Vol. 18, No. 3
Fall 2010
Cal-IPC News
Protecting California’s Natural Areas from Wildland Weeds
Quarterly Newsletter of the California Invasive Plant Council
to great
to remove
Sal Torres, Fitzgerald Construction, working
under US Forest Service contract, removes
Scotch broom (Cytisus scoparius) from this
80-foot tall rock face along Highway 299
in Trinity County where Scotch broom is a
widespread problem.
. . . continued page 11
Photo: John Dobson, Caltrans District 2
Map the Spread!……………………………..4
2010 Symposium in photos……………….6
Call for Capeweeds (Arctotheca)………..9
Perennial pepperweed control…………. 10
California Native Plant Week…………..14
From the Director’s Desk
Rebooting restoration
1442-A Walnut Street, #462
Berkeley, CA 94709
ph (510) 843-3902 fax (510) 217-3500
www.cal-ipc.org info@cal-ipc.org
A California 501(c)3 nonprofit organization
Protecting California’s lands and waters
from ecologically-damaging invasive plants
through science, educations, and policy.
Doug Johnson, Executive Director
Heather Brady, Outreach Program Manager
Elizabeth Brusati, Science Program Manager
Suzanne Harmon, Field Mapping Coordinator
Ginny King, Program Assistant
Agustín Luna, Business Manager
Bertha McKinley, Program Assistant
Dana Morawitz, Mapping Program Manager
Cynthia Powell, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Falk Schuetzenmeister, Mapping & Modeling Specialist
Arpita Sinha, Training Program Specialist
Jen Stern, Training Program Manager
Jason Giessow, President
Dendra, Inc.
John Knapp, Vice-President
Native Range, Inc.
Doug Gibson, Treasurer
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Julie Horenstein, Secretary
California Department of Fish & Game
Edith Allen
University of California-Riverside
Peter Beesley
Pacific Gas and Electric
Jason Casanova
Los Angeles/San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
Valerie Eviner
University of California-Davis
Henry Gonzales
Ventura County Department of Agriculture
Brent Johnson
Pinnacles National Monument
Marc Lea
San Luis Obispo County Department of Agriculture
Jean Phillipe Marié
UC Davis Putah Creek Riparian Reserve
Shea O’Keefe
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Peter Schuyler
Ecological Consultant
Katharine Suding
University of California-Berkeley
Affiliations for identification purposes only.
Cal-IPC News
Fall 2010 – Volume 18, Number 3
Editors: Doug Johnson, Elizabeth Brusati, Heather Brady
Cal-IPC News is published quarterly by the California Invasive
Plant Council. Articles may be reprinted with permission from
the editors. Submissions are welcome. Mention of commercial
products does not imply endorsement by Cal-IPC. We reserve
the right to edit all work.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
and managers working to restore functional habitat are doing important work, but
we know that we need to increase our effectiveness if we are to truly turn the tide
on invasive species. We do what we can for now in the hope that we will be able to do
much more in the future. We need Restoration 2.0.
There are hopeful signs. As attendees at the Symposium in Ventura discussed, a suite
of regional and statewide mapping efforts aim to provide maps that help weed workers
hone their strategies. On the policy front, the state has now drafted a comprehensive
list of invasive species that potentially
threaten the state (some 1,700 organisms) as well as a strategic framework
for strengthening our collective
approach to addressing the invasive
species challenge.
But we know how quickly a site
cleared of an invasive plant can become re-infested with another weed.
Or how one restored property can be
re-infested from an untreated neighboring property. There are lots of
ways in which our restoration efforts
may not have the intended effect.
“No cubicle space for me” Photo: Jose
Gomez, USFS, 2010 Photo Contest
We will always be looking for more funding and better science to show us what
works. At the same time we need to find ways to work smarter. To revamp restoration,
we need to get back to basics by improving efforts in exclusion, spread prevention, early
detection/rapid response, and ongoing management. These are not rocket science.
Cal-IPC is working on all of these. We work with national environmental nonprofits and the USDA on revising import regulations to keep new weeds out, and with the
PlantRight partnership to provide nurseries with risk assessment tools and incentives to
make sure new introductions are safe.
Preventing spread requires Best Management Practices for a range of activities, from
recreational boating to firefighting to road and utility maintenance. Cal-IPC’s training
program is developing a BMP manual and workshops for new audiences in order to
shut down accidental vectors of spread for wildland weeds.
Successfully detecting and eradicating new populations of a wildland weed requires
a keen sense for what plants might be found in a given area. Scientific risk assessment
and mapping can support targeted surveillance and control activities that efficiently
keep new weeds out (see page 4).
Ongoing management can be strategically focused on containment zones or
high-priority conservation sites, supported by risk assessment and mapping. Effective
management action on-the-ground relies on skilled natural resource managers, who can
further their professional training through Cal-IPC field courses. Coordination among
management entities is essential, from the local level where we support county WMAs,
to the state level where we support the Invasive Species Advisory Committee.
All of the above require public support. Cal-IPC produces materials, attends outreach events, and communicates with media to make the in well-known. Restoration
workers have faith that the future will bring ever stronger efforts. We are working to
bring that future into being.
Wildland Weed NewsNewsNewsNewsNews
At Point Reyes National Seashore, mice
are benefiting from invasive beachgrass to the detriment of a rare plant.
Researchers from Washington University
in St. Louis found that deer mice use European beachgrass (Ammophila arenaria)
as cover from predatory birds, allowing
them to snip off pieces of endangered
Tidestrom’s lupine (Lupinus tidestromii).
This indirect interaction is reducing the
lupine’s populations even further. Ecology
(August 2010).
How should countries balance concerns about invasive species entering
the country with the need to protect
trade? A recent study by economists at
Southern Methodist University concluded
that allowing some entry of pests may
be reasonable when damages are low, the
pests’ growth rate is low and the discount
rate (the relative weight placed on present
costs and benefits compared to those in
the future) is high. On the other hand,
managing trade to prevent further entry
is warranted when the current population
of the species is likely to increase sharply
or if the cost of controlling an established
invasion is high. www.smuresearch.com
The Western Governors’ Association recognized the issue of invasive species by
passing a policy resolution that supports
“coordinated, multistate management
and eradication actions to limit or eliminate intentional and unintentional introductions and improve control of invasive
species”. Particular areas of importance
they list are developing scientifically based
and coordinated species lists among states;
Cal-IPC Updates
Meet Training Program Specialist Arpita
Sinha and Agustín Luna, our Business
Recent grants
Thank you to the Richard and Rhoda
Goldman Fund, the JiJi Foundation
and the California Dept. of Fish and
Game for supporting our policy work
and to the True North Foundation for
general operating support.
