Index of Cal-IPC News (previously CalEPPC News) articles, 1993-2008, organized by plant scientific and common names.
January 2, 2009.
A. cyclops
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
A. longifolia
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Acacia baileyana
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Acacia dealbata (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Acacia decurrens
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Acacia spp.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Acaena tetragonioides
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Acanthomintha ilicifolia (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
African mustard (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Ageratina adenopherum (1)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Agrostis capillaris
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Agrostis stolonifera
Cal-IPC (2004). Genetically modified weeds. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Will Agrostis stolonifera (creeping bentgrass) be the first perennial non-row crop plant to be released with glyphosate
resistance genes?
Neill, B. and T. A. Angeles (2005). The basal bark method of applying triclopyr herbicide. Cal-IPC News. 13: 8-9.
Basal bark and foliar treatment methods using Pathfinder II and Garlon 4 formulations of triclopyr ester herbicide on castor
bean, Ailanthuys and broom
Ailanthus altissima
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Hunter, J. C. (1995). Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle: Its biology and recent history. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Kitz, J. (1997). A working paper on Ailanthus. CalEPPC News. 5: 9.
Kitz, J. (2000). Drillling Ailanthus. CalEPPC News. 8: 13.
Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle
Hunter, J. C. (1995). Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle: Its biology and recent history. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Ailanthus trees (1)
Cal-IPC (2007). Fighting weeds with the best of them. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
Aira caryophyllea
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
Doherty, A. (2008). Vector risk assessment for aquatic invasive species. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Albizia lebbeck (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Albizia lophantha
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Allium triquestrum
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Alopecurus pratensis
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Alternathera philoxeroides
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Amaranthus albus
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Ammophila arenaria
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2004). Hard work, low pay, miserable conditions: The California Conservation Corps pulls weeds. Cal-IPC News. 12: 10-11.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Ammophila sp. (1)
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
annual bluegrass
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
annual grasses (2)
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
John, T. S. (1999). Nitrate immobilization and the mycorrhizal network for control of exotic ruderals. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-5.
Annula false-broom
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Anthoxanthum odoratum (1)
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Aptenia cordifolia
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Aquatic invasive species (1)
Doherty, A. (2008). Vector risk assessment for aquatic invasive species. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Arctotheca calendula
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
artichoke thistle (3)
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Pepper, A. and M. Kelly (1994). The ecology and management of the wild artichoke Cynara cardunculus. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Arundo (1)
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Arundo donax
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Brandt, L. (2007). Funding outside the box. Cal-IPC News. 15: 12,13.
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Dozier, M. (2007). Shasta County citizens take on weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4-5.
Dudley, T. (2000). Foreign exploration for biological control of Arundo donax. CalEPPC News. 8: 8-9.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Griffith, J. and K. Hill (2006). Conservation Corps attacks Arundo. Cal-IPC News. 13: 9.
California Conservation Corps works in Russian River area on Arundo removal
Horney, M. (2002). New remote sensing tool under evaluation. CalEPPC News. 10: 4.
New spectral analysis procedure processes solar reflectance data to produce quantitative estimates of specific pigment
concentrations, canopy cover and leaf architecture.
Iverson, M. E. (1995). Effects of Arundo donax on water resources. CalEPPC News. 3: 10.
Iverson, M. E. (1998). Effects of Arundo donax on water resources. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Jackson, N. (1993). The story of Team Arundo. CalEPPC News. 1: 6-7.
Johnson, M., T. Dudley, et al. (2006). Seed production in Arundo donax? Cal-IPC News. 14: 12-13.
Research project examining seed production in Arundo donax. Santa Clara River.
Kelly, M. (1994). Tamarisk advancing in Baja California. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
Neill, B. and T. A. Angeles (2006). Low-volumn foliar treatment of Arundo using imazapyr. Cal-IPC News. 14: 6-7,11.
Treatment of Arundo in urban riparian areas using an unconventional approach and a relatively new herbicide.
Newhouser, M. (2008). Using the Arundo hook to bend-and-spray. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5.
Rose, P. (2004). Setting the stage: The Ventura County Arundo Task Force. Cal-IPC News. 12: 8-9,17.
Sims, T. (1997). The weed from hell finds a buyer. CalEPPC News. 5: 5.
Starkey, F. (1998). The weed from hell arrives in paradise. CalEPPC News. 6: 5.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
arundo hook
Newhouser, M. (2008). Using the Arundo hook to bend-and-spray. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5.
Ascophyllum nodosum (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Asparagas asparagoides (1)
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.
Asparagus asparagoides (1)
Giessow, J. (2000). Plant of potential concern: Asparagus asparagoides. CalEPPC News. 9: 7-8.
Atlantic ivy
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Avena barbata
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Avena spp.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
baby’s breath
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
basal bark herbicide applications (1)
Holmes, K. A. (2008). Soil impact from basal bark treatment of wild fig trees. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Bauhinia varigata
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
beach sheoak
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
bend-and-spray (1)
Newhouser, M. (2008). Using the Arundo hook to bend-and-spray. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5.
bioaccumulates mercury (1)
IPC, C. (2007). Effects of water hyacinth shredding on water quality. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Bischofia javanica
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Bitex agnus-castus
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Brachypodium distachyon
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Brachypodium sylvaticum
Johnson, J. (2004). Brachypodium sylvaticum (slender false brome). Cal-IPC News. 11: 10-11.
The first California collection of the highly invasive false brome Brachypodium sylvaticum was made in Dec 2003 at San
Francisquito Creek in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties.
Tu, M. (2004). Waipuna(TM) not? Hot foam good for more than lattes. Cal-IPC News. 12: 6-7.
Review of a new tool that uses heated foam to steam kill vegetation.
Brassica geniculata
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Kitz, J. (2000). Federally listed species vs. mustard. CalEPPC News. 8: 12.
Brassica nigra
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Brassica spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Brassica tournefortii
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Brazilian pepper (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Bridal creeper
Giessow, J. (2000). Plant of potential concern: Asparagus asparagoides. CalEPPC News. 9: 7-8.
bristly oxtongue (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Briza minor
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
brome grasses (2)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Lovich, J. (1995). Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Bromus diandrus
Albert, M. E. (1995). Portrait of an invader II: The ecology and management of Carpobrotus edulis. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-6.
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Bromus hordeaceus
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Bromus japonicus
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Bromus madritensis
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Bromus mollis
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Bromus rubens (3)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Bromus spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Bromus tectorum
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Darin, G. (2006). Buffelgrass: A threat to Southern California deserts. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4.
burning (1)
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Cache Creek
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
cactus wrens
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Cal-HIP (3)
Brady, H. (2008). PlantRight goes public! Cal-IPC News. 16: 11.
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
Cal-IPC (2007). The Human Dimension in Weed Work. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10,11.
