Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas
from Wildland Weeds
Vol. 17, No. 2
Summer 2009
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
Ludwigia in
the Laguna
An airboat works to remove Ludwigia
hexapetala (creeping water primrose) from
Laguna de Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, the
second largest freshwater wetland in coastal
northern California. Story page 4.
Photo: Julian Meisler, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation
Getting a handle on creeping water primrose………4
Custom van improves herbicide mixing……………….6
Student Chapter expands………………………………….8
Bay Area Early Detection Network kicks off ……… 10
100-mile Run for the Wildlands………………………..11
From the Director’s Desk
The evolving toolbox
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 843-3902
fax (510) 217-3500
The California Invasive Plant Council is
a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
protecting California’s lands and waters
from the ecological impacts of invasive plants by
promoting science-based restoration,
research, education and policy.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Elizabeth Brusati, Program Manager
Heather Brady, Project Coordinator
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Jason Giessow, President (2009)
Santa Margarita/San Luis Rey Weed Management Area
Wendy West, Vice President (2009)
U.C. Cooperative Extension
Doug Gibson, Treasurer (2010)
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
John Knapp, Secretary (2009)
Native Range, Inc.
Dan Gluesenkamp, Past President (2009)
Audubon Canyon Ranch
ne of the primary reasons Cal-IPC formed back in 1992 was to make sure there was a
way for weed workers to share information on tools and techniques they developed for
treating particular invasive plant situations. Even though we now have loads of information
available through our website, there is still a lot of utility in directly sharing how we work on
weeds. This issue of Cal-IPC News, as well as the Symposium and upcoming field courses,
continue that core tradition.
From the “cookie cutter” and “skeleton basket” described in this issue by Julian Meisler, to
the van customized by Shelterbest Builders, a Bay Area contractor, to make herbicide mixing
more efficient, innovative tool development is alive and well. Mark Heath of Shelterbelt will
be sharing info on the van and other innovative tools and techniques at our Symposium in
For the last 17 years, the Symposium has been the best venue for adding to your personal
toolbox by getting information directly from other weed workers statewide. This year in
Visalia we’ll hear about the efficacy of particular techniques on particular weeds, as well as
the effectiveness of different programs and the lessons learned. The Symposium will bring
updated research findings that feed directly into applied management techniques, such as
which native strains are most competitive for revegetation.
And Cal-IPC’s field course program, dedicated to growing the individual and collective
toolboxes of the state’s weed workers, has expanded its field course offerings this year by
presenting full-day courses on Mechanical Control Methods (July 21 in Santa Cruz) and
Chemical Control Methods (October 7 in Visalia, the day before the Symposium). These
courses allow attendees to learn from two experienced leaders in the field—Ken Moore for
mechanical techniques and Joe DiTomaso for chemical techniques—with more time for
detailed demonstration than in our combined control courses.
We have come a long way in developing new tools for wildland weed management, but
there’s plenty more room for improvement for accomplishing long-term restoration success.
Let us know what you are doing and share it with your fellow Cal-IPC members!
Edith Allen (2010)
University of California-Riverside
Jason Casanova (2010)
Los Angeles/San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
Henry Gonzales (2010)
Ventura County Department of Agriculture
Julie Horenstein (2010)
California Department of Fish & Game
Marc Lea (2010)
San Luis Obispo County Department of Agriculture
Cheryl McCormick (2010)
Carmel, CA
Tanya Meyer (2009)
Yolo County Resource Conservation District
Mark Newhouser (2009)
Sonoma Ecology Center
Peter Schuyler (2009)
Santa Barbara, CA
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Last year of term noted.
Cal-IPC News
Summer 2009 – Volume 17, Number 2
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission.
Submissions are welcome. We reserve the right to edit all work.
Mention of commercial products does not imply endoresement
by Cal-IPC.
Motorized wheelbarrow that Shelterbelt uses to get tools and supplies to remote work sites.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
Cal-IPC Updates
Upcoming field courses
The remaining 2009 classes are
scheduled for Visalia (Chemical Control
Methods, Oct. 7) and Pasadena (Control
Methods, Nov. 4, and Mapping, Nov. 5).
Restoration volunteers pay just $45 for a
full day course! See page 7 and for more information.
2009 Symposium
Registration is open for our 18th annual
Symposium, being held this year in Visalia
on October 8-10. See page 9 and www. for more information.
On Earth Day, Gov. Schwarzenegger announced that funding for projects supported by California bond measures, including
several thousand natural resource projects,
could begin moving again. While payments
for 2008 invoices are finally being processed
in most cases, it is unclear what guarantees
are in place for future payments on restarted
New grants
Cal-IPC has received several new grants
to support our programs. Thank you to:
the Resources Legacy Fund for funding
risk mapping in the Sierra Nevada; the
JiJi Foundation for supporting our field
courses; the US Forest Service State &
Private Forestry program for funding risk
mapping in the Sierra; and the San Diego
Association of Governments for funding
regional invasive plant assessments and
strategic management planning in San
Diego County. Look for updates on these
projects in future issues.
A recent court decision has thrown into
question the rules that govern application
of pesticides in, over, or near bodies of water. Since 2007, EPA has asserted that pesticides applied in accordance with their legal
labels are exempt from additional permitting requirements through the Clean Water
Act. In January the Sixth Circuit Court
of Appeals overruled EPA’s interpretation,
meaning natural resource managers may
need to obtain National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) permits to
apply pesticides in, over, or near water in
the future. The EPA has filed a motion to
delay implementation of this ruling to allow
time to develop and issue appropriate Clean
Water Act permits.