Five US states have sued the federal government and Chicago’s water a uthority
seeking action to stop Asian carp from
invading the Great Lakes. The states are
asking the US Army Corps of Engineers
to use nets to stop the carp from entering
Lake Michigan. The lawsuit also asks for
a study to be conducted on whether the
Great Lakes can be separated from the
Mississippi River system and seeks to close
Chicago shipping gates and locks. www.
…continued page 5
Student liasons
The board has added two student
chapter liasons who will serve oneyear terms, one representing northern
California, the other representing
southern California. For the 2010-11
academic year, they will be Annabelle
Kleist from UC Davis and Lynn
Sweet from UC Riverside.
New staff!
We have now fully staffed up for our
ARRA-funded projects. www.cal-ipc.
Falk Schuetzenmeister is our new
Mapping and Modeling Specialist
and Suzanne Harmon is our Field
Mapping Coordinator.
developing efficient coordination mechanisms; establishing consistent procedures
to prevent transport and sale of invasive
species; and increasing support for public
education programs. www.westgov.org
Board elections results
Welcome new board members Edmund
Duarte (Alameda Co. Dept. of Agriculture),
Kim Hayes (Elkhorn Slough Foundation),
Sue Hubbard (professional land manager,
Monterey Co.), Deb Jensen (El Dorado
Arts Council), Shawn Kelly (Southern
California Wetlands Recovery Project),
and Andrea Williams (Marin Municipal
Water District), who begin their terms in
January. Current board members Edith
Allen and Jason Casanova were elected
to two-year terms, and officers Jason
Giessow, John Knapp, Julie Horenstein,
and Doug Gibson were re-elected.
Field course video online
Video from last fall’s field course on
Chemical Control Methods is now
available on our website! Thank
you to the National Park Service for
producing this resource. www.cal-ipc.
Cal-IPC Student Chapter Newsletter
The student chapter has begun
publishing a quarterly newsletter
to keep members up to date with
issues specific to students. So far the
newsletter has information about
WMAs, upcoming grants, and how
graduate students and land managers
can collaborate for better results.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Mapping the Spread
An update from Cal-IPC’s Science and Mapping Programs
al-IPC statewide risk mapping: We’re
at it again but with finer resolution
and better modeling data! By showing
landscape-level patterns of spread, our risk
mapping aims to help land managers set
priorities, design goal-based plans, and
demonstrate the need for their projects to
This project provided the proof-ofconcept for launching us into our current
American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act-funded effort for 2010-2012. For
this effort we are developing an interactive online tool to provide landscape-level
strategic analysis based on the new data.
This new phase of statewide risk
mapping will once again build
on the expert knowledge of local
land managers.
We are working on
three interrelated efforts.
First, we are meeting with local experts
ARRA funding is also enacross the state to map
abling the Bay Area Early Deteceach plant’s distribution,
tion Network (www. baedn.org)
spread, and management
to move forward with treating
status at a coarse level.
high-priority invasive plant
Second, we are collecting
populations in the nineexisting GIS datasets to help
county region. Dan
model the potential range in
California for each species. And
Director of
finally, we are working with other
Restoraorganizations to coordinate weed
tion at
mapping efforts and make data more
universally available through a centralized website. This article provides an update on the first task, which is our current
focus. Future
Cal-IPC Expert Opinion
articles will
Data Gathering Meetings
other program
Have Participated
aspects as we
Meetings planned for 2010 Audumove forward.
Meetings in the works
bon Canyon Ranch in Marin
In 2006County and a BAEDN coMeetings
2009 we
founder, is promoting the
worked with
concept of a statewide network
local invasive plant experts around the
EDN (www.californiaedn.
state to map current distribution of all
lunchtime meeting
200 species on the Cal-IPC Inventory by
ideas for how
Jepson floristic region and county. For
to build such a network. Cal-IPC is coorsome of the species, we then overlaid this
dinating with these efforts, and with the
information with projections of suitable
online database Calflora, weed mapping
range derived from modeling based on
climate to help identify places where each specialists at the Sonoma Ecology Center,
and numerous agencies and organizainvasive plant species is most likely to
tions to develop unified approaches for
spread. The r esulting maps were posted
collecting, using and sharing spatial data
on our website.
on invasive plants. We recognize that
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
local managers are getting more and more
requests for spatial data sharing, and we
want to make sure these requests are not
redundant and that they lead to tools that
will be useful.
Big push to map distribution
Our mapping team is currently roaming the state to meet with wildland weed
experts in each county to map distribution at the scale of each USGS quadrangle. This is of course too coarse a scale to
plan the details of discrete on-the-ground
projects, but it can provide an excellent
landscape-level picture of spatial opportunities such as leading edge containment
zones and outlier populations ripe for
In the past three months, our team
have worked to refine our data collection methods in order to capture “expert
knowledge” quickly and effectively. We
contact experts with a regional knowledge of invasive plant distribution and
solid botanical skills to identify the weeds
present in their region. We then gather
this group of experts for a meeting (we
buy lunch!) and map about 50 species on
the Cal-IPC list, noting the abundance,
spread rate, and treatment status for each
species within each quad.
This initial set of species focuses on
plants of special concern to the Sierra,
since we have grant support to assess
spread risks in that region, including the
potential impacts of climate change. To
date we have visited over half of the state’s
counties. The meetings have been a lot
of fun, and experts have expressed their
excitement about getting the information
into a statewide system. After our meeting
with the El Dorado County WMA and
the Lake Tahoe Noxious Weed Coordinating Group, Wendy West said, “That was
great! It really feels like we are contributing to an important project.”