California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
Morrison, J. (1995). California partners in weed management. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
California Aquatic Invasive Species Plan (1)
Doherty, A. (2008). Vector risk assessment for aquatic invasive species. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
California Department of Food and Agriculture
Morrison, J. (1995). California partners in weed management. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
California fan palm
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
california figs
Holmes, K. A. (2008). Soil impact from basal bark treatment of wild fig trees. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
California grasslands
Cal-IPC (2008). 1st Annual Cal-IPC Student Paper & Poster Contest. Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
California holly (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
California Native Plant Society
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
California Ocean Protection Council
Doherty, A. (2008). Vector risk assessment for aquatic invasive species. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
California Ocean Science Trust
Doherty, A. (2008). Vector risk assessment for aquatic invasive species. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
California Rangeland Conservation Coalition
Cal-IPC (2007). The Human Dimension in Weed Work. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10,11.
California Resources Agency
Morrison, J. (1995). California partners in weed management. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Cal-IPC (2007). National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Cape ivy
Balciunas, J. (2001). Cautionary note for land managers & stewards: Viable seed production by cape ivy in California finally confirmed.
CalEPPC News. 9: 13.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Cardaria chalapense
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
cardaria chalapensis
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Cardaria chalepensis
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Cardaria draba (4)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Young, J. A. and C. Turner (1995). Lepidium latifolium L. in California. CalEPPC News. 3. 3: 4-5.
Cardaria spp.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
cardoon (1)
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Carduus acanthoides
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Carduus nutans (4)
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Carduus pycnocephalus (6)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Cowan, B. (2000). Italian thistles: an ominous threat. CalEPPC News. 8: 15.
Dozier, M. (2007). Shasta County citizens take on weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4-5.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Massera, J. (2001). More about Italian thistle. CalEPPC News. 9: 14.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Carduus spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Carduus tenuiflorus
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Carpobrotus chilensis
Albert, M. E. (1995). Portrait of an invader II: The ecology and management of Carpobrotus edulis. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-6.
Cal-IPC (2004). Hard work, low pay, miserable conditions: The California Conservation Corps pulls weeds. Cal-IPC News. 12: 10-11.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Carpobrotus edulis
Albert, M. E. (1995). Portrait of an invader II: The ecology and management of Carpobrotus edulis. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-6.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Fry, V. (1998). Fort Ord readies the troops for war – on weeds! CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5,8.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Theiss, K. (1995). Lupine removal by heavy equipment. CalEPPC News. 3: 7.
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
castor bean
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Casuarina equisetfolia
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Cat’s claw vine (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
catalpa (1)
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Catalpa bignonioides
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
cattails (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Caulerpa taxifolia
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Woodfield, R. (2000). Noxious seaweed found in southern California coastal waters. CalEPPC News. 8: 5-7.
Darin, G. (2008). Australian weed eradicator visits California. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Centaurea calcitrapa
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Centaurea debeauxii
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Centaurea diffusa
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Ogden, J. E., M. Renz, et al. (2007). “Dip-and clip”: A new treatment for herbaceous weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Centaurea maculosa
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Centaurea melitensis
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Centaurea repens
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Centaurea solstitialis
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
CalEPPC (2002). Current cartography: First reports of yellow starthistle by county. CalEPPC News. 10: 7.
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Dozier, M. (2007). Shasta County citizens take on weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4-5.
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
Horney, M. (2002). New remote sensing tool under evaluation. CalEPPC News. 10: 4.
New spectral analysis procedure processes solar reflectance data to produce quantitative estimates of specific pigment
concentrations, canopy cover and leaf architecture.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Lane, E. (2002). “Yellow starthistle distribution in the West.” CalEPPC News 10(1/2): 5.
map, county data from a 2001 survey of western state weed coordinators
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Pitcairn, M. (1994). Yellow starthistle experimental group – report of the CalEPPC working group. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Woods, D. (2004). Development and release of a plant pathogen as a new biological control of yellow starthistle. Cal-IPC News. 12: 67.
The development and release of the rust, Puccinia jaceae var. solstitalis, in July 2003 marks the first plant pathogen approved
for release as a biological control of a weed in the continental United States.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, et al. (2002). Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
The authors discuss factors that can complicate ecosystem restoration efforts, reminding mangers of the need to examine
ecosystem dynamics in order to anticipate improtant secondary effects.
Centaurea squarrosa
Dozier, M. (2007). Shasta County citizens take on weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4-5.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Centaurea stoebe L.
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Centaurea virgata
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Centaurea x pratensis
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Centranthys ruber
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Chaste tree
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Chondrilla juncea
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Chrondrilla juncea
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum (1)
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Chrysolina quadrigemina
Hoekstra, B. (1997). Klamathweed. CalEPPC News. 5: 9.
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Cirsium arvense (4)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Cirsium ochrocentrum
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Cirsium spp
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Cirsium spp.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Cirsium vulgare (5)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Cistus cretica
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
classical biological control
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
Coincya monensis
Pickart, A. (1997). A new invasive mustard in California. CalEPPC News. 5: 6.
colonial bentgrass
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Colutea arborescens
Mason, S. (2004). Bladder senna eradication project in Chico’s Bidwell Park. Cal-IPC News. 12: 8-9.
Volunteers play a major role in this successful Bladder Senna eradication project in Bidwell Park.
common nipplewort
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
common pokeweed
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
common reed
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
congressional visitations
Cal-IPC (2007). National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Conicosia pugioniformis (1)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Conium maculatum
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
cootamundra wattle
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Coprosma repens
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Cordyline australis
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
CalEPPC (2003). Home Depot follows suit, dumps pampas grass. CalEPPC News. 11: 8.
WalMart and Home Depot agree to no longer sell plants or seed of pampas grass after current supply runs out.
CalEPPC (2003). Ornamental, yes – but invasive too. CalEPPC News. 11: 9.
Cal-IPC has formed a Nurseries Committee to stem the flow if invasive plants through the horticultural industry
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Cortaderia jubata
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Fry, V. (1998). Fort Ord readies the troops for war – on weeds! CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5,8.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Kelly, M. (1993). Weed whacking tips: Pampas grass (Cortaderia jubata). CalEPPC News. 1: 14.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Madison, J. H. (1993). Pampas eradication program – P.E.P. (part 1). CalEPPC News. 1: 4-5.
Madison, J. H. (1994). Pampas eradication program – P.E.P. – part two. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Moore, K. (1994). Pulling pampas: Controlling Cortaderia by hand with a volunteer program. CalEPPC NEWS. 2: 7-9.
Tu, M. (2001). Red alert! Hypericum canariense L. (Canary Island St. Johnswort). CalEPPC News. 9: 6,10.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Cortaderia selloana
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Kelly, M. (1993). Weed whacking tips: Pampas grass (Cortaderia jubata). CalEPPC News. 1: 14.
