Plant Assessment Form
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Robinia pseudoacacia
Common Names: black locust
Evaluated on: 12/22/04
List committee review date: 11/03/2005
Re-evaluation date:
California Invasive Plant Council
1442A Walnut St. #462, Berkeley, CA 94709
List committee members
Joe DiTomasoJohn Randall
Carla Bossard
General Comments
No general comments for this species
Table 2. Criteria, Section, and Overall Scores
Overall Score?
Alert Status?
No Alert
2.5 out of 5
Score | Documentation | |||
1.1 | ?Impact on abiotic ecosystem processes | C. Minor | Reviewed Scientific Publication | |
1.2 | ?Impact on plant community | C. Minor | Other Published Material | |
1.3 | ?Impact on higher trophic levels | U. Unknown | ||
1.4 | ?Impact on genetic integrity | D. None | Reviewed Scientific Publication | |
2.1 | ?Role of anthropogenic and natural disturbance in establishment | B. Moderate | Reviewed Scientific Publication | |
2.2 | ?Local rate of spread with no management | C. Stable | ||
2.3 | ?Recent trend in total area infested within state | C. Stable | ||
2.4 |
?Innate reproductive potential (see Worksheet A) |
B. Moderate | ||
2.5 | ?Potential for human-caused dispersal | A. High | Reviewed Scientific Publication | |
2.6 | ? Potential for natural long-distance dispersal | C. Rare | Other Published Material | |
2.7 | ?Other regions invaded | C. Already invaded | Observational | |
3.1 |
?Ecological amplitude/Range (see Worksheet C) |
A. Widespread | Reviewed Scientific Publication | |
3.2 |
?Distribution/Peak frequency (see Worksheet C) |
D. Very low | Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Table 3. Documentation
Scores are explained in the "Criteria for Categorizing Invasive Non-Native Plants that Threaten Wildlands".
Section 1: Impact | |
Question 1.1 Impact on abiotic ecosystem processes? | C Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Identify ecosystem processes impacted: Nitrogen cycling, light availability. However, infestations in California are too small to have these effects. Nitrogen-fixing tree that increases the concentration of NO3 in the soil. Fixed N is accumulated as biomass and enters the soil only in older (38yr) stands (1). Tall tree (100 ft), so creates shade where it invades open areas Sources of information: 1. Boring L. R., Swank W. T. 1984. The Role of Black Locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) in Forest Succession. Journal of Ecology. 72: 749-766. |
Question 1.2 Impact on plant community composition, structure, and interactions? |
C Other Published Material |
Identify type of impact or alteration: Displaces native vegetation (1) but forms only patches in California. Sources of information: 1. Hunter 2000 |
Question 1.3 Impact on higher trophic levels? | U |
Identify type of impact or alteration: Poisonous to livestock but they rarely eat it. No information on impacts to native species. Sources of information: 1. Kingsbury J. M. 1964. Poisonous Plants of the United Sates and Canada. Prentice Hall Inc. New Jersey. |
Question 1.4 Impact on genetic integrity? | D Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Possibility of hybridization with one related native tree (R. neomexicana) but this seems unlikely because the native inhabits drier areas and is uncommon, and R. pseudoacacia reproduces mostly by suckers rather than seed. One closely-related California native Sources of information: Hickman, J. C. (ed.) 1993. The Jepson Manual, Higher Plants of California. University of California Press. Berkeley, CA |
Section 2: Invasiveness | |
Question 2.1 Role of anthropogenic and natural disturbance in establishment? |
C |
Describe role of disturbance: Needs open areas for colonization . Early successional species that grows best on clear-cuts, abandoned pastures, or roadsides (1). Can invade undisturbed sand prairies (2). Sources of information: 1. Boring and Swank 1984 |
Question 2.2 Local rate of spread with no management? | C |
Describe rate of spread: This species has been in California for many years but has not spread significantly. Sources of information: |
Question 2.3 Recent trend in total area infested within state? | C |
Describe trend: Consensus of weed committee is that populations in California are stable. Sources of information: |
Question 2.4 Innate reproductive potential? | B |