Connections being made
As we talk to experts and gather data,
the need for broader mapping is made
abundantly clear by some of the spatial
patterns that emerge. Fred Rinder of
the Fresno County Dept. of Agriculture
sounded a warning to Tulare County to
be on the watch for early detections. “We
have been surveying and treating rush
skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea) in the
southeast corner of the county. This species was confined to the downtown and
west Fresno quads, but we lost funding
for two years and now populations are
found east of Fresno and are continuing
to spread.” Since the predominant winds
are out of the northwest, he says Tulare
will need to be vigilant in looking for
it and controlling it since he is finding
occurrences just upwind of them. A situation like this also helps us see how we
can strengthen the design of our online
analytic tool to include mechanisms for
spread such as wind.
Expert knowledge mapping can also
demonstrate leading edges. In an update
to the US Forest Service, Eddy Greynolds of Kern County Dept. of Agriculture wrote that they have been treating
Scotch thistle (Onopordum acanthium)
in areas adjacent to Sierra National Forest
boundaries. To date they have prevented
it from spreading to forested lands, but
are concerned about the potential for this
spread. Our quad mapping will show the
presence of the plant species next to the
univaded territory, and indicate that it is
under treatment. This information would
help the USFS prioritize surveys for that
species and encourage eradication efforts
if Scotch thistle is found on their land.
Absence data is a key aspect of the
information we are collecting, and will allow future occurence reports to be flagged
as early detection. Say a “citizen scientist”
submits a point occurrence online (or via
a smart phone app!) to Calflora, and our
statewide distribution map shows that
experts think the plant does not occur in
that area. This occurrence could then be
flagged as an early detection observation
and prioritized for rapid response.
Simply getting experts together in a
room to put information that exists only
What will the online tool do?
Our online tool (in development at
www.calweedmapper.org) will combine
current distribution and spread data
with range modeling results to answer
questions like:
• What’s here? Which invasive plant
species are currently found in a
particular region?
• What’s spreading? Which species
are spreading, and to where?
Which are decreasing due to
management efforts?
• What’s coming? Which invasive
plants are most likely to spread
into this region next? From where?
• Where to focus surveillance?
Where are key areas to regularly
survey to look for particular
• Where to focus eradication? Which
invasive plant populations are
outliers and a high priority for
• Where to focus containment?
Where are strategic opportunities
for stopping spread along a
In the future, we hope to add to the
tool GIS layers that map conservation
values and pathways of spread. It
would also be powerful to integrate
algorithms (such as WHIPPET,
developed by Gina Darin) that are
designed to set priorities among many
populations of multiple species.
in their head onto a map has been quite
rewarding. Not only are these mapping
exercises a great opportunity to compile
knowledge that has, in many instances,
accumulated over an entire career, but the
sharing among local experts at the meeting is itself valuable. Newer workers learn
which weeds are being watching where
and what species are being treated.
Fred Rinder quipped about feeling
his own mortality with this mapping
exercise. Indeed, during his session with
us he shared a career’s worth of observations, which this mapping effort will in
turn make available to other invasive
plant management professionals. (He also
chuckled and commented on how nice it
was to get a jump on his autobiography.
So the next time you see Fred, pester him
for some of the saucier travails that have
also been a part of his career. We couldn’t
capture those on the map!)
Stay tuned for more updates in future
issues of the newsletter. As always, your
participation is vital. Folks like you across
the state are the intended end-users of the
system as well as the source of on-theground data for your area. Thank you
again for your continued work to “Map
the Spread!”
Contact the Cal-IPC mapping and science
staff: Elizabeth Brusati (edbrusati@cal-ipc.
org), Dana Morawitz (dfmorawitz@cal-ipc.
org), Cynthia Powell (cpowell@cal-ipc.org),
Falk Schuetzenmeister (fschuetzenmeister@
cal-ipc.org), and Suzanne Harmon (smharmon@cal-ipc.org).
Thank you to our funders:
• USDA Forest Service, State and Private
Forestry Program, and California
Department of Food and Agriculture,
through the American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act
• National Fish & Wildlife Foundation
• Resources Legacy Fund
• Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
Cal-IPC is an equal opportunity institution.
…News from page 3
Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) introduced
SB 3735 to exempt pesticides already
approved under the Federal Insecticide,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) from further permitting under the
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Court decisions
in recent years have required that entities
who want to use a pesticide must apply
for an NPDES permit even if the type of
application has been approved by US EPA
through FIFRA registration. Supporters
of the bill believe it is needed to reduce
regulatory burden on those wanting to
use a pesticide. Opponents believe that
the particular factors of each potential application must be examined through application for an NPDES permit to avoid
cumulative impacts. http://thomas.loc.gov
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
2010 Cal-IPC Symposium in Ventura!
Karen Flagg, Growing Solutions, discusses restoration at
the Foothill Open Space, a former landfill.
Weedzilla! Martin Hutten from Yosemite National Park receives the
2010 National Park Service award for land manager of the year from
Bobbi Simpson, Exotic Plant Management Team liaison for CA parks.
Bertha McKinley staffing the Cal-IPC sales table.
At the poster session, Meg Marriott, USFWS.
At the social hour, Chelsea Carey of UC Merced, James Law of the
Santa Ana Watershed Association, and Mike Bell and Kai Palenscar of
UC Riverside.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Find Symposium papers, posters and
presentations at www.cal-ipc.org…
Congratulations to our 2010 Award Winners!
Jake Sigg Award for Vision and Dedicated Service:
David Chang, of the Santa Barbara County Agricultural Commisioner’s Office, for his quiet persistence, effective fundraising, and
steady collaborative approach in leading the Santa Barbara WMA.
Golden Weed Wrench Award for Land Manager of the Year:
Sandra DeSimone, for her exemplary work directing research,
management and education programs at Audubon California’s
Starr Ranch Sanctuary over the past 13 years.
Ryan Jones Catalyst Award:
Jo Kitz of the Mountains Restoration Trust for organizing restoration volunteers in the Santa Monica Mountains for over 30 years.
Policy and Media Award:
The Los Angeles Times
for increasing public
awareness about invasive
plants and setting a
great example for media David Chang and Sandra DeSimone
Organization of the Year:
Los Angeles Conservation Corps for reaching over 17,000 young people each year to
ensure the next generation’s readiness to address the challenge of invasive plants.
Student Contest:
Jo Kitz
Best Paper, Heather McGray, UC Irvine: “Resident community species diversity and
invader genetic diversity do not affect the establishment of an annual exotic grass.”