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
Madison, J. H. (1993). Pampas eradication program – P.E.P. (part 1). CalEPPC News. 1: 4-5.
Madison, J. H. (1994). Pampas eradication program – P.E.P. – part two. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Martus, C. (2003). Wal-Mart stops selling pampas grass in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 11.
Stanton, A. E. (2001). Keep it in the garden: Developing a list of non-invasive alternatives to replace invasive horticultural species in
California. CalEPPC News. 9: 7,11.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
Cortaderia spp. (2)
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Moore, K. (1994). Pulling pampas: Controlling Cortaderia by hand with a volunteer program. CalEPPC NEWS. 2: 7-9.
Corynocarpus laevigatus (1)
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Cotoneaster lacteus
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Cotoneaster pannosa
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Cotoneaster pannosus
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Cotoneaster spp.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
creeping primrose
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Cupaniopsis aracardioides
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Cupressus macrocarpa (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Cuscuta japonica
Cal-IPC (2006). Watch out for Japanese dodder! Cal-IPC News. 14: 4-5.
weed alert for new parasitic plant in Calfornia
cyclops acacia (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Cynara cardunculus
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1998). Starr Ranch Sanctuary artichoke conference. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Pepper, A. and M. Kelly (1994). The ecology and management of the wild artichoke Cynara cardunculus. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Cynara cardunculus var. altilis
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Cynara cardunculus var. sylvestris
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Cynara cardunculus var.scolymus
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Cynara scolymus
Kelly, M. (1998). Starr Ranch Sanctuary artichoke conference. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-7.
Pepper, A. and M. Kelly (1994). The ecology and management of the wild artichoke Cynara cardunculus. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Cynara spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Cyperus rotundus
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Cytissus scoparius
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Cytissus spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Cytisus monspessulanus
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Cytisus scoparius
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Fry, V. (1998). Fort Ord readies the troops for war – on weeds! CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5,8.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). An army of one: One man’s fight against broom in Tilden Park. Cal-IPC News. 12: 12.
Interview with Robert Connick
Taylor, M. (2005). Scotch broom lopping trial. Cal-IPC News. 13: 9-10.
El Dorado National Forest botanists find late season lopping very effective at limiting resprouts and minimizing follow-up
Cytisus spachianus
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Cytisus striatus (4)
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Defenders of Wildlife
Cal-IPC (2007). The Human Dimension in Weed Work. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10,11.
Delairea odorata (16)
Balciunas, J. (2000). Biological control of cape ivy project reaches milestone. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-4.
Balciunas, J. (2000). Test plants needed for biocontrol of cape ivy project. CalEPPC News. 9: 4-6.
Research project needs other California members of the tribe Senecioneae and other species including Blennosperma,
Cacaliopis, Crocidium, Lepidospartum and Tetradymia. List of California Senecioeae species included in article.
Balciunas, J. (2001). Cautionary note for land managers & stewards: Viable seed production by cape ivy in California finally confirmed.
CalEPPC News. 9: 13.
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Chipping, D. (1993). German ivy infestation in San Luis Obispo. CalEPPC News. 1: 15.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Elliott, W. (1994). German ivy engulfing riparian forests and heading for the uplands. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
coastal central california
Fobert, M. (1998). Some tips on herbicide treatment of cape ivy (Delaireria odorata). CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Robison, R. (2001). Help needed in collecting more seed: Cape ivy germinating in California and Oregon. CalEPPC News. 9: 8-9.
Steinmaus, S. (2002). Predicting plant invasion with modeling. CalEPPC News. 10: 5.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Delaireria odorata
Fobert, M. (1998). Some tips on herbicide treatment of cape ivy (Delaireria odorata). CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5.
deleterious effects on biodiversity and wetland ecosystem functions
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
Descurainia pinnata
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
desert night lizards
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
desert spiny lizards
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
desert tortoise
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Dimorphotheca sinuata (1)
Martus, C. and C. Schneider (2004). Lessons learned after the San Diego County fires. Cal-IPC News. 11: 8-9.
Dipsacus fullonum
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Dr. Dana Panetta
Darin, G. (2008). Australian weed eradicator visits California. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
East coast brown kelp
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
effective negotiation
Brusati, E. (2008). Review of: “The Conservation Professional’s Guide to Working with People” by Scott A Bonar. Cal-IPC News. 16:
Ehrharta calycinia
Brey, C. (1996). What? Another Ehrharta? Oh, no! CalEPPC News. 4: 4-5.
coastal Southern California
Ehrharta erecta (2)
Brey, C. (1996). What? Another Ehrharta? Oh, no! CalEPPC News. 4: 4-5.
coastal Southern California
Sigg, J. (1996). Ehrharta erecta: Sneak attack in the making? CalEPPC News. 4: 8-9.
Ehrharta longiflora
Brey, C. (1996). What? Another Ehrharta? Oh, no! CalEPPC News. 4: 4-5.
coastal Southern California
Eichhornia crassipes
IPC, C. (2007). Effects of water hyacinth shredding on water quality. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
Eichornia crassipes
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Dudley, T. (2000). Foreign exploration for biological control of Arundo donax. CalEPPC News. 8: 8-9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Elaeagnus angustifolia
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Eleagnus augustifolia
Cal-IPC (2004). Invasive species legislation: What’s hot on “The Hill”. Cal-IPC News. 11: 7.
Elhrharta longiflora
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
EMAPi (1)
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
Brusati, E. (2008). Review of: “The Conservation Professional’s Guide to Working with People” by Scott A Bonar. Cal-IPC News. 16:
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Erianthus ravennae
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Erica Iusitanica (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Erodium cicutarium
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Eroduim botrys (1)
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Gouvenain, R. C. d. (1996). Agroforestry and the conservation of native biodiversity. CalEPPC News. 4.
Eucalyptus globulus
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Hayes, G. (2004). The ecology and impacts of blue gum Eucalyptus in coastal California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 14.
Report of a conference on blue gum held at Elkhorn Slough in June of 2004
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Eucalyptus spp. (1)
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Euphorbia esula (5)
Brigham, C. (2005). High school students take on carnation spurge. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6.
New invasive plant, Euphorbia terracina, is hand pulled from Coastal bluffs in Southern California
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Schneider, D. (1994). Slow-motion explosion: The exponential spread of exotic species. CalEPPC News. 2: 6-8.
Euphorbia lathyris
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Euphorbia peplis
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Eurasian milfoil (1)
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
European beach grass
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Eurphorbia tracina
Brigham, C. (2005). High school students take on carnation spurge. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6.
