Brooms are major invaders introduced through horticultural import. Photo courtesy Stacy Schmidt.
Prevention is the first and best line of defense for invasive plant control, and right now we have an opportunity to greatly improve US invasive plant prevention policy.
Join us in letting government decision-makers know how important such action is for proteting the country’s natural heritage.
While many countries have adopted protocol that protect their environment without unduly limiting free trade, the US system remains weak (according to the National Plant Board’s 2006 assessment.)
The USDA, which bears responsibility for screening plant imports, has released new “Q-37” guidelines for review, with comments due Oct. 21, 2009.
Some will resist this proposal, so it is critical that natural resource managers voice their perspectives.
Below are important actions you can take to encourage immediate action.
What you can do:
1. Submit an online comment.
Formal comments submitted to the Regulations.gov website by Oct. 21 will be part of the public record.
A simple statement from your perspective on the importance of preventing invasive plant introductions will help support stronger screening.
From this page you can also access the proposed guidelines, official background docs, and all comments submitted to date.
2. Fax a letter from your organization.
Take this important step to encourage key decision makers to take prompt action to implement new screening guidelines.
Use our sample letter, which includes instructions on where to send it.
Background and materials:
- Background on Q-37 from USDA
- Cal-IPC’s letter to USDA
- Talking points from Cal-IPC (details on how we think the screening should work)
- Flyer and handout from Cal-IPC (for distributing at meetings – help spread the word!)
- The Nature Conservancy’s letter to USDA
- 2005 USDA proposed rule with all public comments (see what happened last time)