2nd Place: Annabelle Kleist, UC Davis. 3rd Place: Lynn Sweet, UC Riverside.
Best Poster, Denise Knapp, UC Santa Barbara: “Contrasting effects of Capobrotus eduilis on arthropods in a coastal dune ecosystem.” 2nd Place: Tadj Schreck, UC
Irvine. 3rd Place: Kai Palenscar, UC Riverside.
Photo Contest Winners: “Moving hose like a sailor” by Martin Hutten of Yosemite National Park, and “Beach landing” by Darren
McCormick, submitted by Charlie de la Rosa, Catalina Island Conservancy.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Thank You
Symposium Sponsors!
ACS Habitat Management
California Native Plant Society
The state office and these chapters: Channel
Islands, Dorothy King Young, East Bay, Los Angeles/ Santa Monica Mountains, Marin County, Milo
Baker, Monterey Bay, Orange County, Redbud,
Riverside/San Bernardino, Sacramento Valley,
Sanhedrin, Santa Clara Valley, Santa Cruz County,
Sierra Foothills, and Yerba Buena
California Department of Food and Agriculture,
Integrated Pest Control Branch
Herbicide ballistic technology (HBT) being tested by Don
Thomas, San Francisco PUC, under the watchful eye of
developer James Leary, Universery of Hawaii. Photo: Bob Case
Catalina Island Conservancy
DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.
Dudek & HRS
National Park Service,
California Exotic Plant Management Team
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Santa Ana Watershed Association
Wildscape Restoration
Dendra, Inc.
ICF International
Los Angeles Conservation Corps
Natures Image, Inc.
RECON Environmental, Inc./
RECON Native Plants, Inc.
Cris Sandoval, Director at UCSB’s Coal Oil Point Reserve,
discusses dune habitat restoration. Photo: John Ekhoff
B&J Trading, LLC
Dow AgroSciences
Habitat West, Inc.
Target Specialty Products
Forester’s Co-Op
Hedgerow Farms
Mission Resource Conservation District
San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Paula Power, Channel Islands National Park, presents background on historic
island uses and upcoming restoration plans.
Call for capeweed specimens (Arctotheca spp.)
Got capeweed? Help researchers clarify the invasive potential of these species.
by Robert J. McKenzie, Department of Botany, Rhodes University, South Africa
and Alison M. Mahoney, Biological Sciences Faculty, Minnesota State University, Mankato
rctotheca is a genus of five species
native to southern Africa (Karis et al.
2009). Plants naturalized in California
have previously been treated as A. calendula (L.) Levyns, commonly known as
‘capeweed.’ This pastoral and agricultural
weed has become established in a number
of countries with Mediterranean climates
and is declared invasive in Australia
(Groves et al. 2003). Fertile and sterile
forms of A. calendula are distinguished in
the California Invasive Plant Inventory.
Re-examination of herbarium vouchers
of Arctotheca for the upcoming revision
of the Jepson Manual (Baldwin et al. in
prep.) revealed that the plants belong
to two distinct species: A. calendula and
A. prostrata (Salisb.) Britten (prostrate
Arctotheca calendula
A. calendula is an annual, initially
rosette-forming herb that develops stems
with age. Its ray florets are uniformly
pale yellow above or with a darker yellow
basal band, and steely blue below. Its disk
florets are yellow with green to black tips.
A. calendula is recorded from a few coastal
and disturbed urban habitats in the
North Coast, Central Coast, and Outer
South Coast Ranges floristic province
subregions. This species is fertile and has
received ‘Alert’ status from Cal-IPC, indicating it has significant potential to invade
new ecosystems.
Arctotheca prostrata
A. prostrata is a perennial rosetteforming herb with prostrate creeping
stems that root at the nodes to produce
new rosettes. Its ray florets are uniformly
yellow above and reddish purple below.
Its disk florets are yellow throughout. The
species is recorded from disturbed sites in
the North Coast, South Coast, Central
West, and Western Transverse Ranges subregions. Reports indicate that A. prostrata
is sterile and examination of herbarium
material supports this. However, anecdotal reports paint A. prostrata as a fertile
and aggressive invader that is difficult to
eradicate once well established. Cal-IPC
gives it a moderate invasiveness score. It
has naturalized in many of the same countries where A. calendula occurs.
Arctotheca prostrata, growing in the
Eastern Cape, South Africa.
How you can help
Arctotheca calendula, growing in the
Northern Cape, South Africa
Clarifying the invasive potential of A.
calendula and A. prostrata in California,
and determining whether A. prostrata is
sterile or partially to fully fertile, is a matter of importance. We would be immensely grateful if Cal-IPC members would
…continued page 15
Regulatory update on
Arctotheca species
by Dean Kelch, Senior Plant
Taxonomist, CDFA Herbarium
In the Federal Register Volume
74, Number 110 (dated June 10,
2009), capeweed, Arctotheca calendula, was proposed to be added to the
list of federal noxious weeds. Plants
labeled A. calendula are commonly
sold in nurseries as a vegetatively
propagated groundcover. The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has treated this horticultural plant as the “sterile form” of
A. calendula; it lists the “fertile form”
as a state noxious weed.
As mentioned in the the accompanying article, the sterile plant of
horticulture is now recognized as a
different species, creeping capeweed
(A. prostrata). This plant is a vigorous
groundcover (read garden thug) that
spreads aggressively via rooting stems
and rhizomes, but has, so far, been
found only where it was planted. It
isn’t fertile in California. Some other
sterile plants are noxious weeds, such
as giant reed (Arundo donax) and
Bermuda buttercup (Oxalis pescaprae), but current collections do not
demonstrate that creeping capeweed
is easily dispersed via plant parts.
Correctly labeled A. prostrata
would not be regulated in interstate
commerce if the federal listing of
A. calendula becomes final. At the
CDFA herbarium we have collections
of true A. calendula from Humboldt,
Marin, San Mateo, Merced and Stanislaus Counties. These populations
are undergoing control, but eradication has proven difficult. Agricultural
Biologists for CDFA recently have
seen promising control results from
use of the herbicide Milestone.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Perennial pepperweed control in riparian areas
by Carl Bell, Regional Advisor, Invasive Plants, UC Cooperative Extension
erennial pepperweed (Lepidium latifolium) is the priority invasive plant
for the San Diego Weed Managment Area
(WMA). The largest infestation of this
weed is in the San Pasqual Valley along
the San Dieguito River. Adjoining the
river are several organic farms, all of which
have some land infested with perennial
pepperweed. WMA partners recognized
that trying to eradicate pepperweed along
the river without addressing the adjacent
sources of infestation would be a problem
in the long term. Because these are certified organic farms, however, using herbicides on their properties is not feasible.