According to a study in the journal Science,
monitoring of wildlife imports into the
United States is fragmented and insufficiently coordinated, increasing the risk
of endangered or invasive species being
transported. More than 86% of shipments
contained animals that were not identified
to the species level, making it impossible to
assess the full diversity of animals imported
or calculate the risk of non-native species
introductions and potential for disease
transmission. The U.S. imported more than
1.5 billion live animals between 2000 and
2006 . (Science, May 1, 2009)
Citizens in Encinitas (San Diego Co.) have
started a campaign against pampas grass,
distributing educational brochures and
holding events to teach homeowners how
to remove the plant. (San Diego Union-Tribune, May 3)
Invasive quagga mussels could cause annual
losses of $22 million to the Lake Tahoe
region if they become established there,
according to an estimate by the Army Corps
of Engineers. The report details potential
damage to tourism, reduced property values,
and increased maintenance costs. Boats
entering Lake Tahoe are subject to inspection for mussels, invasive weeds, and other
aquatic invasive species. (Reno Gazette-Journal, June 24, 2009)
Join our Facebook group
Find us under “California
Invasive Plant Council”
Hypericum canariense (Canary Island St. Johnswort, at left) is an invasive shrub spreading
along the San Mateo County coast, and in a few spots in San Diego County. San Mateo
County is petitioning for a formal pest rating from the state. Photo by John Dittes , from
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Lessons from Ludwigia control in Sonoma County
Julian Meisler, Restoration Program Director, Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, Santa Rosa, CA
onoma County is home to the second
largest freshwater wetland in coastal
Northern California, the Laguna de
Santa Rosa. Often described as a 14-mile
waterway, it is the largest tributary to the
Russian River. But unlike a river, the Laguna
operates more like a bathtub. During
summer the surface water level is low and
many of the wetland areas along the 14-mile
path become disconnected. But with the
arrival of heavy winter rains, a massive,
connected, low velocity channel arises and
spills variably into its broad floodplain to
transform grazing lands, agricultural fields,
vineyards, and riparian forests into lakes
and swamps. While the ecological services
it renders are numerous, the Laguna’s less
impressive distinction is being one of the
most impaired water bodies on the North
Coast. Many factors have contributed to
its current condition and the symptoms
are manifold. Perhaps the most obvious is
the dramatic growth of the aquatic weed
Ludwigia hexapetala.
A growing problem
Hailing from South America, L.
hexapetala is increasingly problematic in
California and elsewhere on the West Coast.
In keeping with its common name, creeping
water primrose, this plant roots at the
margins of ponds, lakes, rivers, ditches and
other wetland types and slowly creeps across
the water surface to form dense mats that
exclude other species, reduce flood capacity,
and likely alter food webs. Emergent
stems can grow to more than four feet
and produce brilliant yellow flowers that
peak sometime in early July. Reproduction
is both sexual and vegetative. Because
each node can produce new roots, small
fragments created during removal efforts
pose a serious risk of spread.
L. hexapetala competes well with most
native marsh vegetation. While open sunny
areas are perhaps ideal, it can grow well
under riparian canopy. Nutrient-rich waters
encourage its growth and yet the relatively
clean waters of the Russian River also
support robust populations. In the Laguna
itself, the only observed limitations to
growth are deep water (>5 ft), especially in
combination with large surface area of open
water, and extended periods of desiccation.
However, even seemingly dry soils in the
floodplain can support the plant, though its
growth is limited.
While it is possible that L. hexapetala
has been in the Laguna for decades, it seems
that a tipping point was reached in the
early part of this decade that enabled the
plant to dominate many areas of shallow,
stagnant water ranging from small ponds
to freshwater marshes exceeding 200 acres
in size. Despite concerns raised by local
biologists and others, it was not until the
local Mosquito District became alarmed
that concern turned to action.
A planned response
In 2004, the District captured record
numbers of adult mosquitoes in traps
adjacent to the densest L. hexapetala
infestations. This coincided with the arrival
of West Nile Virus and suddenly the L.
hexapetala invasion was no longer just an
ecological threat, it was a perceived threat
to public health. The local press picked up
the story and it became clear that if left
unattended, this weed was a liability that
could open up lawsuits if no action was
A Task Force was soon formed, led by
the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation,
a local non-profit organization focused
on the Laguna. Its members included
scientists, policy makers, local, state and
federal resource and regulatory agencies,
and elected officials. Within a year a plan
was developed and money was raised for
the Laguna Foundation to lead a three-year
control effort in two of the most densely
infested areas. The plan called for summer
herbicide treatment followed by mechanical
Amber Manfree wades through water up to 4-feet deep to establish a transect for monitoring Ludwigia control activities.
Inset: Ludwigia flowers are bright yellow.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
A crane lowers the Cookie Cutter into a sea of Ludwigia hexapetala.
removal of the dead and dying biomass.
The two control sites included nearly three
miles of channels of variable width and
depth. Common to both were a history
of past disturbance (dredging, widening,
outright creation), stagnant summer water,
and absence of mature riparian canopy.
Also included were nearly 100 acres of
shallow marsh also with a long history of
disturbance and manipulation. In a typical
year the marsh’s summertime depth ranged
from inches to several feet. In winter, the
depth of both the channel and marsh can
increase to more than twenty feet. The
control areas are owned by the Sonoma
County Water Agency and the California
Department of Fish and Game.
In a county where the use of herbicide is
anathema to many, strong public relations
efforts were paramount and the Laguna
Foundation approached it in a variety of
ways. Presentations were made to all of the
local city councils, the Sonoma County
Board of Supervisors, Rotary Clubs,
environmental organizations, and more.
Each year progress updates were provided
to each of these entities through reports and
Prior to herbicide application each year,
the Laguna Foundation mailed letters to
the 55 households surrounding the project
area and submitted press releases to three
local newspapers. Interviews were given to
public and commercial radio stations and
newspapers. Weekly progress updates were
emailed to over 100 individuals during the
active season each year summarizing what
had occurred in the previous week and what
was planned for the coming week. These
updates were compiled and made available
on the Laguna Foundation website.