Describe key reproductive characteristics: Can reproduce from seeds, but mostly reproduces by suckers or sprouting from roots. Can grow to 8m within 3 yrs (1). Begins producing seeds at year 6, with best crops between ages 15-40. Heavy seed crops at 1-2 year intervals, and light crops in between. Produces 16,000 - 35,000 per pound of seed pods. Seedling reproduction is rare (2). Seeds disperse by wind or gravity (3) Sources of information: 1. Boring and Swank 1984 |
Question 2.5 Potential for human-caused dispersal? | A Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Identify dispersal mechanisms: Planted for cultivation (1, 2) and landscaping. Has been used for panelling, construction, firewood, fenceposts, livestock forage, and nectar for honey production (2). Sources of information: 1. Hunter 2000 |
Question 2.6 Potential for natural long-distance dispersal? | C Other Published Material |
Identify dispersal mechanisms: Some seeds dispersed by wind, but as most reproduction is by suckers, this is probably a limited means of dispersal. Sources of information: 1. Hunter 2000 |
Question 2.7 Other regions invaded? | C Observational |
Identify other regions: Cultivated as a horticultural species, but rarely escapes. Sources of information: Joe DiTomaso, UC Davis, and John Randall, The Nature Conservancy Invasive Species Initiative, pers. Obs. |
Section 3: Distribution | |
Question 3.1 Ecological amplitude/Range? | A Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Mostly inhabits disturbed sites. Early successional species, needs open areas (1). Invades dry prairies, sand prairies and savannas (2). Widespread in northern California below 6300 ft, also common in Great Basin area (3). Found in disturbed woodlands and ravines in Tahoe National Forest and John Muir National Monument (4). Sources of information: 1. Boring and Swank 1984 |
Question 3.2 Distribution/Peak frequency? | D Reviewed Scientific Publication |
Describe distribution: Present only in small patches in California. Sources of information: Joe DiTomaso, UC Davis, and John Randall, The Nature Conservancy Invasive Species Initiative, pers.obs. |
Worksheet A - Innate reproductive potential
Reaches reproductive maturity in 2 years or less | No |
Dense infestations produce >1,000 viable seed per square meter | No |
Populations of this species produce seeds every year. | Yes |
Seed production sustained over 3 or more months within a population annually | No |
Seeds remain viable in soil for three or more years | Yes |
Viable seed produced with both self-pollination and cross-pollination | Unknown |
Has quickly spreading vegetative structures (rhizomes, roots, etc.) that may root at nodes | Yes |
Fragments easily and fragments can become established elsewhere | No |
Resprouts readily when cut, grazed, or burned | Yes |
Total points: | 5 |
Total unknowns: | 1 |
Total score: | B? |
Related traits:
Worksheet B - Arizona Ecological Types is not included here
Worksheet C - California Ecological Types
(sensu Holland 1986)Major Ecological Types | Minor Ecological Types | Code? |
Marine Systems | marine systems | |
Freshwater and Estuarine | lakes, ponds, reservoirs | |
Aquatic Systems | rivers, streams, canals | |
estuaries | ||
Dunes | coastal | |
desert | ||
interior | ||
Scrub and Chaparral | coastal bluff scrub | |
coastal scrub | ||
Sonoran desert scrub | ||
Mojavean desert scrub (incl. Joshua tree woodland) | ||
Great Basin scrub | ||
chenopod scrub | ||
montane dwarf scrub | ||
Upper Sonoran subshrub scrub | ||
chaparral | ||
Grasslands, Vernal Pools, Meadows, and other Herb Communities | coastal prairie | D, < 5% |
valley and foothill grassland | D, < 5% | |
Great Basin grassland | D, < 5% | |
vernal pool | ||
meadow and seep | ||
alkali playa | ||
pebble plain | ||
Bog and Marsh | bog and fen | |
marsh and swamp | ||
Riparian and Bottomland habitat | riparian forest | |
riparian woodland | D, < 5% | |
riparian scrub (incl.desert washes) | ||
Woodland | cismontane woodland | |
piñon and juniper woodland | ||
Sonoran thorn woodland | ||
Forest | broadleaved upland forest | |
North Coast coniferous forest | ||
closed cone coniferous forest | ||
lower montane coniferous forest | ||
upper montane coniferous forest | ||
subalpine coniferous forest | ||
Alpine Habitats | alpine boulder and rock field | |
alpine dwarf scrub | ||
Amplitude (breadth): | B | |
Distribution (highest score): | D |
Infested Jepson Regions
Click here for a map of Jepson regions
- CA Floristic Province
- Cascade Range
- Central West
- Great Valley
- Northwest
- Sierra Nevada
- Southwest
- Great Basin Province
- Modoc Plateau
- Sierra Nevada East