The California Dept. of Food and
Agriculture’s Statewide Weed Management Area program provided funding that
supported four field studies on perennial
pepperweed; two studies compared herbicide alternatives to chlorsulfuron (Telar)
and two tested mulch treatments.
the San Dieguito River Park near the San
Dieguito River. Each experiment utilized
an existing monoculture infestation of perennial pepperweed in the flood plain of
the river, but situated far enough from the
river channel to avoid potential contamination from the herbicides. Both experiments utilized a Randomized Complete
Block (RCB) design with four replicates.
Herbicides were applied with a CO2 pressured backpack sprayer through a boom
covering a six foot swath. Treatments were
visually evaluated for perennial pepperweed control. Biomass data was collected
in the year following treatment, June
2009 and April 2010.
effective enough to be useful for control
of this weed.
Effective treatments are chlorsulfuron
at 2 oz/acre and imazapyr at 64 oz/acre.
The addition of glyphosate or triclopyr
did not improve control. Glyphosate
and imazamox were not effective at the
rates tested. Imazamox is a close relative
of imazapyr but with a much shorter soil
residual. It was included in these experiments at the request of the manufacturer
(BASF Corp.) as a possible alternative to
imazapyr, but it is not currently registered
for wildland use in California.
In previous field research we observed
that although chlorsulfuron initially appears to be very effective at controlling
pepperweed, new shoots start emerging
from the soil two years after treatment.
A visit to the 2008 experimental site was
made in April 2010; recovery from all
treatments appeared to be complete. This
is further evidence that one herbicide
treatment with either chlorsulfuron or
imazapyr is not sufficient to kill this weed.
Herbicide results
Treatments and results are shown in
the table below. Early results from the
2008 study indicated very good control of
pepperweed by all of the treatments, but
these results did not last into the following year. Although herbicide treatments
reduced pepperweed biomass compared
to the untreated control, most were not
The rationale for this research was that
although chlorsulfuron was the most effective herbicide for pepperweed control,
it could not be used in
close proximity to water.
Perennial Pepperweed Herbicide Evaluationa
Since pepperweed can grow
2008 Study
2009 Study
down to the water’s edge,
(treated April ‘08)
(treated June ‘09)
there was a need to evaluate
% control
biomassb % control biomassb
herbicides that could be
used close to water as alterOct. ‘08 June ‘09 June‘09 April ‘10 April ‘10
native treatments. Alterna2 oz/A
tive herbicides included
64 oz/A
imazapyr, glyphosate,
imazamox, and triclopyr.
128 oz/A
The mulch research was
32 oz/A
initiated locally due to the
64 oz/A
proximity of organic farms
imazapyr + glyphosate 32 + 64 oz/A
to the river. We decided to
try mulches as an alterna99
imazapyr + glyphosate 64 + 64 oz/A
tive to herbicides.
32 + 32 oz/A
imazapyr + triclopyr
Alternative pepperweed
These projects, one
initiated on April 24, 2008
and the other on June 12,
2009, were established in
64 + 32 oz/A
imazapyr + triclopyr
imazamox + glyphosate 64 + 64 oz/A
Untreated control
All data is the mean of four replicates
Biomass is fresh weight (grams/square meter) of pepperweed shoots cut at 8 cm from ground.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
lifted the mulches. The results
may have been more effective
if the plants had been brush
cut to ground level prior to the
mulch application. These results are consistent with previous experiments attempting to
control perennial pepperweed
culturally and manually.
Mulch experiment for perennial pepperweed control (left to right: paper tarp, clear plastic
tarp, black plastic tarp).
Mulch as an alternative to herbicide
In 2008, we compared three mulch
treatments; black plastic tarp, clear plastic
tarp, and a paper tarp. Black plastic can
kill weeds by excluding light from the
soil, preventing seed germination and
encouraging root and rhizome degradation. Clear plastic kills weeds through
solar heating (solarization) when placed
over soil during the summer. The paper
tarp was tested as a biodegradable alternative to black plastic. Each treatment was
applied four times in a RCB design. Prior
to each mulch treatment the perennial
pepperweed was mowed with a brush
cutter to a height of 6 inches. In addition,
each treatment was started as a spring
(April/May) treatment and as a summer
(July) treatment. All mulches were left in
place through the summer and removed
in October 2008.
A visual evaluation in March 2009
indicated that none of the treatments appeared to be different than the untreated
control plots. We were not surprised; we
did not expect the clear plastic solarization to work well in this coastal area with
few sunny days in the summer. The paper
mulch was hard to lay and did not hold
up long enough. The black plastic mulch
has some potential, but it would have to
stay in place for much longer to be effective, maybe through two summers.
A year later, we gave this method one
more chance in a site adjacent to the
2009 herbicide study. In this case, we
limited the treatments and the replications. For 2009, we had three treatments;
a solarization treatment with one layer
of 1 mm clear plastic, a double layer of
the same plastic, and a black mulch layer.
The double layer has layers separated by
wooden stakes to create an air gap that insulates the plastic on the soil and increases
This study had only one replicate of
each treatment, but they were larger than
in 2008. Early observations appeared
encouraging, but by April 2010 all treatments had been punctured by pepperweed
shoots and did not seem to provide any
control of the weed.
Although mulch treatments can effecively control certain invasive plant
species, pepperweed does not appear to
be controllable by mulch treatments.
Even after brush cutting, the abundant
carbohydrates stored by the large root
mass of the pepperweed produced vigorously regenerating vegetation that easily
The herbicide treatments
were more successfull at slowing down the growth of the
pepperweed; however second
year monitoring indicates that
full regrowth of pepperweed
had occurred. Follow-up
treatments are required on
pepperweed to insure long
term control. Future experimentation could incorporate
utilizing herbicide and mulching treatments together.