Large equipment for a large job
While the most efficient way to apply
herbicide would have been via helicopter,
there was considerable opposition to this
method. In its place were ditch bank rigs
This skeleton basket strains the vegetation
before loading it onto a truck for removal.
(truck with mounted tank and hand-held
hoses) along narrow and accessible channels,
an airboat for wider and less accessible
channels, and a MarshMog in the marsh. A
MarshMog is similar to a Sno-Cat used in
ski areas but equipped to operate in several
feet of water.
Because the airboat could not travel
through the L. hexapetala mats at the slow
and steady speed required for application, an
open water path had to be cleared through
the channels. This was accomplished with a
Cookie Cutter, a brutish machine similar in
appearance to a small tugboat but equipped
with a large fan blade in the front to chop
through vegetation. Though quite effective,
the machine caused significant spikes in
turbidity and produced thousands of plant
fragments. For a plant that easily reproduces
from fragments, this was problematic and a
floating boom with a hanging silt screen was
erected downstream to capture fragments
and contain turbidity.
Over the three-year project period two
herbicides were tried, glyphosate (product
name Glypro®) and triclopyr (product
name Renovate 3®), combined with
the non-ionic surfactant Cygnet Plus®.
Applications typically began in late June in
adherence with NOAA Fisheries regulations
for salmonid streams.
Mechanical removal was accomplished
using a long-reach backhoe in narrow,
accessible channels and aquatic harvesters
in access limited channels. Where harvesters
were used, they had to be preceded by
the Cookie Cutter, which chopped the
dead biomass. In the marsh area it became
clear that removal would be prohibitively
expensive and sprayed vegetation had to be
left in place.
To reduce turbidity, removal was
conducted from upstream to downstream so
the dense mats would filter muddy plumes
coming downstream. To reduce the volume
of sediment dredged with each scoop of
the backhoe, the contractor constructed a
“skeleton” bucket that strained each scoop of
vegetation before it was loaded for hauling.
This greatly reduced the risk of leaking haul
trucks on public roads, or worse, bursting
a tailgate and dropping several tons of L.
hexapetala, mud and water on the road. (It
has happened!)
The vegetation and accompanying muck
were hauled to nearby farm fields and disced
into the soil.
Mixed results
The results were highly variable and
influenced by a variety of factors. While
deeper channels retained the effects of
spraying and removal for two years,
moderate regrowth began after three years
and several sites returned to near complete
coverage after four years.
Shallow channels could not be effectively
controlled with the methods used.
Continued page 12…
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Tools and Techniques
Custom work van makes herbicide mixing
more efficient
Mark Heath, Shelterbelt Builders, Inc. (interviewd by Doug Johnson)
Shelterbelt Builders, Inc., is a Berkeley-based
company specializing in project design and
implementation for restoration and wildland
weed control (
President Mark Heath recently gave us a tour
of the innovative van they customized for
projects involving herbicide application.
he beauty of the van is that herbicide can be mixed quickly by a
single person without handling or even seeing any concentrate—a true closed mixing
system for small-scale jobs. This reduces the
potential for contact or spills. Also, you can
make just the amount you need, so it cuts
way down on leftover mix.
“Our simplified version of direct injection works just like the more common and
sophisticated computer controlled version
used by large production nurseries and
rights-of-way managers. A local spray parts
supplier, American Cleanway in San Leandro, installed this for us for around $4,000.
“We have a 30-gallon clean water tank,
enough for four backpack sprayers for a
day. The herbicide concentrate is locked
in its own compartment and only mixes
with water just before being dispensed into
a backpack sprayer. We have Aquamaster,
Habitat, and Garlon 4 connected up, as
well as R11 and Competitor surfactants and
some dye.”
“The valves are calibrated to dispense
each herbicide at a given rate. The user
figures out how much mix they want, from
a half gallon up to a full backpack-full.
Then depending on what concentration
you need, the chart tells you how long to fill
Backpack sprayers are filled at the rear
bumper. The system takes about a minute to
fill a backpack sprayer, with no handling of
herbicide containers.
with herbicide from the valve at the bumper.
After putting in the herbicide, you fill up to
final volume with plain water. It takes about
a minute to fill a backpack.”
“In terms of backpack sprayers, we’ve
made our own. We get our backpack frames
from Mystery Ranch, and add the tanks and
sprayers. The final cost is around $500 each.
They’re a big improvement when you’re
wearing them long hours in a wildland situation.”
Mark at the manifold where valves are calibrated for each herbicide. The water reservoir is
mounted at right, behind backpack sprayer.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Mark Heath will be one of the instructors at
the October field course on Chemical Control
Techniques and a speaker at the Symposium
in Visalia. Contact him at or (510) 841-0911.
Above: Tables provide details on amount of each herbicide to load given
an application rate and volume of herbicide needed. Right: Adjuvants
such as dies and surfactants are stored in the van.
Chemical Control Methods Field Course
October 7, 2009
Kaweah Oaks Preserve & Exeter Woman’s Club
This year’s pre-Symposium field course near Visalia is a bookend to our Mechanical Control Wildland Weed Field Course (taking place July 21 in the Santa Cruz
Mountains). These full-day courses provide an opportunity to go into more detail
than in our single-day overview course covering all control methods.
Join Cal-IPC and expert instructors to learn the most essential chemical control
techniques, giving you the tools to take your weed management program to the
next level. In-depth instruction, practical demonstrations, and hands-on activities,
• Principles of chemical control
• Specific herbicides and target species
• Calibration of equipment
• Applications methods, large- and small-scale
• Treatment of grasses, forbs and woody plants
• Safety precautions, including transportation of herbicides
DPR continuing education units will be available.
