (TreePeople,
Beverly Hills), Jennette Corbitt (Santa
Ana Watershed Association, Redlands),
Mitch Farr (Natures Image, Lake Forest),
Michael Friedenberg (Rocky Mountain
Elk Foundation, Bakersfield), Melodie
Grubbs (The Land Conservancy of SLO
County), Denny Hoeh (Modesto), Diane
Ikeda (USFS, Vallejo), Michael Kelley
(Los Angeles), Miriam Lara-Vamstad
(Joshua Tree National Park, Twentynine
Palms), Ted Latta (City of Pasadena Parks
and Natural Resources), Amy Locke (Tetra
Tech, Inc., Santa Barbara), Leah MacCarter
(American Conservation Experience,
Avalon), Doni Mae (Shingle Springs),
Shelly Magier (San Gabriel Mountains
CNPS, Pasadena), Phil Martinelli (Rocky
Mountain Elk Foundation, Alamo), Kipp
Marzullo (Temecula), Katy Matthews
(Joshua Tree National Park, Twentynine
Palms), Cliff McLean (CNPS San Gabriel
Mountains Chapter, Covina), Virginia
Meyer (Sacramento City College, Shingle
Springs), Cathy Nowak (County of Orange
Parks, Silverado), Cynthia Perrine (San Luis
Obispo), Steven Reinoehl (Natures Image,
Lake Forest), Brian Rekart (TreePeople,
Beverly Hills), Robert Rhew (UC Berkeley),
Eddie Rosas (Habitat Restoration Sciences,
Inc., Escondido), Kenneth Ross (County
of LA Dept. of Public Works, Alhambra)
Cristian Sarabia (Palos Verdes Peninsula
Land Conservancy, Rolling Hills Estates),
Daud Senzai (CA Dept. of Agriculture,
Lemon Grove), Pieter Severynen (North
East Trees, Los Angeles), Zachary SilberCoats (Capitola), Jerome Smith (Jerome
Smith Arboriculture, Culver City), Jon B.
Stafford (Habitat Restoration Sciences
Escondido), Steven Starcher (San Joaquin
River Stewardship Program, Fresno),
Christopher Stevenson (CalTrans, Los
Angeles), Amelia Swenson (American
Conservation Experience, Avalon), Larry
Teves (Larry Teves Spray Service, Tipton),
Justin Valliere (Trabuco Canyon), Lori
Weingartner (Joshua Tree National Park,
Twentynine Palms), Judy & Joan Williams
(Fallbrook Land Conservancy), David
Wilson (Irvine Ranch Conservancy, Aliso
Viejo), Rachel Wing (Pasadena)
Renewing Organizational
Organizational Members advance Cal-IPC’s
mission to protect California’s wildlands from
invasive plants. Thank you for your support!
Cache Creek Conservancy
City of Walnut Creek Open Space
CNPS – Los Angeles Chpater
Contra Costa Resource Conservation
County of Lake Ag. Commissioner’s Office
Fallbrook Land Consercancy
Habitat Restoration Sciences
Inyo County Water Dept
Irvine Ranch Conservancy
Los Angeles Conservation Corps.
Napa County Flood Countrol District
Olofson Environmental, Inc.
RECON Native Plants
Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Santa Lucia Conservancy
Shasta Trinity National Forest
Six Rivers National Forest
The Land Conservancy of SLO County
Tom Dodson & Associates
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Readings &
Know of a resource that should be shared
here? Send it to edbrusati@cal-ipc.org by
April 1 for inclusion in the next newsletter.
Special journal issue
In October, the Journal of Applied Ecology published a special “virtual” (online)
issue on “Key Perspectives in Management of Biological Invasions”. Articles
include “Using ecological restoration
to constrain biological invasion”, and
“Effects of timing of prescribed fire on
the demography of an invasive plant,
spotted knapweed Centaurea maculosa”.
Early detection website
The Bay Area Early Detection Network
has unveiled its new website with links
to its occurrence reporting tool for San
Francisco Bay Area counties.