I would like to acknowledge the
support and assistance of the San Diego
WMA and in particular Bill Winans,
Dawn Neilsen, and Mark Martinez with
the Co. of San Diego Department of
Agriculture, Weights and Measures.
Contact the author at cebell@ucdavis.edu
or learn more at http://groups.ucanr.org/
Editor’s Note: This year’s Symposium included a discussion group on management of
perennial pepperweed, including a treatment
decision tool developed by the San Francisco
National Estuarine Research Reserve. Notes
from the group are posted on our Symposium
Archive page.
…Scotch broom from page 1
Due to limited a ccessibility, utilizing a
rock scaling crew is the most feasible
treatment method. The largest plants
had 6” diameter trunks, were cut with
hand saws and rolled down the slope for
loading. Under the direction of the USFS
no herbicide was used to treat the cut
stumps. The 7 person crew removed 1000
linear feet of 10 year old Scotch broom
in two days. Effective control will require
many years of follow-up treatment and
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
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programs. Thank you!
As a Cal-IPC Member, you join a
powerful network of land managers,
researchers, volunteers, and concerned
citizens. Welcome!
Patron ($500-$999)
William Abbot (Carpinteria), Bruce Alber (WilburEllis Company, Wilsonville, OR), Joseph Algiers
(National Park Service, Thousand Oaks), Bob Bain
(DeAngelo Brothers, Inc.), Debra Barringer (SAIC,
Ventura), Josie Bennett (CA State Parks, Orange
Coast District, Long Beach), Anthony Bevilacqua
(Camarillo), Kim Bosell (Co. of LA Dept. of
Parks and Rec., Monrovia), Greg Bringelson
(Santa Clara Co. Parks and Rec., Los Gatos), Tim
Buonaccorsi (RECON Native Plants, Inc., San
Diego), Dan Clark (Co. of Santa Clara Parks and
Rec., Los Gatos), Cara Clark (Moss Landing),
Autumn Cleave (San Francisco), Robert Conlen
(Los Osos), Nat Cox (CA State Parks, Ventura),
Carla D’Antonio (UC Santa Barbara), Angela
De Palma Dow (Sacramento State Field Biology
Group, Sacramento), Erica Dedon (Alameda Co.
Master Gardners, Dublin), Mike Dibble (LAX, Los
Angeles), Zooey Diggory (Stillwater Sciences, Santa
Cruz), Henry DiRocco (Irvine Ranch Conservancy,
Orange), Morgan Doran (UCCE Solano County,
Fairfield), Sabrina Drill (UCCE, Los Angeles),
David Emmerson (La Costa Canyon HS,
Carlsbad), Vyki Englert (Avalon), Rena Escobedo
(Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, South Lake
Tahoe), Rhys Evans (Vandenberg Air Force Base,
Lompoc), Karen Flagg (Santa Barbara), Kathy Frye
(Santa Barbara), Robin Galea (Del Norte RCD,
Crescent City), Dan Gavrilovic (Redlands), Jeff
Gary & Lillian Giessow (St.Louis, MO)
Champion ($250-$499)
David Chang (Santa Barbara)
Steve Schoenig (Davis)
Contributor ($100-$249)
Jason Casanova (La Crescenta)
Darlene Chirman (Santa Barbara)
Helen Conway (San Jose)
Tom Dodson (San Bernardino)
John Ekhoff (Long Beach)
Meryl Faulkner (La Jolla)
Henry Gonzales (Ventura)
Drew Kerr (Pinole)
Halli Mason (Tarzana)
Lincoln Smith (Albany)
Donald Stiver (El Cerrito)
Patricia Van Aggelen (San Francisco)
Matthew & Joann Zlatunich (San
Vista Garden Club (Vista)
Friend (up to $99)
Charlie Blair (Lompoc)
Adrienne Debisschop (Oakland)
William Denneen (Nipomo)
Susan Euing (Orinda)
Paul Grunland (Berkeley)
Ken Himes (Belmont)
John Holloway (The Sea Ranch)
Glen Holstein (Davis)
Deb Jensen (Placerville)
Mike Kelly (San Diego)
David Loeb (Berkeley)
Paul Mack (Santa Cruz),
Tanya Meyer (Emporium, PA)
Gerald & Mary Moore (Petaluma)
Bill Neill (North Hollywood)
Noah Standridge (Naples, FL)
David Sundstrom (Rancho Palos Verdes)
Warren Steiner (Cheverly, MD)
Sara Sweet (Galt)
Donna Thompson (Crescent City)
Lorraine Unger (Bakersfield)
Robert Young (San Carlos)
Special thanks to The Nature Conservancy
for their assistance and generosity in making
the Santa Cruz Island field trip possible.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Gilmour (Santa Cruz), Ami Goerdt (Western Area
Power Administration, Folsom), Tereasa Good (San
Clemente), Suzanne Goode (CA Dept. of Parks and
Rec., Calabasas), Kimberly Guilliam (King City),
Brett Hall (UCSC Arboretum, Santa Cruz), Alexis
Hamilton (CA State Parks, Ventura), Don Hartley
(Santa Barbara), Karen Haubensak (Flagstaff,
AZ), Jeanette Heinrichs (Van Beurden Insurance,
Kingsburg), Joshua Higgins (Yosemite NP, El
Portal), John Hoffman (Irvine Ranch Conservancy,
Costa Mesa), John Holson (ICF International,
Sacramento), Lisa Hulette (Gold Ridge RCD,
Occidental), Kris Hulvey (University of Western
Australia), Rosanne Humphrey (Oceanside), Trudy
Ingram (Restoring Natures, Ojai), Meredith Jabis
(Inyo County Water Dept., Independence), Elise
Jackson (City of Pasadena), Matt James (Coastal
Restoration Consultants, Carpinteria), Steve Jones
(Bio Resource Consultants, Ojai), Shawn Kelly
(S.C.W. R.P., Oxnard), Patrick Kelly (NPS/
CA Exotic Plant Management Team, Point Reyes
Station), Jamie King (CA State Parks, Calabasas),
Eric Klein (San Francisco), Kim Klementowski
(Center for Natural Lands Management, Lake
Elsinore), Metha Klock (Baton Rouge, LA), Denise
Knapp (UCSB, Lompoc), Ellen Kragh (Ventura
Co. Agricultural Commissioner’s Office, Santa
Paula), Kenneth Krueger (US Forest Service, Santa
Barbara RD), Chris Lange, Rob LaPorte (Golden
Gate National Parks Conservancy, San Francisco),
Shay Lawrey (Tom Dodson & Associates, San
Bernardino), Danielle LeFer (Palos Verdes
Peninsula), Joddi Leipner, Pam Lindsey (Ventura
Conty Public Works Agency, Watershed Protection
District), Annie Little (US Fish and Wildlife Service,
Carlsbad), Natasha Lohmus (CA Dept. of Fish
Former board members Wendy West and Bobbi Simpson enjoy the social hour with
Gina Darin, one of Cal-IPC’s stellar volunteers and raffle ticket sellers.
