Herbicide Calibration Training

Scattered people use backpack sprayers to treat invasive grasses on rolling green hills

Treating Bromus madritensis in Cleveland National Forest. Stevie Steele, Gulf South Research Corporation.

Learn with Cal-IPC!

Join us for a hands-on, in-person herbicide calibration training for wildland and non-row crop application, sponsored by Cal-IPC and the Department of Pesticide Regulation.

This training will focus on herbicide calibration and techniques for spot spraying, stump cut, basal bark, drill and fill, boomless sprayer, and broadcast applications in wildland and non-row crop settings. Calibration math, nozzles, and herbicide application basics will also be covered.

March 14, 2024, 9am – 3:30pm

Bridgeyard Building
210 Burma Road
Oakland, CA 94607

Free Registration
Lunch & snacks provided

Max 40 attendees

​Registration closes: March 1, 2024

DPR Credits: 4.5 hours of “Other” Continuing Education credits are being submitted for course approval for full-day attendance.



Tom Getts, Weed Ecology and Cropping Systems Advisor – UC Cooperative Extension

Tatiana Manzanillo, Vegetation Ecologist – East Bay Regional Park District

Chris McDonald Ph.D., Inland and Natural Resource Advisor – UC Cooperative Extension

Scott Oneto, Farm Advisor – UC Cooperative Extension

Look out for a Southern California Herbicide Calibration Training, coming soon!