Register online at You may register for this course
even if you are not attending the Symposium.
Scott Oneto demonstrates spray techniques at a
Wildland Weed Field Course in South Lake Tahoe.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Cal-IPC Student Chapter continues to grow
Heather Schneider, Cal-IPC Student Chapter Co-chair, Riverside Branch, University of California, Riverside,
he Cal-IPC Student Chapter has
continued to be busy and productive
this year, participating in events at both the
state and local level. One of our biggest and
most exciting achievements is the establishment of a second Cal-IPC SC branch at
UC Davis! The branch is brand new and
you’ll be hearing more from them in the
near future. We are currently contacting
schools throughout the state to continue the
expansion of Cal-IPC SC. Please see below
for a more comprehensive list of our latest
activities. We’re also proud to introduce
two more of our board members!
Lynn Sweet
Cal-IPC SC Secretary, Riverside Branch
Lynn grew up in Maine and attended
Dickinson College, where she earned a B.S.
in Biology in 2001. She first took on the
issue of invasive plants working at the BLM
Cody Field Office in Wyoming as a Student
Conservation Association intern. She is
completing her 3rd year of a Ph.D. program
under Dr. Jodie Holt at UC Riverside.
Lynn’s dissertation focuses on the factors
influencing the distribution of Pennisetum
setaceum, purple fountain grass, in southern
California. This year, she will begin fieldwork in central Riverside County looking at
potential distribution, associated vegetation,
and competitive balance of plants in a desert
Mike Bell
Cal-IPC SC Webmaster, Riverside Branch
Mike grew up on the Santa Rosa Plateau
in Murrieta, CA, where he started fighting
weeds at an early age alongside his mom,
reserve manager Carole Bell. Mike received
his B.S. from UC Santa Barbara and then
worked for the National Park Service. He
is a 2nd year PhD student at UC Riverside,
where he works with Dr. Edith Allen measuring the effects of anthropogenic (humancaused) nitrogen deposition on the spread
of invasive species in the desert. His project
will use stable isotopes to track deposition
across Joshua Tree National Park and measure the effects of deposition on nitrogen
cycling within the soil.
Cal-IPC Student Chapter members celebrate their hard work removing Himalayan
blackberry at the Santa Rosa Plateau Ecological Reserve.
Our recent activities:
• Statewide WMA meeting
• Invasive Weeds Awareness Day at the
• Local WMA meetings
• Created a Cal-IPC SC website
• Santa Rosa Plateau Plant Sale
• Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Plant
• UCR Botanic Garden Plant Sale
• Presented grad student research at a Riverside/San Bernardino CNPS Meeting
• Riverside Citizens Science Week
• Santa Rosa Plateau Himalayan blackberry
removal work day
• Western Municipal Water District Earth Night
• Long Beach Earth Day
• Santa Rosa Plateau research/
weed management consultation
• Plant survey for Camp Yolijwa
in Yucaipa
• Assisting with the upcoming
Cal-IPC Symposium
your area, or just participate in events, let us
know! If you’re a researcher, land manager,
or other professional and you have an idea
for how the student chapter can work with
you or your organization, please contact us!
Our goal is collaboration and communication between students, professionals, and
the community at large and we need your
help. See you in Visalia!
To contact us:
(search “Cal-IPC Student Chapter”)
We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished so far, and we’re
always looking for new members
and new opportunities. If you’re a
student and you’d like to join Cal- Student Chapter members Mike Bell and Lynn Sweet
IPC SC, start a new branch in
at Long Beach Earth Day.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
2009 Cal-IPC Symposium
“Wildland Weed Management on the Leading Edge” �
Visalia Convention Center, Visalia, CA
October 8-10, 2009 – field course October 7
Featured Speakers
Keynote address: California’s fading wildflowers: Lost legacy and
biological invasion, Richard Minnich, UC Riverside
Managing the leading edge: Landscape-level control of invasive
plant spread in the Sierra and beyond, Wendy West, UC Cooperative
From foothills grasslands to alpine peaks:
Managing weeds at the leading edge in
Sequoia and Kings Canyon National
Parks, Athena Demetry, Sequoia-Kings
Canyon National Parks
The roles of animals and disturbance in
plant invasion: Lessons from the Carrizo
Plain, Paula Schiffman, CSU Northridge
What would Aldo think? A look at
herbicide ecotoxicology, Joel Trumbo,
California Department of Fish & Game
Adaptive value of remnant native plants in invaded communities:
Examples from the Great Basin, Elizabeth Leger, University of
Nevada, Reno
From backpacks to jetpacks, handpicks to skid steers: Leveraging
old tools and new techniques for longterm restoration success, Mark Heath,
Shelterbelt Builders
Climate change: Strategies to manage
biodiversity through acquisition and
restoration, Rick Rayburn, California
State Parks
Updates on CDFA’s Noxious Weed
rating system, Katie Filippini, California
Department of Food & Agriculture
The importance of vouchering for plant
identifications, Fred Hrusa, California
Department of Food & Agriculture
Interactions between fire and plant
invasions under a warming climate in the
Sierra Nevada Bioregion, Matt Brooks, US Geological Survey
New tools and techniques: A survey from
around California, Joseph DiTomaso, UC Davis
Promise and pitfalls of species distribution modeling to predict
future invasions, Nicole Heller, Climate Central
Full program online. Dept. of Pesticide Regulation CE credits,
including 2 hrs. Laws & Regs, available for licensed applicators.
Photo Contest
Raffle and Auction
Submit entries by September 1! Photos will be displayed at the
Symposium and attendees will vote on their favorites. Not just a
fun competition, the photo contest is valuable source of images
for our educational materials. See the Symposium website for
instructions for submitting entries.