New invasive plant, Euphorbia terracina, is hand pulled from Coastal bluffs in Southern California
evergreen ash
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Exocarpus luteolus
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
exotic aphids
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
female pampasgras
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
Festuca pratensis
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Ficus benjamina (1)
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus carica
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Ficus Florida
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus macrophylla
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus microcarpa nitida (1)
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus nitida
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus pumila
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
Ficus rubiginosa var. australis
O’Brien, M. (1995). A new invasive? CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Ficus seedlings found in riparian areas in Los Angeles area
field courses
Brady, H. (2008). Field courses training hundreds! Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
finestem needlegrass
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Foeniculum vulgare
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, et al. (2002). Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
The authors discuss factors that can complicate ecosystem restoration efforts, reminding mangers of the need to examine
ecosystem dynamics in order to anticipate improtant secondary effects.
foxtail chess
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Frankenia spp. (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Fraxinus udhei (1)
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Fraxinus uhdei (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
French broom
Archbald, G. (1994). A French broom control method. CalEPPC News. 2: 7-8.
Archbald, G. (1996). French broom seedbank depletion: A micro-experiment on summer die-off. CalEPPC News. 4: 10.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
funders and funding
Cal-IPC (2008). Funding for the future! The people behind Cal-IPC’s new endowment and reserve funds. Cal-IPC News. 16: 6,7.
Fusarium subglutinans f. sp.pini (1)
Hawley, R. (1997). A new threat to California pines. CalEPPC News. 5: 7-8.
Gazania (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Gazania linearis (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Genista monspessulana (16)
Archbald, G. (1994). A French broom control method. CalEPPC News. 2: 7-8.
Archbald, G. (1996). A french broom control method. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
Archbald, G. (1996). French broom seedbank depletion: A micro-experiment on summer die-off. CalEPPC News. 4: 10.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Fry, V. (1998). Fort Ord readies the troops for war – on weeds! CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5,8.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Klein, J. (2007). Pseudo-replication, no replication, and a complete lack of control: In praise of dirty data for weed managers. Cal-IPC
News. 14: 6,8.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Tu, M. (2004). Waipuna(TM) not? Hot foam good for more than lattes. Cal-IPC News. 12: 6-7.
Review of a new tool that uses heated foam to steam kill vegetation.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Genista racemosa
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Genista spp
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Geranium licudum
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Geranium robertianum
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
German Ivy
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
giant reed
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Iverson, M. E. (1998). Effects of Arundo donax on water resources. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
giant wild rye
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Glycyrrhiza glabra
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
goat weed
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
good customer service
Brusati, E. (2008). Review of: “The Conservation Professional’s Guide to Working with People” by Scott A Bonar. Cal-IPC News. 16:
gopher spurge (1)
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Guava (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Gypsophila paniculata
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Halogeton glomeratus
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Hardee peppertree
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Hedera canariensis
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Hedera helix
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Hedera hibernica
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Hedypnois cretica
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Helichrysum petiolare
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Sigg, J. (1997). Everlasting sleeper. CalEPPC News. 5: 8.
Helichrysum petiolatum (1)
Sigg, J. (1997). Everlasting sleeper. CalEPPC News. 5: 8.
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Heteromeles arbutifolia (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Hirschfeldia incana
Kitz, J. (2000). Federally listed species vs. mustard. CalEPPC News. 8: 12.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Hoheria populnea
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Holcus lanatus (1)
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Hordeum leporinum
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Hottentot fig
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Hyaloopterus pruni
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
Hydrilla verticillata
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Hypericum canariense
Tu, M. (2001). Red alert! Hypericum canariense L. (Canary Island St. Johnswort). CalEPPC News. 9: 6,10.
Tu, M. (2002). Hypericum canariense. CalEPPC News. 10: 10.
Hypericum perforatum
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Hoekstra, B. (1997). Klamathweed. CalEPPC News. 5: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Hypnea musiformis
Lovich, J. (1995). Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Hypochoeris radicata
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Ilex aquifolium (1)
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
International Weed Risk Assessment Workshop
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
Archbald, G. (1994). A French broom control method. CalEPPC News. 2: 7-8.
Balciunas, J. (2001). Cautionary note for land managers & stewards: Viable seed production by cape ivy in California finally confirmed.
CalEPPC News. 9: 13.
Brey, C. (1996). What? Another Ehrharta? Oh, no! CalEPPC News. 4: 4-5.
coastal Southern California
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Cowan, B. (2000). Italian thistles: an ominous threat. CalEPPC News. 8: 15.
Elliott, W. (1994). German ivy engulfing riparian forests and heading for the uplands. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
coastal central california
Giessow, J. (2000). Plant of potential concern: Asparagus asparagoides. CalEPPC News. 9: 7-8.
Iverson, M. E. (1998). Effects of Arundo donax on water resources. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
Massera, J. (2001). More about Italian thistle. CalEPPC News. 9: 14.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Pepper, A. and M. Kelly (1994). The ecology and management of the wild artichoke Cynara cardunculus. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Sigg, J. (1996). Ehrharta erecta: Sneak attack in the making? CalEPPC News. 4: 8-9.
Sigg, J. (1997). Everlasting sleeper. CalEPPC News. 5: 8.
Dudley, T. (2000). Foreign exploration for biological control of Arundo donax. CalEPPC News. 8: 8-9.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Iris pseudacorus
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Brandt, L. (2007). Funding outside the box. Cal-IPC News. 15: 12,13.
Isatis tinctoria L. (1)
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Italian buckthorn
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Japanese brome (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Java plum
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Joshua trees
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Jubata grass
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
kestrels (1)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Klamath weed beetle
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Kunzea ericoides
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Lapsana communis
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Lathrus latifolia (1)
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
leafy spurge
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Cal-IPC (2007). Taking the message (and the plastic toadflax) to Sacramento. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Lepidium latifolium
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Horney, M. (2002). New remote sensing tool under evaluation. CalEPPC News. 10: 4.
New spectral analysis procedure processes solar reflectance data to produce quantitative estimates of specific pigment
concentrations, canopy cover and leaf architecture.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Ogden, J. E., M. Renz, et al. (2007). “Dip-and clip”: A new treatment for herbaceous weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 7.
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Trumbo, J. (1994). Perennial pepperweed: A threat to wildland areas. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-5.
Lepidium latifolium L.
Young, J. A. and C. Turner (1995). Lepidium latifolium L. in California. CalEPPC News. 3. 3: 4-5.
Leptospermum laevigatum
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.
Leptospermum scoparium
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Leucaena leucocephala (1)
Gouvenain, R. C. d. (1996). Agroforestry and the conservation of native biodiversity. CalEPPC News. 4.
Leymus condensatus
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Sigg, J. (1997). Everlasting sleeper. CalEPPC News. 5: 8.
