Wet skies bring rainbows for crews on the Invasive Spartina Project, like this one at Arrowhead Marsh in Oakland. Photo: Simon Gunner, Olofson Environmental.

SOLitude Lake Management crew members plant native marsh gumplant (Grindelia stricta) in restored wetlands at Bair Island, Redwood City, as part of the Invasive Spartina Project. Photos: Kevin Eng, Olofson Environmental.

Plants installed on marsh-upland transition zones are flourishing in restoration sites of the Invasive Spartina Project. Densely growing plantings of salt marsh baccharis create thriving habitat at Citation Marsh in Robert’s Landing, City of San Leandro. Photo: Jeanne Hammond, Olofson Environmental.

Cal-IPC and Santa Barbara Botanic Garden surveying a 3×3 meter plot as part of a project studying the impact of invasive plants on rare plant species in Central California. Pink flags represent flowering plants. Blue flags represent non-flowering plants. Photo: Constance Taylor.

The rare Camatta Canyon amole (Hooveria purpurea var. reducta) in flower, our target species in the central coast surveys. Photo: Nikki Valentine.

Attendees learn about different techniques at the Herbicide Calibration Training for Wildland and Non-row Crop Applications. Photo: Kimberly Crispin