The annual raffle and auction is a fun event for Symposium
attendees and a fundraiser for Cal-IPC. Books, wine, tools, art,
and some fabulous trips will all be up for grabs. Do you have
something to donate? Contact Tanya Meyer,,
or call the Cal-IPC office.
And More…
To Register…
Discussion groups § Student Paper & Poster
Contest § Saturday field trips § Sponsor
exhibits § Job board § More papers & posters
plus the Chemical Control Methods Field
Course (see p. 7)
Online form at supports payment options including sending a check.
Register and reserve lodging by September 14
for early bird discounts. Additional discounts for
students and Symposium volunteers.
full details at
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Bay Area Early Detection Network gets rolling
Daniel Gluesenkamp, Audubon Canyon Ranch
Whether we are protecting humans from
swine flu or protecting rivers from Arundo
donax, early detection and rapid response
(EDRR) is the most cost-effective approach for coping with biological invasions.
Indeed, the official California Invasive
Weed Action Plan identifies EDRR as “the
single most important element” for coping
with invasions. EDRR is a “stitch-in-time”
approach which proactively deals with
infestations before they can grow into large
and costly environmental threats. By acting
early we efficiently prevent the environmental and economic damage caused by harmful
invaders, we can use less intrusive control
techniques, and we dramatically reduce the
planning and resources required to manage
populations compared to when they have
grown larger and become well established.
The Bay Area Early Detection Network
(BAEDN) is an exciting new initiative
that builds an EDRR system to serve the
entire nine county San Francisco Bay Area:
Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, San
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Solano,
and Sonoma counties. The group unites
and coordinates the EDRR efforts of dozens
of agencies, hundreds of professional land
managers, and potentially thousands of
volunteers. BAEDN partners work together
to develop a scientifically rigorous list of
the most harmful invasive plants, train each
other in detection techniques, make detections and report them to the online website,
and then prioritize individual patches so
that the most dangerous outbreaks can be
removed before they spread. It’s simple, it’s
…continued next page
Oregon hitches up the“Weed Wagon”
Shannon L. Brubaker, Oregon Department of Agriculture, Noxious Weed Control Program
The “Weed Wagon” visited Oregon’s state capitol to spread awareness about invasive plants.
Photo: Shannon Brubaker
he Oregon County Weed Control Association and the Oregon Department
of Agriculture (ODA) made an appearance
at the state capitol building in Salem, OR
on May 18 to help kick off the 5th Annual
Oregon Invasive Weed Awareness Week.
Deschutes County set up the “Educational
Weed Wagon” on the front steps of the capitol to share information and examples of
efforts that are going on throughout Oregon
toward weed control, prevention, education
and outreach.
It takes a TEAM effort to successfully
battle invasive noxious weeds in Oregon.
TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More)
is the acronym used as the theme for this
year’s Oregon Invasive Weed Awareness
Week, May 17-23, as proclaimed by Gov.
Kulungoski. The week is designed to heighten public awareness of the need to eradicate
or control noxious weeds. That awareness
has grown over the years as more partners
join the effort to fight invasive plant species.
“Collectively, Oregon has come a long
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
way in dealing with our noxious weed
problems,” says Tim Butler, supervisor of
the ODA’s Noxious Weed Control Program.
“The public is very tuned in to invasive
species issues in general. All regions of Oregon—from the coast to the Idaho border
and all points in between—have invasive
noxious weed issues they are trying to deal
Conservatively, annual damage caused
by noxious weeds in Oregon exceeds $100
million. Early detection and rapid response is the most effective strategy to keep
introductions of invasive weeds from fully
establishing. When a noxious weed is in
abundance, Oregonians have to learn to live
with it. A combination of strategies keeps
invasive noxious weeds from becoming an
even greater threat to Oregon. But it’s clear
that a successful response to invasive weeds
takes more than one agency or one landowner. That’s where public education and
teamwork comes in.
“Noxious weeds do not respect ownership boundaries or natural resource boundaries,” says Butler. “To be successful, we all
need to work together.”
Contact the author at (503) 986-4622 or
Running 100 miles to raise
funds for weed-free wildlands!
hat’s right, 100 miles, all in one day.
Weed workers show their dedication by
enduring yellow starthistle spines or hacking
through jungles of giant reed, and Cal-IPC
board member Cheryl McCormick has
decided to do her part by running 100 miles
to raise funds for Cal-IPC and promote
awareness of the danger that non-native
plant species pose to
California’s native
Cheryl’s run on
August 27 will travel
between the Santa Lucia Preserve in Carmel
and Fort Ord in Monterey. Cheryl hopes
to make the “Run for the Wildlands” an
annual event. She will start at the head of
the Santa Lucia Mountains at 5:00 a.m.,
running with a headlamp, and continue
through the communities of Carmel Valley,
Carmel-By-the-Sea, Pebble Beach, Pacific
Grove, Monterey, Seaside, and Marina. She
estimates the run will take approximately 14
“Running 100 miles has been a personal
goal for a long time. My longest run to date
has been 50 miles, but I’m determined to
make my goal and know that I can do it,
with help from my friends, family, and supporters. I’ve been
training since January, running 40-60
miles a week. This
fundraiser feels
like a great way to
couple my passion
for distance running with my dedication to
eradicating non-native, invasive plants from
California’s beautiful native landscapes.”
To sponsor Cheryl’s “Run for the Wildlands,” visit or send checks,
payable to Cal-IPC with “Wildlands Run”
listed in the memo line, to Cal-IPC, 1442-A
Walnut St., #462, Berkeley, CA 94709.
Sponsor Cheryl’s
Run for the Wildlands
Cheryl monitoring French broom at
the Santa Lucia Conservancy.
BAEDN continued…
sensible, it’s about time.
The BAEDN project was initiated in
2006, and is being publicly launched during
California’s Invasive Weed Awareness Week,
July 2009. In the last three years we have recruited partners and built the core structure
of the network. Calflora has built BAEDN’s
online occurrence reporting database, leveraging Google Maps to make it user-friendly.