Limonium ramosissimum
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Linaria dalmatica
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Linaria genistifolia
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Linaria genistifolia dalmatica
Ogden, J. E., M. Renz, et al. (2007). “Dip-and clip”: A new treatment for herbaceous weeds. Cal-IPC News. 14: 7.
Linaria vulgaris (3)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
lobby day Sacramento
Cal-IPC (2008). New opportunities in Sacramento and DC. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Lolium spp.
Martus, C. and C. Schneider (2004). Lessons learned after the San Diego County fires. Cal-IPC News. 11: 8-9.
long-flowered veldtgrass (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Lotus corniculata
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Lotus purshianus var. purshianus
Pickart, A. and K. Wear (2000). Parentucellia viscosa invades dune wetlands of northern California. CalEPPC News. 8: 11.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Ludwigia peploides
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Lupinus arboreus
Cal-IPC (2004). Hard work, low pay, miserable conditions: The California Conservation Corps pulls weeds. Cal-IPC News. 12: 10-11.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Miller, L. (1995). Yellow bush lupine. CalEPPC News. 3: 6.
Lupinus arboreus invasive on dunes of Humboldt Bay
Theiss, K. (1995). Lupine removal by heavy equipment. CalEPPC News. 3: 7.
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Lythrum salicaria
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Lythrym salicaria
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Macfadyena unguis-cati (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Malcolmia africana
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Malepora crocea (1)
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
Malva parviflora (1)
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Marrubium vulgare
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
meadow fescue (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
meadow foxtail (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Mediterranean grass
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Mediterranean split grass
Lovich, J. (1995). Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Melaleuca quinquenervia (2)
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Schneider, D. (1994). Slow-motion explosion: The exponential spread of exotic species. CalEPPC News. 2: 6-8.
Melia azedarach (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Melilotus alba
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Mentha arvensis (1)
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Mentha pulegium
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Dickens, S. J. and H. Schneider (2007). Welcome to the first Cal-IPC student chapter! Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Mesambryanthemem nodiflorum (1)
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
Mesambryanthemum crystallium (1)
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
Metrosideros excelsa
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Mexican fan palm
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
milk thistle
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
Mohave ground squirrel (1)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
moist or perennial sothistle
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Monterey CA
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Monterey cypress
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
mowing (1)
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
mustard (1)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Myoporum laetum
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Myoporum spicatum L.
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Myrica faya
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Myriophyllum aquaticum (1)
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Myriophyllum spicatum (1)
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Giessow, J. (2000). Plant of potential concern: Asparagus asparagoides. CalEPPC News. 9: 7-8.
Nassella pulcra (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Nassella tennuissima
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Nassella tenuissima
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
natural enemies (1)
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Nelumbo luta
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Nephrolepsis cordifolia (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Neruim oleander (1)
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Dickens, S. J. and H. Schneider (2007). Welcome to the first Cal-IPC student chapter! Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
New Zealand spinach
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Nicotiana glauca (3)
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
non-profit organizations (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Funding for the future! The people behind Cal-IPC’s new endowment and reserve funds. Cal-IPC News. 16: 6,7.
Northern California botanists symposium (1)
Dozier, M. (2007). Nor Cal Botanists gather at CSU Chico. Cal-IPC News. 15.
Noxious Weed Control Act 2004 (1)
Cal-IPC (2007). National Invasive Weeds Awareness Week. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Oenanthe sarmentosa
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Olea europaea
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Onopordum acanthium (3)
Donaldson, S. (2003). Fighting weeds in the Tahoe basin. CalEPPC News. 11: 7.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Operculina ventricosa
Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, et al. (2002). Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
The authors discuss factors that can complicate ecosystem restoration efforts, reminding mangers of the need to examine
ecosystem dynamics in order to anticipate improtant secondary effects.
oppositeleaf Russian thistle
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Opuntia spp.
Gouvenain, R. C. d. (1996). Agroforestry and the conservation of native biodiversity. CalEPPC News. 4.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Orchid Tree
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Oxalis cernua
Sigg, J. (2003). Oxalis pes-caprae. CalEPPC News. 11: 8-9.
Help is sought on determining methods of disbursal, heightening awareness of sereptitious spread, and suggestions on
removal techniques (including potential problems). $100 reward is offered for viable seed or a verifiable seedling of yellow oxalis.
Oxalis pes-caprae
Albert, M. E. (1995). Portrait of an invader II: The ecology and management of Carpobrotus edulis. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-6.
Sigg, J. (2003). Oxalis pes-caprae. CalEPPC News. 11: 8-9.
Help is sought on determining methods of disbursal, heightening awareness of sereptitious spread, and suggestions on
removal techniques (including potential problems). $100 reward is offered for viable seed or a verifiable seedling of yellow oxalis.
Oyster plant large variety
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Archbald, G. (1994). A French broom control method. CalEPPC News. 2: 7-8.
Balciunas, J. (2001). Cautionary note for land managers & stewards: Viable seed production by cape ivy in California finally confirmed.
CalEPPC News. 9: 13.
Brey, C. (1996). What? Another Ehrharta? Oh, no! CalEPPC News. 4: 4-5.
coastal Southern California
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Cowan, B. (2000). Italian thistles: an ominous threat. CalEPPC News. 8: 15.
Elliott, W. (1994). German ivy engulfing riparian forests and heading for the uplands. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
coastal central california
Giessow, J. (2000). Plant of potential concern: Asparagus asparagoides. CalEPPC News. 9: 7-8.
Iverson, M. E. (1998). Effects of Arundo donax on water resources. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
Massera, J. (2001). More about Italian thistle. CalEPPC News. 9: 14.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Pepper, A. and M. Kelly (1994). The ecology and management of the wild artichoke Cynara cardunculus. CalEPPC News. 2: 4-6.
Sigg, J. (1996). Ehrharta erecta: Sneak attack in the making? CalEPPC News. 4: 8-9.
Sigg, J. (1997). Everlasting sleeper. CalEPPC News. 5: 8.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Lambrinos, J. (2004). A tale of two invaders: The dynamic history of pampas grass and jubata grass in California. Cal-IPC News. 12: 45,15.
Parentucellia viscosa
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Pickart, A. (1996). Call for information: Parentucellia viscosa. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pickart, A. and K. Wear (2000). Parentucellia viscosa invades dune wetlands of northern California. CalEPPC News. 8: 11.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
Paspalum dilantatum
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pennisetum ciliare
Darin, G. (2006). Buffelgrass: A threat to Southern California deserts. Cal-IPC News. 14: 4.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Pennisetum setaceum
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pennisetum villosum
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
people managing tips
Brusati, E. (2008). Review of: “The Conservation Professional’s Guide to Working with People” by Scott A Bonar. Cal-IPC News. 16:
perennial pepperweed
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Perth, W. Australia
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Phleum pratense
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Phoenix canariensis
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Phormium tenax (1)
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Phragmites australis
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Lambert, A. and T. Dudley (2007). common reed as an invader in California. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8-9.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Phytolacca americana
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
picris echioides (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
pine pitch cancer
Hawley, R. (1997). A new threat to California pines. CalEPPC News. 5: 7-8.
pink rockrose
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Pinus spp.