Identifying pathways
IUCN’s “Neighborhood Watch – Early
Detection and Rapid Response to
Biological Invasion along U.S Trade
Pathways” identifies measures required
to improve biosecurity measures in
international trade, especially at U.S.
ports, as well as a possible funding
mechanisms based upon the “polluter
pays” principle. cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/neighborhood_watch.pdf
Amphibian symposium
Defenders of Wildlife hosted the
symposium, “The Role of Trade in the
Amphibian Crisis,” in November. The
symposium included discussion of the
deadly chytrid fungus and also briefly
touched on the issue of invasive species
of amphibians. The summary of proceedings is now available. www.defenders.org/amphibiantrade-symposium
Print a calendar
The Alien Plant Working Group’s Invasive Plant Calendar for 2010 is available
online to download and print. This
year’s theme is “Identity Theft”, highlighting invasive plants that resemble
native species. www.nps.gov/plants/alien/
Effects of climate change
The U.S. Department of Agriculture
released a new report at the climate talks
in Copenhagen. “The Effects of Climate
Change on U.S. Ecosystems” identifies
the effects climate change is having and
is expected to have on natural resources
and ecosystems services in the U.S.
over the next several decades. (Release
#0611.09) www.usda.gov/img/content/EffectsofClimateChangeonUSEcosystem.pdf
2010 Wildland Weed Field Course Calendar
Cal-IPC’s Wildland Weed Field Course Program specializes in
providing workshops for professional land managers, teaching the
tools and providing the resources necessary to plan and implement
effective invasive weed management. Discounted registration fees are
offered to Cal-IPC Members and to restoration volunteers.
San Diego:
March 30 – Biology & Identification
March 31 – Control Methods
San Francisco Peninsula:
April 27 – Control Methods
April 28 – Mapping Invasive Weeds
McLaughlin Natural Reserve, Clear Lake:
June 8 & 9 – Integrated Control Methods NEW!
Ventura Pre-Symposium Field Course:
October 13 – Strategic Approaches NEW!
Check our website to learn more about our expert instructors,
the topics covered, and the field course locations. Courses include
reference information, a great lunch, and Cal. Dept. of Pesticide
Regulation and International Society of Arboriculture continuing
education credits.
Register at www.cal-ipc.org, or call us at (5140) 843-3902.
Cal-IPC News Winter 2010
Society for Range Management &
Weed Science Society of America
February 7-10
Denver, CO
Western Society of Weed Science
March 8-11
Waikoloa, HI
Invasive Weeds Awareness
Day at the Capitol
March 10
5 Biennial Lake Tahoe Basin
Science Conference
March 16-17
Incline Village, NV
CNGA – Field Day at Hedgerow Farms
April 16
CNGA – Identifying the Native and
Naturalized Grasses of SoCal
April 30 – May 1
SERCAL Annual Conference
May 19-22
Mammoth Mountain
CNGA – Identifying the Native and
Naturalized Grasses of CA
May 22-23
Point Reyes Station
International Conference on Aquatic
Invasive Species
August 29-September 2
San Diego
Cal-IPC 2010 Symposium
October 13-16
Weeds Across Borders
June 1-4
Shepherdstown, West Virginia
CNGA North Coast Grass Symposium
June 3-4
Arcata (limited enrollment, register early)
CNGA Grassland ID Workshop
June 5-6
August and beyond
2nd International Conference:
Invasive Alien Plants in MediterraneanType Regions of the World
August 2-6
Trabzon, Turkey
Gina Darin of West Sacramento won
this one-of-a-kind license plate frame in
the Symposium raffle and now proudly
advertises Cal-IPC wherever she
travels. A long-time Cal-IPC volunteer,
Gina formerly worked for the Weed
Management Area program at the Cal.
Dept. of Food and Agriculture.
“My camels have killed every tamarisk on our place, so why not give it a whirl?”
– Colorado rancher Maggie Repp, High Country News, January 20. See page 3.
“The analogy we have used is, these (species) are like slow-motion forest fires.”
– Randy Henry, Oregon State Marine Board, News-Review, November 3. See page 3.
Winter 2010
Cal-IPC News
Non-Profit Org.
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Join Us!
We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership that includes scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
Please complete this form and mail with check or credit card number. Additional donations support our projects. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations beyond regular membership rates are tax deductible. Join or donate online at www.cal-ipc.org.
Amount of gift
Friend ($1 – $99)
Contributor ($100 – $249)
Champion ($250 – $499)
* Receives member benefits for three individuals.
Attach contact information for add’l individuals.
Patron ($500 – $999)
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
Joint Memberships
I would like to consider a
add $25
legacy gift. Please send inforCNGA only
add $35
on planned giving.
add $65
Cal-IPC Membership runs on the calendar year. Those who join after June 30 each year will
memberships receive a $5 discount on
current through the following calendar year. Joint
each organization’s normal rate, and apply only to Regular Cal-IPC memberships.
Check here if you would prefer to receive the Cal-IPC News as a link to a pdf file
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Occasionally, we share members’ addresses with like-minded organizations. Check if
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Mail this form with check (payable to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card info to:
Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
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