Most importantly, we have hired Jennifer
Stern to serve as BAEDN’s Coordinator,
thanks to support from the California Dept.
of Food & Agriculture, the National Fish
& Wildlife Foundation, and the US Fish &
Wildlife Service.
In spite of our progress to date, most of
the work is ahead of us and we hope that
you will join the effort! There are several
ways to participate. First, you can detect and
report unusual or harmful invasive plants.
Please go to our website at http://BAEDN.
org and test out our Google Maps-driven
database, and subscribe to the BAEDN
BAEDN partners gathered for a founding meeting in 2006.
Partners email list. And help us spread the
word; tell your friends and let us know if
you think of groups or newsletters that we
can contact. Please join us in this effort!
Your help can really make a difference.
Contact information:
Daniel Gluesenkamp, Audubon Canyon
Jennifer Stern, BAEDN Coordinator,
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Feed the birds, but don’t spread weeds
ould your backyard bird feeder be
spreading weeds? A study completed
last year in Oregon raises a warning about
weed seeds in bird feed, but also provides
suggestions for reducing the risk.
In studies at Oregon State University,
scientists examined 10 brands of wild bird
feed commonly sold in retail stores. The
samples contained seeds from more than 50
weed species—including 10 ranked among
Oregon’s most noxious weeds. Each brand
tested contained weed seeds, with six different weed species found in half or more of
the samples.
“Once a weed seed drops from the
feeder to the ground and sprouts, it has
the potential to flower and spread,” said
Dr. Jed Colquhoun, associate professor at
the University of Wisconsin – Madison,
formerly with Oregon State University.
“In fact, when we informally questioned
landowners and farmers to investigate the
spread of a relatively new weed in the Pacific
Northwest—velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti)
—we found it is growing in the soil beneath
backyard bird feeders.” In a short-term
study of what happens when stray bird feed
drops to the soil, about 30 weed species
sprouted in just 28 days. Between three and
17 weed species grew from each of the 10
brands of feed tested.
So how can you minimize the spread of
new or invasive weeds that originate in bird
feed? There are several simple strategies to
• Use a tray attachment under your feeder
to keep seeds off the ground.
• Select foods that won’t sprout, such as
sunflower hearts, peanuts, peanut butter,
raisins, mealworms and plain suet cakes.
• Look for treated wild bird food mixtures.
Many manufacturers are now baking
their products to kill weed seeds, using
guidelines established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. So read product
labels carefully to make certain you buy a
treated brand.
• Keep an eye out for weeds under your
feeder and pull them before they can
flower and spread.
• If you use a wild bird food blend that
contains a variety of seeds, contact the
Ten weed species found in the bird
seed evaluated in the Oregon. Most are
also problems in California.
Buffalobur (Solanum rostratum)
Bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare)
Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense)
Common ragweed
(Ambrosia artemisiifolia)
Dodder (Cuscuta spp.)
Field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)
Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica)
Kochia (Kochia scoparia)
Puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris)
Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti)
producer or talk to your local retailer to
discuss what measures are taken to ensure
the product is free of invasive weed seeds.
Reprinted from the Weed Science Society of
Ludwigia from page …
Regrowth occurred every year, with cover
nearly equal to that existing pre-treatment,
though with density reduced.
Similarly, sites limited to spray only
were not effectively controlled in the project
period. Despite three years of application,
the marsh area has also returned to
pretreatment cover though density is lower
here, too.
Lessons learned
Because L. hexapetala continues to
dominate in the project area it is natural
to question whether the project was
worthwhile. From the standpoing of the
lessons taken away that can be shared with
others facing similar conditions, it was
definitely worthwhile. Here are a few of
those lessons learned:
• Not all L. hexapetala infestations are
equal. Site characteristics such as water
depth, hydroperiod, nutrient availability,
density and extent of infestation, presence
of native and/or rare species, history of
disturbance, and access to full sun help
The MarshMog helps traverse the wetlands.
decide timing and best methods.
• Control efforts tend to be more
successful in deeper water or in
areas that dry completely. Artificial
manipulation of water levels may be
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
desirable in some cases if feasible.
• Neither glyphosate (Glypro®) nor
triclopyr (Renovate 3®) provided
systemic control at the rate used and
…continued next page
Thank You for Supporting our Work!
Recent Donors
Your tax-deductible donations are extremely valuable in supporting our programs. Thank you!