Sandoval (UC Santa Barbara),
Betsey Scheets (Camarillo), Rosa
Schneider (San Francisco State
University), Tadj Schreck (UC
Irvine), Leslie Scott, Matthew
Shepherd (Yosemite NP, El
Portal), Jessica Shors (SF Public
Utilities Commission, Berkeley),
Joel Silverman (Midpeninsula
Regional Open Space District, Los
Altos), Lloyd Simpson (Los Padres
National Forest, Ojai), Dale Smith
(GGNRA – Habitat Restoration
Team, Berkeley), Jonathan SnappCook (Carlsbad), Cara Stafford
(Don Edwards San Francsico Bay
National Wildlife Refuge, Alviso),
Noah Standridge (Walker Exotic
Tree Eradication, Naples, FL), Kara
Cal-IPC’s first annual board-sponsored poker tournaSteeland (Tahoe RCD, South Lake
ment fundraiser provided post-banquet entertainment.
Tahoe), James Sulentich (Santa
Lucia Conservancy, Carmel),
Francisco), David Varner (San Diego), Cedrick
Jillian Taylor (CA Conservation
Villasenor (Ojai), Kimiora Ward (Davis), Anne
Corps, Oxnard), Jiana ten Brinke (Santa Barbara),
Wells (Goleta), Christine Whitcraft (CSU Long
Kevin Thompson (Santa Barbara), Jennifer
Billy Williams (Wildscape Restoration,
Tiehm (Paicines), Jayme Timberlake (Dudek
Ventura), Christina Williams (Atascadero),
Environmental, Encinitas), Lisa Tollstrup (Tom
Christorpher Wilson (Santa Lucia Conservancy,
Dodson & Assoc., San Bernardino), David Torfeh
Carmel), Gloria Woehler (Los Angeles), Julie
(Ventura), John True (Santa Barbara), Justin
Wynia (BLM, El Dorado Hills), Christie
Trujilllo (Center for Natural Lands Management,
Youngs, Jerry Zatorski (Inyo Co. Water Dept.,
Poway), Lina Valenzuela (San Joaquin Valley
Parkway Trust, Fresno), Patricia Van Aggelen (San
Are you a Cal-IPC Trained Wildland Manager?
Receive these valuable benefits:
• Cal-IPC Wildland Manager Certificate
• Listing in Cal-IPC’s NEW Professional Directory
• Boost your qualifications for jobs, funding, and contracts
You will be after completing
Cal-IPC’s 5-course series on
invasive plant management:
and Game, San Diego), Adrienne Mages (Santa
Cruz), John Malpas (Calflora Database, Sebastopol),
Rudy Martel (Ventura Agricultural Commissioner’s
Office, Santa Paula), Robert Mayberry (DeAngelo
Brothers, Inc., Ontario), David Mazurkiewicz
(Montrose Settlements Restoration Program, NPS,
Ventura), Shaun McCoshum (Catalina Island
Conservancy, Avalon), Kathryn McEachern (USGS
Channel Islands, Ventura), Randall McInvale
(Dudek, Valencia), Yvonne Menard (Channel Island
NP, Ventura), Anna Mico-Quinn (Australian Native
Plants Nursery, Ventura), Holden Mills, Scott
Morrison (The Nature Conservancy, San Francisco),
Elise Morrison (Benicia), David Moverly (Aukland,
Australia), Michelle Murphy (UC Riverside),
Debra Nelson (Lytle Creek), Gerry Nunez (LAX,
Los Angeles), Joeseph Oliver (San Bernardino Co.
Regional Parks, Redlands), Bruce Orr (Stillwater
Sciences, Berkeley), Devyn Orr (Marine Reserach
Institute, UC Santa Barbara), Maeghan Owen
(Santa Barbara), Aaron Peters (Yosemite NP, El
Portal), Randy Philips (Thousand Oaks), Derek
Poultney (Ventura Hillsides Conservancy), Zachary
Principe (The Nature Conservancy, Fallbrook),
Howard Putnam (Los Angeles World Airports),
Joyce Quinn (Fresno), Stephanie Ranes (Santa
Barbara), Bryson Ribeiro (UCCE, Tulare),
Noa Rishe (CA State Parks, Natural Resource
Management, Long Beach), Patrick Rizzo (NPS,
Sequoia NP, Point Reyes Station), James Roberts
(Channel Islands NP, Ventura), Aviva Rossi (Bay
Area Early Detection Network, San Anselmo), Cris
1. Strategic Approaches
2. Biology and Identification
3. Wildland Weed Mapping
4. Control Methods
5. Plus one of the following:
• Integrated Control
• Mechanical Control
• Chemical Control
• Restoration
• Early Detection
For registration, course
details, and additional dates
go to www.cal-ipc.org
2011 Field Course Schedule
February – San Diego
• Mapping
• Control Methods
March – San Luis Obispo
• Biology and ID
• Control Methods
May – Redding
• Biology and ID
• Control Methods
June – San Francisco
• Strategic Approaches
• Control Methods
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Readings &
Know of a resource that should be shared
here? Send it to edbrusati@cal-ipc.org.
Invasive Species in Mexico
The national invasive species strategy
for Mexico is now available online. An
English translation of the major sections
is available on page 93; the full report will
be available in English soon. www.conabio.
Phone in Your Weeds
The Bay Area Early Detection Network
and Calflora have developed a smartphone
application for entering invasive plant
observations into Calflora’s database.
Currently designed for Android phones,
it will soon be available for iPhone. An
instructional video shows how it works.