Steinmaus, S. (2002). Predicting plant invasion with modeling. CalEPPC News. 10: 5.
Piptatherum miliaceum
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Pittosporum crassifolium
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Plant Locator
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
Brady, H. (2008). PlantRight goes public! Cal-IPC News. 16: 11.
Puliatch, C. (2007). Get ready: PlantRight needs resource manager support in 2008. Cal-IPC News. 15: 13.
Poa annua
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Poison hemlock (1)
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Polygonum aubertii
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Polygonum cuspidatum (1)
Brusati, E. (2005). Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) and other knotweeds. Cal-IPC News. 13: 10.
Polygonum polystachum (1)
Brusati, E. (2005). Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) and other knotweeds. Cal-IPC News. 13: 10.
Polygonum sachalinense
Brusati, E. (2005). Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) and other knotweeds. Cal-IPC News. 13: 10.
Polypogon interruptus
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Populus alba
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Portulaca oleracea
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
prescribed fire
Cal-IPC (2008). 1st Annual Cal-IPC Student Paper & Poster Contest. Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
prickly goldenfleece
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Dudley, T. (2000). Foreign exploration for biological control of Arundo donax. CalEPPC News. 8: 8-9.
Psidium guajava (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Psoralea pinnata
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.
Pueraria lobata (1)
Schneider, D. (1994). Slow-motion explosion: The exponential spread of exotic species. CalEPPC News. 2: 6-8.
purple loosestrife
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Q-37 regulations (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). New opportunities in Sacramento and DC. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Raphanus raphanustrum (1)
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Raphanus sativus
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
red brome
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
red-stemmed filaree
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
reserve fund
Cal-IPC (2008). Funding for the future! The people behind Cal-IPC’s new endowment and reserve funds. Cal-IPC News. 16: 6,7.
Retama monosperma
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Revegetation Techniques
Brady, H. (2008). Field courses training hundreds! Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
Rhamnus alaternus
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
rhinocyllus conicus
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
Rhoeo spathacea
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Ricinus communis
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Goode, S. (1998). Legendary stewardship award. CalEPPC News. 6: 10.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Neill, B. and T. A. Angeles (2005). The basal bark method of applying triclopyr herbicide. Cal-IPC News. 13: 8-9.
Basal bark and foliar treatment methods using Pathfinder II and Garlon 4 formulations of triclopyr ester herbicide on castor
bean, Ailanthuys and broom
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Robinia pseudoacacia
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Rubud procerus (1)
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus armeniacus
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus crux botanicorum (1)
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus discolor (5)
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus praecox (1)
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus procerus (1)
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Rubus ulmifolius
Richardson, B. (2004). Rubus armeniacus. Cal-IPC News. 12: 7.
The true name of Himalayan blackberry and some synonyms.
Rubus ursinus (2)
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Russian thistle (2)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
S.1949 (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). New opportunities in Sacramento and DC. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Saccarum ravennae
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
Saccharum ravennae
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
Cal-IPC (2007). Taking the message (and the plastic toadflax) to Sacramento. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
IPC, C. (2007). Effects of water hyacinth shredding on water quality. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
Salicornia spp. (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Salix spp.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Salsola kali
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Salsola soda
Baye, P. (1998). More on Salsola soda. CalEPPC News. 6: 7.
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Tamasi, J. (1998). The distribution of the non-native plant Salsola soda in San Francisco Bay: Summary of a thesis. CalEPPC News. 6:
Salsola tragus
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Neill, B. (1997). Prescription for applying herbicide to tamarisk. CalEPPC News. 5: 7-10.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Salvia aethiopis (1)
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Salvinia molesta (1)
Winans, B. (2000). Salvinia molesta: Quick response averts expensive eradication project. CalEPPC News. 8: 3.
San Francisco Bay area (1)
Baye, P. (1998). More on Salsola soda. CalEPPC News. 6: 7.
Santa Catalina Island
Starkey, F. (1998). The weed from hell arrives in paradise. CalEPPC News. 6: 5.
Sapium sebiferum
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
SB 311 (1)
Cal-IPC (2007). Taking the message (and the plastic toadflax) to Sacramento. Cal-IPC News. 15: 6.
Scabiosa atropurpurea
DiTomaso, J. (2006). New weed alerts! Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5.
Invasive plants that are spreading, cultlivated garden plants going wild.
scarlet wisteria (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Schinus molle
Cole, K. and N. Molinari (2004). Teaching weeds: California university invasive plant programs. Cal-IPC News. 12: 11.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Schinus molle terebinthifolius
Lovich, J. (1995). Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Schinus polygamous
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Schinus terebinthifolia
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Schinus terebinthifolius (4)
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Schneider, D. (1994). Slow-motion explosion: The exponential spread of exotic species. CalEPPC News. 2: 6-8.
Schismus arabicus
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Schismus barbatus
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Schismus spp
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
sea lavendar
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Seaside mahoe (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Sebania punicea (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Secale cereale
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Secale sp.
Holt, J. S. (2005). Invasive plants research at UC Riverside. Cal-IPC News. 13: 12-13.
Current projects in the labs of Edith Allen, Norman Ellestrand, Jodie Holt and others
Senecio (1)
White, S. (2005). Have you seen this plant? Mystery Senecio found in So Cal. Cal-IPC News. 13: 17-18.
An apparantly undescribed Senecio has been collected in San Diego and Orange Counties looks like a serious invasive threat
to riparian areas.
Senecio jacobaea
Elliott, W. (1994). German ivy engulfing riparian forests and heading for the uplands. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
coastal central california
Senecio jacobaeae
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Senecio mikanioides
Balciunas, J. (2000). Biological control of cape ivy project reaches milestone. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-4.
Balciunas, J. (2000). Test plants needed for biocontrol of cape ivy project. CalEPPC News. 9: 4-6.
Research project needs other California members of the tribe Senecioneae and other species including Blennosperma,
Cacaliopis, Crocidium, Lepidospartum and Tetradymia. List of California Senecioeae species included in article.
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Cal-IPC (1993). Working group reports on weed control methods and applications for Arundo, french broom, german ivy, hoary cress,
yellow starthistle, and pampasgrass. CalEPPC News. 1: 8-10.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Chipping, D. (1993). German ivy infestation in San Luis Obispo. CalEPPC News. 1: 15.
Elliott, W. (1994). German ivy engulfing riparian forests and heading for the uplands. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
coastal central california
Fobert, M. (1998). Some tips on herbicide treatment of cape ivy (Delaireria odorata). CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5.