Champion ($250-$499)
Doug Gibson (Encinitas)
Cheryl McCormick (Monterey)
Contributor ($100-$249)
Sarah Burnham (Napa)
Helen Conway (San Jose)
Abe Doherty (Oakland)
Jason Giessow (Encinitas)
Julie Horenstein (Sacramento)
John Knapp (Lompoc)
Marc Lea (San Luis Obispo)
Pirosko Family (Burney)
Peter Schuyler (Santa Barbara)
Friend (up to $99)
Charlie Blair (Lompoc)
Carol Granz (Glendale)
Suzanne Horenstein Selal (Los Angeles)
Robin Hutchings & Thomas Degaetano
Russell & Pamela Kindig (Napa)
Celia Kutcher (Capistrano Beach)
David Loeb (Berkeley)
Tanya Meyer (Davis)
Mark Newhouser (Glen Ellen)
Dale & Patricia Parker (Napa)
Deana Reed & Janice Hartman (Napa)
Bettina Ring (Mill Valley)
Nadya Schmeder (Napa)
George & Helene Strauss (Berkeley)
Jil Swearingen (Cheverly, MD)
Elizabeth Wroblicka (Napa)
Anon (Sacramento)
Anon (Bay Area)
Anon (Napa)
New Members
Sondra Ahlen (Groveland), JM Baeli (Baelin Inc., Sebastopol), Sarah Bailly (Sonoma Co. Ag. Preservation & Open Space District,
Santa Rosa), Fritz Brecke (Lakeside River Park Conservancy), Lito Brindle (Marin Municipal Water District, Corte Madera), Philip
Brownsey (Redding), George Brusch (San Luis Obispo), Sarah Burnham (Napa), Alyssa Byrd (Restore Sharp Park, Pacifica), Kurt
Campbell (ICF Jones & Stokes, Temecula), Max Clifford (Marin Municipal Water District, Corte Madera), Helen Conway (San
Jose), Mike Filbin (Central Coast Land Clearing, Capitola), Robyn Flynn (County of San Diego Parks & Recreation), Mike Forte
(Napa Co. Flood Control & Water Conservation District), James Gonsman (Occidental), Juliana Gonzalez (SPAWNERS, El Cerrito), Trevor Goodman (USFWS, Arcata), Jennifer Heit (Woodside), Lynn Jackson (Midpenninsula Regional Open Space District,
Los Altos), Deana Jo Reed & Janice Hartman (Napa), Russell & Pamela Kindig (Napa), Timothy Lange (Forest Falls), Nathan
Lozier (RHAA, San Francisco), Steve Lucas (City of San Diego), Kathleen Marsh (Sonoma Co. Ag. Preservation & Open Space
District, Santa Rosa), Valarie McFall (Transportation Corridor Agencies, Irvine), Mary Millman (Claremont Canyon Conservancy,
Berkeley), Charles Moore (Sunnyvale), Bob Neale (Sonoma Land Trust, Santa Rosa), Julie Nelson (Shasta-Trinity National Forest, Redding), Jacob Newell ((Sonoma Co. Ag. Preservation & Open Space District, Santa Rosa), Isaac Ostmann (Irvine Ranch
Conservancy, Irvine), Sue Ostrom (Sonoma Co. Agricultural Commissioner’s Office, Santa Rosa), Michael Palumbo (Sacred Space
Gardens, San Francisco), Dale & Patricia Parker (Napa), Suzanne Pasky Fouts (Mountain Home Ranch, Calistoga), Sarah Pasquini
(University of California, Riverside), Julie Rentner (River Partners, Modesto), Bettina Ring (Mill Valley), Ted Rodrigues (River Myst
Haven, LLC, Healdsburg), Carl Sanders (Marin Municipal Water District, Corte Madera), Jeremy Sarrow (Napa Co. Flood Control
& Water Conservation District), Chris Saver (Napa Co. Flood Control & Water Conservation District), Nadya Schmeder (Napa),
Joan Schwan (Sebastopol), John Shribbs (Petaluma Wetlands Alliance), Marjorie Siegel (Mill Valley), Katherine P. Smith (Russian
Riverkeepers, Guerneville), Robin Hutchins & Thomas Degaetano (Napa), Andrea Woolfolk (Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine
Research Reserve, Watsonville), Elizabeth Wroblicka (Napa)
Ludwigia continued…
the timing of application. Results may
improve in less dense infestations.
• If glyphosate is used care should be
taken not to coat plants in fine sediment
while spraying. This can happen when
using equipment like the MarshMog,
which drives over the plant as it sprays.
Glyphosate coming in contact with
sediment becomes inactive.
• Mechanical removal can provide
1-3 years of control, possibly more,
depending on depth and plant density.
• Mechanical removal is very expensive
and costs grow proportionally with
difficulty of access and distance to
disposal sites.
• In dense infestations (e.g. entire channels
covered in thick mats) it may be better
to remove first and then spray regrowth.
However, because L. hexapetala sprouts
readily from fragments, it is essential to
plan for containment.
• Spraying dense infestations without
removing biomass will cause
unacceptable drops in dissolved oxygen
• Water quality monitoring requirements
may be intensive. These costs should be
incorporated into project budgets.
• Ongoing maintenance will be required
until underlying hydrologic, nutrient
loading, and other systemic problems are
A full report on the Ludwigia Control Project
in the Laguna de Santa Rosa is available at
Funding provided by the Sonoma County Water
Agency, Wildlife Conservation Board, City of
Santa Rosa, and the Marin/Sonoma Mosquito
and Vector Control District.
Contact Julian at
or (707) 527-9277.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Readings &
Know of a resource that should be shared here?
Send it to
Interactive national map of WMAs
This interactive online map illustrates
the broad range of community-led weed
management efforts in the United States.
All WMAs are invited to input their data.
Points have been added for California
WMAs so check out your WMA’s “pin” and
add more information. It’s a great way to
see the larger picture of weed work in the
United States. www.invasiveplantcenters.
“Invasive Estuarine Plants of the Bight of
the Californias”
A new database by the Tijuana Estuary National Estuarine Research Reserve compiles
information on invasive plants found in
salt marsh habitats or in the transition zone
between marsh and uplands in Southern
Improving outreach
The Center for Invasive Plant Management has a webpage with suggestions on
improving outreach materials for science
projects. Their examples encompass getting
your audience’s attention and improving
their retention of information presented in
online or printed materials. www.weedcenter.
Invasive species in Europe
DAISIE (Delivering Alien Invasive Species
Inventories for Europe) provides an online
database of invasive species in Europe with
distribution maps and experts on those
species. Add yourself as an expert and see
who else is working on your (least) favorite
Global climate change impacts in the US
A new report has been released by the US
Global Change Research Program, which
coordinates and integrates federal research
from thirteen departments and agencies on
changes in the global environment and their
implications for society. Invasive species
are mentioned in several sections. www.