(Search for “weed mapping” on YouTube.)
Climate Change and Management
The California Dept. of Fish and Game
sponsored a workshop to bring together
climate modelers and land managers to
discuss management actions in the face of
climate change. A recording of all presentations is available online. www.dfg.ca.gov/
Training Biologists
“Assessment of Botanical Capacity in the
United States” from Botanical Gardens
Conservation International provides a
detailed and compelling account of the
need to train plant scientists/botanists
and other organismal biologists to ad-
dress the complex issues associated with
climate change. It points out serious gaps
in undergraduate and graduate training
of professional and academic organismal
biologists. www.bgci.org/usa/bcap
Climate Change and National Forests
The USDA Forest Service has released
the “National Roadmap for Responding
to Climate Change” and “A Performance
Scorecard for Implementing the Forest Service Climate Change Strategy”
in response to the USDA’s 2010-2015
Strategic Plan that sets a goal of ensuring
that our national forests are made more
resilient to climate change. This includes
targeted monitoring and continued
management of insects, pathogens, and
invasive species that threaten the health
and resilience of ecosystems. www.fs.fed.
Legislature establishes California Native Plant Week
n September 2010, the California
State Assembly and Senate approved
Resolution ACR 173 (Evans) establishing an annual California Native Plant
Week, beginning April 17-23, 2011. This
resolution was sponsored by the California Native Plant Society, and garnered the
support of conservation organizations and
horticulturalists throughout the state. The
following statements are excerpted from
the resolution:
Whereas, California’s first Indian nations lived and thrived by their knowledge
of native California plants, which provided them with food, clothing, shelter, dyes,
tools, medicine, and fuel for centuries;
Resolved by the Assembly of the State
of California, the Senate thereof concurring, That the Legislature recognizes
the essential value and importance of
California native plants to our history,
economy, landscape and environment;
and be it further
Whereas, California’s over 6,000
native plant species, subspecies, and
varieties, of which over 2,150 exist only
in California, make California home
to more diverse plant life than all other
states combined; and
Resolved, That the California Legislature encourages community groups,
schools and citizens to undertake appropriate activities to promote native plant
conservation and a restoration, and to
inform their neighbors and communities
of the values of native plants in nature and
in horticultural settings; and be it further
Whereas, California’s native plants include some of the oldest, tallest, and most
massive living things on Earth; and
Whereas, California currently contends with over 1,000 nonnative plants,
some of which compete with native plant
species, degrade soil, facilitate erosion and
catastrophic wildfire, and alter the state’s
natural landscapes; and
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
Whereas, Restoring California native
plants provides natural links to wild land
areas, while introducing people to their
beauty and instilling a greater understanding and appreciation for California’s
natural heritage; now, therefore, be it
Whereas, California’s citizens have
consistently supported efforts to protect
our wild landscapes, spurring a conservation and environmental awareness that
helps define California today; and
Resolved, That the California Legislature hereby declares the third week of
April, each year, as California Native Plant
Week. www.cnps.org/cnps/conservation/nativeplantweek/
January & February
March & April
2011 USDA Interagency Research Forum
on Invasive Species
January 11-14, 2011
Annapolis, MD
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
February 28 – March 4, 2011
Washington, DC
63rd California Weed Science Society Conf.
January 19-21, 2011
Weed Science Society of America
Annual Meeting
February 7-10, 2011
Portland, OR
2011 Tamarisk Research Conference
February 16-17, 2011
Tuscon, AZ
…Capeweeds from page 9
collect and press samples of naturalized
capeweeds for identification, and if possible note the vegetation type, frequency
of individual plants, presence of seedlings
and whether mature seeds are produced in
the population. Accumulating data on the
distribution, frequency, fertility, and ecology of naturalized capeweeds will enable a
revised assessment of their invasiveness by
For more information on where to
look for capeweeds and how to collect
specimens, contact Robert McKenzie at
r.mckenzie@ru.ac.za or Alison Mahoney at
Literature Cited
Baldwin B. G., S. Boyd, D. J. Keil, R. Patterson, T.
J. Rosatti and D. Wilken (eds). In prep. The Jepson
Manual: Higher Plants of California (2nd edition).
University of California Press, Berkeley.
Groves, R. H., J. R. Hosking, G. N. Batianoff, D.
A. Cooke, I. D. Cowie, R. W. Johnson, G. J. Keighery, B. J. Lepschi, A. A. Mitchell, M. Moerkerk, R.
P. Randall, A. C. Rozefelds, N. G. Walsh and B. M.
Noxious Weed Short Course, WSWS
April 18-21, 2011
Loveland, CO
May & beyond
Western Society of Weed Science Meeting
March 7-10, 2011
Spokane, WA
SERCAL’s 18th Annual Conference
May 10-12
San Diego
Invasive Spartina Forum
March 10-11, 2011
Ecological Society of America
August 7-12, 2011
Austin, TX
Invasive Weed Awareness Day at the Capitol
March 16, 2011
SER Int’l Congress on Ecological Restoration
August 21-25, 2011
Merida, Yucatan, Mexico
Western Aquatic Plant Mgmt Society Mtg
March 28-31, 2011
Denver, CO
Cal-IPC’s 20th Annual Symposium
October 4-7, 2011
Granlibakken, Tahoe City
“The plant to inspire and sustain the southern
culture’s love of race cars ”
~ discussing how Kudzu root can be used to produce ethanol
fuel. Timothy Lee Scott, Invasive Plant M
edicine: The Ecological Benefits and Healing Abilities of Invasives. (Healing Arts
Press, 2010)
“It’s a scary time to be a weed”
~ describing the effectiveness of volunteer-lead invasive plant
control projects throughout the c ountry. Anne Marie Chaker,
The Wall Street Journal, September 29, 2010
Waterhouse. 2003. Weed Categories for Natural and
Agricultural Ecosystem Management. Bureau of Rural
Sciences, Canberra.
Karis, P. O., V. A. Funk, R. J. McKenzie, N. P.
Barker and R. Chan. 2009. Arctotideae. In: V. A.
Funk, A. Susanna, T. Stuessy and R. Bayer (eds),
Systematics, Evolution, and Biogeography of the Compositae. pp. 407–432. International Association of
Plant Taxonomy, Vienna.
Cal-IPC News Fall 2010
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