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Senecio mikanoides
Balciunas, J. (2000). Biological control of cape ivy project reaches milestone. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-4.
CalEPPC (1999). Richmond weed abatement ordinance. CalEPPC News. 7: 10.
Fobert, M. (1998). Some tips on herbicide treatment of cape ivy (Delaireria odorata). CalEPPC News. 6: 4-5.
Moore, K. (1997). Battling the Kudzu of the west: Controlling cape ivy (formerly German ivy) by hand removal. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-5.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Sesbania punicea
Buck, P. and S. Lucas (2005). Controlling red sesbania in Dry Creek. Cal-IPC News. 13: 7.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Hunter, J. and G. A. J. Platenkamp (2003). The hunt for red sesbania: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. CalEPPC News. 11.
Urgent action is needed to control the spread of this agressive invader currently in riparian areas of the Central Valley.
shrikes (1)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
silver wattle
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Silybum marianum
Massera, J. (2001). More about Italian thistle. CalEPPC News. 9: 14.
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Sisymbrium altissimum (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
six-weeks fescue
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
soil biota
Cal-IPC (2008). 1st Annual Cal-IPC Student Paper & Poster Contest. Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
Solanum laciniatum
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
Sollya heterophylla
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.
Sonchus arvensis
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Sonchus arvensis ssp.uliginosus (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Sonchus oleraceus
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Spanish heath (heather) (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Spartia junceum (1)
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Spartina alterniflora
Cal-IPC (2006). “Conservation Across Borders” in San Jose. Cal-IPC News. 14: 11-12.
Exerpts from abstracts of papers presented at the annual international meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology with
particular relevance to California invasive plant issues.
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Spartina anglica (2)
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Spartina densiflora
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Spartina foliosa (2)
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Spartina patens (2)
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Richardson, B. (2003). Invasive Spartina: “Just another weed”: Biology, spread, and prospects for control. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-6.
The Invasive Spartina Project works in the San Francisco Bay estuary to arrest and reverse the spread of four invasive, nonnative cordgrasses
Spartina sp
Grijalva, E., D. Kerr, et al. (2006). Cordgrass and clapper rails. Cal-IPC News. 13: 6-8,11.
Project Update: Controlling Spartina hybrids in San Francisco Bay
Spartina spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Spartium junceum
Cal-IPC (2006). Recommended action on invasive ornamentals. Cal-IPC News. 14: 10.
Cal-IPC submits recommendations to Cal-HIP partners on Cortaderia selloana, C. jubata, Pennisetum setaceum, and many
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Neill, B. and T. A. Angeles (2005). The basal bark method of applying triclopyr herbicide. Cal-IPC News. 13: 8-9.
Basal bark and foliar treatment methods using Pathfinder II and Garlon 4 formulations of triclopyr ester herbicide on castor
bean, Ailanthuys and broom
Speakers Bureau
Puliatch, C. (2007). Get ready: PlantRight needs resource manager support in 2008. Cal-IPC News. 15: 13.
student chapter (1)
Dickens, S. J. and H. Schneider (2007). Welcome to the first Cal-IPC student chapter! Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
student ecologists
Dickens, S. J. and H. Schneider (2007). Welcome to the first Cal-IPC student chapter! Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
student paper 1st place (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). 1st Annual Cal-IPC Student Paper & Poster Contest. Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
student poster 1st place (1)
Cal-IPC (2008). 1st Annual Cal-IPC Student Paper & Poster Contest. Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
Sunset Western Garden Book
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
sweet fennel
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Sword fern
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Sydney golden wattle
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Sylibum marianum
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Syzgium cumini (1)
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
Taeniatherum caput-medusae
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
TAG Technical Advisory group
Smith, L. (2007). Biocontrol 101: clasical biological control of weeds. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4, 5, 6, 7.
tall tumblemustard
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Cal-IPC (2004). How much do weeds cost society? The tamarisk example. Cal-IPC News. 11: 6.
Carruthers, R. I. and C. J. DeLoach (2004). Progress on the biological control of tamarisk. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-5.
Kelly, M. (1994). Tamarisk advancing in Baja California. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Lovich, J. (1995). Wildlife and weeds: life in an alien landscape. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Neill, B. (1997). Prescription for applying herbicide to tamarisk. CalEPPC News. 5: 7-10.
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
Tamarisk chinensis
Schneider, D. (1994). Slow-motion explosion: The exponential spread of exotic species. CalEPPC News. 2: 6-8.
Tamarix (3)
Cal-IPC (2004). How much do weeds cost society? The tamarisk example. Cal-IPC News. 11: 6.
Carruthers, R. I. and C. J. DeLoach (2004). Progress on the biological control of tamarisk. Cal-IPC News. 11: 4-5.
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Tamarix ‘Pink Cascade’ (1)
CalEPPC (2003). Ornamental, yes – but invasive too. CalEPPC News. 11: 9.
Cal-IPC has formed a Nurseries Committee to stem the flow if invasive plants through the horticultural industry
Tamarix chinensis spp. (2)
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Tamarix ericoides
Dudley, T. (2000). Foreign exploration for biological control of Arundo donax. CalEPPC News. 8: 8-9.
Tamarix parviflora
Thomsen, C. and T. Meyer (2007). Ravennagras: A major wildland weed along Cache Creek. Cal-IPC News. 15: 4.5.16.
Tamarix pentandra
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Tamarix ramosissima
Bell, C. E., M. Evans, et al. (2000). Exotic pest plants, Calif. Assoc. of Nurserymen, and CalEPPC. CalEPPC News. 9: 9-10.
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
CalEPPC (1995). Biological control of invasive exotic pest plant species: A report on the importance of maintaining and enhancing our
nation’s biological control capabilities. CalEPPC News. 3: 6-10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Tamarix sp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Gouvenain, R. C. d. (1996). Agroforestry and the conservation of native biodiversity. CalEPPC News. 4.
Neill, B. (1997). Prescription for applying herbicide to tamarisk. CalEPPC News. 5: 7-10.
Neill, W. S. (1993). The tamarisk invasion of desert riparian areas. CalEPPC News. 1: 6-7.
Rose, P. (2004). Setting the stage: The Ventura County Arundo Task Force. Cal-IPC News. 12: 8-9,17.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Tamarix spp.
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2004). Invasive species legislation: What’s hot on “The Hill”. Cal-IPC News. 11: 7.
CalEPPC (1993). California Exotic Pest Plant Council draft list exotic plants of greatest concern October 1993. CalEPPC News. 1: 6.
Kelly, M. (1994). Tamarisk advancing in Baja California. CalEPPC News. 2: 9.