Harding grass in the fog from the 2008 Photo Contest. Submit your 2009 entry by
September 1. Photo by Rob Thompson
Sing about aquatic invasives
Liven up that next office party with a
singalong of these songs commissioned
by University of Wisconsin Extension as
a public outreach tool on invasive aquatic
species. Everyone can join in on “The Ballad
of Aquatic Invasive Species”, “Clean Boats,
Clean Waters”, and “One Bait, One Lake”.
“Weeds of Mexico”
This new website is compiling information on invasive plants in Mexico. So far it
includes pictures and factsheets. Most of the
site is in Spanish but they are seeking bilingual users to translate materials into English.
Weed bouquets
The Center for Invasive Plant Management also distributes plastic weed bouquets,
such as the yellow starthistle we use as an
icebreaker at Day at the Capitol in Sacramento. Four new species will be on sale this
summer: perennial pepperweed, saltcedar,
purple loosestrife, and garlic mustard, joining yellow starthistle, leafy spurge, Dalmatian toadflax, and spotted knapweed. These
are real attention-getters for educational
booths (and when visiting elected officials).
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Weed Management newsletter
The Weed Management Advisor is a free
newsletter from Dow AgroSciences on
integrated weed management available electronically or by mail. The most recent issue
described “Effect of Milestone® herbicide
on non-target vegetation following aerial
application”. To subscribe, contact Charles
Henry, 970-887-1227 or agwest@rkymtnhi.
Starting a native plant nursery
The US Forest Service has published a 17chapter manual on operating a native plant
nursery. Although designed primarily to assist Native American tribes, the information
applies to any native plant nursery operation. Single or multiple copies are available
at no charge. To order, email rschneider@ or call (970) 498-1392. Dumroese, R. K.; Luna, T.; Landis, T. D., editors.
2009. Nursery Manual for Native Plants:
A Guide for Tribal Nurseries. Washington,
DC: Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service. 302 pp.
Poster and bookmark
May 22 was International Day for Biological
Diversity as declared by the United Nations.
This year’s theme focused on invasive alien
species. Download a colorful poster and
bookmark at
California Invasive Weeds Awareness Week
July 20-26
local events statewide
Cal-IPC Wildland Weed Field Course:
Advanced Mechanical Control Methods
July 21
Zayante Fire Station, Felton
(Santa Cruz Mountains) /fieldcourses
National Conf. on Ecosystem Restoration
July 20-24
Los Angeles
Run for the Wildlands
August 27
Monterey County
Cheryl McCormick runs 100 miles to raise
funds for Cal-IPC. Details p. 11.
Cal-IPC Symposium deadlines:
September 1 – Photo Contest entries due
September 4 – Deadline for early
registration discount
September 14 – Deadline for room blocks
reserved at the Marriott and Comfort Suites
Natural Areas Conference
September 11-18
Vancouver, WA
36th national conference of the Natural
Areas Assn., with an invasive species track
hosted by the National Assn. of EPPCs.
The Wildlife Society
September 20-September 24
Monterey Convention Center
North America Weed Management
Association Conference
September 21-24
Kearney, NE
State of the San Francisco Estuary
September 29-October 1
Cal-IPC Symposium & Herbicide Methods
Field Course
October 7-10
Southern California Botanists Symposium
October 17
CSU Fullerton
“California Desert Botany: Bounty or Bust”
CNGA Workshops (see
• Using Grasses and Graminoids in
Restoration and Revegetation
October 14-16
Hastings Preserve, Carmel Valley
• Developing a Sustainable Grazing Plan
to Manage Native Grasslands
October 22-23
Cal-IPC Wildland Weed Field Courses:
November 4 – Control Methods
November 5 – Mapping
Audubon Center at Debs Park, Pasadena
Central California Invasive Weeds
November 13
Santa Cruz Co. Fairgrounds, Watsonville
“Fire, Water, Action”
11th Annual (formerly War on Weeds)
National Conference on Grazing Lands
December 13-16
Reno/Sparks, NV
Society for Range Management
“If Florida had a most wanted list of pest plants, the Brazilian pepper tree would be the equivalent of
Al Capone.” – Sebring News-Sun, Florida. Schinus terebinthifolius is a weed in California, as well.
“And have you heard about dodder? It’s like some vampire plant, sucking the precious juices out of other
plants while looking all slim and innocent.”
– Columnist Jon Carroll, San Francisco Chronicle, June 1
“The [San Francisco] bay’s ecology has been altered by a cioppino of exotic marine organisms”
– San Francisco Chronicle, March 22. The article mentioned Cal-IPC’s Don’t Plant a Pest! brochures.
Cal-IPC News Summer 2009
Cal-IPC Membership Form
We’re working to protect California’s wildlands from invasive plants—join us!
Cal-IPC’s effectiveness comes from a strong membership that includes scientists, land managers, policy makers, and concerned citizens.
Please complete this form and mail with check or credit card number. Additional donations support our projects. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and donations are tax deductible. Join or donate online at
Amount of gift
Friend ($1 – $99)
Contributor ($100 – $249)
Champion ($250 – $499)
* Receives member benefits for three individuals.
Attach contact information for add’l individuals.
Patron ($500 – $999)
Stewardship Circle ($1,000+)
Joint Memberships
I would like to consider a
add $25
legacy gift. Please send inforCNGA only
add $35
mation on planned giving.
add $65
Cal-IPC Membership runs on the calendar year. Those who join after June 30 each year will
memberships receive a $5 discount on
current through the following calendar year. Joint
each organization’s normal rate, and apply only to Regular Cal-IPC memberships.
Check here if you would prefer to receive the Cal-IPC News as a link to a pdf file
online rather than a paper copy.
Occasionally, we share members’ addresses with like-minded organizations. Check if
you do not want your information shared.
Mail this form with check (payable to “Cal-IPC”) or credit card info to:
Cal-IPC, 1442-A Walnut Street #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
Invasive Plant
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
registration is open!
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