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Zavaleta, E. S., R. J. Hobbs, et al. (2002). Viewing invasive species removal in a whole-ecosystem context. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
The authors discuss factors that can complicate ecosystem restoration efforts, reminding mangers of the need to examine
ecosystem dynamics in order to anticipate improtant secondary effects.
Tanacetum camphoratum
Theiss, K. (1995). Lupine removal by heavy equipment. CalEPPC News. 3: 7.
Team Arundo
Stein, E. D. and V. Vartanian (1997). Killing the beast: A cooperative approach for control of Arundo donax in the Santa Ana River
watershed. CalEPPC News. 5: 4-6,8.
Tertragonia tetragonioides
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Tetragonia tetragoniodes
Albert, M. E. (1995). Portrait of an invader II: The ecology and management of Carpobrotus edulis. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-6.
Harris, G. (1998). Invasive New Zealand weeds: Our native plant invaders. CalEPPC News. 6: 8-9.
The Wildlife Society
Brusati, E. (2007). Weed workers and wildlife biologists find common ground in Monterey. Cal-IPC News. 15: 8.
Thespesia populnea
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
timothy (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
training (1)
Brady, H. (2008). Field courses training hundreds! Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Hunter, J. C. (1995). Ailanthus altissima (Miller) Swingle: Its biology and recent history. CalEPPC News. 3: 4-5.
Tribulus terrestris
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Richardson, B. (2004). The A-rated north. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,14.
The far north inland areas of California have the highest density of A-rated noxious weeds in the state.
Holmes, K. A. (2008). Soil impact from basal bark treatment of wild fig trees. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Trifolium hirtum (1)
Martus, C. and C. Schneider (2004). Lessons learned after the San Diego County fires. Cal-IPC News. 11: 8-9.
Typha spp.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Ulex europa
Steinmaus, S. (2002). Predicting plant invasion with modeling. CalEPPC News. 10: 5.
Ulex europaea
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
Cal-IPC (2007). Mendocino community considers gorse treatment. Cal-IPC News. 14: 12.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Ulex europaeus (6)
Cal-IPC (1994). Exotic pest plants of greatest ecological concern in California September 1994. CalEPPC News. 2: 10.
CalEPPC (2001). International broom initiative: A comprehensive broom and gorse biological control effort. CalEPPC News. 9: 3-6.
Griffith, Q. (1995). Marin supervisors establish policy against non-natives. CalEPPC News. 3: 11.
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Pitcairn, M. (2000). All weeds that have approved biological control agents, accidental introductions and others. CalEPPC News. 8.
These tables of weeds with approved and/or accidental biocontrol agents (Tables1 and 2) were accidentally omitted from
Mike Pitcairn’s President’s Message in the 1999 Summer/Fall issue of CalEPPC News
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Ulmus parvifolia (1)
Kelly, M. (1997). Lessons from the front: Taking stock to avoid surprises. CalEPPC NEWS. 5: 4-7.
Urospermum picoides
Cal-IPC (2008). Weed Alerts. Cal-IPC News. 16: 8.
Urtica urens
Perala, C., D. A. Hoover, et al. (1993). Control of exotic plants in an herbaceous understory. CalEPPC News. 1: 4-6.
Wildland weed control and restoration of the herbaceous native understory in Solstice Canyon in the Santa Monica Mountains
of Southern California
Vetiver (1)
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Vetiver zinzaniodes L.
Cal-IPC (1995). Weed alert! CalEPPC News. 3: 5.
Vinca major
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Connick, S. and M. Gerel (2005). Don’t sell a pest: A new partnership to prevent plant invasions through horticulture. Cal-IPC News. 13:
Owen, K. (2004). An island called Santa Cruz: Removing invasives on the Channel Islands. Cal-IPC News. 12: 4-5,13.
Wheeler, J. (2000). BLM uses heavy equipment to give weeds the heave-ho! CalEPPC News. 8: 14.
Vinca spp.
DiTomaso, J. (1998). Results of the CalEPPC questionnaire at Symposium ’98 in Ontario. CalEPPC News. 6: 4.
Vulpia myuros
Young, S. L. (2002). Exploring alternative methods for vegetation control and maintenance along roadsides. CalEPPC News. 10: 5-7.
Vulpia octoflora (1)
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Washingtonia filifera
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
Washingtonia robusta
Burkhart, B. and M. Kelly (2005). Which weeds dominate southern California urban riparian systems? Cal-IPC News. 13: 4-5,12.
Kelly, M. (1999). Roundup of Arundo projects reveals commitment, strategic weakness. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-9.
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
water hyacinth (1)
IPC, C. (2007). Effects of water hyacinth shredding on water quality. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
Watsonia bulbilifera
Madison, J. (1996). Highways as corridors of dispersal. CalEPPC News. 4: 9.
Watsonia meriana
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.
weed risk assessment
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
western tansymustard
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
white poplar
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Warner, P. (1998). CalEPPC Symposium ’97. CalEPPC News. 6: 6-8.
Wildland Weed Mapping course (1)
Brady, H. (2008). Field courses training hundreds! Cal-IPC News. 16: 9.
Wildweeds course – So Cal
Cal-IPC (2007). Fighting weeds with the best of them. Cal-IPC News. 15: 11.
willows (1)
Kelly, M. (2000). Education: Wildland weed tours and talks. CalEPPC News. 8: 3-4.
WMA’s (2)
Brusati, E. (2008). Predicting where weeds will spread. Cal-IPC News. 16: 4,5,10.
Cal-IPC (2008). New opportunities in Sacramento and DC. Cal-IPC News. 16: 10.
Woman’s tongue
Council), F. F. E. P. P. (2000). FNGA urges growers to phase out invasive plants. CalEPPC News. 8: 5.
wood rats
Brooks, M. and K. Berry (1999). Ecology and management of alien annual plants in the California desert. CalEPPC News. 7: 4-6.
Darin, G. (2007). “Weedos” in a Land Down Under. Cal-IPC News. 15: 9.
yellow glandweed
Pickart, A. and K. Wear (2000). Parentucellia viscosa invades dune wetlands of northern California. CalEPPC News. 8: 11.
Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge
yellow starthistle
Brandt, L. (2007). Funding outside the box. Cal-IPC News. 15: 12,13.
Hastings, M. and J. DiTomaso (1996). The use of fire for yellow starthistle (Centaurea solstitialis) management and restoration of native
grasslands at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park. CalEPPC News. 4: 4-6.
yellow sweetclover
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
yellow toadflax (1)
Brusati, E. (2007). New Plants added to the Cal-IPC Inventory. Cal-IPC News. 15: 10.
Zandeschia aethiopica
Randall, R. P. and S. G. S. Lloyd (2003). Weed warning from downunder: The weed potential of selected South African plants in
cultlivation in California. CalEPPC News. 11: 4-6.